When the 3DS came out, I played it for about 2 minutes in Best Buy before walking away all disoriented. It's true, the 3D really does a number on youe eyes (I don't wear glasses).

I told msyelf I was going to skip out on the 3DS bandwagon this time around, but I ended up getting one for my birthday. I NEVER play it with the 3D on, so yeah, the best thing they did was give it to option to turn in on/off. Plus the battery life on it stinks as it is when it's not in 3D, I think it only lasts like 4-5 hours, which is the worst battery life of a handheld ever. With the 3D turned on, it cuts that in half, so you can only get 2-3 hours of gameplay, what a joke!!

I had to buy a product called the NYKO power grip - http://www.ebay.com/itm/NYKO-82109-N...item43b379d524, which signifigantly extends the battery life of this sucker to about 10-12 hours before dying, it's a great purchase.

But yeah, I HATE 3D shit with a passion. I go out of my way to find a theatre that's playing a movie I want to see in 2D to boycott the 3D version. The glasses just give me a headache and it's an overpriced gimmick.