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Thread: Mortal Kombat - third film to be shot in Australia

  1. #61
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    Quote Originally Posted by allegate View Post
    there's only so much room for zeroes and ones in the internet pipes, you don't want a clog.
    it IS a series of tubes.

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    Spoiler: We get a Kung Lao hat throw... I'm sold even more.

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  5. #65
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    Did you guys watch the web series MK Legacy? I'm really bummed out that THAT didn't become a cinematic universe or an HBO series.

    The MKU. Sounds promising to me.
    Last edited by elevenism; 04-14-2021 at 06:03 PM.

  6. #66
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    Quote Originally Posted by elevenism View Post
    There is something bigger, darker, and more realistic that can be done with this property
    Literally the last thing I want out of MK is realism - no offense. The series revolves around gods, sorcery, the undead returning to life, four armed half human dragons, hostile dimensions next door....

    In 2021, we're in the age of the cinematic superhero universe, where audiences are trusted to accept gods running around , guys that grow fifty feet tall, sorcerers, alien worlds...we're more than ready for that kind of stuff, the stuff the MK universe is made out of.

    That said, I liked some of Legacy. The Jax & Sonya, Lin Kuei Cyber-ninja, and Kitana and Mileena episodes were really good. Didn't care for Raiden being locked up in your typical evil insane asylum and being lobotomized though...or the Legacy pilot where Reptile was a guy with harlequin syndrome and Baraka was a mad surgeon, or whatever that was :P

    I don't want to put a damper on anyone's hype, but from everything I've come to understand about this seems to take pains to go out of its way to explain the people in it having super powers...among other things. And when you do that, I feel like it's a red flag that you don't have faith in both your audience and the source material. I'm very worried about that, because I love MK to pieces, always have, and want to see it done well.

    I dunno. I feel like it's a movie that's going to be for people who play MK for the violence rather than for anyone who enjoys its setting, atmosphere or characters.

    It's banking pretty hard on giving us the things the '95 movie couldn't - Scorpion and Sub-Zero fighting, gore. Might be up my alley, might not.

  7. #67
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    Yeah, totally agree with Shadaloo, and actually legacy is the case for why sticking to the mythology and embracing the camp and batshittery is the way to go.

    I think they're doing that tk a small extent in this new one by centering it around a new character, as though the many characters already present in one of the most successful video game franchises in history just won't do it for the average movie goer?

    The original is partly so great because it embraces the mythology of the games and it's basically so excited about it that it just won't shut up about it. There's a lot of exposition in that movie about the backgrounds of characters and their histories and then ultimately whole thing wonderfully just devolves into one fight scene after another. Everyone in that movie seems like they're having fun, and part of that is probably because the movie isn't trying to be a drag.

    I find the driving ideology behind angles like legacy to be really sad, because they're kind of based on this sense of shame. Like if only mortal kombat wasn't mortal kombat anymore... It could be great!

    As for the gore and the violence and the fatalities, like yeah that's somewhat important to mk, but it wasn't until this movie came around that I even realized it was missing from the original movie. Plenty of extremely violent game franchises didn't survive the 90s, many of which were attempting to emulate mortal kombat only by being gorey. That wasn't the secret sauce.

    At no point should a mortal kombat be trying to get me to take it seriously
    Last edited by Wretchedest; 04-13-2021 at 10:29 PM.

  8. #68
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    I'm sorry, but the original MK movie is garbage. And I loved it as a kid. But it's a terrible movie and a terrible Mortal Kombat movie.

    I think MistaGG explained it quite well why the original Mortal Kombat isn't as good as we thought it was...

  9. #69
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    Well...yeah it's not a good film, but it still is a hell fun a lot of fun to watch. The cheesy acting, the not exactly great CG, the nonsense story, it's like are perfect B movie...which i always felt the spirit of MK was about. It's perfectly OK to enjoy trash...the 2nd however is the same but with ALL the fun and best actors removed (and somehow worse CG?!)

  10. #70
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    I don't think anybody needs an explainer as to why it's a bad movie lol

    I think the whole framing of good/bad movie is bullshit anyway. And that's my point. The original didn't set out to win a fucking oscar or be taken seriously. But it is super fun and it did have a cultural impact. People remember the music and the actors, the dialogue, the effects and many things about that movie. Especially given what they had to work with as source material, I would call it successful execution.

    I even think the second movie can be enjoyable as well, but not on the terms that the creators probably intended. That's a lot more cringe, the casting isn't as good, it's not as focused and it's totally off the wall all the time. That, for sure, is a horrible movie.

  11. #71
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    Yeah, I'm not going to be checking out any of that clickbait garbage. Of course it's not a good movie, but as far as videogame adaptations go, MK 1995 is citizen kane.

    I know the CG is dated as all fuck now, Reptile looked bad even on release, there was no Scorpion and Sub-Zero conflict, PG-13, yada, yada, yada...but anyone who says it's a "terrible Mortal Kombat movie" is straight up wrong. So much of MK '95 has proven to be influential to the series - Sonya started exhibiting more of a tough-as-nails personality, Kano started taking after the late Trevor Goddard's Australian accent and started going shirtless, Johnny Cage became more comedic, Sub-Zero got his freeze wave in Mythologies, and MK11 straight up canonized Cary Tagawa as Shang Tsung because he was so memorable, not to mention the aesthetic of his island in 11's Krypt being a homage to the visual aesthetics of the first film. And giving us Raiden, Cage and Sonya outfits to boot.

    And speaking of, people can gripe about Christopher Lambert as Raiden all they like - he was a thousand times more interesting and fun than as the stodgy one-note character he's been in most of the games. Hell, even Jeff Meek played him as being a snarky tutor in the MK Conquest series (remember that?), and he was better off there for it too and way more entertaining. Game Raiden straight up sucks in comparison.

    MK at its best has always been Enter The Dragon with supernatural elements - I don't need it to be anything more than a kung-fu fest with character and heart. That's what MK 1995 is, with a bonus taste-making industrial rock soundtrack for the ages.

  12. #72
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    It's a terrible movie. Anyone who says it isn't is straight up wrong.

    You can still like the original Mortal Kombat, but you still like a terrible movie. It's up there with the Super Mario Brothers movie. Just because I loved Mortal Kombat when I was 11 years old, doesn't mean I can't recognize now that it actually wasn't a very good movie when I'm 37.

    They literally turned Raiden, the God of fucking Thunder, into a goofy, comic relief character, with that horrible accent.

    The Resident Evil movies also started influencing the games, and those movies were hot garbage. The later games went downhill as well, until Capcom essentially rebooted them to move away from what the movies influenced them to become..

    Another Paul W.S. Anderson bastardization of a well known franchise. Just because the movie influenced the games, doesn't make it a good movie.
    Last edited by neorev; 04-14-2021 at 12:56 PM.

  13. #73
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    Quote Originally Posted by neorev View Post
    It's a terrible movie. Anyone who says it isn't is straight up wrong.
    Quote Originally Posted by neorev View Post
    You can still like the original Mortal Kombat, but you still like a terrible movie. It's up there with the Super Mario Brothers movie.
    Nah, that's MK Annihilation. And hey, I can watch both of those two and still be entertained because of how silly and goofy they are. Movies can be "good" and "enjoyable" for a variety of reasons. I don't need it garnering awards for best acting or screenplay from an irrelevant awards ceremony or whatever.

    Quote Originally Posted by neorev View Post
    They literally turned Raiden, the God of fucking Thunder, into a goofy, comic relief character.
    Yeah, it was absolutely hilarious when he one-shotted Scorpion and Sub-Zero and scared the piss out of a horde of Tsung's goons by raising his index finger. Hilarious how it depicted him acting as a mentor forcing his warriors to confront their own insecurities and fears and made them better for it. Riiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiight.

    Hell, Raiden even makes a few wisecracks in Scorpion's Revenge - another really fun MK adaptation - and it's great when he does.

    The changes were for the better and I won't be convinced otherwise. That movie is responsible for giving the characters any kind of real personalities for the first time, and it's a damned shame that out of all people, they chose to leave Raiden this blank boring character who unfortunately is voiced by Richard Epcar with THE SAME VOICE AND GRAVITAS FOR EVERY SINGLE THING HE SAYS NEVER CHANGING TONE AND DELIVERY LIKE HOW PETER CULLEN VOICES OPTIMUS PRIME NOW and I just want them to switch gears for god's sake. He may be the god of thunder, but that doesn't mean he can't display a range of emotion. Even Fujin - god of wind - does that in MK11.

    And don't get me started on how terribly he was written in MK9; idiotic and clueless to the point where he earned the name "Blunder God" in the fanbase. Bargaining with the souls of his own warriors and going "duhhhh they'd agree" like it's his choice to make in the first place. Bowing and scraping in front of Quan fucking Chi. There's your mighty thunder god as the games depict him nowadays - mostly sucking out loud since 2011. X and 11 barely redeemed him, and when he got turned into dark Raiden by the end of X on a good cliffhanger, 11 just walked it right back with time travel bullshit. Christ.

    Good thing the MK movies never influenced the games in any kind of bad way like RE. A b-movie MK '95 is, yeah, but It's THE MK movie in my book, something that successfully adapts most of the story, makes relatively few compromises along the way, and fleshes out the characters and makes them really likeable.

    You know, I'd love an MK series that for once shows Liu Kang actually beating Goro to earn the champion title, - hell, showing us how the tournament even works in the first place - that shows us Scorpion and Sub-Zero's soap opera history, etc. but you know what? I don't think you can fit the sum of any MK game into two hours coherently - there's just too much going on. It needs to be like a three-season TV series to adapt the first 3 games. Always has been.

  14. #74
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    Christopher Lambert is fucking amazing in the first one. In the first one, he is less goofy, and more aloof in the situation of being much more powerful than everyone. The actor pulls that off in my opinion.

    Also, Goro vs. Johnny Cage is one of the best fights in the franchises history. Tough to top, both because of the way it plays out but also because it represents a turning point for the heroes, especially Johnny's the least likely of the heroes

    Again this whole framing of good/bad is bullshit. Do you have fun when you're watching it? That's what matters most. Is this an intricate, challenging character study that reveals something culturally or philosophically? No. Does it have sweet techno music and awesome choreography quotable one liners? Fuck yeah it does.

    Resident evil movies also just fantastic b-movies, but not as much in their own terms
    Last edited by Wretchedest; 04-14-2021 at 03:17 PM.

  15. #75
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    Yeah I re-watched both the MK movies not all that long ago. Still enjoyed the hell out of the first one, for reasons everyone has already talked about. It's just a fun movie. The fight scenes really hold up minus the sometimes shitty CG.

    Annihilation, on the other hand, is still incredibly terrible, will never watch that garbage again.

    Definitely ready for this new one, looking good from what I've seen.

  16. #76
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    Quote Originally Posted by Shadaloo View Post
    Yeah, I'm not going to be checking out any of that clickbait garbage.
    WHOA whoa whoa.
    Mista GG doesn't make clickbait garbage. He creates great content. And that video LOVINGLY points out the goofy aspect of MK95, while also discussing why it's so badass. It's called Why The Mortal Kombat Movie is a Beautiful Mess. I wouldn't argue with that assessment. And you can do a WHOLE lot worse than Mista GG when it comes to YouTubers. I think he's fucking great,.and shout out to @neorev for supportin' the boy (here is your SECOND reminder to leave a like.)

    I fucking LOVE MK95 myself, and I wasn't eleven. I was fifteen.

    I can't believe you guys don't want something like Legacy, though. I mean, of COURSE Outworld and Goro can't be realistic.
    But Sonya, Jax, Kano, Liu Kang and Kung Lao can be a little more realistic, and so can Scorpion and Sub Zero.
    I guess "realistic" isn't exactly the word I'm looking for. I think I mean more SERIOUS, with a bigger story than you can fit in a movie.

    I mean, in legacy, shape shifted fake sub zero kills scorpion and his family by freezing them, and then, Scorpion is resurrected and becomes an undead assassin. So yeah, Legacy isn't REALISTIC. It's just more SERIOUS.
    Idk. I just loved the fucking TONE of legacy.
    And one of my main problems with the MK movies is that there is SO much fucking lore, but characters with HUGE back stories are reduced to cameos.
    I hope that if this movie is good, we get a prequel or something. I wish it was an HBO series instead of a movie.

    We agree on that, @Shadaloo . Three seasons for the first three games, at LEAST. And, hey: if this movie pulls in the kind of money I expect it to, perhaps HBO and Showtime will start considering it.
    Last edited by elevenism; 04-14-2021 at 05:59 PM.

  17. #77
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    Quote Originally Posted by elevenism View Post
    WHOA whoa whoa.
    Mista GG doesn't make clickbait garbage. He creates great content. And that video LOVINGLY points out the goofy aspect of MK95, while also discussing why it's so badass. It's called Why The Mortal Kombat Movie is a Beautiful Mess. I wouldn't argue with that assessment. And you can do a WHOLE lot worse than Mista GG when it comes to YouTubers. I think he's fucking great,.and shout out to @neorev for supportin' the boy (here is your SECOND reminder to leave a like.)

    I fucking LOVE MK95 myself, and I wasn't eleven. I was fifteen.

    I can't believe you guys don't want something like Legacy, though. I mean, of COURSE Outworld and Goro can't be realistic.
    But Sonya, Jax, Kano, Liu Kang and Kung Lao can be a little more realistic, and so can Scorpion and Sub Zero.
    I guess "realistic" isn't exactly the word I'm looking for. I think I mean more SERIOUS, with a bigger story than you can fit in a movie.

    I mean, in legacy, shape shifted fake sub zero kills scorpion and his family by freezing them, and then, Scorpion is resurrected and becomes an undead assassin. So yeah, Legacy isn't REALISTIC. It's just more SERIOUS.
    Idk. I just loved the fucking TONE of legacy.
    And one of my main problems with the MK movies is that there is SO much fucking lore, but characters with HUGE back stories are reduced to cameos.
    I hope that if this movie is good, we get a prequel or something. I wish it was an HBO series instead of a movie.

    We agree on that, @Shadaloo . Three seasons for the first three games, at LEAST. And, hey: if this movie pulls in the kind of money I expect it to, perhaps HBO and Showtime will start considering it.
    I'm with elevenism. MistaGG is pretty damn good. MistaGG points out a lot of the issues I have when rewatching the original. I think you can still do a realistic MK movie with the fantastical elements.

    Can I watch the original movie? Sure. Is it a good Mortal Kombat movie? No. It's an entertaining movie, but a crappy Mortal Kombat movie. I wouldn't mind Legacy style MK series that goes hard R. I would like to see a serious MK series that brings in these fantastical elements to make them feel more otherworldly and these characters more godly.

    The only good fights were Scorpion/Johnny Cage and Reptile/Liu Kang. And thank god for test screenings for giving us those. Could you imagine what original movie would've been if it didn't have those two big fights in it? One of the few times a test audience suggestion made the movie better. But once the nostalgia fades away, for me, it's a disappointing MK movie now that I look back at it.
    Last edited by neorev; 04-14-2021 at 06:17 PM.

  18. #78
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    Quote Originally Posted by neorev View Post
    I'm with elevenism. MistaGG is pretty damn good. MistaGG points out a lot of the issues I have when rewatching the original. I think you can still do a realistic MK movie with the fantastical elements.

    Can I watch the original movie? Sure. Is it a good Mortal Kombat movie? No. It's an entertaining movie, but a crappy Mortal Kombat movie. I wouldn't mind Legacy style MK series that goes hard R. I would like to see a serious MK series that brings in these fantastical elements to make them feel more otherworldly and these characters more godly.
    I had to.delete the whole last paragraph, but I think we agree on a lot of points. As far as MK95 being a crappy Mortal Kombat movie, well, it's the best we have, so far.

    But, yeah. A 'serious MK series that brings in these fantastical elements...'

    And, you know what else? I BET it will happen, at some point.

  19. #79
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    I think the initial draw to legacy for me was wanting to see their take on different characters, and if I remember right it just ended up being a huge mixed bag. And now, I just ultimately don't think it's very memorable, and I think this new movie seems like it's going to fall into a similar place.

    As for the formatting... I guess I do think the 95 movie proves it can be done right in a 2 hour time span. But time and scope are things addressed by the story being told through gaming... Mk obviously having done a lot to influence the way stories are told in games, as well. But ultimately when you translate it to another medium you're going to run into problems. Like there are many groups of characters in MK that actually have nothing to do with each other or have little interaction, and I think that's difficult even for a tv show. For a long time the sub-zero/scorpion plot is just wholly separate from the core mortal kombat tournament story, and it's been interesting to see how linear storytellers deal with that, since obviously these two are the most iconic characters on the franchise, while only tangentially interacting with the main group.

  20. #80
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    Weren’t there two different YouTube series created by entirely different people? Or am I remembering things incorrectly?

  21. #81
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    I've now seen MK2021.

    OK so:

    Movie's dogshit with maybe two good scenes IMO.

    I feel bad for the actors - they had nothing to work with and they were plainly trying as hard as they could.

    It really, really feels like this was made by people who have little to no faith in the source material OR their audience, and the easter eggs and references were thrown in there to try and convince us otherwise. It doesn't work.

    There was no reason for Cole to exist. None. He spends most of the movie being led around and doing NOTHING, only to be told at the end "Hey, you're special because of your bloodline" and bang, magic powers. He's completely uninteresting.

    This was an adaptation of "MK the fighting game's characters using special moves and fatalities". Nothing more.

    Best Kung Lao to ever exist on film, which isn't saying much. Great Kano. These are the only two good things I can say about it.

    Christ, it isn't even gory save for maybe two scenes.

    I was hoping it'd at least feel like a bad MK movie...but it just feels like another bad videogame movie.

  22. #82
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    Quote Originally Posted by Shadaloo View Post
    I've now seen MK2021.

    OK so:

    Movie's dogshit with maybe two good scenes IMO.

    I feel bad for the actors - they had nothing to work with and they were plainly trying as hard as they could.

    It really, really feels like this was made by people who have little to no faith in the source material OR their audience, and the easter eggs and references were thrown in there to try and convince us otherwise. It doesn't work.

    There was no reason for Cole to exist. None. He spends most of the movie being led around and doing NOTHING, only to be told at the end "Hey, you're special because of your bloodline" and bang, magic powers. He's completely uninteresting.

    This was an adaptation of "MK the fighting game's characters using special moves and fatalities". Nothing more.

    Best Kung Lao to ever exist on film, which isn't saying much. Great Kano. These are the only two good things I can say about it.

    Christ, it isn't even gory save for maybe two scenes.

    I was hoping it'd at least feel like a bad MK movie...but it just feels like another bad videogame movie.
    After all these years and opportunities... lol.

  23. #83
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    Ahhh that's disheartening I'll give it a watch (if they ever open cinemas here!) but i'll temper expectations.

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    Did they at least fix the travesty that was the lack of Ed Boon "Get Over Here!"?

  25. #85
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    Quote Originally Posted by Shadaloo View Post
    I've now seen MK2021.

    OK so:

    Movie's dogshit with maybe two good scenes IMO.

    I feel bad for the actors - they had nothing to work with and they were plainly trying as hard as they could.

    It really, really feels like this was made by people who have little to no faith in the source material OR their audience, and the easter eggs and references were thrown in there to try and convince us otherwise. It doesn't work.

    There was no reason for Cole to exist. None. He spends most of the movie being led around and doing NOTHING, only to be told at the end "Hey, you're special because of your bloodline" and bang, magic powers. He's completely uninteresting.

    This was an adaptation of "MK the fighting game's characters using special moves and fatalities". Nothing more.

    Best Kung Lao to ever exist on film, which isn't saying much. Great Kano. These are the only two good things I can say about it.

    Christ, it isn't even gory save for maybe two scenes.

    I was hoping it'd at least feel like a bad MK movie...but it just feels like another bad videogame movie.
    Is Ermac in it?

  26. #86
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    Quote Originally Posted by allegate View Post

    Did they at least fix the travesty that was the lack of Ed Boon "Get Over Here!"?
    No. It sounds a bit less muffled than in the trailer but it's not him. It is the sound of a Japanese man with an accent yelling it in English.

    Quote Originally Posted by Wretchedest View Post
    Is Ermac in it?
    Nope. Your roster is as follows:

    OC Donut Steele Cole Young
    Sonya Blade
    Jax Briggs
    Liu Kang
    Kung Lao
    Sub-Zero (Bi-Han)
    Shang Tsung
    "The Reptilian Syzoth"

    Scattered spoilery thoughts and impressions after a night of sleeping on it and intentionally trying to hold back initial knee-jerk reactions:

    -The plot of this is that it's supposed to be setup for the actual tournament and Shang Tsung is trying to kill Raiden's warriors so he has nobody to work with when the tournament comes. Which is not something you're supposed to even be allowed to do but the excuse given is "The Elder Gods are lazy."
    -Raiden never does anything about it himself except put up a shield to protect his warriors.
    -All of the characters' powers are explained as "Arcana" - symbolized by a dragon tattoo. Only people with Arcana are considered worthy enough to compete in the MK tournament. They can be passed on by killing someone who has one.
    -Sonya is not one of the "worthy" people.

    ^I don't know where the fuck they're coming from with this. It strikes me as inherently wrong on multiple levels, especially when you consider the fact that according to the MK universe, even a fucking riot control officer with guns and grenades is deemed to be a worthy defender of Earthrealm. That's not to say that there aren't selected chosen ones in MK - Liu Kang is the Elder Gods' champion, always has been, and everyone fighting for Earthrealm in MK3 was specifically protected from Kahn killing the entire world via global soul-suck by Raiden - they're his chosen ones. But the notion that it's something you specifically get by killing someone that automatically makes you, that feels to me like a bad misread or oversimplification of the precept that MK's heroes are skilled and powerful human beings with great potential to protect their realm.

    -Liu Kang apparently got his Arcana by killing a trafficker of children at some point. Think about that.
    -Bi-Han killed Hanzo in feudal times. He's serving Shang Tsung centuries later. No reason given for his longevity.
    -Kano proudly boasts that he's a Black Dragon. They never tell you what that is, they just expect the audience to know. Scorpion and Sub-Zero do refer to the Lin Kuei and Shirai Ryu, but no great amount of detail is put into defining what they even are.
    -Kabal has this really, really thick Brooklyn accent and I can't decide if it's hilarious or just awful.
    -Scorpion gets maybe 12 minutes of screen time. Don't expect much from him.
    -Reiko is basically depicted as an angry barbarian, nothing at all like the strategist and general from MK Armageddon and the MKX comic.
    -Goro vs. a fucking car
    Last edited by Shadaloo; 04-15-2021 at 02:52 PM.

  27. #87
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    Wow yeah that sounds like a disaster in precisely the way I was expecting.

    Some of those character choices are really neat, but it sounds like they fucked them up. Always loved kabal and also reiko to a lesser extent

  28. #88
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    I recently re-watched EVERYTHING MK last month, and I have to say the first movie holds up and I enjoy it now just as much as I did when I was a kid. I am not going to nitpick because some of the choices do not match up with the lore... I could care less. I have more respect for the film after watching countless interviews with the cast who are genuinely good people that are proud of what they did. Robin Shou doing most of the choreography and seeing him in almost every scene guiding the other actors really shines light on the amount of effort they put into this movie at the time it came out. Annihilation is stupid, overly campy, completely forgettable, but still dumb fun. MK: Conquest is most likely my favorite material from the MK universe, and Legacy was just OK.

    Jeffrey Meek is the best Raiden and everyone else is wrong .

  29. #89
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    Ah but Lambert is just so good at playing Raiden cool. He has such a presence.

  30. #90
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    Quote Originally Posted by Shadaloo View Post
    No. It sounds a bit less muffled than in the trailer but it's not him. It is the sound of a Japanese man with an accent yelling it in English.

    Nope. Your roster is as follows:

    OC Donut Steele Cole Young
    Sonya Blade
    Jax Briggs
    Liu Kang
    Kung Lao
    Sub-Zero (Bi-Han)
    Shang Tsung
    "The Reptilian Syzoth"

    Scattered spoilery thoughts and impressions after a night of sleeping on it and intentionally trying to hold back initial knee-jerk reactions:

    -The plot of this is that it's supposed to be setup for the actual tournament and Shang Tsung is trying to kill Raiden's warriors so he has nobody to work with when the tournament comes. Which is not something you're supposed to even be allowed to do but the excuse given is "The Elder Gods are lazy."
    -Raiden never does anything about it himself except put up a shield to protect his warriors.
    -All of the characters' powers are explained as "Arcana" - symbolized by a dragon tattoo. Only people with Arcana are considered worthy enough to compete in the MK tournament. They can be passed on by killing someone who has one.
    -Sonya is not one of the "worthy" people.

    ^I don't know where the fuck they're coming from with this. It strikes me as inherently wrong on multiple levels, especially when you consider the fact that according to the MK universe, even a fucking riot control officer with guns and grenades is deemed to be a worthy defender of Earthrealm. That's not to say that there aren't selected chosen ones in MK - Liu Kang is the Elder Gods' champion, always has been, and everyone fighting for Earthrealm in MK3 was specifically protected from Kahn killing the entire world via global soul-suck by Raiden - they're his chosen ones. But the notion that it's something you specifically get by killing someone that automatically makes you, that feels to me like a bad misread or oversimplification of the precept that MK's heroes are skilled and powerful human beings with great potential to protect their realm.

    -Liu Kang apparently got his Arcana by killing a trafficker of children at some point. Think about that.
    -Bi-Han killed Hanzo in feudal times. He's serving Shang Tsung centuries later. No reason given for his longevity.
    -Kano proudly boasts that he's a Black Dragon. They never tell you what that is, they just expect the audience to know. Scorpion and Sub-Zero do refer to the Lin Kuei and Shirai Ryu, but no great amount of detail is put into defining what they even are.
    -Kabal has this really, really thick Brooklyn accent and I can't decide if it's hilarious or just awful.
    -Scorpion gets maybe 12 minutes of screen time. Don't expect much from him.
    -Reiko is basically depicted as an angry barbarian, nothing at all like the strategist and general from MK Armageddon and the MKX comic.
    -Goro vs. a fucking car
    So what was the point of randomly including Reiko and Nitara? Like out of all characters? Might as well have included Mocap by the sounds of it. -insert Picard facepalm image-

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