Quote Originally Posted by elevenism View Post
And, what's REALLY fucking crazy, is that the bible doesn't mention any sort of specific law against abortion. There are verses that people use to claim that it does, in a vague way, but, there are also verses which SUPPORT abortion.

I've a friend who is a DoC minister, and, he is VEHEMENTLY opposed to this abortion ban bullshit.
Count me as another Christian in ministry who is absolutely disgusted with this. Abortion has been documented in early Greece, Rome and Egypt. It almost certainly existed in the time that Jesus Christ was thought to have been alive (although it would have looked far different). If it were the heinous crime that it is currently thought to be by political conservatives, then why wasn't it mentioned in the Gospels or Epistles?

I honestly think that the reason this is all happening now is because the GOP caught wind of how they overplayed their hand with some of their evangelical base. I follow a lot of stuff from Christian culture every week, and after the first year of Trump's presidency, I saw quite a few articles from theologically conservative Christians (and would call themselves pro-life) who were questioning the GOP's stance on abortion. Because after all: at one point in the Presidency they held all the power to tear down legal abortion if they wanted to, and they didn't make any significant moves until just recently. It confused a lot of evangelicals. Add in the children in cages, add in some of the other immigration policies that would potentially make adoption harder, add in Republican politicians getting their mistresses pregnant and trying to get abortions and...well. They were pissed. They were finally beginning to see the hypocrisy of it all.

More than a few of them finally woke up and realized that the majority of Republicans don't give a lick about saving babies at all. They realized that the GOP was just using abortion as bait to whip evangelicals into a frothing frenzy, and a not-insignificant portion of these pro-life evangelicals are done with the Republican party and have written about it online. GOPer's keep tabs on the pulse of evangelical America, because typically that's their most faithful voting base. I feel like this is the Republican hail-mary pass because they know the ship is sinking and are trying to whip the base up again in a last ditch effort to retain power.

It's been very odd and depressing to observe all this from where I sit. I have a child with severe disabilities, we could have aborted late term due to their severity, but obviously chose not to. A lot of people want to use us as some sort of shining beacon of pro-life ethics, and we are SO uncomfortable with that for a number of reasons and slap it down hard when it comes up. I'm still not sure why we made that decision (not that I re-think my choice on this. We love our daughter the way she is.) but I'm highly aware that this is a HARD life that we chose.

But that's just it: we got to make a choice. I just want other women to be able to make a choice too. And these anti-abortion efforts are bound to hurt women who already have the least amount of choices in life; marginalized women who already get too many options taken away from them. But that seems to be sort of the point, doesn't it?

Anyway, that comment kind of got away from me there. But yeah, sucks bad.