I don't think it's good to get mad at people who are simply trying to be supportive though. Yes, it's something that I don't have to deal with directly, but abortion is about more than just the physical procedure. There's everything leading up to it and everything that comes after, which can have an effect on everyone. Living in a very, very conservative area, I know all about the emotional fallout that can come from someone having an abortion, especially when someone's family is not supportive of it. I think it's narrow-minded to say that it's "not your issue". I've heard people say the same thing about various other issues. "It doesn't affect you directly, so why should you care? It's not your issue." It's because we're human beings at the end of the day, and we should care about others, even if we're not all going through the exact same experiences. I care because I'm aware of what people have gone through because of these bans and because I'm empathetic to their struggles. Does it affect me directly? Nope, but that doesn't mean I don't care.