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Thread: Trump 2019 - There are still children in detention separated from their parents

  1. #181
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    Quote Originally Posted by Jinsai View Post
    Impeach him for having the clueless WTF-all to think a conference discussing his racism would be a good forum for him to smile and moonwalk.

    That's insane, right? You can impeach for insanity? Right? RIGHT!?!!?!
    No, after Mayor Marion Barry, all bets are off.

  2. #182
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    Now there's an allegation of sexual misconduct against Virginia's Lieutenant Governor, who would become Governor if Northam ceases to be governor for whatever reason


    Virginia: Making Illinois's history of governors look sane since 2019

  3. #183
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    Worth noting that the allegation against Fairfax was thinly sourced and the Washington Post declined to publish the story in 2017 due to inconsistencies and lack of corroboration -

    No one has been able to speak with the accuser since then and since this story came out as well.

  4. #184
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    It's possible that this was a dirty political trick, too. I assume the allegation that the Washington Post didn't run with was during some sort of election campaign?

  5. #185
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    Quote Originally Posted by binaryhermit View Post
    It's possible that this was a dirty political trick, too. I assume the allegation that the Washington Post didn't run with was during some sort of election campaign?
    Yep - he and Northam were both elected in Fall 2017.

  6. #186
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    I mean, I know most sexual misconduct accusations are true, but when it's during an election against a candidate and so bad (as in, like, a poorly written book, not bad as in damning against the candidate) a well-respected newspaper passes on reporting on it you have to wonder

    I mean, in this day and age, with the internet and the Washington Times, among other things, it wasn't likely to make the allegation stay relatively unknown.

    And given the fact that a lot of the Republican base seems triggered by successful black people?


    I'm not saying all Republicans are racist, just all racists are Republicans.
    Last edited by binaryhermit; 02-04-2019 at 04:17 PM.

  7. #187
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    Quote Originally Posted by binaryhermit View Post
    I mean, I know most sexual misconduct accusations are true, but when it's during an election against a candidate and so bad (as in, like, a poorly written book, not bad as in damning against the candidate) a well-respected newspaper passes on reporting on it you have to wonder
    Introducing Jamie Phillips, a woman who worked with Project Veritas to discredit the claims against Roy Moore by making up fake ones of her own.

    This was also Fall 2017.

  8. #188
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    I'd like to add, I feel horrible suggesting that a claim of misconduct (was it harassment or assault, I forget, I don't feel like looking it up) is fake. But if it's so questionably credible where the Bezos Post</trolling> fails to report on it, and given the tendency of politicians and political operatives to make shit up to make things look better for them or worse for their opponents...

  9. #189
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    Quote Originally Posted by binaryhermit View Post
    just all racists are Republicans.
    As exhibited by Governor Northam, that's not true, either. There are plenty of racist Democrats.

    Quote Originally Posted by binaryhermit View Post
    Virginia: Making Illinois's history of governors look sane since 2019
    4 of Illinois' last 7 Governors went to prison. Gonna take a lot to break that record.

    * Rod Blagojevich (Democrat), 14 years: corruption
    * George Ryan (Republican), 6.5 years: fraud, racketeering, bribery, extortion and money laundering
    * Dan Walker (Democrat), 7 years: bank fraud and corruption
    * Otto Kerner (Democrat), 3 years: bribery, conspiracy, tax evasion and perjury
    Last edited by allegro; 02-04-2019 at 04:36 PM.

  10. #190
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    I hope Bruce Rauner, whose twitter handle fits perfectly in the song "Uncle Fucka" if you pronounce the "at" symbol, makes that 5 of 7.

    And touche.

    EDITED TO ADD: Bruce Rauner refused to sign a budget because he wanted to Kansas-under-Brownback the state. The only reason one finally happened after like 2 years is the veto-proof majority of cowards in the legislature that wanted one did what they should have done long before they did it and rammed one down his throat despite his veto. I hope that rich motherfucker (tasteless prison rape joke)
    Last edited by binaryhermit; 02-04-2019 at 04:43 PM.

  11. #191
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    Quote Originally Posted by binaryhermit View Post
    I hope Bruce Rauner, whose twitter handle fits perfectly in the song "Uncle Fucka" if you pronounce the "at" symbol, makes that 5 of 7.

    And touche.

    EDITED TO ADD: Bruce Rauner refused to sign a budget because he wanted to Kansas-under-Brownback the state. The only reason one finally happened after like 2 years is the veto-proof majority of cowards in the legislature that wanted one did what they should have done long before they did it and rammed one down his throat despite his veto. I hope that rich motherfucker (tasteless prison rape joke)
    Bruce lost the election, he isn't Governor, anymore. Now we have J.B. Pritzer, the bazillionaire Hyatt heir, as Governor. He has more money than Rauner and was born with it.

    Rauner's intentions were good; he was fighting Mike Madigan, the speaker of the Illinois House, who's been in control of the Illinois legislature for 500 years and has been a key reason why Illinois is in TREMENDOUS debt, and also John Cullerton, Illinois' Senate leader, another Democrat who isn't quite as bad as ol' Mike. Rauner is a moderate Republican, but he was SO gung-ho on trying to fix Illinois' problem of being underwater, nothing got done. The only possible FIX is to legalize recreational pot, so we can bring in a lot more money. DECADES of pension expenses for the state and the City of Chicago has drained the coffers and we are a state with some of the highest property taxes in the country in and around the Chicago area.
    Last edited by allegro; 02-04-2019 at 05:00 PM.

  12. #192
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    I'm not saying his stated intentions are bad.

    I think his real intentions were to cut taxes so he could be richer, and if the state of Illinois collapsed, that was the poor people stuck in the state's problem.

    And I don't like JB Pritzker either. I was a Daniel Biss guy. But Rauner's either incredibly stupid or (more likely) evil.

  13. #193
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    I don't think that was Rauner's intentions; rich people don't benefit when the state's credit rating is down the shitter and when the budget is constantly underwater and when the state is constantly in debt and hasn't funded its pension fund in decades. Rauner has been a lifelong Illinois resident, and I believe what happened is simple: Opposition to Rauner in the Illinois Legislation that refused to cave and refused to revise old Union agreements related to pensions, for fear of not winning re-election campaigns as well as the refusal to revise language in the Illinois Constitution related to those pension benefits (note that BISS wanted all of this, as well). Biss would have run into the exact same opposition with his plans to fix the mess if he won. The problem wasn't Rauner. The PROBLEM is fucking MADIGAN, and I despise that sonafabitch. Nobody should be in control for that long. It's cronyism at its very best. He should NOT wield that much power, he's the Democrat version of Mitch McConnell. Madigan is unreasonable, he doesn't give one fuck who pays high property taxes or who moves out of state, he only gives a shit if he stays in that same fucking seat until they carry his ass out in a hearse. Sorry, but I'd GLADLY trade all future pension models for modified a combo of 401K plus a small pension, for stuff like better help for the elderly and the poor, and state universal healthcare, and low income housing, and no-interest loans for state colleges, etc. etc. But, the ONLY fucking thing that Madigan cares about is a destructive status quo for pensions. And keeping his seat until he's dead.
    Last edited by allegro; 02-04-2019 at 05:20 PM.

  14. #194
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    If you say so... sigh.

  15. #195
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    Quote Originally Posted by binaryhermit View Post
    If you say so... sigh.
    Well, you could have asked Daniel Biss.

  16. #196
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    Anyway, weed isn't THE solution. But it'd bring in tax revenue and allow reduced policing and incarceration expenses.

    Another part of the solution is criminal justice reform. Some form of legalized prostitution a la Nevada too? Build whorehouses near the interstates in the drive-through counties, lol

  17. #197
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    Quote Originally Posted by binaryhermit View Post
    Anyway, weed isn't THE solution. But it'd bring in tax revenue and allow reduced policing and incarceration expenses.

    Another part of the solution is criminal justice reform. Some form of legalized prostitution a la Nevada too? Build whorehouses near the interstates in the drive-through counties, lol
    Recreational pot brings in billions of pretty instant dollars, and there's NO reasonable argument against it when alcohol -- a substance that has ZERO medical or redeeming benefit -- is legal and regulated. But "the ADDICTION!" Nonsense. Sugar is currently one of the country's BIGGEST addictive substances, costing this country BILLIONS in healthcare. People are addicted to sex, gambling, television, games, cigarettes, social media, etc. There are actually LESS negative side effects from marijuana than from alcohol (a fairer comparison than to legalized prostitution).

    Policing and incarceration? Chicago actually needs MORE. The Cook County jail is SO full, there are 6 people per cell when there are supposed to be no more than 4. Inmates are waiting sometimes over a YEAR for a "speedy trial" because there aren't enough public defenders in Cook County and the Defendant didn't have enough money to make bail. Meanwhile, the rich gang bangers CAN make bail and get out; the ones who get sentenced get early release due to overcrowding, and the recidivism is INSANELY high because crime is related to POVERTY. It's like a revolving door. There is no money put into any meaningful "rehabilitation." The saying on the street is "I'd rather be judged by 12 than carried by 6." The City of Chicago puts more money into parks than more cops in the South or West sides. There haven't been beat cops in over 20 years. But that's a CITY issue; not a state issue.

    There are other quick solutions: Like Biss (and Rauner, LOL) suggested: Revise the state Constitution for a graduated income tax and the ability to revise pensions, revise the pension systems (not for current pension collectors but for future) related to employee contributions, raise the pension age in a graduated system, there are a TON of ways to revise the budget and the system to raise money, move money, and save money. But that will NEVER happen until Madigan and his team of henchmen micromanagers are voted out and a fresh bunch of intelligent progressives with fresh ideas are voted in.
    Last edited by allegro; 02-04-2019 at 05:45 PM.

  18. #198
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    I meant, like, reduce sentences for stupid shit, repeal stupid laws, commit sentences for non-violent crimes. And pre-trial detention reform. A lot of those in Cook County Jail awaiting trial are there because they can't afford to pay to get out. Increase the availability of personal recognizance bond.

    The reason I don't think weed solves everything is I don't think that it brings in enough revenue. But I might be wrong. It'd help, though.

    EDITED TO ADD: I'd like to make it clear, I agree, legalize it already. But there are other things that can be done too, and if I'm wrong about the impact of weed and it brings in more than I expect, use the surplus to reduce taxes, build a rainy day fund, increase services, whatever.
    Last edited by binaryhermit; 02-04-2019 at 06:11 PM.

  19. #199
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    Trump 2019 - Government Re-Opened until 2/15 / Roger Stone Indicted/Arrested

    The vanity it takes to bring bullied Joshua Trump to the SOTU is gross on so many levels. “Look at this trump kid. He’s so persecuted because he’s a trump. Trump. Trump. Trump. “

    Ugh. He’s using a child. I hope the kid survives this coz I can’t imagine this helping his situation. Even worse, the dumb white Christians I know from childhood will probably share all “poor bullied trump kid” memes that will surely follow.

  20. #200
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    Women Democrats of the House are all wearing white suits tonight at the SOTU address to signify unity and most are wearing “ERA YES” buttons.

    Madam Speaker behind Trump tonight, plus that sea of women GLARING IN WHITE ...

    It’s a beautiful thing.

    Edit: It’s funny when Nancy suddenly checks the transcript of the speech sometimes to see if Trump went off the rails, LOL.
    Last edited by allegro; 02-05-2019 at 10:16 PM.

  21. #201
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    Quote Originally Posted by sweeterthan View Post
    The vanity it takes to bring bullied Joshua Trump to the SOTU is gross on so many levels. “Look at this trump kid. He’s so persecuted because he’s a trump. Trump. Trump. Trump. “

    Ugh. He’s using a child. I hope the kid survives this coz I can’t imagine this helping his situation. Even worse, the dumb white Christians I know from childhood will probably share all “poor bullied trump kid” memes that will surely follow.
    I would imagine Barron Trump is bullied as well but I bet Trump said, "Who's Barron?"

  22. #202
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    I only just got into my hotel. Is SOTU even still on? I'm watching the Blackhawks lose to somehow feels like an appropriate metaphor for the state of North America right now.

    I feel the need to update this: it was 2-1 Edmonton when I went to sleep. When I was eating breakfast this morning, the crawler said "Blackhawks score five to pummel Oilers 6-2".

    So, USA USA USA, I guess.
    Last edited by theimage13; 02-06-2019 at 08:32 AM.

  23. #203
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    I rolled my eyes SO FUCKING HARD when Trump complained that no one ever sings him happy birthday after Congress sang it to the ACTUAL WAR VETERAN. Also lol'd pretty good when he said something like "If I had not been elected President in 2016..." and the whole democratic side of the chamber let out the most audible "UGH OMGGGG" groan which led to Pelosi giggle a bit and wave for them to shh.

  24. #204
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    Back to Fairfax - His accuser has formally come forward and retained the same legal counsel that Dr. Blasey Ford had last year. Tom Perez says that she is entitled to due process.

    “We need to always take these allegations seriously,” he said. “I said this whenever this issue has come up. We must accord respect to an accuser and we must accord due process to the accused.”

  25. #205
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    Virginia is really fucking up Black History Month.

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  27. #207
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    Watch this space -

  28. #208
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    Second accuser comes forward on Lt. Governor of Virginia, Justin Fairfax and they have also retained legal counsel.

    He needs to resign.

  29. #209
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    Quote Originally Posted by ltrandazzo View Post
    Watch this space -

    I’ve been following this development for a few weeks, it’s incredible; the H.R. people at Bedminster brought undocumented people who’d provided forged green cards and forged social security cards (guess you can buy them in NYC for $50 bucks) into the office and told these workers that these documents were bad forgeries and they needed to go GET BETTER ONES. The employees did, and that was that.
    Last edited by allegro; 02-10-2019 at 08:38 PM.

  30. #210
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    Quote Originally Posted by ltrandazzo View Post
    Virginia is really fucking up Black History Month.
    Thanks for the laff; I needed it. Perhaps I have a dark sense of humor, but the sentence you wrote above the tweet, the way you phrased it, is fucking hilarious to me.

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