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Thread: Sekiro

  1. #31
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    Quote Originally Posted by Kodiak33 View Post
    Where are you at?
    Spoiler: I've beaten Juzou the Drunk and the Caged Ogre, and I guess I'm about to head on over to say hello to this butterfly person.

    I've read online that some of those minor bosses I've beaten can be taken down easier w/ stealth pinging before engaging, but I did it in the straight forward way... and oh my god, I never thought I'd be on the verge of rage quitting this game this early.

  2. #32
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    Quote Originally Posted by Jinsai View Post
    Spoiler: I've beaten Juzou the Drunk and the Caged Ogre, and I guess I'm about to head on over to say hello to this butterfly person.

    I've read online that some of those minor bosses I've beaten can be taken down easier w/ stealth pinging before engaging, but I did it in the straight forward way... and oh my god, I never thought I'd be on the verge of rage quitting this game this early.
    Some of them yeah. Not sure about the Spoiler: Ogre but the other you mentioned for sure.

  3. #33
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    Spoiler: There's a way to cheese Lady Butterfly that I am absolutely going to use. I don't have time to waste hours on one boss

  4. #34
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    Quote Originally Posted by Haysey View Post
    So i've had a good 15 hours in this...it is GREAT, BUT i have a feeling i might not ever finish it, not fully anyway.

    The battle system is fantasic, as is the stealth, and i find myself stealthing my way round most of the areas...but this is screwing me on bosses as most you can't stealth (some you can to take an easy health bar from them but still need to fight the other bar) but the meat of the game is the parry...and i fucking suck at it! Getting the timing is so precise on bosses it's just hell for me to get right (the spare guy at the beginning area you revisit, wolverine and the guy you chopped off your arm when you re-fight have me utterly stuck!)
    The great thing with Souls and Bloodborne was if you weren't good with the parry you didn't need to use them, you could make a build to play to your strength...you can't in this, you HAVE to get good with the parry...and i'm really struggling! I do love the game, but i might end up getting to a point where i physically can't proceed, and i've seen some of the latter bosses

    Also i'm worried about re-playability, the Souls games had great replay value with all the different weapons, but i don't know if this will have that? I'm certainly not feeling like i want to replay it right now (some of these bosses i never want to see again lol) Still a nice change of pace from the other souls games, and something different.
    I love this game but I suck at it. I managed to get to Spoiler: the Shinobi Hunter mini boss (which eventually will lead to Lady Butterfly) at the Hirata Estate. I could also start the descent past the Great Serpent. Not sure which route I wanna go.

    As for your words on the gameplay, I was atrocious on Metal Gear Rising: Revengeance (basically only able to beat the game on easy with parry assist) with the parry so it’s no different on this game.

    I’ll get as far in Sekiro as I can though!

  5. #35
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    Hey everyone, if your having trouble with the game (like me) this video has some FANTASTIC tips, like honestly there's some stuff here i would never have known about (like the jumping towards enemy after they use a special attack to do extra posture damage!)

  6. #36
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    That’ll come in handy along with me farming 5 skill points to to buy the skill to regain vitality after death blows. I farmed the area before the Chained Ogre. It took like 25 minutes only.

  7. #37
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    Quote Originally Posted by Space Suicide View Post
    That’ll come in handy along with me farming 5 skill points to to buy the skill to regain vitality after death blows. I farmed the area before the Chained Ogre. It took like 25 minutes only.
    That skill is incredibly helpful. As is the Nightjar skill for Lady Butterfly...I cheesed the fuck out of her and beat her fairly easily. Didn't feel bad about it either

  8. #38
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    OK so i'm no longer trying to beat this boss i can't beat, using the tips in the video and on here i've cheesed Spoiler: Shikibu Toshikatsu Yamauchi because fuck that guy! Beat Spoiler: Long-arm Centipede Giraffe fairly easily and went and absolutely destroyed Spoiler: Lady Butterfly first try!?! Also i've been going back through some areas with the bell on just to get more items...now onward.

  9. #39
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    I got this game as a Christmas gift from a family member from GameStop, Collectors edition, and I still haven’t received the game. LOL..... So frustrated. It’s coming tomorrow, no big deal I’ll continue to ignore the videos.....

    Edit: just got here as I was typing this. Wow!
    Last edited by Rdm; 03-26-2019 at 01:17 PM.

  10. #40
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    I beat Yamauichi second attempt, poison clocks half his health bar and then you run away and proc it again

  11. #41
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    I FINALLY BEAT THAT SHINOBI HUNTER EINSHIN OF MISEN. That son of a bitch was pissing me off to no end. Ugh!

  12. #42
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  13. #43
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    A good, although short, interview with Miyazaki.


  14. #44
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    Quote Originally Posted by Kodiak33 View Post
    That skill is incredibly helpful. As is the Nightjar skill for Lady Butterfly...I cheesed the fuck out of her and beat her fairly easily. Didn't feel bad about it either
    I was so close to just using this skill, but I got stubborn and needed to do it normally. I was actually screaming "DIE!!!!!!!!" at my screen when I finally got that deathblow against her. I am pretty sure that's the most worked up I've ever gotten w/ a game, and I've now watched the replay of the fight several times... It's like watching a choreographed action movie. Insane.

  15. #45
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    Quote Originally Posted by Haysey View Post
    Hey everyone, if your having trouble with the game (like me) this video has some FANTASTIC tips, like honestly there's some stuff here i would never have known about (like the jumping towards enemy after they use a special attack to do extra posture damage!)

    Thanks for posting this, I love this guy he always has the best Fromsoft videos. I’m having such a hard time with the block, my first thought is to dodge .

  16. #46
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    Quote Originally Posted by Jinsai View Post
    I was so close to just using this skill, but I got stubborn and needed to do it normally. I was actually screaming "DIE!!!!!!!!" at my screen when I finally got that deathblow against her. I am pretty sure that's the most worked up I've ever gotten w/ a game, and I've now watched the replay of the fight several times... It's like watching a choreographed action movie. Insane.
    I've never contorted my body more during a play-through like I have for this stupid game...you have to focus hard.

    So, Jinsai, do you like this or Bloodborne better? I still prefer Bloodborne because of the aesthetic...

  17. #47
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    Bloodborne is superior. I hope they eventually make a second Bloodborne game.

    Part of me fantasizes that they’ll release an Xbox One version so I can replay on that console but I know that’d never happen.

  18. #48
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    Quote Originally Posted by Space Suicide View Post
    Bloodborne is superior. I hope they eventually make a second Bloodborne game.

    Part of me fantasizes that they’ll release an Xbox One version so I can replay on that console but I know that’d never happen.
    God I wish that was on PC...it would be incredible.

  19. #49
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    This game rules. Bloodborne is one of my all-time favorites and it's hard to say how it stacks up, but a worthy successor in every since of the word. Legit maybe the best melee combat I've ever played.

    The game is so branching I have a hard time knowing which way is the "right" one--I've hit a seeming dead end after killing the Giraffe Centipede man, there's the big terror guy in the area right before you drop in the bottomless hole, and then down there I've arrived at a fellow simply named "Headless" who I don't have the tools to beat yet. Additionally, every guide for a lot of the bosses I've fought have made mention of a firecracker tool which I apparently totally missed. Love you, Miyazaki. ��

  20. #50
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    Quote Originally Posted by loopcloses View Post
    This game rules. Bloodborne is one of my all-time favorites and it's hard to say how it stacks up, but a worthy successor in every since of the word. Legit maybe the best melee combat I've ever played.

    The game is so branching I have a hard time knowing which way is the "right" one--I've hit a seeming dead end after killing the Giraffe Centipede man, there's the big terror guy in the area right before you drop in the bottomless hole, and then down there I've arrived at a fellow simply named "Headless" who I don't have the tools to beat yet. Additionally, every guide for a lot of the bosses I've fought have made mention of a firecracker tool which I apparently totally missed. Love you, Miyazaki. ��
    That prosthetic is by the "Outskirts Wall - Gate Path Sculptor’s Idol" area. Close to where you fought the first general. It's kind of a pain to find it if you're not looking...

  21. #51
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    The one thing going against this game is replay ability. Souls and Bloodborne had so much replay value thanks to the different endings, different builds and different weapons (i lost count of how many Bloodborne playthroughs i did) all this has are the 4 endings and...i'll be honest i'll probably just go for the one, i have no desire to re-fight some of these bosses. It's a great feeling when you do beat them, but there isn't much variety to go back and fight them again, especially if you had a difficult time beating them the one time.
    It's a great game, and i'm glad FromSoft tried something different, but it's still just not quite Bloodborne levels of perfection.

  22. #52
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    Quote Originally Posted by Haysey View Post
    The one thing going against this game is replay ability. Souls and Bloodborne had so much replay value thanks to the different endings, different builds and different weapons (i lost count of how many Bloodborne playthroughs i did) all this has are the 4 endings and...i'll be honest i'll probably just go for the one, i have no desire to re-fight some of these bosses. It's a great feeling when you do beat them, but there isn't much variety to go back and fight them again, especially if you had a difficult time beating them the one time.
    It's a great game, and i'm glad FromSoft tried something different, but it's still just not quite Bloodborne levels of perfection.
    I agree. I think I'll have zero desire to go through this again.

  23. #53
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    The idea of playing this into NG+ feels stressful...

    I love the game, but it's intimidating and not something you play to unwind. And comparing to Bloodborne isn't fair... BB is my favorite game of all time. the only real criticism I have for Sekiro is that some of the areas may feel a bit repetitive, and that (and I can't believe I'm saying this) I actually feel it's just a little bit too difficult. I'm progressing fine, and I like a challenge, but some of this is really pushing it.

    But Bloodborne is beyond perfect.

    Though, regarding different endings for replay factor, this game does apparently have trophies for different endings. I haven't really looked into it, but it's there.

  24. #54
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    Oh i totally agree, i only compared to BB as it is still a Souls game (and my fav game ever) so it's going to happen. And the reply factor is my only criticism of the game, the rest is fantasic (if a little more difficult) but once i'm done with one ending i'll just youtube the others, i'll be honest i'm not all that bothered about the story anyway, just the trip getting to the end...and i am NOT fighting Genichiro Ashina EVER AGAIN!

  25. #55
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    This game physically hurts lol

  26. #56
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    First boss down. I died literally like 10-15 times, maybe more. Love this game so far

  27. #57
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    And....i'm done. I've hit my limit, after 9 hours (with brakes) i finally beat Genichiro Ashina (when he gets the 3rd phase with lighting) and it all but destroyed my enjoyment of playing. I had gone to other areas and fought other bosses to break up the game so when i had finally beat him i knew where to go (the headless ape) and...i just wasn't enjoying it anymore. I had a few attempts at the ape before i realised i wasn't playing for fun or entertainment, but just because i wanted to get it beat and move on to another game. I haven't felt like that with any other Souls game, Sekiro plays a VERY specific way and it's just not how i play. It's a good game, a great game in fact, and i'm glad FromSoft tried something different...but it's not for me, i'm not going to force myself into playing something i'm just not enjoying anymore.

    Good luck to the rest of you, hope you are enjoying it more than i did. Kick that apes arse for me.

  28. #58
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    I'm not sure I'll ever beat it myself but I'll go as far as I can. I really wish the Dragonrot thing wasn't in this game, it makes your failures more of a pain in the ass.

    I got to Gyobou Oniwa. Killed him on my third try! Bitch!

    Made short work of the Blazing Bull also. Onwards!
    Last edited by Space Suicide; 03-30-2019 at 08:15 PM.

  29. #59
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    I love this guy's videos. I've watched all his Dark Souls and Bloodborne lists.

    Spoilers obviously, if you care.

  30. #60
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    This game is becoming tedious AF. I don't know if I can finish this without a trainer...

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