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Thread: Trump 2019 - There are still children in detention separated from their parents

  1. #571
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    Quote Originally Posted by theimage13 View Post
    Is it so that they can potentially see if further investigations need to be opened after seeing what has been left out? Or is it literally just for transparency's sake?
    Both. Plus it’s partly a Dog and Pony Show (“there’s a new Sheriff in town”).

    Here’s the law that governs this, if you’re interested:

    Considering that there are open court cases and open investigations related to the redacted portions, I don’t think Congress will get their wish? There are two Defendants whose names are redacted that we don’t even know about, yet, so they have yet to be indicted or their indictments are being kept secret. Defendants have gag orders in the current cases. This is to protect the Defendants, for a fair trial (impartial juries).

    Also, there’s NO intelligence in this report; just a note saying to see the intelligence agencies for said intelligence. In other words, Mueller is telling the AG and Congress to talk with / subpoena those agencies re said intelligence and counterintelligence.
    Last edited by allegro; 04-19-2019 at 11:40 AM.

  2. #572
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    Quote Originally Posted by sweeterthan View Post
    He can fuck off with the GOT memes about him. It’s beyond gross that he feeds his useless ego that way. But also. Dude. You’re not cool. He thinks he’s winning the game of thrones. He thinks he’s the king of the world. That’s what the pinned meme is saying to me. It makes me want to puke.
    Worst aspect is that if he actually watched the show, his takeaway might be that walls don't work, and maybe we should put palace theater aside in order to focus on existential threats to our existence... but that's all for another thread

  3. #573
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    Quote Originally Posted by Jinsai View Post
    Worst aspect is that if he actually watched the show, his takeaway might be that walls don't work, and maybe we should put palace theater aside in order to focus on existential threats to our existence... but that's all for another thread
    And he'll truly think it's OK to fuck Ivanka, too.

  4. #574
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    Quote Originally Posted by ltrandazzo View Post
    And he'll truly think it's OK to fuck Ivanka, too.
    I wanted to like this post, but I also wanted to sleep tonight. You've presented quite the challenge.

  5. #575
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    Sarah Huckabee Sanders has said, under oath, that she lied to the press and the American people at the behest of the president.

    Only in this crazy fucking timeline is this sort of thing not reacted to with her being called upon to be immediately fired at least.

  6. #576
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    Quote Originally Posted by Jinsai View Post
    Sarah Huckabee Sanders has said, under oath, that she lied to the press and the American people at the behest of the president.

    Only in this crazy fucking timeline is this sort of thing not reacted to with her being called upon to be immediately fired at least.
    Was it at the behest of the President?

    Or, is she just as big of a fucking liar as HE is and she just considers all her lying as "spin?"

    She lies ALL THE FUCKING TIME. Every time she opens her mouth.

    She should be fired immediately because she's USELESS.

    (edit: and because she's a big fucking liar, of course)
    Last edited by allegro; 04-19-2019 at 01:02 PM.

  7. #577
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    Quote Originally Posted by Cat Mom View Post
    Was it at the behest of the President?

    Or, is she just as big of a fucking liar as HE is and she just considers all her lying as "spin?"

    She lies ALL THE FUCKING TIME. Every time she opens her mouth.

    She should be fired immediately because she's USELESS.

    (edit: and because she's a big fucking liar, of course)
    I guess the distinction would be her openly admitting that she said something that she knew wasn't true, on several occasions, and the reason she did it was on behalf of the reputation of the president? THat's kind of unprecedented isn't it? I mean, I know it constantly feels like a "holy shit this is huge" moment, but WTF?!

  8. #578
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    Quote Originally Posted by Jinsai View Post
    I guess the distinction would be her openly admitting that she said something that she knew wasn't true, on several occasions, and the reason she did it was on behalf of the reputation of the president? THat's kind of unprecedented isn't it? I mean, I know it constantly feels like a "holy shit this is huge" moment, but WTF?!
    It's her JOB to speak on behalf of the President, to "spin" news to make the President look good.

    She takes it one more level, to lying. We don’t know if Trump TOLD her to say all this. It’s just “her job” to make him look Golden.

    Below is the shit in question in the Mueller report that she totally made up:

    Last edited by allegro; 04-19-2019 at 01:57 PM.

  9. #579
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    but she admitted to LYING. not spinning. She MADE SHIT UP. The only reason Trump shouldn't immediately fire her for this revelation is if he actually influenced or authorized it in an obvious way. What president would want a sitting press secretary who openly has admitted to fabricating shit?

    I'm losing my mind here... how is Trump still trying to spin the release of this report as a positive? Hasn't he gotten the memo yet?

  10. #580
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    Yes I know that, see above: She told Mueller that her comments to the press about what people at the FBI allegedly told her was “not founded on anything.”

    In other words, she lied. Over and over in the course of a few minutes. She TOTALLY made all that shit up.

    It’s not unprecedented to spin.

    But it’s also not unprecedented to lie to make your boss look good. It’s done ALL the time. EVEN IN LAW.

    Mueller doesn’t indicate that the President TOLD HER to say this about the FBI (or about any of the other lies that she tells every time she has a press conference).

    What gets me is that she is the White House Press Secretary. NOT “PRESIDENTIAL PRESS SECRETARY.”

    If she doesn’t know something, if she’s not privy to something, or if the President himself would be best telling it to the Press, she should just stfu and say so; she shouldn’t CONSTANTLY defend the boss, like he’s the Messiah. The position of White House Press Secretary isn’t “Hollywood Agent.”

    I know that’s what her Boss WANTS, but fuck that guy. Losing your moral compass and LYING all the time for him? Is HELL worth it to you, Sarah??

    Re Trump and the Mueller Report: Haven’t you seen his latest tweets? Now he’s calling it “bullshit.”
    Last edited by allegro; 04-19-2019 at 02:05 PM.

  11. #581
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    Quote Originally Posted by theimage13 View Post
    I wanted to like this post, but I also wanted to sleep tonight. You've presented quite the challenge.
    Same. So true and so gross.

    Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

  12. #582
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    Quote Originally Posted by Cat Mom View Post
    Mueller doesn’t indicate that the President TOLD HER to say this about the FBI (or about any of the other lies that she tells every time she has a press conference).
    This is the problem in plain sight isn't it? Trump wouldn't agree to an interview, he wouldn't even submit answers to questions about obstruction!

    So unless Sarah Sanders has a "come to Jesus" moment and admits to Trump advising her actions (which we've seen several other instances of from other individuals in his orbit), we're stuck?
    I don't think I saw it in there, but it's a lot to go through this fast, but I don't remember her answering whether or not Trump had ever suggested she pad the truth to favor his agenda. Do we need to ask a question that is THAT "on the nose?" Well, let's get her under oath and ask her. If that's what it's coming to, here we are.


  13. #583
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    Quote Originally Posted by Jinsai View Post
    This is the problem in plain sight isn't it? Trump wouldn't agree to an interview, he wouldn't even submit answers to questions about obstruction!
    Yeah, he provided Answers to Interrogatories. Which are sworn under oath, written.

    His lawyers wouldn’t let him appear in person (deposition) because he’s a bad witness. (He tends to expound and go off the rails.)

    Obviously, the Mueller investigators deposed Sanders. Hence, how Mueller knows that Sanders’ comments about the FBI weren’t founded on anything.

    Mueller’s report states that the White House wasn’t fully cooperative with the investigation. This does not necessarily mean obstruction, but it could warrant another investigation by Congress. The White House isn’t likely to be cooperative with Congress, either.
    Last edited by allegro; 04-19-2019 at 11:58 PM.

  14. #584
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    About obstruction!! He wouldn’t even let his lawyers mail in those answers!!!

    Has anyone since OJ been this clearly guilty in the court of public opinion?

    breaking: Warren is calling for impeachment
    Last edited by Jinsai; 04-19-2019 at 03:15 PM.

  15. #585
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    Here it is -

  16. #586
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    Clear something up for me, folks:

    Is the only (or at least primary) difference between Clinton's and Trump's lies right now the fact that Clinton lied in a courtroom and Trump just lies to everyone, everywhere, but has been kept from actually being under oath?

  17. #587
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    Clinton lied to a grand jury and it was proven by jizz on a blue dress. He was still found not guilty by the Senate.
    Last edited by allegro; 04-19-2019 at 11:53 PM.

  18. #588
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    Quote Originally Posted by Jinsai View Post
    About obstruction!! He wouldn’t even let his lawyers mail in those answers!!!
    The White House (Trump) provided (shitty) Answers to Interrogatories.
    Last edited by allegro; 04-19-2019 at 11:50 PM.

  19. #589
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    But he refused to address questions relating to obstruction! His answers, many of which amount to “don’t remember” all relate to collusion questions, and they’re in the report

  20. #590
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    It seems fairly likely to me that Trump's obstructive behavior was motivated by the desire to hide all the other illegal shit he's done, like tax fraud, financial crimes, etc, which is why the Dems need to keep pursuing this. Once all his shit gets exposed, Republicans won't be able to make the argument that "it's not obstruction of justice if there was no underlying crime." Once it becomes clear exactly what he's been trying to keep covered up, all the obstruction that went on throughout the Mueller investigation becomes super fucking relevant. But that only happens if the Dems are fighting for this.

  21. #591
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    Quote Originally Posted by Jinsai View Post
    But he refused to address questions relating to obstruction! His answers, many of which amount to “don’t remember” all relate to collusion questions, and they’re in the report
    His answers are attached to the report, Exhibit C.

    Watched Maddow tonight, looks like Mueller brilliantly spelled out all the elements of obstruction including how Trump could be indicted for it AFTER he leaves the Presidency. Mueller left a detailed roadmap on how to nail Trump for obstruction, since the DoJ couldn’t.

    BUT, the statute of limitations for obstruction is FIVE YEARS from the date of the obstruction. Most of them happened in 2017, so we have until 2022 to go after him. So we have to be sure he doesn’t win in 2020.

    OR, if he wins (gah!), hopefully the Dems take over the Senate and keep the House and impeach him and convict him.

    (Dem) Rep Swawell was on Maddow tonight, he’s on the House Judiciary Committee, he’s a seasoned trial attorney; he says they need all the docs and they need to depose Mueller before they could be ready for impeachment.

    Now I am compelled to study the Mueller Report.
    Last edited by allegro; 04-20-2019 at 12:13 AM.

  22. #592
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    Quote Originally Posted by Cat Mom View Post
    BUT, the statute of limitations for obstruction is FIVE YEARS from the date of the obstruction. Most of them happened in 2017, so we have until 2022 to go after him. So we have to be sure he doesn’t win in 2020.
    HOLY CHrISSSSt! [knock on wood]

    If he's re-elected, then fuck all decorum, impeach now now now now now...

    For now though, I think he'll just... lose.

  23. #593
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    Quote Originally Posted by Cat Mom View Post
    (Dem) Rep Swawell was on Maddow tonight, he’s on the House Judiciary Committee, he’s a seasoned trial attorney; he says they need all the docs and they need to depose Mueller before they could be ready for impeachment.
    I trust Swalwell as far as I can throw him. He can't even tell his suitcase apart from the others at an airport and won't fess up to it when you call him out on it after he's already left with your luggage and you're standing there with his.

    (I wish I didn't know this.)

  24. #594
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    Quote Originally Posted by Jinsai View Post
    HOLY CHrISSSSt! [knock on wood]

    If he's re-elected, then fuck all decorum, impeach now now now now now...

    For now though, I think he'll just... lose.
    If re-elected and the Dems don't control both houses, he will not be impeached. It's not even worth talking about it if we end up in that nightmare scenario.

  25. #595
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    Quote Originally Posted by Mantra View Post
    It seems fairly likely to me that Trump's obstructive behavior was motivated by the desire to hide all the other illegal shit he's done, like tax fraud, financial crimes, etc, .
    Well, yeah, this is why ANYONE should fear a Federal investigation, even if you’ve done NOTHING.

    That sounds crazy to people naive as to how the Feds work, but it’s reality. If you’re in their crosshairs, they can nitpick tiny little shit just by technicalities. It’s a fishing expedition you don’t ever want to be the target of, even if you’re a 90-yr-old church-going Grandma (whom they want to use to bring someone else down).

    And it’s why this has been Trump’s NIGHTMARE.

    Guys like Trump are gangsters who’ve had politicians and prosecutors and accountants in their pockets for years, have likely even been paying off IRS Agents, just to stay invisible and get away with shit. The LAST thing guys like Trump want is people rifling through their shit. Which is why it’s so STUPID that Trump ran for President.
    Last edited by allegro; 04-20-2019 at 12:47 PM.

  26. #596
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    Quote Originally Posted by theimage13 View Post
    I trust Swalwell as far as I can throw him. He can't even tell his suitcase apart from the others at an airport and won't fess up to it when you call him out on it after he's already left with your luggage and you're standing there with his.

    (I wish I didn't know this.)

    Trial attorneys have Paralegals to do most of their actual legwork and research etc. So the attorneys don’t have to be really great at organization. LOTS of them are TERRIBLE at organizing. Scatterbrained isn’t atypical, either.

    For 13 years, I worked for a brilliant trial attorney who did an appeal that created condo case law in Illinois. He lost his glasses about 5 times per day. He constantly lost case files. I was always tasked to find them. One time, we could NOT find a case folder; we had the entire office staff looking for it (including a few legal secretaries who opted to pray to St. Anthony, the Patron Saint of lost things, a/k/a the ”Holy Tony Prayer for Lost Legal Files”). The next day, I found it behind his credenza.

    I used to joke that he thought my uterus was a homing device.

    Speaking of attorneys:

    LOVE all the attorneys on Twitter: “I’M AN ATTORNEY AND I TAKE NOTES”

    Last edited by allegro; 04-20-2019 at 01:02 PM.

  27. #597
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    This was retweeted into my timeline by Justin Meldal Johnson - you couldn’t pay me enough money to fuck Trump. Sorry

    so if the BBC can come up with a Trump scoop, why have they been so in thrall to Brexit? Very annoying

  28. #598
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    I think we're getting lost here in strategy, and what we view as an end-goal vs duty and responsibility. If congress views the president's actions as warranting impeachment, then it's their duty to impeach him. Strategy, and viability of the move doesn't play in there. We can know that the republicans will respond predictably, but can't we just do the right fucking thing?

  29. #599
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    Quote Originally Posted by WorzelG View Post
    This was retweeted into my timeline by Justin Meldal Johnson - you couldn’t pay me enough money to fuck Trump. Sorry

    so if the BBC can come up with a Trump scoop, why have they been so in thrall to Brexit? Very annoying

  30. #600
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    See, here's where I don't understand what Trump's so afraid of.... I'm not afraid that there's a video of hookers pissing on me in Moscow! I know that there can't possibly be a video of hookers pissing on me in Moscow?

    Because hookers never pissed on me, anywhere, so it would be impossible for there to be a video of it. And that would be completely insane right? If the president of the USA had hookers piss on him in Russia?! I mean... that's nuts!!!! Why would he be afraid that there's a video containing something crazy like that?

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