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Thread: Trump 2019 - There are still children in detention separated from their parents

  1. #1351
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  2. #1352
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    Not saying Clinton was great, and if you lie under oath you lied under oath, even if it was a “trap,” but compared to Trump...

  3. #1353
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    All these Trump nut jobs attacking Greta on Fox News and Twitter but this sure is a breath of fresh air this Sunday, a brief relief from this other crazy shit

    Last edited by allegro; 09-29-2019 at 04:51 PM.

  4. #1354
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    Quote Originally Posted by Cat Mom View Post
    This constant focus on a DNC server is just STUPID, but the DoJ has continued working on the Hillary Emails matter for 3 years and recently sent out notices to people.

    We are living in Hell.
    Yeah, for real. Our president is a conspiracy theorist, which is so fucking weird when you think about it. I get how average people with no power get pulled into conspiracy theories, because to them the government is just a story, just some distant thing that they hear about, so it's easy to be duped or to let your imagination run wild. But it's insane that the guy who literally holds the highest office in government regularly falls for goofy internet conspiracy theories about the very government he is in charge of. It's not like he's just some average dude. He's the president. It's so fucking bizarre.

    But this is what happens when the president is barely literate, refuses to read his daily briefs, doesn't listen to his own intelligence community, and instead prefers to get all his information and political guidance from the fucking morons on Fox News. So of course his susceptibility to conspiracy theories is similar to your typical dumbass neighbor. He has no grounding in anything real or data driven, so he has no hope of distinguishing between a conspiracy theory and something genuine. He believes whatever silly thing he wants to believe and whatever Fox News feeds him.

  5. #1355
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    Quote Originally Posted by Mantra View Post
    It's not like he's just some average dude. He's the president. It's so fucking bizarre.
    Someone once described him as a poor man's idea of a rich man, and I think that's accurate. Lots of money and no brains. He's never been an intelligent individual. He just happened to have enough money to finance a presidential campaign, and enough yes men around him to make him look good, and enough of a mouth to get people's attention. He's a simpleton posing as a genius...and continuously failing to keep up the charade.

  6. #1356
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    I have a Facebook friend, more childhood acquaintance, who is on a rampage about Greta. I don’t even know what to say...

  7. #1357
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    What Greta is doing right now is certainly wonderful and commendable.

    It's however reached the point for me that I've decided to hide/block any keywords pertaining to her on Twitter. I honestly do not need to keep seeing the video of her speech from last week along with the associated commentary from both sides. The whole thing has just become a bit tiresome for me.

  8. #1358
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    An update regarding McConnell and a Senate impeachment trial:

    GOP Leadership Memo Suggests Senate Cannot Block Trial If House Votes To Impeach Trump
    “There is no way we could somehow bar the doors and prevent the managers from presenting the articles” of impeachment, states the memo.

    This is likely based on Senate Rules.

  9. #1359
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    Quote Originally Posted by Jinsai View Post
    I have a Facebook friend, more childhood acquaintance, who is on a rampage about Greta. I don’t even know what to say...
    Yeah well ... 500,000 people showed up in Montreal on Friday so WHATEVER.

    Malala Yousafzai

    Joan of Arc

    Mary Shelley

    Anne Frank

    Greta Thunberg

    I’m glad these teen girls didn’t shut up.

  10. #1360
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    Quote Originally Posted by Mantra View Post
    Yeah, for real. Our president is a conspiracy theorist, which is so fucking weird when you think about it. I get how average people with no power get pulled into conspiracy theories, because to them the government is just a story, just some distant thing that they hear about, so it's easy to be duped or to let your imagination run wild. But it's insane that the guy who literally holds the highest office in government regularly falls for goofy internet conspiracy theories about the very government he is in charge of. It's not like he's just some average dude. He's the president. It's so fucking bizarre.
    I get that, but when I see Lindsey Graham on Face the Nation on Sunday morning, demanding that a special counsel be appointed to investigate why the prosecutor in Ukraine was fired just because Joe Biden wanted him out, you’d THINK that LINDSEY GRAHAM would at least know FOREIGN POLICY.

    So I went and did some research, after having seen Rudy Giuliani wildly waving around stacks of papers all morning incomprehensibly.

    And I ran into this OpEd piece in The Hill:

    Which led me to what is allegedly a translated affidavit from Viktor Shokin:

    Which is, like, ummmmm ...

    It doesn’t let Trump off the hook but it sure as hell gets Biden into trouble.

    On the other hand, Shokin is known to be a corrupt liar, so ...
    Last edited by allegro; 09-30-2019 at 02:30 AM.

  11. #1361
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    Trump, Rudy and MAGA chuds are throwing around “civil war” on Twitter. So, that’s fun.

    Probably just talk but I won’t be shocked if these LCDs start violence because well, white supremacist violence is already elevated, right?
    Last edited by Swykk; 09-30-2019 at 08:10 AM.

  12. #1362
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    Incite some violence.

    Use the army to shut it down.

    While the emergency is declared the president commands the army to also kill the whistleblower and other political enemies.

    That plan might work.

  13. #1363
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    Quote Originally Posted by eskimo View Post
    Incite some violence.

    Use the army to shut it down.

    While the emergency is declared the president commands the army to also kill the whistleblower and other political enemies.

    That plan might work.
    I mean...not sure why he'd have to go through all those extra steps. This is not a person of laws or morals. He's already ordered the whistleblower killed - just by one of his cult followers on Twitter.

  14. #1364
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    Quote Originally Posted by Swykk View Post
    Trump, Rudy and MAGA chuds are throwing around “civil war” on Twitter. So, that’s fun.

    Probably just talk but I won’t be shocked if these LCDs start violence because well, white supremacist violence is already elevated, right?
    This is all so fucked up. I think there's still some sad population that is saying "wow, this is really awful, but hey, we're still totally owning the libs!!!!"

  15. #1365
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    He’s a dick for even suggesting that the nation would go to war for him. He lost the popular vote.

  16. #1366
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    Rudolph has been subpoenaed for docs and the list seems...extensive. Perry, Pence, and Barr make guest appearances, as does Volker and a whole list of Ukrainian reps. Oh and those two dipshit lawyers from Fox News.

  17. #1367
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    Trump pressed Australian leader to help Barr investigate Mueller inquiry's origins

    President Trump pushed the Australian prime minister during a recent telephone call to help Attorney General William P. Barr gather information for a Justice Department inquiry that Mr. Trump hopes will discredit the Mueller investigation, according to two American officials with knowledge of the call.

    The White House restricted access to the call’s transcript to a small group of the president’s aides, one of the officials said, an unusual decision that is similar to the handling of a July call with the Ukrainian president that is at the heart of House Democrats’ impeachment inquiry into Mr. Trump.

  18. #1368
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    I am not sure this is a thing and I’m pretty sure I don’t want it to be.

    Him and his shit family should go all the way down. Another part of me recognizes that if he gets re-elected, the statute of limitations dies and he gets away with all of it anyway.

  19. #1369
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    That article is from January. If those people were going to be right, i feel like what they were predicting would already have happened. Trump is dug in. He's not leaving of his own accord. The only way he gets out of the Office is if he's voted out. I doubt the Senate is going to remove him.

  20. #1370
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    Yeah, I noticed the date (this time lol) but in light of recent events, it’s a bit more plausible.

  21. #1371
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    Maybe. I mean, anything is possible, that's pretty much a given at this point. "Political circus" has never been more accurate than it is now.

  22. #1372
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    Quote Originally Posted by Demogorgon View Post
    That article is from January. If those people were going to be right, i feel like what they were predicting would already have happened. Trump is dug in. He's not leaving of his own accord. The only way he gets out of the Office is if he's voted out. I doubt the Senate is going to remove him.
    totally agree with this. the only way we can get rid of him is via election...that's if it isn't rigged...

  23. #1373
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    I don't think anyone who really knows anything about our government, the way it's currently stacked, and the situation we're in thinks he's actually going to be removed via impeachment...

    And when you think about that, it's super fucked up that it's just impossible. No matter what he did. It won't happen. It's fucking impossible.

  24. #1374
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    These articles about him maybe resigning really get my hopes up. Then I come here and you guys are like “maybe he’ll get re-elected” fucking negativity up in here.

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  25. #1375
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    That's the two party system for you. Without a majority, nothing worthwhile ever gets done, and a majority risk disenfranchising groups that don't align with one side or the other. If there was a sizeable Independent group of representatives to act as tie-breakers and swing voters, maybe we'd see things play out differently. But then, we can see how that's playing out in countries like Italy and the UK, so i really don't know which system would be preferable.

  26. #1376
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    Quote Originally Posted by sweeterthan View Post
    These articles about him maybe resigning really get my hopes up. Then I come here and you guys are like “maybe he’ll get re-elected” fucking negativity up in here.

    Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
    The negativity isn’t intentional on my part...but nothing has brought him down yet and I see that article making the rounds again today and it made me really think, “Would I be okay with this? Would anyone be okay with this? Would a deal like this do more serious damage to justice or is justice already dead?”

    If he doesn’t go down (failed re-election, removed from office kicking and screaming, arrested as soon as he sets foot in NY, later convicted) and he escapes what he deserves again (he isn’t impeached, it emboldens him and he’s re-elected), the country is dead. Maybe it already is. But if...IF a deal like this happened and he fucks off a free man, does anyone go down for all of this? I don’t know. President Pence will be no real break from backward madness and evil.

    This is the shit I ponder.

  27. #1377
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    Quote Originally Posted by Swykk View Post
    The negativity isn’t intentional on my part...but nothing has brought him down yet and I see that article making the rounds again today and it made me really think, “Would I be okay with this? Would anyone be okay with this? Would a deal like this do more serious damage to justice or is justice already dead?”

    If he doesn’t go down (failed re-election, removed from office kicking and screaming, arrested as soon as he sets foot in NY, later convicted) and he escapes what he deserves again (he isn’t impeached, it emboldens him and he’s re-elected), the country is dead. Maybe it already is. But if...IF a deal like this happened and he fucks off a free man, does anyone go down for all of this? I don’t know. President Pence will be no real break from backward madness and evil.

    This is the shit I ponder.
    Tons of bad people get off scott free and the country hasn't fallen apart yet because of it.

    Nixon was pardoned. OJ was aquitted. If Trump gets away with it, it won't break the country.

  28. #1378
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    Quote Originally Posted by eskimo View Post
    Tons of bad people get off scott free and the country hasn't fallen apart yet because of it.

    Nixon was pardoned. OJ was aquitted. If Trump gets away with it, it won't break the country.
    OJ is irrelevant to the conversation; Nixon quit in disgrace before his corruption could spread further.

    There have been individual instances that have been pretty fucked up (basically any time a war was started for political reasons). But the constant assault on the fabric of our democracy and the ability to get away with all of it? This administration is unprecedented.

  29. #1379
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    Australia is like.... You're trying to get caught.

    I don't understand Republicans. But I really don't understand how they can't see this guy just soliciting random foreign leaders for this as super weird and absolutely a problem

  30. #1380
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    Quote Originally Posted by Wretchedest View Post
    Australia is like.... You're trying to get caught.

    I don't understand Republicans. But I really don't understand how they can't see this guy just soliciting random foreign leaders for this as super weird and absolutely a problem
    Perhaps they've all just looked at the world and thought "shit look at what we're getting away with, let's just fucking roll with it while the money's good" and are just doubling down. It's fucking EVERYWHERE, the worst people are doing the WORST things in PLAIN SIGHT and alot of the public are just shrugging! It's fucking insane!

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