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Thread: Trump 2019 - There are still children in detention separated from their parents

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  1. #11
    Join Date
    Nov 2011
    Highland Park, IL
    994 Post(s)
    But the Russia voter thing was / is just ONE THING.

    The House is still investigating the violation of the emoluments clause, and campaign fraud, and all kinds of shit that’s outside of the scope of this investigation.

    Starr was investigating WHITEWATER. It took Starr over SIX YEARS and he went off on all kinds of various fishing expeditions. And he still didn’t indict Clinton; CONGRESS had to indict Clinton, AS REQUIRED.

    I don’t understand what people were expecting, here. Mueller to show up at the White House with handcuffs? That can’t happen. Only Congress (currently) has the authority to indict the President.

    Mueller said it’s inconclusive as to if Trump committed obstruction, due to conflicting evidence so he’s not making a recommendation.

    Mueller didn’t say “oh fuck no, there is NO WAY that Trump obstructed!”

    Mueller didn’t say “There is no way the Russians interfered with our election.”

    Trump isn’t exonerated in this letter! It said Mueller DIDN’T see evidence. It doesn’t say the evidence (or criminal intent) doesn’t exist.

    Barr and Rosenstein say that Trump lacked corrupt intent; the very same reason why Comey didn’t go after Hillary Clinton. This is based on evidence.

    But that doesn’t mean that ... SOMEDAY ... we won’t discover evidence that DOES show this intent.
    Last edited by allegro; 03-24-2019 at 06:55 PM.

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