Quote Originally Posted by eversonpoe View Post
• if you're going to use more than one song by the same artist, they either need to be sequential as they are on the album, or they need to be separated by at least two songs by other artists (i broke that rule with the mix i just made by putting two Dead Can Dance songs from different albums right in a row...but it worked really well somehow)
• it has to flow well; if you can't make a song work transitionally, it's not right for the mix (this includes volume differentials)
• DON'T EVER PUT A MIX SOMEONE MADE YOU ON SHUFFLE; i spent an entire week working on a two-volume NIN mix for a friend and he fucking put it on shuffle and i was just like what the fuck?
• artwork is important; sometimes just as important as the title, if not more important. i used to use urban outfitters and anthropologie catalogs to make liner notes; these days i use pictures i've posted on instagram haha
All these are very good points.

Sometimes I like to bookend a mix with different versions (covers and remixes) of the same song, like La Mer or Sweet Dreams or One Vision (c'mon, who doesn't love both Laibach and Queen?).