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Thread: Trump 2019 - There are still children in detention separated from their parents

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    Trump 2019 - There are still children in detention separated from their parents

    So now what?

  2. #2
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    Trump 2019 - Government Shutdown

    Happy New Year.

    Two children recently died in US custody after crossing the border between US and Mexico because they didn't receive proper medical attention right away. Speaking of which, the government has shut down due to Donald Trump not getting the funding he wants for his stupid fucking wall. The next congress is sworn in on January 3rd and the Democratic house has vowed to pass a bill similar to the bill that passed the Senate a few weeks ago to reopen the government. However, Mitch McConnell is seizing the reins left to him by Paul Ryan to be Donald Trump's congressional servant, so it looks like the shutdown will continue for the foreseeable future.

    Here's what you can do - check out to see what you should do next.

  3. #3
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    Quote Originally Posted by ltrandazzo View Post
    Happy New Year.

    Two children recently died in US custody after crossing the border between US and Mexico because they didn't receive proper medical attention right away.
    Don't forget that Red Don blamed those deaths squarely on "the democrats," which, would be baffling, but has become par for the course.

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    Is it just me or does Trump just suck at insults? It’s like he’s trying to deliver some cutting shit, but then it’s some lame grandpa insult popcorn fart. Why did anyone ever praise him for his mastery of social media? The only reason he succeeded at Twitter is the same as why he “succeeded” at business.

    That, and Twitter allowed a perfect cover for him sounding like a fucking toddler, but when they increased the character count he lost his excuse. This “walls are like wheels” shit is beyond the pale though. Oh yeah, and “you’ll have to ask Elizabeth Warren ‘s psychiatrist.” What in the actual fuck?

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    Mitt is Ronna's uncle. She also dropped the "Romney" from her last name because of Trump's insistence. Also, this Romney-Trump feud is super dumb.

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    Quote Originally Posted by ltrandazzo View Post
    Also, this Romney-Trump feud is super dumb.
    Probably written up by Vince McMahon's creative team.

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    The Democratic-led House will pass legislation tomorrow to re-open the government and that legislation is based on the bill passed by Mitch McConnell's Senate vote from a few weeks ago.

    Also, I swear to god, Chuck Schumer needs to stop grinning in every video because I can't stand it when he does that.

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    I'm in DC right now (near the White House, even), just feels kind of weird to be here. I used to come more frequently because there's so much about the city and the surrounding area that I enjoy doing. But honestly, right now I feel kind of...I don't know how to describe it. It feels like I want to want to be here, but I can't summon up that desire. It's like the whole city has been tainted for me because of the utter disgrace that one office has become. Maybe a better way to describe it is this: did you ever have a crush on someone, or were just really stoked to start a relationship with someone, but over time you realized that either they or the chemistry between you just wasn't what you thought, and you're having one last date during which you know you have initiate "the talk"? That's the kind of despondent feeling I've got in this city right now.

    edit: a German friend of mine just shared this. It's kind of painful to think how accurate it really is.

    Last edited by theimage13; 01-02-2019 at 05:01 PM.

  11. #11
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    What happened to that GoFundMe page for the Wall? It's seems to have dropped out of the news...

  12. #12
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    Quote Originally Posted by ickyvicky View Post
    What happened to that GoFundMe page for the Wall? It's seems to have dropped out of the news...
    $19m and counting. Second highest ever on the site.

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    Quote Originally Posted by theimage13 View Post
    $19m and counting. Second highest ever on the site.
    Fuck. Just... fuck. Fuck fuck fuck. Fuck. Fuck
    It’s not that they’re “owning the libs,” Jesus, do you want some help there? Hey, morons, you can totes own the libs without lighting your money on fire while bragging about what a clueless racist you are. Fuck.

    if these idiots want to fund the wall, FINE

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    Rashida Tlaib says at party last night, "we're going to impeach the mother fucker"; Civility police have a conniption fit, including Chris Cillizza -

    Meanwhile, Trump tells Schumer he intends to keep the government shut down for months, maybe even years until he gets the wall money.

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    Now Mike Pence and other top Trump aide officials are getting a $10,000.00 raise. Wtf???

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    Hush money

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    uh, Trump is threatening to declare an international state of emergency to force funding for the wall. Unreal.

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    ^ Reporters need to stop giving him crazy ideas like that.

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    Quote Originally Posted by ThermionicScott View Post
    ^ Reporters need to stop giving him crazy ideas like that.
    I just read a terrifying article speculating scenarios where he could abuse his powers in a state of emergency... I am praying he doesn’t read it.

    anyway, this exchange really just happened - A reporter asks Trump “what is the safety net for federal workers?”

    Trump: “The safety net will be having a strong border... because then we will be safe.


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    Quote Originally Posted by Jinsai View Post
    I just read a terrifying article speculating scenarios where he could abuse his powers in a state of emergency... I am praying he doesn’t read it.

    anyway, this exchange really just happened - A reporter asks Trump “what is the safety net for federal workers?”

    Trump: “The safety net will be having a strong border... because then we will be safe.

    I need to make “let them eat wall” trump meme. He is clueless.

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    The NYT ran an article today on the devastating effects of the gov't shutdown on Republican foothold and hurricane-swept Marrianna, Florida

    Bear with me here, but reading the Twitter response to this from liberals saying they deserve it pisses me off. Indifference I can be okay with but to the point of kicking them while they're down and responding with cute memes make you as bad as the extreme cases on the right are.

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    Quote Originally Posted by onthewall2983 View Post
    The NYT ran an article today on the devastating effects of the gov't shutdown on Republican foothold and hurricane-swept Marrianna, Florida

    Bear with me here, but reading the Twitter response to this from liberals saying they deserve it pisses me off. Indifference I can be okay with but to the point of kicking them while they're down and responding with cute memes make you as bad as the extreme cases on the right are.
    Well, just because you hate Trump doesn't automatically make you a good person, or bright for that matter.

    There's also the possibility that social media posts of a nature that clueless and incendiary could be part of an influence campaign. I think at this point it's naive to ever assume that anonymously posted political opinions might not have an ulterior motive other than to clearly represent the opinions and beliefs of the poster. And, this goes beyond trolls or even the concept of influence campaigns implemented by hostile foreign governments that seek to bolster Trump's popularity.

    I'd say that it all sounds outlandish and conspiracy-theorist... if it hadn't already been clearly documented that it's been happening on a shockingly broad scale.

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    Quote Originally Posted by Sarah K View Post
    Idk where this goes, but RBG is missing oral arguments for the first time ever today.

    This makes me sad and scared.
    Have you seen the new RBG movie, “On the Basis of Sex?”

    (I thought it was AWESOME, I CRIED at the end OMG.)

    Her husband, Marty, got testicular cancer while they were both students at Harvard Law School, and she told them “WE WILL FIGHT THIS,” and Marty stayed home to rest and recover and Ruth “Kiki” went to HIS classes (as well as her own) and gave him notes (and I guess notes from students who went to some of his other classes, which isn’t in the movie), and Marty survived and went on to be a successful attorney.

    Not in movie: Ruth got cancer two times, including PANCREATIC cancer, and beat them, and then Ruth fought cancer again ... and staying home and missing oral arguments isn’t THAT big of a deal (other than SHE never does it) and COULD be perhaps maybe a TAD bit strategic? I mean, to instill hope in Trump and his minions and divert their attention AWAY from this OTHER shutdown for the wall crap? Like, “OMG, we could be nominating another SCOTUS Justice, soon, time to prioritize!”

    Chief Justice Roberts was clear that Justice RBG was going to be provided with transcripts of the oral arguments at home, so she’s still working.

    Trump got backed against a wall (pun intended) by Ann Coulter and now he can’t get out of this without looking like a loser. Word is that the WH and some Republicans are trying to find and negotiate some kind of compromise that allows Trump to save face and still get out of this, because the Democrats aren’t backing down without what THEY want (DACA, immigration reform). So going before the American people and convincing them Trump’s still a “winner” etc. is their focus. Lol. This is like Nixon and Vietnam.

    This wall is going to be this Administration’s Iraq and WMDs.
    Last edited by allegro; 01-08-2019 at 12:12 PM.

  24. #24
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    EVERY time someone on Twitter insists that drugs are coming in over the Mexican border and that a Wall will stop it, I point them to links showing that most of those drugs are coming in via vehicles through border checkpoints (an average of 1 in 5 vehicles are scanned, agents must have just cause) or via elaborate tunnels, the number of which have been increasing as more fencing is erected.

    Last edited by allegro; 01-08-2019 at 12:23 PM.

  25. #25
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    Quote Originally Posted by Cat Mom View Post
    EVERY time someone on Twitter insists that drugs are coming in over the Mexican border and that a Wall will stop it, I point them to links showing that most of those drugs are coming in via vehicles through border checkpoints (an average of 1 in 5 vehicles are scanned, agents must have just cause) or via elaborate tunnels, the number of which have been increasing as more fencing is erected.

    Oh yeah! They also fly drugs over with drones, build ramps to drive drug filled vehicles over extant fencing, build fucking SUBMARINES packed full of drugs.

    Anyone who thinks any kind of fence or wall is going to stop the Sinaloas and the Zetas doesn't have a fucking CLUE about these organizations.

    Oh, wait. That makes sense, because the guy demanding the wall doesn't know shit about shit.

    Or, he DOES know, and this is just symbolic. But it's a terribly fucked up symbol. I swear to god, this wall could be the low point in American politics since I've been following it. It probably is.

    Canada won't have me. I wish we had the money to move to Sweden. You need a roommate @RocketScience ?

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    If Trump was smart, we would have compromised on the wall early, ignored Ann Coulter's attack, and then shifted focus onto something else. Most of his base would have accepted it or at worst been somewhat upset for a while before moving onto the next dumpster fire. Ultimately, his people are gonna stay loyal to him, even if he doesn't come through with the wall. All he had to do was say that he had no choice because the lousy Dems are obstructionist assholes who would never give him the votes he needed. Put the blame entirely on the them and move on. Instead he's forced himself into this irresolvable showdown that will only end with him looking bad.

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    Quote Originally Posted by Archive_Reports View Post
    Others, however, are urging caution, telling the president that a legal challenge to his actions would be almost assured, putting Trump on course for a bare-knuckled fight with House Democrats and a grueling series of court challenges.

    Stephen Miller, the outspoken immigration hawk and senior Trump adviser, is taking a leading role writing Trump’s remarks.

    Democrats have already suggested declaring a national emergency to build the wall would be unconstitutional, arguing that Trump has no proof that an emergency actually exists and no authority to move around already-appropriated federal funds without congressional approval. Pelosi and Schumer will follow Trump’s address with their own rebuttal and will be sure to hit that point.
    Congress alone has the power of the purse under the Constitution. But presidents are able to use unobligated military funds during a national emergency. Whether such a crisis exists, of course, is hotly contested, with Democrats noting that there are actually fewer border apprehensions this year than in past decades.
    Stephen Miller, LOL, I knew that Nazi Turd was behind this new plan.
    Last edited by allegro; 01-08-2019 at 02:12 PM.

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    Did I miss anything? I caught the last couple seconds

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    Quote Originally Posted by Jinsai View Post
    Did I miss anything? I caught the last couple seconds
    Stale incense, old sweat and lies, lies, lies.

    More of the same, really. He stuck to the script so at least he made sense, grammatically speaking.

    And it's all the Democrats fault, of course.

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