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Thread: Sekiro

  1. #91
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    Quote Originally Posted by DF118 View Post
    Lady Butterfly is a fucking scumbag.
    This is me FINALLY beating her

    It felt nice

    EDIT: Holy SHIT!!!! The sort of people on the Sekiro social media pages are fucking insanely toxic.
    I just had some dude tell me that he was gonna fuck my wife (while messaging her about how he was going to do it) while he was posting pics of me online calling me fat...

    Because I said that I think it'd be a good thing for the game to have a lighter difficulty mode.
    These people are so fucking lame.
    Last edited by Jinsai; 04-06-2019 at 03:08 AM.

  2. #92
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    Quote Originally Posted by Jinsai View Post
    This is me FINALLY beating her

    It felt nice

    EDIT: Holy SHIT!!!! The sort of people on the Sekiro social media pages are fucking insanely toxic.
    I just had some dude tell me that he was gonna fuck my wife (while messaging her about how he was going to do it) while he was posting pics of me online calling me fat...

    Because I said that I think it'd be a good thing for the game to have a lighter difficulty mode.
    These people are so fucking lame.
    Obviously the piece of shit won’t do that but the fact he even felt the need to type it is disturbing.

    People take games too seriously.

  3. #93
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  4. #94
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    Yeah it wound up with some guy on FB PMing her that he was “sorry she had to settle for such a fat ugly loser” before he went off with jokey rape threats.

    I was more disgusted and disturbed than her, she was like “it happens.” Fuck that! This guy apparently runs a spa?
    Last edited by Jinsai; 04-06-2019 at 11:04 AM.

  5. #95
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    Well back to other bitches....

    I finally made it to Lady Butterfly. I expected to die 5748390 times.

    Her first phase was easy. I defeated her in my second attempt. I was an aggressive asshole and those shurikens were a godsend to use.

    Last edited by Space Suicide; 04-06-2019 at 12:06 PM.

  6. #96
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    Just beat the Guardian Ape and I really enjoyed that boss fight, it reminded me of a dark souls boss, such as you have to dodge and memorize the patterns. This game hasn’t disappointed!

  7. #97
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    I came I to the Owl kind of angry after a three day break because he's one of those bosses where you get fucked up by the shitty camera and targeting systems a lot, but managed to almost accidentally beat him in about an hour by doing pretty much the exact opposite of what my guide was telling me to do....

    And then I manage to cruise through like the next 12 bosses. Now I have 2 left and they're supposedly the 2 hardest bosses in the game ��

  8. #98
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    Quote Originally Posted by Wretchedest View Post
    I came I to the Owl kind of angry after a three day break because he's one of those bosses where you get fucked up by the shitty camera and targeting systems a lot, but managed to almost accidentally beat him in about an hour by doing pretty much the exact opposite of what my guide was telling me to do....

    And then I manage to cruise through like the next 12 bosses. Now I have 2 left and they're supposedly the 2 hardest bosses in the game ��
    Lol, it happens

  9. #99
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    So I just defeated the demon of hatred and I only have one boss left. I think the conversation about an easy mode misses the point.

    There wasn't much of an easy mode conversation with past games, because there wasn't as much bullshit in them. You didn't die to some quirk of the game, you died to your own mistakes that was the whole point. Then you learned from them and overcame the challenge

    The camera and targeting systems I this game are particularly awful. By default sprint/dodge are mapped to the right thumb so it's difficult to look while moving a lot. Not as much an issue in the other games which are alot slower, and at there fastest center around dodging. If you map sprint/dodge to the left button, sprint and dodge are still locked to the same button so you regularly risk dodging instead of sprinting and you have to hold it down the whole time, vs other games where it's push to sprint so remapping isn't a viable solution.

    The camera is kind of a physical ovject that gets fucked up by walls which can really fuck up a fight, especially when the camera gets pushed in a way that removes your targeting lock or changes the direction of your run. To make matters worse a handful of fights actually use this as part of their difficulty, placing you in a narrow hallway that can't handle camera pans. Targetting often suddenly grabs a different wnwmy than you are working on, which can kill you. Again not a problem in the other games.

    Terrain design can also be really bad, in a game where you are a ninja that leaps up buildings and bounces across walls you might get caught running against a tree or some fucking bullshit, again not much of an issue in the other games.

    All of these are issues in the games four or five harshest fights. The rest of which are actually only moderately difficult or actually have silver bullet type solutions.

    Grinding is also a lot more punishing in this game. The ammo economy is pretty tight, so there's a lot of stopping to farm for ammo. And then like 10 of the bosses require an ample amount of divine confetti and pacifying agent. If your supply runs out while attempting them it's farm time all over again and then again the next time you reach one, never mind the annoyance of having to monitor and apply those buffs in addition to engaging the fight.

    This game definitely has the best story in the series but from a fundamentals standpoint it can be pretty rough.
    Last edited by Wretchedest; 04-08-2019 at 12:24 AM.

  10. #100
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    Quote Originally Posted by Jinsai View Post
    Yeah it wound up with some guy on FB PMing her that he was “sorry she had to settle for such a fat ugly loser” before he went off with jokey rape threats.

    I was more disgusted and disturbed than her, she was like “it happens.” Fuck that! This guy apparently runs a spa?
    FBI TIEM! Like I said on FB.

    I’ve resorted to cheesing Lady Butterfly with that nightjar thing and she’s still kicking my ass.

    Quote Originally Posted by Space Suicide View Post
    Well back to other bitches....

    I finally made it to Lady Butterfly. I expected to die 5748390 times.

    Her first phase was easy. I defeated her in my second attempt. I was an aggressive asshole and those shurikens were a godsend to use.

    Can I have your save file pls thanks.

  11. #101
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    The last fight is absolutely everything horrible about this game put into one encounter. A 4 phase fight where your best option in the last two is to run around until the boss does the one attack that you can punish and just hope you don't bump into a rock or run off a cliff. An attempt can take at least fifteen minutes. Completely boring and tedious

  12. #102
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    Quote Originally Posted by Wretchedest View Post
    The last fight is absolutely everything horrible about this game put into one encounter. A 4 phase fight where your best option in the last two is to run around until the boss does the one attack that you can punish and just hope you don't bump into a rock or run off a cliff. An attempt can take at least fifteen minutes. Completely boring and tedious
    A friend of mine just beat it, and he said he had better luck just studying the attack phases and avoiding that pinging attack that takes forever (and isn't entirely safe).

    I dunno though, I'm still not there.

  13. #103
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    Yeah I think I'd rather die in ten minutes than run around for an hour trying to eek it out. I'll try that

  14. #104
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    Quote Originally Posted by Jinsai View Post
    From where I'm at right now, I don't think I can fairly rank Sekiro. I've decided to take my play through really slow here... I'm taking a break whenever I get frustrated. I'm too old for that self punishment.

    Still, I'd put Demon's Souls after DS3, but otherwise your list feels exactly like where I'm at.
    Crap, forgot about Demon's Souls...

    Bloodborne > DS1 = DS3 > Sekiro = Demon's Souls > DS2

    DS2 isn't bad at all either! I liked it quite a bit. I'm replaying DS3 and Sekiro, so when I get frustrated with one I'm switching to the other...no cheating this time.

  15. #105
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    I'm not sure I'm enjoying this as much as the Soulsborne games. The focus on parrying and countering seems a little cheap and focused, without allowing much in the way of experimentation. One's timing has to be very specific and I feel like I'm playing less tactically as a result. There's a lot of specific ways do deal with situations that otherwise seem quite insurmountable- breaking shields with the axe, etc. I'm missing the options that the wider range of weapons and abilities allowed for. Because of this, I'm finding myself running past the enemies to get to an objective, and I'd never do that in From's earlier games, as you were incentivized to kill everything. Not so much here.

    The world looks great, but the focused on verticality feels a little contrived. Plus I am so sick of being slaughtered, because I'm fighting in an alley and the camera decides to somersault into a corner.

    The story seems pedestrian and I really miss the focus on lore. Even Deracine excelled at world building and mystery, and that was a glorified point and click adventure.

    I appreciate From are moving in a different direction, but I think a comparison with earlier titles is justified.

  16. #106
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    Agreed, and I started playing DS3 again and was reminded on how much better (IMO) the atmosphere, artwork, and sound are than Sekiro. You have to play that game a very specific way to beat it...like you had said.

  17. #107
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    I think it's the worst one, an I cleared every single boss. The ultimate benchmark here is fun, and this game is not fun more often than it is. The engine or gameplay infrastructure or whatever you want to call it for the souls games was transposed into a game that more heavily emphasizes speed, stealth, and timing, and those systems very clearly were not built for those things. The game demands constant precision, but simply isn't built for it.

    It's telling that this From game elicits unfavorable to the Arkham Batman games and even Assassin's Creed, all games that have successfully accomplished what sekiro forcefully transposes onto it's predecessors.

    For me it comes down to bullshit. Darks Souls 1-3 and Bloodborne have absolutely minimal bullshit. In fact the only thing that comes close is the parry system in Bloodborne, far too finicky and opaque, the Sekiro revolves around it.

    Sekiro's combat includes a hateful queing system that forces you to execute attacks previously inputted before executing the movement you are going for now. Which why if you press the attack button three times, and then try to respond to an incoming attack after the second one, you will first begin and complete the third attack before actually executing the intended dodge. The result is an infuriatingly unresponsive fight that makes the player feel out of control

    Sekiro has some gorgeous settings and a few inspired encounters, ultimately they are mired by frustrating fundamentals. I was so glad to be done with it.

  18. #108
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    I made it to the top of Ashina Castle. Every samurai guy in blue kimono sucks to fight.

    My problem is this game is centered on 1v1 combat but you constantly have instances where its 2, 3 or even 4 v 1. Those are hard to block and win against with this parry system.

  19. #109
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    I feel the real problem seems to stem with how they subtly ding you for spamming parry, but don't do so at all in instrumental fights that are intended to teach the system. I hate to say it, but at this point, it feels like a great game with a huge oversight nagging at its core.

    Is this better than Bloodborne? LOL, hell no.
    But this is still a pretty incredible game. Maybe it's unfair to compare anything to Bloodborne... that game is just too good for games.

  20. #110
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    Hate to say it but I think I'm done with this game. The skill necessary is physically impossible for me to attain even with training. Sucks.

    That Jinsuke Saze mini-boss broke me. This isn't fun when you're not good.

  21. #111
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    Quote Originally Posted by Space Suicide View Post
    Hate to say it but I think I'm done with this game. The skill necessary is physically impossible for me to attain even with training. Sucks.

    That Jinsuke Saze mini-boss broke me. This isn't fun when you're not good.
    You can do it! USE FIREWORKS!

  22. #112
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    Quote Originally Posted by Jinsai View Post
    You can do it! USE FIREWORKS!
    I watched this trying to attempt it. My game never has him doing the same move set ups when I fight him. I hate this fight since there's no room for error since he's basically a bullshit one hit death if you don't have full health.

    Watching this video made me more pissed off than anything. That I struggle and have died over 20+ times and have two characters infested with Dragonrot because of it and it's beaten in 3 parry attempts back to back to back in that video. Shit like that just makes me feel inferior.

    I've managed to knock him down to his second life bar using the axe method shared in that video. I'll try your fireworks idea out. Then I'll play and fail at Genichiro and (probably) quit the game anyways.

  23. #113
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    Quote Originally Posted by Space Suicide View Post
    I watched this trying to attempt it. My game never has him doing the same move set ups when I fight him. I hate this fight since there's no room for error since he's basically a bullshit one hit death if you don't have full health.

    Watching this video made me more pissed off than anything. That I struggle and have died over 20+ times and have two characters infested with Dragonrot because of it and it's beaten in 3 parry attempts back to back to back in that video. Shit like that just makes me feel inferior.

    I've managed to knock him down to his second life bar using the axe method shared in that video. I'll try your fireworks idea out. Then I'll play and fail at Genichiro and (probably) quit the game anyways.
    Fireworks will carry you through that fight, trust me... it's almost like cheating.

    And if you beat Lady Butterfly without cheese, you can DEFINITELY beat Genichiro. Don't let people pscyhe you out. Honestly, it threw me off for a bit. You can do it. It's not as unsurmountable as it seems.

  24. #114
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    I did nothing but side step left over and over. Tedious as shit

  25. #115
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    I finally beat the game, and while I loved the game I don’t see myself coming back to it anytime soon. Also, That last fight was ridiculous.

    Bloodborne > Dark souls > Dark souls 3 > Sekiro > Demon souls > Dark souls 2
    Last edited by Rdm; 04-21-2019 at 02:40 AM.

  26. #116
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    I myself beat the game the other night, after probably a week spent stuck on the last two boss fights. The first is basically a Bloodborne fight, the third is an extremely Sekiro fight with four goddamn phases. I figured out the first phase pretty quickly, then the second phase kicked my ass which then led to me learning just how punishing the first phase can be if your execution is lacking. So after mastering it and finally getting the hang of the second, the third phase is one of the hardest in the game and your time getting to learn it is limited as every time you die you have to get through the first two again (ideally taking minimum damage, as it can easily chew through all your heals).

    After a miracle run in which I finally whittled the third phase down to a deathblow, I used a Jizo's statue to regain one last resurrect, used a divine grass as I had no remaining heals, and holy hell did I power through and beat that fucker once and for good. It was about as satisfying a victory as I've ever had in a game.

    I'm reluctant to put it quite on the level of Bloodborne, but that's not to reduce that it really is a brilliant game. From Software have proven to be total masters of game design and every new game they release with dramatically more polished mechanics is a thrill to experience. I believe the combat in this game will be talked about for a long time.

  27. #117
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    Tyrannicon’s rage compilation is pretty hilarious and true to how most of us felt playing the game.

  28. #118
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    Finishing Sekiro compelled me to check out Bloodborne just to see if I was being unfair. And I ended up appreciating Bloodborne so much more. Sekiro helped me understand and beat my two outstanding bosses within a day or two, Laurence and Orphan of Kos. I then proceeded to finish the game and then run all the way through NG++ including discovering and figuring out the entire chalice dungeons grind/situation. And then I ended up platinuming the game, my first platinum ever.

    Bloodborne simply makes this game look like trash, it is a significantly deeper and more fun game to play, it is signed ifica tly less frustrating and bullshit Bloodborne is one of the greatest games of all time... Sekiro doesn't hold a candle to it or any of it's siblings in my opinion

  29. #119
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    I can't believe I still haven't beaten this. To the best of my knowledge, there's three bosses left, the Father Owl, the Demon of Hatred, and Isshin... and after trying Owl and seeing what people are saying about these fights.... geeez... I just don't know if it's that I feel intimidated to endure the frustration, or if I just am not feeling this enough to try.

  30. #120
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    DoH is optional, I wouldn't even try it unless you really wanted to. Isshin was fucking ridiculous in the worst way. The 2nd Father Owl is also optional.
    Last edited by Kodiak33; 05-09-2019 at 02:19 PM.

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