
I think now is as good a time as any to remind everyone that we may be utterly disappointed in the final findings of this report and that it will lead to some of the dumbest takes and op-eds from the best and worst pundits on cable news and print. DEMS IN DISARRAY AFTER MUELLER REPORT DOES NOT CALL FOR INDICTMENT OF TRUMP, WHAT WILL THE DEMOCRATS DO NOW?, THERE NEVER REALLY WAS A PEE TAPE, WHY MY FATHER WAS NEVER GUILTY, etc. Remember that this investigation brought about indictments, confessions, guilty pleas and jail sentences for people in Trump's orbit and that this man has done plenty of things already in public that should lead to his impeachment.

It probably won't happen. Regardless, what we can do that politicians in Washington DC have chosen not do is hold this administration and this man accountable by voting them all out of office in 2020. And after that, we hold the Republicans accountable for what they've done to this country over the last 25+ years and never let them get this close again. It doesn't end with Trump getting voted out, just like it doesn't end with what the Mueller report ends up saying.