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Thread: Trump 2019 - There are still children in detention separated from their parents

  1. #901
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    Attention all Twitter users: this is important.

  2. #902
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    So, about Trump's racism

    Worth a read. This is in real time. This is important.

  3. #903
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    Quote Originally Posted by Jinsai View Post
    So, about Trump's racism

    Worth a read. This is in real time. This is important.
    Worth a read? All I'm seeing is a link to a podcast. Am I missing the article somewhere?

  4. #904
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    Quote Originally Posted by allegate View Post
    don't forget the area 51 thing. It's weird that so many celebrities are jumping on that like they'll actually show up.
    People are rather unfazed by the crimes and bigotry of the top 1%. I'm sure there's a psychological term for this, but I'd simply use the words exhaustion + being unable to do anything about it. Same thing with all the terrible things (starvation, wars, child labour, etc.) happening all over the world, but we just don't want to wake up every morning reading about how many children were decimated yesterday by stupid wars or hunger. There's nothing new or conspiratory about people choosing laughter over facing this shit.

    So yeah, this tweet is utterly dumb, and reminds me of the "video games will make you a murderer" mantra for my generation by out of touch people. Seems like memes are the new devil, and just like some people couldn't understand how could people have fun by playing games where you have weapons or blood, they fail to understand why people rather laugh at stupid shit, than ponder about pedophile sex traffickers.

    ... or am I just being paid/ordered to say all this, so I make this joke in case you would accuse me of this, so I can derail the accusation by overly ridiculing it before it can happen? But for real though, some people are way too crazy for conspiracy theories, and it's funny to me that we laugh about flatearthers, yet give a pass to tweets like this.

  5. #905
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    So I'm just confused....what is this House Vote actually going to do? Take away his Twitter account or something? Then wouldn't he just be like it's my Free Speech?

  6. #906
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    Quote Originally Posted by ickyvicky View Post
    So I'm just confused....what is this House Vote actually going to do? Take away his Twitter account or something? Then wouldn't he just be like it's my Free Speech?
    Yeah when I saw that hit the news yesterday I couldn't help but groan incredibly loud. Great, you voted to collectively acknowledge what he said was shitty. Great. You know who isn't going to give a flying fuck about any of that? The guy who you wasted a bunch of time on voting to wag a finger at. It's such a goddamn joke.

  7. #907
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    In the greater historical context, Trump will be known to be shitty for years and years... simply symbolic.

  8. #908
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    Quote Originally Posted by theimage13 View Post
    Worth a read? All I'm seeing is a link to a podcast. Am I missing the article somewhere?
    Weird, that link goes to something completely different than what I was reading.

  9. #909
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    Quote Originally Posted by dvdglss View Post
    In the greater historical context, Trump will be known to be shitty for years and years... simply symbolic.
    Which is, again, essentially meaningless. He won't care, supporters won't care, and it won't stop anybody coming down the pipeline from being equally as shitty or worse.

  10. #910
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    Quote Originally Posted by Demogorgon View Post
    Which is, again, essentially meaningless. He won't care, supporters won't care, and it won't stop anybody coming down the pipeline from being equally as shitty or worse.
    If he loses bigly in 2020, it'll be a good start to shutting that shit down.

  11. #911
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    Two points of breaking news from the last few hours: Barr and Ross held in contempt, and Al Green's Impeachment attempt fails by a large margin. None of this is really surprising to anyone here i'm sure.

  12. #912
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    Quote Originally Posted by Demogorgon View Post
    Two points of breaking news from the last few hours: Barr and Ross held in contempt, and Al Green's Impeachment attempt fails by a large margin. None of this is really surprising to anyone here i'm sure.
    Neither of these things are "breaking news". These are meaningless procedural moves that surprised no one in any corner of the planet.

  13. #913
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    I can't fucking take it anymore.
    We didn't watch the news for like, 6 mos, after Captain Asshole was elected.
    After Sunday, and the dovetailing of the racist tweets and the racist ass, door to door ice raids,
    I just have to take a break from it.

  14. #914
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    Quote Originally Posted by elevenism View Post
    I can't fucking take it anymore.
    We didn't watch the news for like, 6 mos, after Captain Asshole was elected.
    After Sunday, and the dovetailing of the racist tweets and the racist ass, door to door ice raids,
    I just have to take a break from it.
    Aaaaand just today, Trump has doubled down on screaming for the death penalty for the Central Park 5...this hasn’t been subtle for a long time, but let’s cut the shit here. I’m sick of him being accused of “spreading falsehoods” or “playing to his base” or “pandering.”

    he is a pathogical liar, misogynist, racist, and a narcissistic con man grifter fuck! Call it what it clearly IS!

  15. #915
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    The other day, one of my old editors posted her third annual "if fake news is such a huge issue, please post some examples". For the third year in a row, crickets (and I should note that she has a very large friends list that spans all walks of life.)

    Well, someone finally jumped in - no actual articles, mind you, but just a list. The first, he was objectively wrong on (the "fake news" was in fact a true statement that he just disagreed with). The latter was a matter of confusing opinion for news. And the middle was a claim that Trump never tweeted anything racist about anyone - so we replied with a link to the tweet itself (direct, not via any other site) and a link to the government's page that literally uses "go back to where you came from" as an example of illegal discrimination.

    He responded with "that's just your opinion", challenged us to demonstrate one single time when a Trump tweet caused any of us any harm, and said that as long as nothing personally affects him, he doesn't care. I let other people handle the absolute - albeit polite - thumping that followed.

    These people are allowed to vote. Sigh.

  16. #916
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    I'll just say it...and if you're offended well I'm sorry. Trump supporters are either uneducated, or the rich elite. America is not the most educated country. And it shows with all the support for Trump.

  17. #917
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    Quote Originally Posted by theimage13 View Post

    These people are allowed to vote. Sigh.
    I mean, it’s a nice right to have.

  18. #918
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    Quote Originally Posted by versusreality View Post
    I'll just say it...and if you're offended well I'm sorry. Trump supporters are either uneducated, or the rich elite. America is not the most educated country. And it shows with all the support for Trump.
    Funny you should say that. On my current tour, one of our engineers was sent from HQ to help get things up and running during rehearsals. Why? Because he is goddamn brilliant at what he does, and this was the most technically unique and complex system we've ever had to deploy. He's a college graduate, and he knows his field as well as anyone. And he's a damn hard worker. He's also so far from being "the rich elite" that it isn't funny.

    But he's a huge Trump fan - will often post about how great he is online, and even brought him up (while simultaneously wholesale mocking Democrats and millennials) to our colleagues in another country. Utter lack of class. Here's where it gets really interesting though: as much as I wanted to stay on his good side since I really needed his support, I decided not to let his bullshit slide. If he said something that was objectively inaccurate, I'd call him on it and it would give him pause. If he said something wildly offensive, I'd point it out and he'd mull it over and say something like "great, now I feel like a jackass". He genuinely seemed to be getting the points I was making. And yet...still the Trump praise continues online. He called him a "true entrepreneur" that he would be "proud to work for". I think if I'd had more time with him, then maybe I could've gotten him to see the light.

    Point being: you can be educated, not have deep pockets, and still just be an insensitive ass who would rather support a narcissistic cheat than...well...a Democrat, I suppose.

  19. #919
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    Now Trump is literally calling “the Squad” racist and demanding they apologize. This is such bullshit. If the republicans won’t finally hold him to task, this shit is 100% on the GOP.

    edit: and I guess Trump is now seeding the notion that Ilhan Omar was married to her brother...
    Last edited by Jinsai; 07-22-2019 at 11:11 AM.

  20. #920
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    This is from the same guy that blatantly wants to fuck his daughter; saying if she wasn’t his daughter he’d want to date her.
    Last edited by Swykk; 07-23-2019 at 08:54 AM.

  21. #921
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    Quote Originally Posted by Swykk View Post
    This is from the same guy that blatantly wants to fuck his daughter; saying if he wasn’t his daughter he’d want to date her.
    That, and it's "birtherism version 2.0"

    She came from another country, and he has to defend his rallying cry to send her back, so he has to find a reason to legitimize his claim that she's a foreign invader; essentially, that even though she's a citizen, she "had to marry her own brother to become one." It's going to be interesting, in a few years, to see Republicans retroactively try to wash their hands of this bullshit.

  22. #922
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    Quote Originally Posted by theimage13 View Post
    Funny you should say that. On my current tour, one of our engineers was sent from HQ to help get things up and running during rehearsals. Why? Because he is goddamn brilliant at what he does, and this was the most technically unique and complex system we've ever had to deploy. He's a college graduate, and he knows his field as well as anyone. And he's a damn hard worker. He's also so far from being "the rich elite" that it isn't funny.

    But he's a huge Trump fan - will often post about how great he is online, and even brought him up (while simultaneously wholesale mocking Democrats and millennials) to our colleagues in another country. Utter lack of class. Here's where it gets really interesting though: as much as I wanted to stay on his good side since I really needed his support, I decided not to let his bullshit slide. If he said something that was objectively inaccurate, I'd call him on it and it would give him pause. If he said something wildly offensive, I'd point it out and he'd mull it over and say something like "great, now I feel like a jackass". He genuinely seemed to be getting the points I was making. And yet...still the Trump praise continues online. He called him a "true entrepreneur" that he would be "proud to work for". I think if I'd had more time with him, then maybe I could've gotten him to see the light.

    Point being: you can be educated, not have deep pockets, and still just be an insensitive ass who would rather support a narcissistic cheat than...well...a Democrat, I suppose.
    There are other people, like my minister friend: he knows full well that trump is a lying, racist asshole, but, he is able to set that aside because there are things he supports, that trump supporters. He's also a military guy.

    But, I mean, we have long discussions about politics, and often, find that a lot of our views aren't THAT divergent. He is educated, and, far from elite: he's a poor righteous teacher, if you will.

    But yeah, I'm not sure how many like him there are, but there are some people who support trump just because he's a republican, even though they don't really LIKE him.

    These people are the ones for whom there might be a line, where they would switch and vote for a moderate democrat.

    And I'll tell you: I'm a leftist, but a moderate democrat would be great right now. So would a moderate REPUBLICAN, for that matter. Or Fozzy Bear, or a Cartoon Goose, or Literally Anyone But Trump.

    #Cartoon Goose2020

  23. #923
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    your engineer co worker reminds me of a joke I heard...a guy's car breaks down outside of a mental asylum. The guy's trying to fix his tire issue, he's frustrated and cursing. a patient is looking at him from the fence of the asylum. The patient says "I can help" ...the guy says "no!" 10 mins ago by "Really sir, I can help" .."why would I take advice from an inmate!? " Another 10 mins go by.."Do you want help? here's what you do. take one lug from every tire and put it on the tire that needs it. " The guy does it.."wow, it really works!" The inmate says: "I may be crazy but I'm not stupid".

  24. #924
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    Quote Originally Posted by Jinsai View Post
    That, and it's "birtherism version 2.0"

    She came from another country, and he has to defend his rallying cry to send her back, so he has to find a reason to legitimize his claim that she's a foreign invader; essentially, that even though she's a citizen, she "had to marry her own brother to become one." It's going to be interesting, in a few years, to see Republicans retroactively try to wash their hands of this bullshit.
    I was reading that article about Al Franken earlier and the name Bob Packwood was in there. I was in high school then but sorta remembered the name, so I went to his wiki article. This particular paragraph stuck out:

    Four years later, during debate on President Clinton's impeachment, McConnell said that the Republicans knew that it was very likely Packwood's seat would fall to the Democrats if Packwood were forced out. However, McConnell said, he and his fellow Republicans felt that it came down to a choice of "retain the Senate seat or retain our honor."[39]
    Mitch McTurtle talks about honor, ffs.

  25. #925
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  26. #926
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    More “WTF News” -

    A Dallas-born citizen picked up by the Border Patrol has been detained for three weeks

    [His mother] said she met with CBP officers last week and presented them with Galicia’s birth certificate and some other documents but was unsuccessful in getting him released. She plans on presenting the same documents to ICE officers later this week.

    “I presented then with his original birth certificate and other documents and they ignored them. So now I’ve faxed over all the documents to the ICE agent handling the case,” Galan said. “He’s going on a full month of being wrongfully detained. He’s a U.S. citizen and he needs to be released now.”

    The Dallas Morning News reviewed a copy of the birth certificate and it lists Galicia as having been born at Parkland Memorial Hospital on December 24, 2000. Other documents include a congratulatory certificate his mother was given by hospital staff when he was born, a high school ID, and a health insurance card.
    Neither ICE nor CBP responded to requests for comment.

    The ICE detainee locator system shows Francisco is being held at the South Texas Detention Facility in Pearsall and lists him as being born in Mexico.
    Last edited by allegro; 07-22-2019 at 11:29 PM.

  27. #927
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    Can they be sued after the fact? Please tell me they can be sued.

  28. #928
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    Quote Originally Posted by theimage13 View Post
    Can they be sued after the fact? Please tell me they can be sued.
    It ends up a lot of this kid's problem is due to his own Mom, unfortunately.

    Ugh, wtf.
    Last edited by allegro; 07-23-2019 at 09:50 AM.

  29. #929
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    trump thinks that article 2 in the constitution allows him to do whatever he wants. he's wrong.

  30. #930
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    Watching the Mueller hearing now. John Ratcliffe might surpass Jim Jordan as the biggest asshole, grandstanding rep.

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