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  1. #451
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    There's going to be a Nintendo Direct happening tomorrow (March 8) at 2pm pacific/5pm eastern. The only specific game they're teasing more info on is Mario Tennis Aces, but I'm sure there will be some nice surprises.

  2. #452
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    Shit, the Switch is gonna blow up THIS year, too. I haven't seen the Direct yet myself, but seeing Okami and SSB announcements is pretty exciting!

  3. #453
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    Man there's some salty mfr's out there.

  4. #454
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    Pretty cool direct. I'll definitely pick up the splatoon expansion and smash for sure. Still need to try the octopath demo. Wish they had some virtual console news. That would really make my day. No complaints though.

  5. #455
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    oh man i can't wait to buy okami again (and i'm not even kidding). this will be my THIRD system on which i've played it. the fact that you can use the motion controls in the joycon sealed the deal for me (don't think i could go back to the original ps2 method of using the control stick to draw...not sure how i ever did that well).

    smash bros was inevitable but still exciting! wondering what they'll do that's new other than the splatoon characters.

    but when is metroid prime 4 coming???

  6. #456
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    I'll get a Switch when they do a Pokémon game for it. Although, SSB is quite the enticing title and the games I've played on it are pretty top-notch.

  7. #457
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    What's that, do you want a new SNES re-release of the Japanese version of Super Double Dragon? It is your lucky day!

  8. #458
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    I'm ridiculously excited for this!!

  9. #459
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    i love how many solid platformers are coming out for the switch. i wish i had the money to keep up with all of them!

  10. #460
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    Tell me about it.. I've got Owlboy coming in the mail today and it's going to join a large pile of games that I've wasted money on. Maybe someday I'll get caught up.

  11. #461
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    Quote Originally Posted by halo eighteen View Post

    I'm ridiculously excited for this!!
    Me too. Super stoked for this.
    Huge Mega Man fan.

    I just bought the Legacy collection 1 and 2 for the switch, despite playing and owning multiple copies of all of the games on there, lol. You can never have enough Mega Man. Plus, now that 3rd party dev's don't see the switch as a mockery like they did with the Wii U, the switch is my "go to" console of this generation, for games.
    I bought the legacy collection 1 and 2 on Xbox one, but that just sits there and collects dust. Figure I would buy the switch version so I have the option of taking Mega Man on the go.

    But yeah, I also agree that the switch has been heating up lately. There are way too many games coming out now. I have a huge backlog of titles to catch up on. Normally I am starving for new games.

  12. #462
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    Quote Originally Posted by ManBurning View Post
    Me too. Super stoked for this.
    Huge Mega Man fan.

    I just bought the Legacy collection 1 and 2 for the switch, despite playing and owning multiple copies of all of the games on there, lol. You can never have enough Mega Man. Plus, now that 3rd party dev's don't see the switch as a mockery like they did with the Wii U, the switch is my "go to" console of this generation, for games.
    I bought the legacy collection 1 and 2 on Xbox one, but that just sits there and collects dust. Figure I would buy the switch version so I have the option of taking Mega Man on the go.

    But yeah, I also agree that the switch has been heating up lately. There are way too many games coming out now. I have a huge backlog of titles to catch up on. Normally I am starving for new games.
    Yasss. Huge, huge HUGE into Mega Man as well. Actually debated having that be my first tattoo (finally got one last week), but ended up going with NIN instead. Mega Man's gotta happen at some point, just don't know if I want the logo or a sprite.

    I was so stoked for Legacy on Switch, and while I've already played through the first 2 games, I'm honestly a little underwhelmed compared to when I played through on PS4 a few years back. I'm not even a huge advocate for achievements/trophies but it just seems kind of unrewarding to beat the games and not really have any kind of recognition for doing so. The challenges are a nice touch, though. If you have an amiibo, one of the bonus challenges is made by yours truly. If they kept the credits from the 3DS version, my name should be in there somewhere (Brandon). Small claim to fame heh.

    I gotta say that I'm super looking forward to the X Legacy since I haven't played through all of those 500 times. The X Challenge Story Mode is also rather intriguing. Next, I just need to find the time for all this! If there's ever any kind of Final Fantasy NES/SNES collection on Switch, I'm done. That would be the end of me heh.

  13. #463
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    Quote Originally Posted by halo eighteen View Post
    Yasss. Huge, huge HUGE into Mega Man as well. Actually debated having that be my first tattoo (finally got one last week), but ended up going with NIN instead. Mega Man's gotta happen at some point, just don't know if I want the logo or a sprite.

    I was so stoked for Legacy on Switch, and while I've already played through the first 2 games, I'm honestly a little underwhelmed compared to when I played through on PS4 a few years back. I'm not even a huge advocate for achievements/trophies but it just seems kind of unrewarding to beat the games and not really have any kind of recognition for doing so. The challenges are a nice touch, though. If you have an amiibo, one of the bonus challenges is made by yours truly. If they kept the credits from the 3DS version, my name should be in there somewhere (Brandon). Small claim to fame heh.

    I gotta say that I'm super looking forward to the X Legacy since I haven't played through all of those 500 times. The X Challenge Story Mode is also rather intriguing. Next, I just need to find the time for all this! If there's ever any kind of Final Fantasy NES/SNES collection on Switch, I'm done. That would be the end of me heh.
    Congrats on your first tattoo! I could never work up the courage to get ink done. I love ink on other people though. Brings them to life. I'm one of those people that would probably end up regretting it a few years down the road. I envy people that can do someone like that and not regret it.

    I've played through MM 1-6 more times than I can even count, so I went directly to MM 7-10 on the collection. I've owned and played all those games in the past, but for some reason, I've always re-visited the first 6 more than any of the others. MM7 and 8 are probably the 2 I am the least familiar with. Not that they're bad, just a different style of getting used to.

    I was on the fence with MM11 with the very first announcement trailer last year. They graphics looked funny. Someone was off. But I can honestly say that my fears have been pushed aside from the new trailer released today. Looks way more polished now. It actually looks really good. I was weary about not having the 8-bit graphics, but it looks awesome. My only gripe is the robot masters look to be (once again) rehashed versions of their predecessors.

    Judging from this photo:

    I see a "Galaxy Man" type guy
    There is Block man (we already had concrete man in MM5)
    There is fuse man (who is like elec man from MM1)
    The orange guy looks like he will be Oil man or steam man
    Then there are the generic fire and ice robot masters
    Other then that, maybe the blue guy is a water robot master and the green one looks like he would be "acid man" or something like that.

    Disappointed they didn't stray away from the usual elements of fire, wind, water, earth, ice.
    I liked the "animal" robot masters... like Snake Man, Toad Man, Sheep man, Hornet Man.
    These ones just seem very uninspired and carbon copies of the old ones... Guess even in the video game world everything is a "copy of a copy of a..." lol

    As for X, YES!!! You said it! I am overblown with excitement for the X collection. Even though I still have my originally X collection on Gamecube. I guess I don't need to hold onto that anymore. I just held onto it 'cause it was a good collection, but this new one will be the better of the 2 obviously. It's really hard to say if I like Regular Mega Man or the X series better. Both are fantastic, really hard to choose between both. I'm loooking forward to the "fight 2 bosses at once" mode. I was never big on X7 and X8, I think I dropped off at that point. I hate when they went from 2D to 3D. I'll give them a shot though, just don't know if I'll really dig them or not.

    And wow, you created a challenge man!? Holy smokes! That's awesome. I don't have the MM amiibo, so I can't play the extra challenges, but that's still pretty slick. Did you just write a suggestion in? What challenge is it? My only claim to fame was submitted a challenge to Nintendo Power. It was a star fox 64 challenge. I suggested one of those challenges to the magazine. I got my name printed in the magazine that was awesome. I have a copy of it, it was Volume 103.
    Last edited by ManBurning; 05-29-2018 at 03:49 PM.

  14. #464
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    Quote Originally Posted by ManBurning View Post
    I've played through MM 1-6 more times than I can even count, so I went directly to MM 7-10 on the collection. I've owned and played all those games in the past, but for some reason, I've always re-visited the first 6 more than any of the others. MM7 and 8 are probably the 2 I am the least familiar with. Not that they're bad, just a different style of getting used to.
    I'm definitely way more well-versed with the original 6 just due to muscle memory. I probably should've started with the second collection, in hindsight. It took me about 5 years to finally get a PlayStation, so I was extremely late to the party with 8, and I never really connected with 9 and 10 much. I felt like they were just trying to unnecessarily limit themselves to the mechanics of 2. I can't even tell you how damn happy I am that the Mega Buster and Rush are back (not to mention sliding)!

    The one in the bottom left could certainly pass for a Crystal/Gemini/Freeze Man clone even.
    It is a little disheartening to see them recycling older robot masters, but geez if you only could've seen my reaction to the teaser video with Block Man taking up half the screen. That was unexpected haha.

    I do remember loving the first 3 X games. I was unfamiliar with most of the rest for the same reasons as above, but I do recall X7 being particularly hot garbage. It'll be nice to have proper playthroughs of that series. The double boss fight thing sounds like it has the potential to be insane.

    The challenge contest was some promotion through Capcom's website for the 3DS release. They supplied YouTube clips of game playthroughs and you just had to time stamp what you wanted your challenge to contain.
    My challenge is called Extreme Buster Bonanza, and I wanted it to be exceptionally frustrating.
    I took several segments of games that most people probably use assist items to speed past (the long blacked out chasm in Shadow Man revisited, the dreaded spike corridor in MM1 Wily 1, etc) - so it was restricted to only being able to use just the standard arm cannon. Unfortunately they kind of edited what I submitted, so it's not quite as difficult as I intended. Plus, I was definitely shown up by someone else having a challenge of fighting all the Wily end game machines with the Mega Buster only and I think no E tanks even. That's just sick.

    Congrats on the NP mention! I was in there as well, maybe issue 90, just for completing a MMX3 challenge to beat Tunnel Rhino first. I'll have to check 103 out, I still have all of them hehe.
    And thanks about the tat! I don't have any regrets so far. TDS really, honestly changed my life in 94 so it's definitely something I can live with forever being a part of me. I'm just wondering why it took me until 2018.
    Last edited by halo eighteen; 05-29-2018 at 08:53 PM.

  15. #465
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    i've still got a working copy of Mega Man X for my SNES! i should pull that out and play it soon. we've been in our place for almost two months and our "guest room" (aka the room with the CRT tv, old game systems, and books) is still basically just the "oh shit, we don't know where to put this" room.

  16. #466
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    Quote Originally Posted by eversonpoe View Post
    i've still got a working copy of Mega Man X for my SNES! i should pull that out and play it soon. we've been in our place for almost two months and our "guest room" (aka the room with the CRT tv, old game systems, and books) is still basically just the "oh shit, we don't know where to put this" room.
    Dude, that's amazing! Our bedroom is a retro gamer's dream - NES, SNES, N64, GCN, WiiU, and PSone all hooked up. Sadly not on a CRT tv, but that doesn't bother me too much. It's kind of tempting to get rid of a lot of my old cartridges, especially considering how much some go for these days. Legality aside, emulation and everdrives make all that such a huge waste of space.

    I'm just reading up on the Pokémon news, too.. I'm intrigued about Let's Go, but I'm much more excited about the new core RPG entry next year.

  17. #467
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    I wish I could keep up with you guys. I deliberately stay a couple of gens behind so as to save money: like I am currently playing through all the best PS3 games, each of which I bought for $5-$10.

    This is a strategy I first realized when I went to a game shop and saw a GameCube for fucking $24.99. I hadn't played video games in years and I was all over that shit. Some of the games were like $2.99.

    So I am currently still playing wii and waiting for the Wii u to get really cheap. I HOPE it doesn't take ANOTHER Nintendo system for this to happen.
    I really wanna play breath of the wild.

    See, I'm just trying to smoke good like you guys.
    But if you know me, you'll remember that I take care of my mom for a living more or less, and live off of her income.

    I showed her breath of the wild and she said "well get it! Get the system you need to play it!"

    But I just can't do that. YES I take care of her. YES I'm on call 24-7.
    But I also live in her house rent free and try not to ask her for much.

    One day I will get to play these stunning new Nintendo games you guys are talking about.

    In the meantime, I'm currently geeking out on New Super Mario Bros.

  18. #468
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    Man, if that game list is even half correct...a new F-Zero?

  19. #469
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    I just got my hands on a Super NES Classic (the European model) and I am freaking loving it!
    I just might hack it and add all the Donkey Kong and Earthbound games to make it complete for me.
    I can't wait to pre-order (and hopefully ships) the NES Classic 2018 and get my hands on it.
    I wonder if I could import the Gold Japanese edition of the 50th anniversary NES Classic and hopefully it won't be way to cost prohibitive.
    I'm really, really, tempted to buy a Switch but I'm holding off on it for the inevitable Smash bundle.

  20. #470
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    I did not know about the 50th Anniversary Famicom...

    I hope this means there might be other versions on the way, that would be cool.

  21. #471
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    Quote Originally Posted by allegate View Post
    I did not know about the 50th Anniversary Famicom...

    I hope this means there might be other versions on the way, that would be cool.
    From my understanding it's going to be a Japan only release unfortunately .
    It looks awesome and I would love it if they exported it to the US/EU even if there wasn't a legit way to make the consoles language English, I need to look into this more.

  22. #472
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    the famicom was so much cooler than the nes. i don't know why i love the controller slots so much, and the
    cartridge artwork was so much better.

  23. #473
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    Quote Originally Posted by halo eighteen View Post
    Dude, that's amazing! Our bedroom is a retro gamer's dream - NES, SNES, N64, GCN, WiiU, and PSone all hooked up. Sadly not on a CRT tv, but that doesn't bother me too much. It's kind of tempting to get rid of a lot of my old cartridges, especially considering how much some go for these days. Legality aside, emulation and everdrives make all that such a huge waste of space.
    Quote Originally Posted by eversonpoe View Post
    we've been in our place for almost two months and our "guest room" (aka the room with the CRT tv, old game systems, and books) is still basically just the "oh shit, we don't know where to put this" room.
    Jealous of you guys. I'd love to have a "game room" but my girlfriend and I live in a small 1 bedroom condo, and we barely have room for ourselves and our 2 cats, let alone a whole room devoted to old consoles and games. Actually, before I bought my place I rented a 2 bedroom basement suite, and I had a toy/video game room, and it was awesome. I sold about 85% of what was in that room when I moved though. I downsized my collection significantly. Mainly kept a handful of NES and SNES boxed games that I held close to my childhood. I don't collect much these days (retro collecting is expensive as hell), but I try and keep up with what's new and exciting at least.

    Traded some old games in for the Street Fighter Anniversary collection yesterday. Not sure who will ever need a 12 game compilation of street fighter, with half the collection consisting of SFII games lol, but hey... why not!

    Quote Originally Posted by elevenism View Post

    In the meantime, I'm currently geeking out on New Super Mario Bros.
    Nothing wrong with new supe my friend. Just wait til you graduate to new super mario U. That one has the return of the koopa kids from Mario 3 as bosses!!!
    There is just something about those damn koopa kids that I love.

    I honestly think that Super Mario Bros 3 would do for a "New Super Mario Bros" graphical overall. Redo SMB3 in the same art style as New Super mario, and you have a million dollar idea!! You reading this Nintendo???? Make it happen. Super Mario Bros 3 remake in the style of New Super Mario Bros. Call it "New Super Mario Bros 3"

    Also, Mario 64 needs a major graphical overhaul as well. I would love a Mario 64 game with updated Odyssey graphics. Retro revivals are HUGE right now too. These would be 2 killer ideas.

    Oh, and while they keep porting the whole goddamn wii U library over to the switch, when are we getting mario maker on the switch!? I want to see Mario maker on the switch with new landscapes/enemies/items.

  24. #474
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    Quote Originally Posted by ziltoid View Post
    I just got my hands on a Super NES Classic (the European model) and I am freaking loving it!
    I just might hack it and add all the Donkey Kong and Earthbound games to make it complete for me.
    I can't wait to pre-order (and hopefully ships) the NES Classic 2018 and get my hands on it.
    I wonder if I could import the Gold Japanese edition of the 50th anniversary NES Classic and hopefully it won't be way to cost prohibitive.
    I'm really, really, tempted to buy a Switch but I'm holding off on it for the inevitable Smash bundle.
    I bought one earlier this year and did the USB hack. I love it, I have all of the arcade games I really wanted on there, PSX, Genesis, etc. It's nice to have something simple around to play for nostalgia's sake...and it's more authentic than a Pi.

  25. #475
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    Quote Originally Posted by Kodiak33 View Post
    I bought one earlier this year and did the USB hack. I love it, I have all of the arcade games I really wanted on there, PSX, Genesis, etc. It's nice to have something simple around to play for nostalgia's sake...and it's more authentic than a Pi.
    That's amazing! Unfortunately I don't trust myself to not majorly fuck something up with that lol. My SNES Classic lives at work though, pretty much just play it on holidays and weekends when I can get away with it.

  26. #476
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    Quote Originally Posted by Kodiak33 View Post
    I bought one earlier this year and did the USB hack. I love it, I have all of the arcade games I really wanted on there, PSX, Genesis, etc. It's nice to have something simple around to play for nostalgia's sake...and it's more authentic than a Pi.
    Which hack? And how easy was it? I have one and I want to do it but I don't want to buy another one either, you know.

  27. #477
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    I used alot of information from this Reddit site.

    Hakchi is what is used to hack into the SNES and add games etc.

  28. #478
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    I don't want to get anyone's hopes up but there is a rumor going around that Nintendo is working on an N64 mini console.
    There are reports that Nintendo has filed for patents on the N64 controller.
    I just wonder if it does happen what games would be included since Nintendo doesn't have the rights to quite a few games.
    Iirc I think Microsoft owns all the games from rare, hopefully they would work out a deal to have them release the games like they are doing with Minecraft on non microsoft platforms.

  29. #479
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    I figure it's inevitable. Just a matter of when.

  30. #480
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    aye both the NES n SNES were announced end of june/beginning of July.. so may once the 3 big E's are done with (or maybe at E3.. but I think they will want to focus of Switch stuff).. then again this is Nintendo, everything with them is a big shrug. As long as the n64 mini has at least 2 controllers packed in and the original Smash I'll be happy.

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