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Thread: Trump 2019 - There are still children in detention separated from their parents

  1. #961
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    Quote Originally Posted by somewhat_ View Post
    If it’s what you say, I love it.

    Actually election meddling is not cool no matter what, but It’s so sickening to see to what extent the republicans will go to try to protect/support the criminal n chief.
    I honestly don't know how I'm going to feel if our elections are targeted again in a way that intends to unseat Trump, and it ironically is successful.

    I'd like us to get rid of the electoral college so that the popular vote actually elects our president, and I'd like us to take every precaution possible to ensure hostile foreign actors aren't thumbing the scales of our elections, but hey... it's nice to want things.

  2. #962
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    So, they're seriously, really gonna let trump use military funds for a border wall.

  3. #963
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    Quote Originally Posted by Cat Mom View Post
    It is coincidental, it’s not a conspiracy.
    It's also insane if it's really the way it seems to work, and there should have been a provision in place to prevent this sort of thing. All I'm saying. Bad design is not a conspiracy either. It's just bad design, and clearly we need to get around to changing it.

  4. #964
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    Quote Originally Posted by Jinsai View Post
    It's also insane if it's really the way it seems to work, and there should have been a provision in place to prevent this sort of thing. All I'm saying. Bad design is not a conspiracy either. It's just bad design, and clearly we need to get around to changing it.
    I wouldn’t be surprised if it was changed immediately after Democrats get a supermajority. (It’s a Federal law.)

  5. #965
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    Wait, did SCOTUS just actually rule in favor of allocating military to build his wall?

  6. #966
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    Quote Originally Posted by Jinsai View Post
    Wait, did SCOTUS just actually rule in favor of allocating military to build his wall?
    On the same day that 16 Marines were arrested for human trafficking at the border, no less.
    Last edited by elevenism; 07-26-2019 at 08:26 PM.

  7. #967
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    Quote Originally Posted by Jinsai View Post
    I honestly don't know how I'm going to feel if our elections are targeted again in a way that intends to unseat Trump, and it ironically is successful.

    I'd like us to get rid of the electoral college so that the popular vote actually elects our president, and I'd like us to take every precaution possible to ensure hostile foreign actors aren't thumbing the scales of our elections, but hey... it's nice to want things.
    It won't get rid of him....Russia routinely creates false narratives to support both sides of a cause, creating enough noise that you can't tell what's real and what's not. When people can't tell what's real and what's not, they either just tune out, or choose to believe the part that supports their narrative.

    If another foreign country tries to meddle with the election similarly to how Russia meddled for Trump, it won't matter that they're trying to work against him, it would play in his favour anyways. The playbook is "make a fuckton of noise on both sides, doesn't matter if it's bullshit or not, as long as it's attention grabbing and allows people to argue, then say something simple and catchy that sounds tough and good to break through the noise". If Iran adds to the noise, Trump might as well say thank you.

    I think the only way to prevent it is to wall off the internet, and we've all seen how great that goes for China. Or we just accept that things we see online are every bit as much bullshit as they really are, and somehow try to convince others that the internet is bullshit.

    It really is. There's no longer any way to know if you're talking to a human or a bot, unless you've met the person in real life. And there's no way to know if that "person" you're talking to is being genuine or just talking shit to try and entertain themselves by trolling someone else.

  8. #968
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    so now he's ramping up his racist attacks. would love to see him walk the streets of Baltimore and see how long he lasts.

  9. #969
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    TV ad about to be run on CNN and MSNBC.

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  11. #971
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    edit: I don't like actually linking to the manifesto. I dunno, I feel like spreading that shit around is just... I don't know, it feels wrong, even if the point is to express horror at the contents.
    Last edited by Jinsai; 08-04-2019 at 10:29 AM.

  12. #972
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    Quote Originally Posted by Jinsai View Post
    edit: I don't like actually linking to the manifesto. I dunno, I feel like spreading that shit around is just... I don't know, it feels wrong, even if the point is to express horror at the contents.
    I still wish we treated things more like New Zealand does. I've literally never even read the name of the Christchurch shooter.

    Coverage should basically include the sentence "the alleged shooter was a [insert age / sex / maybe racee]" and then immediately go back to the victims and ONLY the victims. If there was a manifesto left, bury it. Let it come up in a trial if the shooter wasn't killed, but otherwise do NOT give them a goddamn megaphone.

  13. #973
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    Quote Originally Posted by theimage13 View Post
    I still wish we treated things more like New Zealand does. I've literally never even read the name of the Christchurch shooter.

    Coverage should basically include the sentence "the alleged shooter was a [insert age / sex / maybe racee]" and then immediately go back to the victims and ONLY the victims. If there was a manifesto left, bury it. Let it come up in a trial if the shooter wasn't killed, but otherwise do NOT give them a goddamn megaphone.
    That's been largely the story in Canada too.

    There was a shooting in a mosque in quebec a few years ago. I remember seeing some of the faces of the victims on TV, but I don't remember anything about the shooter. The did mention it was a racially motivated shooting, but that's about all I remember about it.

    And when Cpl Cirillo was killed, I have no idea who the shooter was. I know he killed Cpl Cirillo, then tried to enter parliament, but and was killed there. Maybe I remember this one more closely because Cpl Cirillo was from my hometown. I knew people who went to school with him, and his home was right down the street from my karate school.

    If we focus on the victims we can create more empathy, and remind people to take care of each other. If we focus on the attacker, we can scare people, and make them more likely to want guns to defend themselves.

  14. #974
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    Today in POTUS tweet storm, he refuted the claim that Google isnt conspiring against him in 2020 because Kevin Cernekee said they were. Cernekee was fired from Google for promoting white nationalist views...

  15. #975
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    The usual Trumpian distraction when there's nothing much else going on politically. The impeachment stories have ramped up though, so maybe that's it.

  16. #976
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    I'm sort of confused about this: I read the article, but i'm not sure what it's meant to accomplish. @Cat Mom , you're usually in the know about this sort of thing, what are your thoughts? I'm probably missing some minute detail that the article isn't making clear.
    Last edited by Demogorgon; 08-06-2019 at 06:30 PM.

  17. #977
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    Quote Originally Posted by Demogorgon View Post
    The usual Trumpian distraction when there's nothing much else going on politically. The impeachment stories have ramped up though, so maybe that's it.
    Nothing going on politically? Trump’s trade war with China is getting seriously fucked up, and the markets are freaking out.

  18. #978
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    Quote Originally Posted by Jinsai View Post
    Nothing going on politically? Trump’s trade war with China is getting seriously fucked up, and the markets are freaking out.
    I meant as in legislatively, domestic stuff. Foreign policy is it's own entirely seperate thing. There's no debates he can rail against, no hearings he can shout about being "witch hunts", that sort of thing, so he's riling people up to keep some sort of undercurrent of MAGA or whatever going.
    Last edited by Demogorgon; 08-06-2019 at 07:35 PM.

  19. #979
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    Castro tweets out names of top Trump donors in his district. Republicans immediately start screaming "OMG HOW CAN YOU BE SO INSENSITIVE YOU'RE INCITING VIOLENCE AGAINST THEM!!!!"

    There should just be some magic thing that makes your brain implode when you reach a certain level of outrageously stupid hypocrisy. Tweet a list of facts? "Inciting violence." Tweeting racist propaganda? "This is fine."

  20. #980
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    Quote Originally Posted by Demogorgon View Post
    I'm sort of confused about this: I read the article, but i'm not sure what it's meant to accomplish. @Cat Mom , you're usually in the know about this sort of thing, what are your thoughts? I'm probably missing some minute detail that the article isn't making clear.
    I think they want the info to determine when Kavanaugh should be recusing himself.

  21. #981
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    Quote Originally Posted by Cat Mom View Post
    I think they want the info to determine when Kavanaugh should be recusing himself.

    Any answer other than 24/7 is wrong.

  22. #982
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    That baby? Orphaned after his parents were murdered by a white supremacist who thought he was doing what Trump commanded.

    edit: WTF, every time I insert a photo it ends up not showing up when I post. So, link I guess:

  23. #983
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    Quote Originally Posted by theimage13 View Post

    That baby? Orphaned after his parents were murdered by a white supremacist who thought he was doing what Trump commanded.

    edit: WTF, every time I insert a photo it ends up not showing up when I post. So, link I guess:
    I'm kinda glad the photo won't embed. That photo is enraging. This poor kid. Hopefully they can hide the photo from him for a long ass time.

  24. #984
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    Just when you think Trump could not get any worse ...

    U.S. Significantly Weakens Endangered Species Act.

    The Trump administration on Monday announced that it would change the way the Endangered Species Act is applied, significantly weakening the nation’s bedrock conservation law and making it harder to protect wildlife from the multiple threats posed by climate change.

    The new rules would make it easier to remove a species from the endangered list and weaken protections for threatened species, the classification one step below endangered. And, for the first time, regulators would be allowed to conduct economic assessments — for instance, estimating lost revenue from a prohibition on logging in a critical habitat — when deciding whether a species warrants protection.

    Critically, the changes would also make it more difficult for regulators to factor in the effects of climate change on wildlife when making those decisions because those threats tend to be decades away, not immediate.

    Over all, the revised rules appear very likely to clear the way for new mining, oil and gas drilling, and development in areas where protected species live.

    Interior Secretary David Bernhardt said the changes would modernize the Endangered Species Act — which is credited with rescuing the bald eagle, the grizzly bear and the American alligator from the brink of extinction — and increase transparency in its application. “The act’s effectiveness rests on clear, consistent and efficient implementation,” he said in a statement Monday.

    The new rules are expected to go into effect next month.

    Environmental groups, Democratic state attorneys general and Democrats in Congress denounced the changes and vowed to challenge them in Congress and in the courts.

    Maura Healey, the attorney general of Massachusetts, called the changes “reckless” and said states would “do everything we can to oppose these actions.”

    Senator Tom Udall of New Mexico, the top Democrat on the committee that oversees the Interior Department’s budget, said Democrats were considering invoking the Congressional Review Act, a 1996 law that gives Congress broad authority to invalidate rules established by federal agencies, to block the changes.

    The Endangered Species Act has been regulators’ most powerful tool for protecting fish, plants and wildlife ever since it was signed into law by President Richard M. Nixon in 1973. The peregrine falcon, the humpback whale, the Tennessee purple coneflower and the Florida manatee all would very likely have disappeared without it, scientists say.

    Republicans have long sought to narrow the scope of the law, saying that it burdens landowners, hampers industry and hinders economic growth. Mr. Bernhardt, a former oil and gas lobbyist, wrote in an op-ed last summer that the act places an “unnecessary regulatory burden” on companies.

    They also make the case that the law is not reasonable because species are rarely removed from the list. Since the law was passed, more than 1,650 have been listed as threatened or endangered, while just 47 have been delisted because their populations rebounded.
    Last edited by allegro; 08-12-2019 at 10:16 PM.

  25. #985
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    There is no bottom. Every day it gets worse.

  26. #986
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    Just ordered my 'FUCK TRUMP' t-shirt.

    Best purchase I've made all year!

  27. #987
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    Quote Originally Posted by Mr. Blaileen View Post
    Just ordered my 'FUCK TRUMP' t-shirt.

    Best purchase I've made all year!
    May I suggest something from this collection? Sold by / benefiting the KY Democratic Party - and Moscow Mitch is just as much a threat to this country as Don.

  28. #988
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    McConnell is worse, but if it werent for his useful idiot Trump he’s gotta fight a lot harder to “get stuff done.”
    had an argument with someone who was saying it doesn’t matter who becomes president... so I said “well it apparently mattered a lot to Russia, do you know something Putin doesn’t?” The “derp” on his face was priceless

  29. #989
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    Quote Originally Posted by Jinsai View Post
    McConnell is worse, but if it werent for his useful idiot Trump he’s gotta fight a lot harder to “get stuff done.”
    had an argument with someone who was saying it doesn’t matter who becomes president... so I said “well it apparently mattered a lot to Russia, do you know something Putin doesn’t?” The “derp” on his face was priceless
    I think it's been obvious that who the president is definitely matters, this is a shitshow in the highest order. I thought this would be the case too, no one is wrangling him in like people thought they would.

  30. #990
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    Quote Originally Posted by Kodiak33 View Post
    I think it's been obvious that who the president is definitely matters, this is a shitshow in the highest order. I thought this would be the case too, no one is wrangling him in like people thought they would.
    nope, and I was telling this to republican friends and relatives when they were justifying their vote... they’re not going to rein him in, they’re going to ride him like a bull through a China shop, and then once everything is good and fucked, someone will have to clean up the mess... except I didn’t even imagine it would get this stupid this quickly

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