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Thread: Sekiro

  1. #61
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    I love this game, but it's such an intimidating venture to pick it up. Sometimes I play games cuz I wanna relax, and this isn't relaxing. This feels like something you have to train and practice for, and be on your top game.

    And then I go on fucking social media, and people are telling me to "git gud you casual bitch fuck," and I'm trying to tell them "uh, I'm ok with the difficulty, I'm just saying this shouldn't be the baseline difficulty, even though I like playing games on hard so it's what I'd pick..."

    and then they jump in and say shit like "Ok, bitch some more you casual bitch."

    Are the people who like these games.... really insecure and stupid?

  2. #62
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    I’ve come to terms I most likely won’t finish this due to my own physical and skill limitation as I’ll get as far as I can until then.

    Great game but my main issue is no customization and a very, very staunch way the game dictates you to play. There’s no leniency in skill or execution for playing this. You HAVE to play and parry like they want to succeed. It’s limiting, especially when you know you’ll never get better.

    People like to strong arm and bash others online for game skills. It’s like a badge of honor and I’m not sure why. I mean don’t get me wrong, I shit talk and berate others on games but I don’t go overboard with it or personally attack them or harass to the ends of the earth. I beat Bloodborne and Dark Souls II and III with a friend almost entirely in co-op. Just as brilliant as solo but even more fun and casual with a friend. I don’t care if that’s “casual” because some people still wouldn’t finish it.
    Last edited by Space Suicide; 04-01-2019 at 01:58 PM.

  3. #63
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    Quote Originally Posted by Jinsai View Post
    I love this game, but it's such an intimidating venture to pick it up. Sometimes I play games cuz I wanna relax, and this isn't relaxing. This feels like something you have to train and practice for, and be on your top game.

    And then I go on fucking social media, and people are telling me to "git gud you casual bitch fuck," and I'm trying to tell them "uh, I'm ok with the difficulty, I'm just saying this shouldn't be the baseline difficulty, even though I like playing games on hard so it's what I'd pick..."

    and then they jump in and say shit like "Ok, bitch some more you casual bitch."

    Are the people who like these games.... really insecure and stupid?
    Some people don't have 6 hours per boss to "git gud"...those people apparently do.

  4. #64
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    I’m having such a hard time Genichiro’s third lighting phase. I have literally never died so many times in fromsoft game. Ludwig seems like a walk in the park compared to this fight. I’m not going to give up but it has crossed my mind.

  5. #65
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    It is by far the hardest From game. You have to be perfect to beat some of these guys, they hit way too hard. Unfortunately it gets worse from there. I had to use a trainer near the last third of the game, I didn't have the patience.

  6. #66
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    Quote Originally Posted by Rdm View Post
    I’m having such a hard time Genichiro’s third lighting phase. I have literally never died so many times in fromsoft game. Ludwig seems like a walk in the park compared to this fight. I’m not going to give up but it has crossed my mind.
    Yeah... I'm so fucked by this... I keep trying to motivate myself to get beaten down by him again. It's rough.

    If you beat the guy in the apartment below him and read the wall scroll, you can jump/reverse his lightning move in the third phase

  7. #67
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    Always watch Youtube videos of others if you get stuck...no reason to waste your time dying over and over if you don't have to.

  8. #68
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    I can feel that I'm going to get through Genichiro on the next fight
    But... I watched a video of my friend fighting some giant beast monster in the end game, and I'm just... not going to think about it.

    I don't like to be that guy, but this game is too fucking hard dammit. I wish I had my reflexes from 20 years ago. How am I supposed to get super stoned and enjoy this shit?

  9. #69
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    Quote Originally Posted by Jinsai View Post
    How am I supposed to get super stoned and enjoy this shit?
    You can't lol

  10. #70
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    Quote Originally Posted by Jinsai View Post
    Yeah... I'm so fucked by this... I keep trying to motivate myself to get beaten down by him again. It's rough.

    If you beat the guy in the apartment below him and read the wall scroll, you can jump/reverse his lightning move in the third phase
    I finally beat him! In the third phase I just circled left while while constantly hitting dodge, And I got most my damage by the reverse lighting shot. Although I did get shot multiple times by the bow and some of his combos but I defeated him, for now at least. It only took 6 gourd seeds and 3 days of my life.
    Last edited by Rdm; 04-03-2019 at 07:53 AM.

  11. #71
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    Other things that may help, you can almost always block or parry except for grabs and danger (kanji) moves. Like all of the people who have a ton of their hands have said, it's a rhythm game...which I don't find much fun to be honest.

  12. #72
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    I've got a pretty solid rhythm for it at this point, though the game is still incredibly difficult, it's more a matter of nailing the execution that's the hard part after getting a strategy down. It took me like an hour and a half to beat the Owl who is unforgiving as hell but his moveset isn't too hard to pin down once you've got parrying figured out. Same goes for the Corrupted Monk I'm currently stuck on--toy get a feel of what to look for, I.E. how fast their posture damage adds up vs their HP, which moves to punish and which to defend, etc.

    Also, the ninjitsu ability the screen monkeys unlock is amazing. Utter chaos.

    I do have doubts about the replayability of the game--I'm sure I'll do an NG+ run, but the RPG side just doesn't appear to be there to encourage doing different builds and play styles. Which is fine--it's still a masterwork of a game, that's just one thing the Soulsborne titles have over it. If I do get tired of it I'm planning on grabbing DS1 remastered and going through that for the first time (it's the only title in the series I haven't played) and from there maybe taking another swing at DS2 and Demon's.

  13. #73
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    Playing this makes me want to get Dark Souls Remastered badly.

  14. #74
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    Quote Originally Posted by Space Suicide View Post
    Playing this makes me want to get Dark Souls Remastered badly.
    It's honestly not that much of an improvement (if you've played the PC version). Not sure about the vanilla ones. I'm thinking of doing a Bloodborne (including the best DLC ever) run through or a DS3 run through (since I never played the DLC).
    Last edited by Kodiak33; 04-03-2019 at 03:51 PM.

  15. #75
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    Quote Originally Posted by Kodiak33 View Post
    It's honestly not that much of an improvement (if you've played the PC version). Not sure about the vanilla ones. I'm thinking of doing a Bloodborne (including the best DLC ever) run through or a DS3 run through (since I never played the DLC).
    I want dedicated servers for PvP for jolly co-op with no frame rate issues and 60fps. I killed Quelaag on the 360 version and never got any farther.

  16. #76
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    Quote Originally Posted by Space Suicide View Post
    I want dedicated servers for PvP for jolly co-op with no frame rate issues and 60fps. I killed Quelaag on the 360 version and never got any farther.
    Well worth it then!

  17. #77
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    If I have to see one more try-hard asshole bragging about how this game is easy online... If this game is easy, what the fuck is actually difficult?

    Spoiler: Anyway, I just beat Genichiro and the monkeys... made it to the ape, then he went headless... I need a break.

  18. #78
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    Yeah... I've been taking lots of breaks. I'm right with you Jinsai, this takes the usual souls difficulty and adds an extreme layer of technical ability and a lot of grinding if you fail too much. Bloodborne and Dark Souls 3 were relatively relaxing actually. And I'm on a few days break after getting to the next boss after the ape. I haven't tried much. But it is a bit stressful. I think one factor is that this game has a lot more bosses and they're a lot more challenging. There isn't much time cruising through levels or retreading, almost every beat of this game is being stuck on an insane boss. And it's like Dance Dance Revolution except every song is 10-20 minutes in unusual time signatures and you have to memorize the off beats. The best option a lot of the time is to just rapidly spam the block button, which is kind of bad design that not only can you do that, but the game is so opaque that it's the best option most of the time.

    You also get punished for losing in a variety of ways. The dragonrot being the most lenient, but the supply of spirit emblems becomes really dry eventually and there cost increases over time.... So it always feels like you're stuck on something.

    Gebichiro took me three days, but when I finally had him, I really had him. The true difficulty there was the third phase, which you have to play aggressively and move around a lot more. I figured out that in the first phase you can always mikiri his red attack and in the second you can always jump on him when he does his red. In both phases he has one you dodge away from. With bosses like him it's ok or even beneficial to deflect their longest strings until it breaks your posture, because they pause, like after his seven string. Their posture damage builds up, but when yours breaks it actually resets instantly.

    The great ape. Just get used to the first phase. See if you can get to the point where you take it down without potions and with as few firecrackers as possible. The first phase isn't that bad, just run the whole time and get used to when he shows his openings. Those openings become more frequent as the health bar goes down. Two or three times he does a stagger where he staggers again if you manage two blows. His best opening is when he lies on his back and thrashes, go to his head an count the thrashes, on the fourth one close in for around three strikes.

    The second phase seems really crazy because he moves so strangle but he actually only has like 5 attacks. He's mostly coming at you with a low sword, just jump over it. It's a bit tricky because you have to be precise, once he's in a sword patter you need to stay exactly behind him to avoid the wide swings. There's a four beat swing and a one off swing. The one off is where you get your attacks in. Get used to 2 or three swings and then always run off because he's going to do the Terri scream, and then wait to jump over his attacks again until your comfortable with your positioning in the arena. When he's doing the scream, if you're at a safe distance just nail the fuck out of him with kunai or shuriken.

    He has one attack in this phase where he stands all the way up. With his sword straight in the air. If you deflect that he falls on top of you and you get a ton of free hits.
    Last edited by Wretchedest; 04-03-2019 at 11:34 PM.

  19. #79
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    Quote Originally Posted by Wretchedest View Post
    The best option a lot of the time is to just rapidly spam the block button, which is kind of bad design that not only can you do that, but the game is so opaque that it's the best option most of the time.
    Yeah, though apparently there is a punishment mechanic in here that if you flap the block button before what would have been a perfectly timed 'deflect,' it negates it to varying degrees, depending on how much you were slapping the block... so it's a balance there I guess...

    this is like learning a musical instrument that nobody wants to hear you play...

  20. #80
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    I don't know if I I've felt punished for spam blocking

    Btw the ape, I forgot to mention he almost always follows that scream attack with his most vulnerable sword strike

  21. #81
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    I could not agree with your comments more.

  22. #82
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    Quote Originally Posted by Wretchedest View Post
    I don't know if I I've felt punished for spam blocking

    Btw the ape, I forgot to mention he almost always follows that scream attack with his most vulnerable sword strike
    You can also use the upgraded fan on his terror scream. One thing I absolutely HATE in From games is their basically one-shot status effect kills (Terror, Frenzy, etc.)

  23. #83
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    Pretty good quick review IMO. It repeats what issues I have with the game.

  24. #84
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    I got the puppeteer ninjusu upgrade yesterday and holy shit that is so awesome.

  25. #85
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    Here's my From rank (if anyone cares).

    Bloodborne > DS1 = DS3 > Sekiro > DS2

  26. #86
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    Quote Originally Posted by Kodiak33 View Post
    Here's my From rank (if anyone cares).

    Bloodborne > DS1 = DS3 > Sekiro > DS2
    From where I'm at right now, I don't think I can fairly rank Sekiro. I've decided to take my play through really slow here... I'm taking a break whenever I get frustrated. I'm too old for that self punishment.

    Still, I'd put Demon's Souls after DS3, but otherwise your list feels exactly like where I'm at.

  27. #87
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    Man, people really hate Dark Souls II. Why the hate? It was my first game to the Souls series (after Bloodborne) and where I fell in love with it.

  28. #88
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    Quote Originally Posted by Space Suicide View Post
    Man, people really hate Dark Souls II. Why the hate? It was my first game to the Souls series (after Bloodborne) and where I fell in love with it.
    I don't hate it, I just love every other game in the series a lot more, and in some ways it just feels like something integral is missing there, and I can't help but speculate that it was due to Miyazaki working on Bloodborne instead.

    It feels like quantity over quality, where stuff feels impressive at first, like it has SO many boss fights... it's just that 100% of them are underwhelming by comparison to any other Souls game's "meh/average" entries. The controls feel floaty, especially the combat. I also felt the world was just convoluted more than compelling.

    I'd still take DS2 over almost any Souls-like rip off... well, excepting 2D MetroidvaniaSouls stuff like Hollow Knight (which is just genius), and really Nioh was great, even if it's been kinda smacked down by Sekiro's world.

  29. #89
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    Lady Butterfly is a fucking scumbag.

  30. #90
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    Quote Originally Posted by DF118 View Post
    Lady Butterfly is a fucking scumbag.
    Reading that with your avatar displayed is hilarious.

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