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Thread: Nintendo

  1. #121
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    Every time I get disgruntled about not being able to purchase the NES Classic anywhere, I just have to tell myself that I have a working original NES with an everdrive cart loaded with practically the entire NES/Famicom library on it. So other than save states for a mere 30 games and a legit NES controller for my Wii U, I don't seem to be missing out on much..

    Still want it though..

  2. #122
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    If it's worth the 10, cool. Don't think it's out yet for android. I'm going to try it. I can afford 10. Not a big fan of phone games though... but if I like it, I'll consider buying it.

  3. #123
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    Mario Run is ok but I'm not going to buy it. I don't play games on my phone often and Jetpack Joyride still gets the job done for a quick fix while I'm waiting on something or bored at work for a few.

  4. #124
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    For me, it's mostly poker (if anything). Did Pokémon Go for a little bit.

  5. #125
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    Quote Originally Posted by kdrcraig View Post
    No, production numbers are the problem. They knew a shit ton of people were going to want this thing, especially leading up to Xmas. They just flat out didn't make enough of them. It's been impossible to find them other than rip-off prices on ebay. We've been constantly looking since release day.

    Sure a Wii is 40 bucks at GameStop now but that's been the better part of a decade, I don't know any gamer that would be cool with waiting 10 years to get a new console they really wanted that is then an entire console generation behind.
    I think you missed my point. I never said that the Wii dropped to 40 bucks after a few months on the market. It's also only reached that point recently; it's value was still reasonably high when it was a current-gen console.

    The NES Classic isn't a machine for gamers though. It's a toy. It's a trinket you give your kids because you're feeling nostalgic. It's a cheap plastic disposable luxury item that will be just the same next Christmas, when there are tons of them floating around. If you're really so desperate for one now now now, that's your problem. I mean for fuck's sake, it doesn't even do anything that you haven't been able to do with your computer for the last 20 years. Buy a USB NES controller on Amazon for under ten bucks, load some roms on the laptop, and plug it into your TV. Same goddamn thing. As an added bonus, you can say you're sticking it to Evil Nintendo by getting all the same functionality without paying them a dime.

    I honestly doubt Nintendo thought this would be a hot item. It's literally nothing new. Everyone in the world who wants to play NES games has been able to do it for decades. Why would they expect this to be the "hot" item this year?

  6. #126
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    Quote Originally Posted by kdrcraig View Post
    Mario Run is ok but I'm not going to buy it. I don't play games on my phone often and Jetpack Joyride still gets the job done for a quick fix while I'm waiting on something or bored at work for a few.
    If they would just let you play offline after you buy it, that would be great. I understand the need for the online checks - I go between my ipod and ipad and it's nice to always have my progress saved - but it would be nice to not have the game interrupted every time the signal is poor.

  7. #127
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    It's mostly a novelty thing. All.of the games are on virtual console if you're insistent on buying them. Or, like always mentioned, download an emulator and the roms.

    But yeah, limited availability is a bug problem. Huge reason why I never got a wii. Eventually gave up.

  8. #128
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    Quote Originally Posted by theimage13 View Post
    I think you missed my point. I never said that the Wii dropped to 40 bucks after a few months on the market. It's also only reached that point recently; it's value was still reasonably high when it was a current-gen console.
    Yeah I didn't mean after a couple months either, meant it took the better part of a decade for it to reach that price/availability. Both missed points. I want the classic, you don't. Cool. I think have an emulator on my computer somewhere but I barely ever turn that thing on anymore

  9. #129
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    Apparently Amazon "Prime Now" has the NES Classic in stock in many markets this morning... I don't get that in my area, though.

  10. #130
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    Tonight's the night (two hours)! Find out once and for all if Zelda is a launch title. My decision to buy hinges on it.

  11. #131
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    Quote Originally Posted by Piko View Post
    Tonight's the night (two hours)! Find out once and for all if Zelda is a launch title. My decision to buy hinges on it.
    I burned out hard on Zelda after Skyward Sword. That game was a joke, and I never understood the praise. What a clunky mess.

  12. #132
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    Quote Originally Posted by Jinsai View Post
    I burned out hard on Zelda after Skyward Sword. That game was a joke, and I never understood the praise. What a clunky mess.
    I'm for and love exclusives but it's all Nintendo relies on this day which is both admirable and sad. Some of their shit can go on auto pilot but because Zelda, Mario or Metroid Prime is slapped on it the sales still will fly their way. I loved Mario games and I miss Donkey Kong but I have no compelling need to buy a Nintendo console ever again. My last was Gamecube.
    Last edited by Space Suicide; 01-12-2017 at 09:34 PM.

  13. #133
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    I showed up late for the wii-u. Have yet to play Skyward Sword. I'll probably get it sooner than later though. Why not?

  14. #134
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    Quote Originally Posted by Piko View Post
    I showed up late for the wii-u. Have yet to play Skyward Sword. I'll probably get it sooner than later though. Why not?
    It almost made me swear off Zelda games forever from here on out... so that's a possible "why not" if you hate it half as much as I did. The controls (even with the enhanced remote) are crap unresponsive motion nonsense, it was ugly even when it was new, and it gets everything wrong about the series that it always previously got right. Less dialogue please too; Zelda was never about story or narrative.

    Couple all that with the unanimous praise it received, and when you ask "really?" online, you get a response from a twelve-year old saying "LOL itz just you suck and are old!" The game isn't difficult, the game just sucks, and even trying to talk about it was met with such rabid fanboyism it was almost scary. Hey, kids, I was alive when the first Zelda game came out, and I beat it. Sorry if that makes me "old," but I liked these games back before they sucked.

  15. #135
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    Switch presentation starting in 15 minutes

  16. #136
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    Quote Originally Posted by Jinsai View Post
    It almost made me swear off Zelda games forever from here on out... so that's a possible "why not" if you hate it half as much as I did. The controls (even with the enhanced remote) are crap unresponsive motion nonsense, it was ugly even when it was new, and it gets everything wrong about the series that it always previously got right. Less dialogue please too; Zelda was never about story or narrative.

    Couple all that with the unanimous praise it received, and when you ask "really?" online, you get a response from a twelve-year old saying "LOL itz just you suck and are old!" The game isn't difficult, the game just sucks, and even trying to talk about it was met with such rabid fanboyism it was almost scary. Hey, kids, I was alive when the first Zelda game came out, and I beat it. Sorry if that makes me "old," but I liked these games back before they sucked.
    I've mostly heard mixed things about it. I'm still going play it. I want to go back and finish Wind Waker before I do that though (haven't beaten it). If it sucks, I'm only down 20 bucks and I can say I at least tried it.

  17. #137
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    Quote Originally Posted by Piko View Post
    I've mostly heard mixed things about it. I'm still going play it. I want to go back and finish Wind Waker before I do that though (haven't beaten it). If it sucks, I'm only down 20 bucks and I can say I at least tried it.
    Wind Waker is a much better game.

    Maybe people have cooled their heels after the hype wore off, and maybe realized Skyward Sword was a fucking mess and a half. I have problems with the new Final Fantasy game, but holy shit was Skyward Sword a greater departure and a far poorer entry in a heralded series...

    But yeah, you can get it bargain bin price now, and why not... and you're not staring down overwhelmingly ecstatic praise that makes you feel insane. People have calmed down about it, by Skyward Sword still holds a 93% average on Metacritic, which means it's still one of the best reviewed games of all time. And it fucking sucks.

    This is the most sensible version of the criticism that hit everyone who thought the controls sucked (from the comments section of the lowest Metacritic scoring article... how dare he): My first instinct says that the people struggling the the controls have a few screws loose or just a few cards short of a full deck. Maybe they’re extremely young or old. Or maybe, forgivingly, they simply don’t WANT to enjoy/understand the game’s control scheme.

    politely, this fan is implying the critic (or anyone who didn't like the controls) is too young (or old, let's cut to the chase) to appreciate how great it is. No, it just isn't great, and now that we've all grown tired of motion controls and gimmicks of the sort, we can all look back in horror at the defensiveness run rampant there behind its praise, and that was the most eloquent version of that sort of criticism I could find. Maybe it's easier to enjoy the game now, now that there's not a legion of blathering fanboys desperate to call you "grandpa" because you think the game sucks.
    Last edited by Jinsai; 01-12-2017 at 10:01 PM.

  18. #138
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    wind waker is a better game, it's tied with twilight princess as my favorite. but i still thoroughly enjoyed skyward sword. i've played pretty much every zelda game (except for most of the ones on hand-held consoles) and i have a triforce tattoo so...i'm pretty into the franchise. i don't understand why so many people dislike skyward sword quite as much as they do. i thought it was fun and entertaining, even if it wasn't the best game ever.

  19. #139
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    Release date 3/3 and it's $299.

  20. #140
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    Quote Originally Posted by eversonpoe View Post
    wind waker is a better game, it's tied with twilight princess as my favorite. but i still thoroughly enjoyed skyward sword. i've played pretty much every zelda game (except for most of the ones on hand-held consoles) and i have a triforce tattoo so...i'm pretty into the franchise. i don't understand why so many people dislike skyward sword quite as much as they do. i thought it was fun and entertaining, even if it wasn't the best game ever.
    The controls are unresponsive. For the first time ever, I started up a Zelda game, and spent over an hour talking to towns people about some bird-related festival. Then, FINALLY, the game started and the controls sucked. I kept playing, and realized that no matter how well calibrated things were, it failed to deliver the experience it tried to... and then inundated you with more plot, shitty mazes that sucked even more than Final Fantasy XV's dungeons, and laaaaaaaaame puzzles. It's been too long for me to be more specific about the legion of other things that bothered me about it, but it's one of the few games I've said "OH FUCK THIS" and thrown it back on the shelf never to look back.

    And still, just because the word "Zelda" was on the cover, I put in about 20 hours of my life into it. Fuck that game.

  21. #141
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    Anyone watching? What's with the glass and the ice cubes? I'm so lost... Gonna probably pass on 1 2 Switch and Arms (holy shit...). So far, I haven't seen anything I like.

    Controller is so tiny.

  22. #142
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    After that presentation I went from "probably" to unsure. I'd basically be paying 300 bucks to play zelda then shelve it.

  23. #143
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    Nintendo always gets my money. I will admit that the presentation was a little bland but I got way more excited for the news afterwards.
    Got my preorder in well actually 2 preorders. 1 of each color. My wife can decide tomorrow what color she wants and I will cancel the order of the one she doesn't want.

  24. #144
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    I was very underwhelmed by the presentation. Basically, I'd buy the console and zelda then shelve the console for months. Mario looks interesting but that's almost a year away. Not much going on there, imo...

    I'm disappointed.

  25. #145
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    I am disappointed as well. It's been a roller-coaster ride with me and the switch. Back when it was first announced it would be a handheld/console hybrid I swore off buying it. I didn't like the idea at all. Then that reveal video came out in the fall, and I changed my opinion to being on board again. I liked what they did with the idea. But now after I watched the presentation I am back to "meh" status.

    The presentation just left me very unimpressed. I wasn't getting excited for anything they were announcing. They're trying to mix all of their consoles together with this, the wii the wii u and the portable gaming experience. Which is all fine and dandy, but at the end of the day, it's the games that are the selling point, and to be honest, not even that Mario game impressed me. I don't care about it or Zelda.

    They're putting a few trailers up online that weren't in the presentation, Mario Kart 8: Deluxe, Super Bomberman R and Ultimate Super Street fighter 2: The end of the road (or whatever the hell it's called, lol), those are the kinda games that I am interested in. But enough to drop $400? (I'm in Canada... suggested retail price here is $399.99 (YIKES)).

    This will be the first Nintendo console I don't see myself running out and buying at launch, or even within the first year for that matter. I find consoles these games take a good 2 years to really kick off their life cycle. I was unimpressed w/ the PS4 a launch and they are FINALLY releasing games I am interested in, what, 2 years after it was released? I think I'll go pick myself up a PS4 this year and wait for better games to come out for the switch before I pull the trigger on it.

  26. #146
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    There's just not much going for it at launch. I don't care about Arms and that 1, 2 Switch. Maybe during the summer I'd get Xenoblade. That's still months of inactivity for what's supposed to be a new console. I only see three games worth buying. All have big gaps in between their releases.

    Ps4 will still be my primary console. So I'm I have no reason to do fifa or skyrim. It's disappointing.

  27. #147
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    will the switch be capable of playing the games from the WiiU? or is there no backwards compatibility?

  28. #148
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    Minus predictable Mario games like always and Zelda what a joke. Anyone that's been interested in Skyrim would've played it by now somewhere in the 5 years it's been around. They have a list of third party stuff but I guarantee all that shit will be cut off and dead in the water come next year.

    I miss Nintendo some days but this conference pretty much showed me again (like always) that their ship set sail over 10 years ago.

  29. #149
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    Quote Originally Posted by eversonpoe View Post
    will the switch be capable of playing the games from the WiiU? or is there no backwards compatibility?
    Another thing they didn't mention... I'm not sure how it would, tbh. Maybe virtual console? In that case you gotta wonder if games can carry over.

  30. #150
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    Quote Originally Posted by eversonpoe View Post
    will the switch be capable of playing the games from the WiiU? or is there no backwards compatibility?
    I don't think it'll be backwards compatible considering Wii U is disc based and Switch is cartridge.

    There has been a talk of a virtual console upgrade program similar to Wii to Wii U.

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