In terms of legitimate, electoral politics, Omar is 100% safe. The 5th district is overwhelmingly left wing. The entirety of Minneapolis is contained within the 5th district, and this city is pure left wing. She's become a fucking hero to us. The right knows they have no chance whatsoever of getting her voted out in a district like this, so instead they're launching one of their typical, GOP-style hate campaigns against her. They'll get get their base all worked up, and when one of their unhinged maniacs murders her they can lie some more and pretend that they had nothing to do with any of it. It's moments like this that the Republicans always reveal their true colors. The threat of violence is always there with them.

This is why I took the day off to go protest that shithead at his stop in Burnsville today. How dare he show his fucking repulsive face in our state after pulling this shit. And man, it was such a fun and encouraging experience too. I think the anti-trump protesters outnumbered the MAGA losers about 20 to 1. It was awesome. Plus we all got that sweet George Soros money