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Thread: Trump 2019 - There are still children in detention separated from their parents

  1. #991
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    He wants to buy Greenland.....

    That's kind of hilarious.

  2. #992
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    I agree with him. Let's do it. Welcome to America, Greenlanders!

  3. #993
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    And, naturally, Greenland is confused.... fuck this

  4. #994
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    I'd be for buying Greenland if they immediately became a state and the residents became citizens and got full representation in the federal government, might offset some of the more Nazi-adjacent states we currently have somewhat

  5. #995
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    wow... He is truly having a princess meltdown over the #EmptySeatMAGAtour hashtag.

  6. #996
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    This is fucked up
    Trump's large union crowd at Shell was given the option of not showing up — and not getting paid

  7. #997
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    Quote Originally Posted by binaryhermit View Post
    This is fucked up
    Trump's large union crowd at Shell was given the option of not showing up — and not getting paid
    So what you're saying is that a bunch of people were paid to attend a rally for Trump? (To be clear: paid if you attend, not paid if you don't - that means you were paid specifically to attend that event.)

    Huh, I thought it was the Dirty Dems who hired attendees for their events.

  8. #998
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    Here is the Shell Oil memo:

    It’s been verified that union supervisors DID sign off on it.

    People were asking on Twitter if Shell could be sued, and my husband, who was both a Union Rep as well as a supervisor, was also curious, so I did some research:

    Ends up Citizens United is protection for these companies that are forcing employees to promote their employer’s political views:

  9. #999
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    CVS is a major donor to Trump's campaign

  10. #1000
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    Quote Originally Posted by ickyvicky View Post
    CVS is a major donor to Trump's campaign

    I can do without CVS... In-N-Out is breaking my heart though...

  11. #1001
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    Maybe this isn't the right thread for it, but... those of you with Trump-loving relatives or friends... how are you all holding up?

    I visited home recently.. It felt so strange and alien. I've always been keenly aware of the ugly underbelly of quaint little red state towns, but it's everywhere I look now. All the awful sentiments and inner cruelties have risen to the top and manifested in these tiny, ugly little ways. I notice little things.... bumper stickers, t-shirts, yard signs, sneers, and casual slurs, all of which speak to a populace that's emboldened by the cruelty of their perceived leader. Visiting an old hang out spot, I was harassed for the length of my hair, teased and mocked for becoming "more liberal" after I left home and got "brainwashed at college," and it was implied that I shouldn't bring my new girlfriend around because she "looks like a liberal." Of course, any protestations were met with them saying they were "just joking around", and it's certainly not the first time I've been teased in that way-- but it doesnt feel like a fucking joke now, and it never really did, either.

    I've never liked my home, but I always tried to make the best of it. I have good memories of people there, people that I looked up to, people that I once wanted to make proud, despite any sort of personal or political differences. It's jarring to see old uncles, aunts, and teachers rallying for Trump, spewing hateful garbage against minorities and democrats constantly- in person and in social media. I never remember anything like that before; people seemed uncomfortable around other cultures, sure, but they came across as being more like Hank Hill than anything else. It's so different now, though. There's a violence to it, and it feels so eerily detached from the life that exists for me anywhere else. There's something VERY David Lynch about it; my town feels like the Twin Peaks from The Return, or Dear Meadow from Fire Walk With Me, but my memories paint it as being more like the Twin Peaks from the 90s.

    Does anyone else struggle with this type of stuff daily? I just feel very subconsciously sick by everything I see. It feels like my memories are being pilfered of the truth I once believed in, the truth that influenced decisions to lead me to who I am today... The "funny uncle" I loved to see when I was a kid is now a sexist, perverted creep; the aunt who bought me gifts and made me great meals after school is now a vile, money hoarding racist; the cousin who got me into NIN is now an AR toting white supremacist; the kid I used to cruise around listening to Tool and talking about philosophy with is a self-proclaimed fascist...

    And yet I can't even be sure how much of it is my imagination and how much of it is real (well, except the kid who openly claims to be fascist and unironically says Hitler did nothing wrong; he's clearly fucked up). I don't see many of these people from my past frequently anymore; when I do it's for a short time. My knowledge of them and their beliefs come from brief, awkward interactions and whatever I can glean from cringey facebook posts. Whenever more bad news piles up, whenever Trump outdoes himself with ridiculous, sweeping gestures of authoritarianism, my knee jerk reaction is to think, "fuck, all these family members and old friends support this fucker." And then I'm filled with these revolting thoughts about how the people I once was very close with are actually standing in line with some very evil things, and they can't really claim ignorance. In just about every case, I can't say that I actually like these people anymore. And if this is what's been in their hearts this whole time, I'm not sure I can say I ever really did. And yet a huge part of me is so disgusted by Trump, so fearful for not just the future, but the very present, of my county, in a way I worry that so much of this is dreary, dark world full of gross, hateful inhabitants is of my own making- my own projection. I fill the blank spaces in what I don't know about people and about my country with the worst assumptions, all the time. I almost cling to my disgust. It could be every bit as illogical as the satisfaction Trump supporters feel from his own displays of power and exercises of cruelty. Perhaps it's the other side of the same coin-- of being subject to an authoritarian deconstruction of truth.

    God. Fuck this presidency.

  12. #1002
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    I'm pissed at my Trump-loving relatives... oh well though. I try to put it out of my mind, and really, most of them have no interest in hearing my political beliefs, so pass the gravy and mashed potatoes, thanks!

    Anyway, Trump has now said that Jews who vote for democrats are "disloyal" Jews, and today he called himself "The Chosen One." Really, the fucking guy who lost the popular vote by 3 million votes just called himself "The Chosen One." This goes beyond narcissism; this is delusional and insane.

  13. #1003
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    Today, he proclaimed "I am the chosen one" while pointing to the sky. I wish I was making this up.

  14. #1004
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    Quote Originally Posted by ZeroSum View Post
    Maybe this isn't the right thread for it, but... those of you with Trump-loving relatives or friends... how are you all holding up?

    My family is relatively small (My mom, my uncle, his wife, and his sister) but yeah we have been completely fractured. Back in 2017 my Uncle finally looked up my Instagram account and saw some of my artwork that is politically driven and got all offended at the anti Trump elements of whatever it was. Keep in mind that Im an adult in my fuckin 30s, but instead of coming to me and having a conversation about it, this dude calls my mom and starts yelling at her about how unpatriotic I am and all this bullshit, essentially telling her that she needs to force me to take it down, blah blah blah. My mom told him to pretty much fuck off, and we haven't heard from them once since. Haven't been invited to Christmas or Thanksgiving with them and their extended side of the family, nothing. I never really had a relationship with either of them to begin with so it's not that big of a loss for me, but goddamn man. I can't imagine what it must be like for my mom to just have her brother cut her out of her life like that for this shit. According to my Aunt's sister, the last time she spoke with them they were ranting and raving about needing to shut the border down and I guess fully support the separations. So yeah mean, I don't know, to think that so many people have chosen to throw away their families in blind support for this fucking goon is beyond me. But I'd rather not talk to the fascists in my family than sit and pretend they don't support fascism just because they're my family, you know? Fuck em, I guess.

  15. #1005
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    Quote Originally Posted by versusreality View Post
    Today, he proclaimed "I am the chosen one" while pointing to the sky. I wish I was making this up.
    Is he the Highlander now?


    Trump says he wanted to give himself Medal of Honor

  16. #1006
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    Quote Originally Posted by ZeroSum View Post
    Maybe this isn't the right thread for it, but... those of you with Trump-loving relatives or friends... how are you all holding up?
    This is the right thread for it, as far as I'm concerned.

    Pretty sure I am the only one in my family who didn't vote for him. I've had a few arguments, but it never amounted to any major falling out. I won't let it, honestly. In my head I am screaming at them night and day about this but I stop myself because I do not think any politician is worth losing family over. I am also morbidly curious about when their breaking point will be. It's lessened my interest in changing their minds. I'm not great to talk politics to anyone anyway.

    I haven't given much thought to how I'll react if they vote for him next year. It's almost a certainty most of them will. I'll still love them the same. I don't blame anyone who have been more outspoken then me, but I'm one more to keep quiet and let my vote speak, even if now that is in jeopardy.

  17. #1007
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    Is there a rap sheet of his greatest "hits" somewhere, a youtube montage of his fuck ups and the dumb things he's said.. something like that?

    I'd love something to just mic drop on these MAGA fools and call it a day, although i suppose it would just end up being porn for them. ��

  18. #1008
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    I had a friend admit she voted for trump a few weeks ago. I felt like she punched me in gut. I was like “I gotta go.” I was so upset about it for a few days. I would’ve never guessed her to be a trump voter. She’s so fun and cool....except this. Just terrible that she admitted this to me. I would’ve preferred to not know.

  19. #1009
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    Quote Originally Posted by versusreality View Post
    Today, he proclaimed "I am the chosen one" while pointing to the sky. I wish I was making this up.
    I ‘ve posted a few times in this thread that trump thinks he’s king of the world. This is what happens when a nations elects a sociopath.

  20. #1010
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    While not anything to do with Trump directly i've had the same thing happen over here with Brexit. When the vote happened in 2016 it fell a week before my birthday and i was living 3-4 hours away from my family. When i travelled down to see them all for my birthday and they found out i voted remain, they all flat out refused to celebrate my birthday (took back their cards etc) and spent the entire few hours trying to explain how i've been brainwashed by the media (even though i pointed out all their arguments about wanting to leave were in fact based on lies) it was horrible. Luckily my sisters, brother-in-law, mum and uncle have now realised how what i said was in fact correct, but that's too little too late.

    It's so stupid how we've gone from a race of people from a few decades ago that would talk to each other about our differences and usually agree the people at the top are the worst, to now blindly worshipping those people at the top and fighting each's just fucking fucked!

  21. #1011
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    Quote Originally Posted by thelastdisciple View Post
    Is there a rap sheet of his greatest "hits" somewhere, a youtube montage of his fuck ups and the dumb things he's said.. something like that?

    I'd love something to just mic drop on these MAGA fools and call it a day, although i suppose it would just end up being porn for them. ��
    Something like this perhaps?

  22. #1012
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    Quote Originally Posted by sweeterthan View Post
    I had a friend admit she voted for trump a few weeks ago. I felt like she punched me in gut. I was like “I gotta go.” I was so upset about it for a few days. I would’ve never guessed her to be a trump voter. She’s so fun and cool....except this. Just terrible that she admitted this to me. I would’ve preferred to not know.
    With friends it's a bit different. I cut myself off from one, who I hadn't spoken too much anyway. It was a friend on social media, whom I never met in real-life but had years of contact with. I have only a couple people who I count as friends who I grew up with or maintained significant contact with, and they all are opposed to him so I count myself lucky that way.

  23. #1013
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    Quote Originally Posted by onthewall2983 View Post
    With friends it's a bit different. I cut myself off from one, who I hadn't spoken too much anyway. It was a friend on social media, whom I never met in real-life but had years of contact with. I have only a couple people who I count as friends who I grew up with or maintained significant contact with, and they all are opposed to him so I count myself lucky that way.
    Yeah... I have an old friend that really has offended me with some shit he's been saying, especially when it comes to this sort of "Blexit" shit he's pushing. I decided maybe it'd be best to just "unfollow" and not interact anymore, online or otherwise.

  24. #1014
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    Quote Originally Posted by ZeroSum View Post
    Maybe this isn't the right thread for it, but... those of you with Trump-loving relatives or friends... how are you all holding up?

    I visited home recently.. It felt so strange and alien. I've always been keenly aware of the ugly underbelly of quaint little red state towns, but it's everywhere I look now. All the awful sentiments and inner cruelties have risen to the top and manifested in these tiny, ugly little ways. I notice little things.... bumper stickers, t-shirts, yard signs, sneers, and casual slurs, all of which speak to a populace that's emboldened by the cruelty of their perceived leader. Visiting an old hang out spot, I was harassed for the length of my hair, teased and mocked for becoming "more liberal" after I left home and got "brainwashed at college," and it was implied that I shouldn't bring my new girlfriend around because she "looks like a liberal." Of course, any protestations were met with them saying they were "just joking around", and it's certainly not the first time I've been teased in that way-- but it doesnt feel like a fucking joke now, and it never really did, either.

    I've never liked my home, but I always tried to make the best of it. I have good memories of people there, people that I looked up to, people that I once wanted to make proud, despite any sort of personal or political differences. It's jarring to see old uncles, aunts, and teachers rallying for Trump, spewing hateful garbage against minorities and democrats constantly- in person and in social media. I never remember anything like that before; people seemed uncomfortable around other cultures, sure, but they came across as being more like Hank Hill than anything else. It's so different now, though. There's a violence to it, and it feels so eerily detached from the life that exists for me anywhere else. There's something VERY David Lynch about it; my town feels like the Twin Peaks from The Return, or Dear Meadow from Fire Walk With Me, but my memories paint it as being more like the Twin Peaks from the 90s.

    Does anyone else struggle with this type of stuff daily? I just feel very subconsciously sick by everything I see. It feels like my memories are being pilfered of the truth I once believed in, the truth that influenced decisions to lead me to who I am today... The "funny uncle" I loved to see when I was a kid is now a sexist, perverted creep; the aunt who bought me gifts and made me great meals after school is now a vile, money hoarding racist; the cousin who got me into NIN is now an AR toting white supremacist; the kid I used to cruise around listening to Tool and talking about philosophy with is a self-proclaimed fascist...

    And yet I can't even be sure how much of it is my imagination and how much of it is real (well, except the kid who openly claims to be fascist and unironically says Hitler did nothing wrong; he's clearly fucked up). I don't see many of these people from my past frequently anymore; when I do it's for a short time. My knowledge of them and their beliefs come from brief, awkward interactions and whatever I can glean from cringey facebook posts. Whenever more bad news piles up, whenever Trump outdoes himself with ridiculous, sweeping gestures of authoritarianism, my knee jerk reaction is to think, "fuck, all these family members and old friends support this fucker." And then I'm filled with these revolting thoughts about how the people I once was very close with are actually standing in line with some very evil things, and they can't really claim ignorance. In just about every case, I can't say that I actually like these people anymore. And if this is what's been in their hearts this whole time, I'm not sure I can say I ever really did. And yet a huge part of me is so disgusted by Trump, so fearful for not just the future, but the very present, of my county, in a way I worry that so much of this is dreary, dark world full of gross, hateful inhabitants is of my own making- my own projection. I fill the blank spaces in what I don't know about people and about my country with the worst assumptions, all the time. I almost cling to my disgust. It could be every bit as illogical as the satisfaction Trump supporters feel from his own displays of power and exercises of cruelty. Perhaps it's the other side of the same coin-- of being subject to an authoritarian deconstruction of truth.

    God. Fuck this presidency.

    Its simple, you just dont talk politics. These days everyone is so quick to dismiss someone over their views, its kinda shitty. Im not going to disown anyone in my family for their political views. There was a huge rift a while ago with my wife and her mom, it was nuts. So stupid to get pissed off over something.

  25. #1015
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    Adding to what I said earlier, I am also lucky because my family are not very rabid or in-your-face about their conservatism. Sometimes they'll say something or share a meme I don't agree with. But it's something easy to avoid because we didn't grow up having conversations about the world at our dinner table. It was more about what was going on more direct to us, or other things we were interested in. As to now they all know where I stand and some of them poke the bear sometimes, as I am prone to do but we all have bigger more present things to deal with in our everyday lives.

  26. #1016
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    I've lived in Portland Oregon all of my soon to be 23 years of my life, so I really don't have to worry about it. Their are a couple people in my family who are red, mainly my grandma. So I probably lucked out here

  27. #1017
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    Quote Originally Posted by Conan The Barbarian View Post
    Its simple, you just dont talk politics. These days everyone is so quick to dismiss someone over their views, its kinda shitty. Im not going to disown anyone in my family for their political views. There was a huge rift a while ago with my wife and her mom, it was nuts. So stupid to get pissed off over something.
    But there's a difference between political views and basic human decency. A difference in political views is "I think tariffs should be approached this way" and "I think the best way to fix the impending loss of social security funds is X instead of Y" and so on.

    If you voted for a guy who based his entire campaign on racism, sexism, and just generally being a sociopath...we don't have a different political view, we have different morals. I cannot accept anyone who either refused to see how awful of a human being Trump is, or who did recognize it and voted for him anyway because "he's not Hilary".

    "Don't talk politics" is the equivalent of burying your head in the sand. If my family members support appallingly horrible people, I want to know about it. Outside of my parents, I see my family maybe once a year, and for all of a few hours for the entire group. So I don't get to talk to people too much as it is. If I know some of them support terrible people, then it's no skin off of my back spending that precious time talking to better people. If it was my parents? I'd just relentlessly try to get them to think more critically and see more clearly, and let them decide whether to cut off communication. Thankfully, they're both about as liberal as you can hope for retirees, so I don't expect it'll ever come to that.

  28. #1018
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    And it's been a long time since we've had a serious discussion about his mental health. This...this does not sound like a healthy man.

    Trump struggles to pronounce numerous words during rambling speech

  29. #1019
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    Sir, this is Wendy’s ...

  30. #1020
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    Wait, what???

    Are those for real???

    Did he just try to "order" companies to do something? And over twitter too??? LOL, WTF is wrong with this dude?

    EDIT: Holy shit he really tweeted that.....


    EDIT2: I remember being 6 years old and thinking that I could order people to do things.........

    I know this is probably something that should be cause for serious concern, but honestly it's just so laughably absurd at this point that I don't know what else to do but laugh.
    Last edited by M1ke; 08-23-2019 at 01:56 PM.

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