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Thread: Trump 2019 - There are still children in detention separated from their parents

  1. #121
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    Quote Originally Posted by Harry Seaward View Post
    Bad news from my neck of the woods.

    I should mention that the murders all took place in 3 separate home invasions. Two women, aged 56 and 74, and a couple aged 80 and 81. People want his head.
    I will gladly challenge anyone who posts that as "proof" of the need for a wall with EVERY other current murder charge against an American born citizen and a reminder that maybe guns, and not people, should be illegal.

  2. #122
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    Quote Originally Posted by theimage13 View Post
    I will gladly challenge anyone who posts that as "proof" of the need for a wall with EVERY other current murder charge against an American born citizen and a reminder that maybe guns, and not people, should be illegal.
    It might not necessarily do much good to go tit for tat with this argument, but if you're looking for more... I mean, they will immediately discount this because it's from Univision, but...

  3. #123
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    Quote Originally Posted by Jinsai View Post
    It might not necessarily do much good to go tit for tat with this argument
    Wait...because you think more murders are committed by undocumented immigrants than by natural born citizens? Or because you think the wallheads are too stupid to understand statistics and logic?

  4. #124
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    Quote Originally Posted by theimage13 View Post
    Wait...because you think more murders are committed by undocumented immigrants than by natural born citizens? Or because you think the wallheads are too stupid to understand statistics and logic?
    I thought it was obviously the latter... statistics and facts don't matter to them unless they feed the bias of that base. This isn't to say that all republicans are impervious to facts and statistics, but the hardcore Trump base is pretty obviously just looking for confirmation of the things they already believe.

  5. #125
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    Trump is crafting some catchy sick rhymes on Twitter now... Watch out Eminem, Trump is tapping you back for that diss track. FML

    In other breaking news, Cohen has postponed his testimony due to alleged threats to his family.

    EDIT!: Holy shit, so it seems Trump rejected Pelosi's suggestion that he postpone the SOTU address, and just now, Pelosi has vowed to block the address until the government is re-opened. Wow...
    Last edited by Jinsai; 01-23-2019 at 01:56 PM.

  6. #126
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    Quote Originally Posted by Jinsai View Post
    Trump is crafting some catchy sick rhymes on Twitter now... Watch out Eminem, Trump is tapping you back for that diss track. FML

    In other breaking news, Cohen has postponed his testimony due to alleged threats to his family.

    EDIT!: Holy shit, so it seems Trump rejected Pelosi's suggestion that he postpone the SOTU address, and just now, Pelosi has vowed to block the address until the government is re-opened. Wow...
    Favorite online comment about that so far: "Trump forcing his way into a woman's house is the most on-brand thing he could do."

    I hate it when I can't decide whether to laugh or cry.

  7. #127
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    my favorite response online so far, to the "BUILD THE WALL AND CRIME WILL FALL" bullshit:

    "I do not like this Donald Trump, I do not like this wall you hump
    I do not like it on the ground, I do not like that we're shut down
    I do not like it on a border, I do not like it, ex-wife hoarder
    I would not, could not like your plans. I would not, could not, baby hands"

  8. #128
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    I hate to do this, but what's the five seconds or so after this video ends?

    It just seems to abruptly cut out and given revelations about photoshop use and a recent use by Pence of a WaPo article arguing that the Trump administration created a humanitarian crisis at the border to argue that there's a security crisis, I want to call bullshit.

  9. #129
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    Quote Originally Posted by binaryhermit View Post
    I hate to do this, but what's the five seconds or so after this video ends?

    It just seems to abruptly cut out and given revelations about photoshop use and a recent use by Pence of a WaPo article arguing that the Trump administration created a humanitarian crisis at the border to argue that there's a security crisis, I want to call bullshit.
    Trying to find the full article that the video is from and not having any luck. Would like to see more content / context. Also, let's not forget that ONE border patrol officer saying "you can ask any agent" actually means that he speaks for all of them. And even then, maybe the crisis he's talking about is outdated equipment, a lack of agents, a lack of funding, a lack of resources for asylum seekers...not a lack of a physical barricade. Because no matter what that ONE border patrol officer wants to think about the wall, the fact of the matter is that illegal border crossings are decreasing, and nearly half of undocumented immigration comes from overstayed visas.

    A full on east-to-west border wall is overpriced, over-complicated, ineffective bullshit, and anyone who can actually look at the bigger pictures knows it.

  10. #130
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    not to mention he's trying to say that one border patrol agent speaks for msnbc.

    And the way the video's edited makes it seem potentially cut misleadingly.
    For what it's worth I believe the video is 31 seconds long, twitter supports videos up to 2m20s long I think.

    And even if it didn't he could post a thread with two overlapping videos if he had to, or hosted it elsewhere.

    What Trump's doing is worse than saying that the video I'm about to link means that MSNBC thinks that the Rutgers women's basketball team was a bunch of nappy-headed hoes

  11. #131
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    Y'know, at this point, I'm convinced that all Trump voters are stupid or evil.

    edit: I had a rather unpleasant debate with a trump supporter on a discord I noped the fuck out of.
    He "owned" me because I "ran out of facts"
    Except I gave up because he used a Trumpian standard where anything that agreed with Trump was a fact and anything that didn't was "fake news". I wonder if he's still gloating.
    Last edited by binaryhermit; 01-23-2019 at 09:23 PM.

  12. #132
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    regarding the video on twitter, I'm curious to hunt down the longer video for context, it's gotta be out there... Lemme look.
    But... and I'm not someone who will usually play defense for Trump, but it is entirely possible (and expected) that if he wanted to zero in on one portion of the video to make a point, it would make sense to crop it to that point, and that doesn't necessarily mean that it's being edited to remove contextual clarity.
    Last edited by Jinsai; 01-23-2019 at 09:38 PM.

  13. #133
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    But at the same time he got caught posting photos that were edited in a way that made him look less fat and made his hands look bigger, lol

  14. #134
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    Quote Originally Posted by Jinsai View Post
    my favorite response online so far, to the "BUILD THE WALL AND CRIME WILL FALL" bullshit
    Here's something we don't see people talking about, much: The Accenture contract with Customs and Border Protection. Trump needs to build a wall not only because he promised it, but because he gave a contract to Accenture to hire more BP and Customs agents but they're LOSING more employees instead of hiring them. So, the wall will serve as one really big expensive Government employee.

    A consultant hired by the Trump administration to boost the number of border agents and customs officers has brought on just 15 of the 7,500 called for in its $300 million contract, according to figures provided by the agency.

    Customs and Border Protection has so far obligated $43 million on the contract with Accenture, which is worth up to $297 million over five years. The agency invested $23.5 million in Accenture hires and an additional $19.1 million for start-up costs. The company has so far produced just 15 employees who have actually started working for CBP. Another 33 have accepted job offers.

    CBP issued the contract to help fulfill President Trump’s mandate that the agency hire 5,000 new Border Patrol agents, which he issued through executive order shortly after taking office. Accenture was tasked with onboarding those 5,000, plus an additional 2,000 customs officers and 500 air and marine officers. Accenture gets paid on a per-hire basis, most of which comes when CBP sends an offer letter to a candidate and the remaining amount when the employee actually starts working.

    The $43 million already obligated was slated for Accenture to help CBP bring on 600 employees. CBP is still confident the spending will bear fruit, with a spokesperson saying Accenture has 3,700 additional candidates in the hiring process. The contractor expects a “gradual increase of candidates to successfully exit the process in the coming months,” the spokesperson said.

    Asked if CBP is happy with the progress Accenture is making, the spokesperson said the agency is documenting the contractor’s performance, but added Accenture is showing some progress.

    “The Accenture contract reached full operating capacity on July 1, 2018,” the spokesperson said. “In the five months since that point, CBP has seen a steady increase in Accenture applicants entering the hiring pipeline, and a small amount are beginning to successfully enter the CBP workforce.”

    CBP has long struggled with hiring and retaining employees. In fiscal 2017, Border Patrol hired just 1.36 percent of applicants were given jobs at the agency—a rate that has increased threefold since fiscal 2015. Hiring ticked up in fiscal 2018, but the agency still saw a net loss of 76 agents in the first half of the year. It has sped up the hiring process through a series of reforms to the polygraph process, physical testing and new authorities from the Office of Personnel Management, but it still took 274 days to bring on a new agent in fiscal 2017. More than three out of four applicants still fail their polygraph, and Border Patrol currently employs 7,000 fewer agents than the figure Trump mandated.

    CBP still has yet to fill 2,000 customs officer jobs Congress authorized in 2014.

    The agency has already adjusted its Accenture contract four times to give CBP more responsibility and lower Accenture’s pay rate, improve a platform used to manage recruiting and other modifications. Sen. Claire McCaskill, D-Mo., the top Democrat on the Homeland Security and Governmental Affairs Committee, previously raised concerns about the structure of the contract.

    An individual supporting CBP on a separate contract said it is "widely known" within CBP's human resources management office that Accenture "has not lived up [to] the expectations of the contract over the last year."

    "This really has been a huge waste of money since Accenture received a large up-front amount, regardless of if they hired anyone," the individual said, calling the deal "flawed from the beginning" because it created duplicative work CBP was already doing.

    A spokeswoman for Accenture declined to comment, referring all questions to CBP.

    Trump has also called on Immigration and Customs Enforcement to hire 10,000 new deportation officers, tripling its current numbers. ICE solicited a similar contract for help in bringing on 26,000 new employees, but subsequently canceled it due to delays in receiving adequate funding. The administration said it would re-solicit the contract in the first quarter of fiscal 2019, but has yet to do so.

  15. #135
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    Senator Bennet, typically quiet and understated, finally LOST IT today, and it is AWESOME

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  17. #137
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    Roger Stone arrested.

    I've been screaming in my dreams for this to happen.

  18. #138
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    Important info -

    "After the July 22, 2016, release of stolen (Democratic National Committee) emails by Organization 1, a senior Trump Campaign official was directed to contact STONE about any additional releases and what other damaging information Organization 1 had regarding the Clinton Campaign. STONE thereafter told the Trump Campaign about potential future releases of damaging material by Organization 1," prosecutors wrote.The indictment also says: "During the summer of 2016, STONE spoke to senior Trump Campaign officials about Organization 1 and information it might have had that would be damaging to the Clinton Campaign. STONE was contacted by senior Trump Campaign officials to inquire about future releases by Organization 1."
    Also, and bolded below is emphasis mine -

    The associate and the high-ranking campaign official are not named in the complaint, though the indictment describes how Stone told a reporter that what Assange had in the unreleased emails was good for the Trump campaign. Stone responded at the time, "I'd tell [the high-ranking Trump Campaign official] but he doesn't call me back." An email matching that wording that was published by The New York Times shows that the official Stone referred to was Steve Bannon.

  19. #139
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    Flights into NYC, Philadelphia and Florida have been delayed by the FAA due to staffing shortages. Also, 14,000 unpaid IRS employees called off work today. Today also marks the second paycheck federal employees have missed.

    The Super Bowl is next week.

  20. #140
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    Quote Originally Posted by Cat Mom View Post
    Senator Bennet, typically quiet and understated, finally LOST IT today, and it is AWESOME

    Anyone else get some major "Louis Tully at the end of Ghostbusters" vibes from this?

  21. #141
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    Quote Originally Posted by ltrandazzo View Post
    Flights into NYC, Philadelphia and Florida have been delayed by the FAA due to staffing shortages. Also, 14,000 unpaid IRS employees called off work today. Today also marks the second paycheck federal employees have missed.

    The Super Bowl is next week.
    I'm flying three times next week alone. Twice involving LGA. So fucking excited for this....

  22. #142
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    It's being reported that there's a deal between Tangerine Hitler and Congress on a 3 week continuing resolution to reopen the government

  23. #143
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    Ooooooooh, three fucking weeks.

    Look: in the short term, yes, that's good for the 800,000 people who have been completely fucked over by not getting paid on time.

    But serious, it's like a bully saying "I'll stop beating you up...until next month".

    Three weeks isn't good enough, you utterly contemptuous piece of shit. Open it up and LEAVE it open.

    edit: I 100% believe that he's only doing this because of Stone's arrest. What else changed in the last day that would suddenly cause him to drastically change course? This feels entirely like a diversion tactic.
    Last edited by theimage13; 01-25-2019 at 02:51 PM.

  24. #144
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    Quote Originally Posted by theimage13 View Post
    edit: I 100% believe that he's only doing this because of Stone's arrest. What else changed in the last day that would suddenly cause him to drastically change course? This feels entirely like a diversion tactic.
    Six Republican Senators voted with the Democrats yesterday and his proposal only got one Dem to vote on that. He didn't have the votes. He never had the votes. He shut down the government for 35 days and got nothing for it. It might be a diversion, but he looks completely deflated from this. His threats and spin are empty.

  25. #145
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    That and La Guardia being on a total ground stop today didn’t help. Was only going to get worse.

  26. #146
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    Quote Originally Posted by theimage13 View Post
    Ooooooooh, three fucking weeks.

    Look: in the short term, yes, that's good for the 800,000 people who have been completely fucked over by not getting paid on time.

    But serious, it's like a bully saying "I'll stop beating you up...until next month".

    Three weeks isn't good enough, you utterly contemptuous piece of shit. Open it up and LEAVE it open.

    edit: I 100% believe that he's only doing this because of Stone's arrest. What else changed in the last day that would suddenly cause him to drastically change course? This feels entirely like a diversion tactic.
    Don't forget the 1M+ government contractors that dealt with it too. Eighty-five of my co-workers have been out of work for 35 days and, unlike federal employees, there's no back pay coming. It sucks that it's only three weeks, but a lot of people needed this.

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  28. #148
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    What's been REALLY awful has been this constant "BUILD THE WALL" comments on Twitter against the comments about the workers forced to work without pay or the furloughed workers, or the unemployed contract workers, etc.

    There is NO other alternative for these people, they ONLY want a wall. They give dozens of reasons, most of them based on total bullshit, like "5,000 people per year killed by illegal aliens" or "$150 billion per year spent on illegal aliens" etc. complete with bullshit graphics or collages of faces or a link to a study that has been debunked by everyone, including the fucking Cato Institute.

    When the "wall" became a "slatted steel" and it became evident that it could be defeated by a Sawz All, the Trump idiots started demanding that it should be ELECTRIFIED.
    MANY are demanding that illegals trying to cross be immediately shot, "for security."

    Donald Trump, Jr . Tweeted: "You know why you can enjoy a day at the zoo? Because walls work.”

    Lowering people south of the border to animals at a zoo.

    Today's Trump Rose Garden speech included more of his BDSM porno bullshit about human traffickers.

    He constantly paints a picture of Latino immigrants seeking asylum or citizenship as being rapists, gangsters, traffickers, kidnappers, child molesters, killers, etc.

    You know WHO ELSE set up an EMERGENCY based on FEAR? Except with JEWS?

    Last edited by allegro; 01-25-2019 at 08:05 PM.

  29. #149
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    I’m so relieved most everyone noticed the way he talked about women being bound and tortured and thinks it’s weird.

    The only reason to talk explicitly like this is to trigger people.

  30. #150
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    Wait, so now he's against mistreating women? What a fucking flip-flopper.

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