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Thread: Nintendo

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    I know there has to be some Nintendo fans there.

    I have a Wii, DS Lite, and I just got a 3DS for Christmas. I also got Super Mario 3D Land and The Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time 3D. Feels good, man.

    Anywho, anyone else got a 3DS? Give me your friend code! Mine is 1075-1262-4154.

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    Lol - is there ANYTHING else out for any Nintendo platform other than some mario or zelda derivative ?

    Oh my bad, you got "cooking mama" too right?!!!

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    I've been trying really hard to get into Skyward Sword, but so far it's just been incredibly boring. Maybe I miss the days when Zelda games didn't bombard you with a sorry excuse for a plot and a three hour tutorial. I know a lot of people have been praising the motion controls in this one, but I'm just finding it to be frustrating and clunky. And what is up with the obnoxious and ugly characters in this world? I can overlook the shit graphics and crappy art style, but this faux Studio Ghibli look is really grating on me. I'm almost five hours into the game now, and it still feels like nothing has happened. When does this get good?

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    Thank you! I thought the entire internet had been trolling me or something. Between Uncharted and this... i just dont get it i guess, but everything in this new zelda is some combination of bland, clunky, boring amd unnecessary. I gave up when its failure to priperly detect my stick waggling properly continually lead to my demise. Still, i might give it one more chance....

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    I thought the game was fantastic. There are definitely some slow spots, and the motion controls are not something I would praise 100% like all the reviews out there.

  6. #6
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    Anyone who says they don't like Mario or Zelda is a lying sack of shit.

    And hate on Nintendo all you want, you can't deny their influence in gaming. Do you think Kinect or the PS3 equivalent (no idea what it's called) would be around if not for the Wii's popularity?

  7. #7
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    Quote Originally Posted by Harry Seaward View Post
    Anyone who says they don't like Mario or Zelda is a lying sack of shit.

    And hate on Nintendo all you want, you can't deny their influence in gaming. Do you think Kinect or the PS3 equivalent (no idea what it's called) would be around if not for the Wii's popularity?
    My feelings toward the new Zelda game have shifted from boredom to extreme irritation. I'm not lying when I say that it's ugly or that the plot is stupid and unnecessarily in your face. I also do not understand how anyone could prefer these gimmicky unresponsive motion controls to a traditional game controller. I just got past the first boss, and that fight was horrendous. The wiimote fails to recognize that I'm pointing it "skyward" 90 percent of the time, but instead requires me to jiggle it until I hit the sweet spot. I'll swing my sword right to left, and the game will register the exact opposite.

    How am I lying when I say that I just want to use a normal controller? You know who's lying? Anyone who says that controlling the camera in this game isn't a frustrating load of shit compared to simply nudging the right analog stick in any modern game that uses a less moronic control scheme.

    Kinect is dumb, and Sony Move is only fun for arcade light gun games and the gimmicky sports game. Thankfully, practically no games for ps3 require motion controls, unlike practically every single fucking game made for the wii, without which it would just be an overpriced gamecube.

    So far, the story blows, the world is garish and ugly, the characters are boring and lifeless, the giant duck things you ride around on are bullshit, the flying controls for them are just as bad as the unpatched version of Sony's Lair, the combat is clunky and frustrating, the puzzles are awful, and the game started with a horrible three hour tutorial. Enjoy it if that's your sort of thing, but I'm not having fun and I'm not "lying." Why the FUCK would I lie about it? I've been trying really hard to like it so I don't feel like I've wasted my money. So far I've gotten the most enjoyment out of my wii playing old nintendo games on virtual console.
    Last edited by Jinsai; 12-28-2011 at 03:09 PM.

  8. #8
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    Whoa, man. What I said was mostly in jest.

    I agree that motion controls are almost always shitty. I prefer to use a Gamecube controller for almost every Wii game I've played (though Metroid Prime 3 with the Wiimote/Nunchuck is awesome). Also, I haven't played Skyward Sword so I can't comment on that.

    Either way, my point wasn't really about the controls. It's a shame that SS only allows the Wii Motion Plus, but Zelda is a fantastic series. I just get annoyed by the Nintendo haters. Just because a gaming company tries to be more accessible doesn't mean they are shitty.

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    I've been having a lot of fun with Nintendo lately! I bought an xbox and a nice big HD tv about 5 months ago but the xbox broke after like 3 so there goes that. Oh well. I've been a nintendo lover since 1994 or a SNES, N64, GameCube, DSi, Wii & 3DS. Recently, Donkey Kong Country returns was my sole favorite game on any platform last year and Skyward Sword was an absolute treat. I try really hard not to sound like a fanboy when i talk about the controls, but I guess they gelled for me straight up. I genuinely didn't have a problem (other than the obligatory de-syncing of the wii mote but that was fixable at the click of a button) I get that it didn't work for others though, and i can totally see why. I would have preferred a normal control scheme but I was happy with what I got.

    I'm also really glad I got to be a 3ds ambassador, i've been having a great time with the original Zelda & Mario's, Minish Cap, and Yoshi's Island. Mario Kart 7, 3D land, Ocarina 3D are all great too! Really enjoying the new free Letterbox app aswell, although I have to admit they were a bit late on that. Having 3ds friends has been completely pointless ever since you had the ability to do so until now, in which they've finally given us an option to actually communicate! Nintendo still have a lot of learning to do in regards to online functionality.

    3DS code : 3523-2159-6079

    (Harry, added!)
    Last edited by The Reason Being; 12-28-2011 at 08:20 PM.

  10. #10
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    Lots of wii u information came out today. Release date, price, etc.... its not looking good.
    You can pay 300 for an 8(?) Gb unit, or 350 for a 32 gb unit with a bunnch of frivolous crap.

    Nintendos alienation from the industry at large is shown rather heavily here. By comparison, for the same money, you can buy a 250gb Ps3 that plays blu rays, has similar or better graphics, and comes with a game or two. 32 gb is absolutely negligible. I just had to replace my 360 for lack of memory, and im going to have to do the same with an 80gb ps3.

    Most wii remotes dont carry over, they have to have motion plus. And the games line up, as expected, is mostly full of games that other consoles already have. Pikmin 3 and Bayonetta 2 and New Super Mario 2 are exclusives. And while the former two are certainly a draw, im not sure how ready i am for another round if nintendo regurgutation. I felt burned by the wii, the 3ds, and the last zelda. Those consoles are getting a shockingly minimal amount of support, and i wonder if it wont be worse on this system...

    To the gaming community at large, i think there are a lot if obvious missteps here. So the question is: is this nintendos last breath as a console manufacturer?

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    Wow that's a bit lame...

    Nintendo's last good console was the N64. It was up to date, ahead of it's time and the last great 'old-time' console before discs took off (which the original PS began). It also had amazing games and great versatility.

    I fully loved and enjoyed my Gamecube back in the day but it could not stack up the the PS2 and Xbox in their heyday. The Gamecube was and still is horribly underrated as a console though.

    Wii was a step down and the Wii U is only expanding on that front.

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    With that steep pricing, and the fact that the controllers have their own screen, I wonder how expensive a second controller will be for this console? After all, a basic PS3 controller runs approximately $50; what will that Wii U controller cost? At least $100? Wow!

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    Judging by the Japanese pricing, the controller is basically half of the console price. But I can't stress enough that you'll probably never ever need a second. Nintendo mentioned it is possible that developers could support multiple pad controllers in their games, but they'd be out of their minds to outright FORCE it.

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    Bayonetta 2's exclusivity makes buying a WiiU a very very tempting proposition. If there's Smash Bros and Fire Emblem games in the works for the console (which there probably will be) it'll be a definite buy. I guess this new generation will be Nintendo's turn to take my money again, since I've gone N64 -> PS2 -> X360...

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    I'm a sucker for Nintendo, always have been. Even though I find I usually play Xbox 360 more, there is just something magical about a new Nintendo system.
    With that being said, i'm gonna pick one up for sure. So far the lineup has a couple decent games up my alley, New Super Mario Bros. U and Scribblenauts Unlimited and those are reasons enough for me to dish out the dough.

    Stuff like 3rd party games like Bayonetta 2 and COD games do not intice me in the slightest. Everyone knows you buy a Nintendo consol for it's first party games - Mario, Donkey Kong, Zelda, Starfox, Fzero, Kirby Etc...

    I'm more of a "download" games guy anyway. With my xbox 360 95% of the games I play are XBL Arcade games anyway. I very, very rarely purchase a retail 360 game. i think I have 4 retail games in total and about 40 XBLA games, haha.

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    After a few test runs and if I dig it, ill probably pick one up. The tablet feature sure is interesting. Curious to see how arkham city, aliens, and ac3 will play on the wiiU.

    I thought the wii was just pure garbage, though I am thinking of picking up a used one just to mod it and play old school roms.

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    I know this is selfish whore posting but I am going to sell all of my SNES games and the console along with two controllers. I'm gonna chuck it all on eBay but if anyone is interested here, please send me a PM!

  18. #18
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    Quote Originally Posted by Conan The Barbarian View Post
    After a few test runs and if I dig it, ill probably pick one up. The tablet feature sure is interesting. Curious to see how arkham city, aliens, and ac3 will play on the wiiU.

    I thought the wii was just pure garbage, though I am thinking of picking up a used one just to mod it and play old school roms.
    That's pretty much what I use my Wii for. I have it modded with homebrew to play all the old school games, it's awesome.
    90% of the wii's lineup was shovelware, but there were a few decent games that slipped through the cracks like Donkey Kong Country Returns, Super Mario Galaxy 2, Super Smash Bros, Mario Kart... But yeah, overall it was kind of a weak system.

  19. #19
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    ! I didnt know you could do that. And ive been playing FF6 on my laptop which gets kind of frustrating....

    Btw they specified that: the wiiu doe sNOT support a second tablet. So the tablets will not he for sale individually in the states.

  20. #20
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    While the gamepad will not be for sale at launch the system does support two of them. None of the games will support it at launch, which is why they aren't selling them separate.

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    why would you mod a Wii to play roms? Why not just buy a cheap PC and hook it up to your tv for that dedicated purpose?

    I hated the Wii... You could count the good third party titles on one hand... and here Nintendo does it again by releasing last gen tech specs for their new system, thinking that by rushing it out the door before Sony and Microsoft reveal their plans they'll be able to sell a ton before people realize how underpowered it is. And they're probably right, but in the end, it'll be the Wii 1 all over again (which is great for Nintendo, because they somehow sold a billion units). Nintendo will release their awesome exclusive titles, which will all be obnoxiously hampered by whatever the Wii U's dominant motion/touchscreen control gimmick is (you shake the controller to make mario attack! It's so much better than pressing a button!), and third party developers will focus on the systems with more power (and actual online capabilities).

    Apparently the online network for the Wii U is still a mystery, but all we know for certain is that private messages will take up to 30 minutes to deliver because of their extreme content filtering process.

    I really wish Nintendo would just become a third party developer when it comes to the home console systems, and otherwise stick to the handheld market. But since they seem to have discovered a formula here where they sell shitty outdated hardware to people and make a large profit off each system sold, it's unlikely they'll stop. Maybe if the Wii U completely flops.

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    My contribution:

    The 3DS was a ridiculous idea that was formulated by idiots who all wear glasses and didn't give a shit about their own eyes or the eyes of the millions of people around the world who were going to buy their new hand-held system. Best thing they did was give the option to turn that shit the fuck off.
    Last edited by GoodSoldier333; 09-22-2012 at 02:53 PM.

  23. #23
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    Quote Originally Posted by GoodSoldier333 View Post
    My contribution:

    The 3DS was a ridiculous idea that was formulated by idiots who all wear glasses and didn't give a shit about their own eyes or the eyes of the millions of people around the world who were going to buy their new hand-held system. Best thing they did was give the option to turn that shit the fuck off.
    What I hate about 3D in general is the lack of thought and consideration for people like me that wear eyeglasses to see. Annoying.

    I could give two fucks about 3D in games, movies or anything like that anyway.

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    When the 3DS came out, I played it for about 2 minutes in Best Buy before walking away all disoriented. It's true, the 3D really does a number on youe eyes (I don't wear glasses).

    I told msyelf I was going to skip out on the 3DS bandwagon this time around, but I ended up getting one for my birthday. I NEVER play it with the 3D on, so yeah, the best thing they did was give it to option to turn in on/off. Plus the battery life on it stinks as it is when it's not in 3D, I think it only lasts like 4-5 hours, which is the worst battery life of a handheld ever. With the 3D turned on, it cuts that in half, so you can only get 2-3 hours of gameplay, what a joke!!

    I had to buy a product called the NYKO power grip -, which signifigantly extends the battery life of this sucker to about 10-12 hours before dying, it's a great purchase.

    But yeah, I HATE 3D shit with a passion. I go out of my way to find a theatre that's playing a movie I want to see in 2D to boycott the 3D version. The glasses just give me a headache and it's an overpriced gimmick.

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    Quote Originally Posted by ManBurning View Post
    When the 3DS came out, I played it for about 2 minutes in Best Buy before walking away all disoriented. It's true, the 3D really does a number on youe eyes (I don't wear glasses).

    I told msyelf I was going to skip out on the 3DS bandwagon this time around, but I ended up getting one for my birthday. I NEVER play it with the 3D on, so yeah, the best thing they did was give it to option to turn in on/off. Plus the battery life on it stinks as it is when it's not in 3D, I think it only lasts like 4-5 hours, which is the worst battery life of a handheld ever. With the 3D turned on, it cuts that in half, so you can only get 2-3 hours of gameplay, what a joke!!

    I had to buy a product called the NYKO power grip -, which signifigantly extends the battery life of this sucker to about 10-12 hours before dying, it's a great purchase.

    But yeah, I HATE 3D shit with a passion. I go out of my way to find a theatre that's playing a movie I want to see in 2D to boycott the 3D version. The glasses just give me a headache and it's an overpriced gimmick.

    You're not lying. I played the store demo 3DS when it came out. I played Street Fighter with the 3D on and it really made me feel sick to my stomach when I was playing it. It was/is horrible.

    I don't have the option but I totally agree with you. This 3D fad is dumb, it doesn't even add much to high definition like they claim. Going back to what I said, it really sucks wearing glasses because I'm near-sighted and when I have to watch a movie in 3D I need to put the 3D glasses over my regular glasses and it's just uncomfortable, stupid and pain to do.

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    Glad to see it's not just me. Generally speaking, stuff like this doesn't affect me. But it does really infuriate me when someone i love, let's say a little brother or sister or son/daughter under the age of 10, gets something like the 3DS....only to get disoriented/sick from playing it + not be able to properly play it when away from home due to piss poor battery life. It's like...they're youngsters. They don't have the resources apart from parents to do their research about a product before they get it. They get excited about something new and want it right away. As a provider for them, it kinda kills me when i spend some amount of money on something to make someone i love happy and this is what happens. I'm going into a separate discussion perhaps, but point being...these things should all have been considered by Nintendo before releasing the 3DS.

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    I gotta dig up my NES, get some original Legend of Zelda up in this piece.

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    all the WiiU stuff came out last week... anyone excited?
    I really wanted to be, but I just can't bring myself to throw down the money. I got a Wii day one yet after a year or so it was sitting unused, soon after that I got a ps3, and then that was pretty much it. I think the same is going to happen here. And its not because I think it'll be a bad system in any way, but its just that I only have so much time to game these days and I'd rather do it in one place, and paying £250 odd to play games that are frankly very similar to ones I can already play seems a little steep. I can play touch screen games on my iPad/Vita.. I can play HD games on my Ps3 and PC games on the mac using bootcamp. So yeah.. It looks cool, but maybe not for me.
    In other news I have a burning need to play the original super Mario Brothers on something that isn't a crappy emulator on my phone, I need controls damn it!

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    I am surprised that this thread never got bumped it being the Wii U release weekend and all. Did anyone get their hands on the new console here?
    I managed to get the 8GB console... yeah, I know 8 GB is kinda inferior to the 32, but when you think about it, will 32 GB even be enough space down the road anyway? I am willing to bet that even the 32 is going to need an external HD eventually down the road. And even after 3-4 years of this systems life span, I bet any money that Nintendo is going to release a new and improved super machine, kinda like what they did with the xbox 360.

    Buuuut, all that asside (and I am being brief here as I wrote for 15 mins straight only to have ETS crash on me.... and lost 15 mins worth of typing).
    The new system is AMAZING!!!! holy smokes is this machine ever wonderful. I was skeptial at first, but wow am I ever impressed. Actually, I can't say I am too skeptical, I haven't really been following the news and reviews on the system. I wanted a pure unknown, unbiased, fresh experience to myself without getting people's positive and negative reviews in my head before playing this, and I think it paid off. I love the new system.

    This system is a hell of a lot better and more exciting than the wii launch, especialyl the launch lineup. People say the lineup sucks, but compared to the Wii's launch, this is a million times better. I already have Nintendo land, New super mario bros U, Tank! Tank! Tank and Scribblenauts Unlimited. played Nintendo land for about 5 hrs straight on launch day with my girlfriend and we had so much fun. The thing this this game is you can change up your playing style to get a different experience each time. One person can take on the wiimote in one mode, while another uses the tablet. The commands are different depending what device you use, so if you get sick of using one setup in a game, just trade with another person to use a different set of controls. It's alot of fun and keeps things new and exciting.

    I don't remember what other points I made before original post crashed, but I think I can live with that. Anyone else get or play the system? Interested in hearing what others here think about it.

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    Re: Nintendo

    So far I love my Wii U. The love the gamepad. I haven't had a lot of time to play but I'm going to be playing New Super Mario Bros U and Scribblenauts Unlimited pretty hard today. So far nothing in Nintendo Land has grabbed me like some of the Wii Sports games but I will get to play the multiplayer games for the first time today.

    My Nintendo ID is RJK-99 (Damn Nintendo for requiring six letters.) if you want to add me.

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