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Thread: US Abortion Bans

  1. #61
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    Arrested Anti-Abortion Activist Claims She Was Given 115 Fetuses

    They claim they had approached and taken the fetuses from a driver for Curtis Bay Medical Waste Services who was loading boxes into a vehicle.

    “We asked him if he knew what was in the boxes, and after he said no, we told him: dead babies,” Bukovinac said Tuesday. “The driver was visibly shaken. After he confirmed the boxes were from Washington Surgi, I asked him, ‘Would you get in trouble if we took one of these boxes?’”

    Bukovinac said the driver willingly handed the box over after she and Handy told him they wanted to give the contents “a proper burial and a funeral.”
    I have so many doubts.

  2. #62
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    I'm a bit late, but it's still relatively fresh. The Senate has blocked a bill to protect access to abortion in case the Supreme Court were to do away with RvW; you can thank Democrat-in-name-only Joe Manchin for this.

  3. #63
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    Quote Originally Posted by Patrick_Nicholas View Post
    I'm a bit late, but it's still relatively fresh. The Senate has blocked a bill to protect access to abortion in case the Supreme Court were to do away with RvW; you can thank Democrat-in-name-only Joe Manchin for this.
    The Senate needed 60 votes for it to pass, unless they got 2 Democrats to decide to blow out the filibuster; which they don’t want to do, because the minute Republicans take control of the Senate, the Republicans will pass a bill that not only federally bans abortion but now Senate Republicans are also talking about banning IUDs and “abortion pills” (which usually aren’t always abortion pills at all).

    They voted only to publicize where each Senator stood before the midterms.

    The 49-51 vote marks the second time this year the upper chamber has voted on the issue and been unable to advance the legislation. While the outcome was expected, Democrats said the vote was necessary to show where lawmakers stand on abortion rights in the wake of a Politico report that revealed the Supreme Court is on track to overturn Roe v. Wade.

    “People in our country need to know where we all stand on the issue of protecting a woman’s right to control her own body. That’s it,” Sen. Mazie Hirono (D-HI) told Vox before the vote.
    Last edited by allegro; 05-13-2022 at 03:31 PM.

  4. #64
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    The mother of all US abortion bans is officially here. Now that Roe v. Wade has been overturned, it's safe to say that we are absolutely fucked.

  5. #65
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    fuck this country

  6. #66
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    Quote Originally Posted by Patrick_Nicholas View Post
    The mother of all US abortion bans is officially here. Now that Roe v. Wade has been overturned, it's safe to say that we are absolutely fucked.

    Here's the text of the opinion. It's ... staggering.

  7. #67
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    I think Wiley knew what today was going to be about.

  8. #68
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    I'm out of the loop, but which parts of the Constitution were used to cover abortion (and healthcare in general) before the Supreme Court decided they didn't (on the grounds that the seemingly unchangeable Constitution doesn't mention abortion specifically)?

  9. #69
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    God’s probably contemplating hitting that reset button considering how they use Him as a excuse to take away women’s autonomous rights.

  10. #70
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    Quote Originally Posted by Patrick_Nicholas View Post
    I'm out of the loop, but which parts of the Constitution were used to cover abortion (and healthcare in general) before the Supreme Court decided they didn't (on the grounds that the seemingly unchangeable Constitution doesn't mention abortion specifically)?
    The right to privacy.

    Which, technically, isn’t IN the Constitution. Not specifically. Only by INFERENCE.

    The closest we get is the 5th Amendment, “Nor shall private property be taken for public use, without just compensation.”

    Also by the 14th Amendment Due Process clause.

    “No State shall make or enforce any law which shall abridge the privileges or immunities of citizens of the United States; nor shall any State deprive any person of life, liberty, or property, without due process of law; nor deny to any person within its jurisdiction the equal protection of the laws.”

    Roe was, technically, flawed based on “Constitutionality.”

    And here’s the kicker …

    Because the Constitution provides NO rights that protect the autonomy of a person’s body. Women’s rights? Women didn’t get to VOTE until the 20th Century.

    Democrats (AND SOME REPUBLICANS) in Congress have been trying to pass an Equal Rights Amendment to the Constitution since forever.


    The US Constitution does not guarantee women the same rights and protections as men. To the surprise of many, it contains no explicit protection against discrimination on the basis of sex.

    We intend to change that to ensure that "Equality of rights under the law shall not be denied or abridged by the United States or by any state on account of sex.

    Note that the 2nd Amendment does not provide for an individual’s use of a gun for self-defense, either. Nothing in 2A says or infers that. But our Bill of Rights was modeled on the British Bill of Rights of 1689, so conservatives “assume” that the founders “intended” to include that (although the founders could have written it that way if they did want to include it). The textualist Justices are only textualists when it serves their agenda.
    Last edited by allegro; 06-25-2022 at 12:59 PM.

  11. #71
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    Several states have triggered full abortion bans that went into effect overnight.

    Tennessee’s former law (pre-Roe) would go into effect in 30 days, but the Governor is pushing the TN GOP legislature to make it effective immediately.

    Most of these pre-Roe “zombie” laws that ban abortion totally criminalize it, with jail time and huge fines for the pregnant person, considering it homicide, with zero exceptions for incest, rape, etc.

    Michigan has a Democrat Governor and a totally Republican legislature. The zombie abortion law criminalizes abortion, with no exceptions, and the legislature wants to enact it immediately. The Governor intends to veto any attempt, but her job is up for grabs this November.

    The thing that gets to me the most is the common conservative response on Twitter:

    “Don’t want to get pregnant? Keep your legs together.”
    Last edited by allegro; 06-25-2022 at 01:40 PM.

  12. #72
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    Yeah it's almost like the men don't want to take any responsibility for their actions and want to continue to blame women for everything.

  13. #73
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    Quote Originally Posted by allegate View Post
    Yeah it's almost like the men don't want to take any responsibility for their actions and want to continue to blame women for everything.
    It’s not just the men insisting on this garbage. This woman is on the Utah state legislature:

    But, people are taking to the streets. Paybacks are coming. (I hope.)
    Last edited by allegro; 06-26-2022 at 10:45 AM.

  14. #74
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    When I road trip from Canada to Cleveland in September, should I bring as much Plan B as I can carry? And if I do that, where would be the best place to donate it so that it most easily gets into the hands of those who need it?

  15. #75
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    There did seem to be a dearth of POC at the abortion rallies.

  16. #76
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    Quote Originally Posted by M1ke View Post
    When I road trip from Canada to Cleveland in September, should I bring as much Plan B as I can carry? And if I do that, where would be the best place to donate it so that it most easily gets into the hands of those who need it?

    Plan B is a contraceptive, like a condom. Bring mifepristone.

  17. #77
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    Quote Originally Posted by nmitchell86 View Post
    Plan B is a contraceptive, like a condom. Bring mifepristone.
    I thought Plan B was if your pull-out timing was off. The "life begins at conception" people want to claim that it's a human being as soon as fertilization happens, so to them Plan B is a form of murder.

    You're not dealing with sane people.
    Last edited by Jinsai; 06-27-2022 at 01:20 AM.

  18. #78
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    So, I try not to keep myself in an echo chamber. I read opinions about many different things from many different people. I've spent the last two weeks with my cousin, who is a conservative. Basically, I was exposed to a lot of conservative talking points. He listens to things like Steven Crowder, Gavin Mcinnes, Fox News. Though he admittedly doesn't agree with everything they say, and he laughs when I ridicule them for saying dumb shit. Conservatives are trying to push this as a morality issue, not a political issue. But this feels more like payback for the pushback against people who were anti vax/anti mask for COVID. The morality thing doesn't make sense either. People like Steven Crowder are against abortion, but then say things like "It's not banned, it's now in the hands of the states. And you can go to another state." If this is about morality, why the hell would they be okay with it being up to the states? Shouldn't they, you know, be against it entirely since it's, in their eyes, immoral? Not buying it.

  19. #79
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    Quote Originally Posted by Frozen Beach View Post
    So, I try not to keep myself in an echo chamber. I read opinions about many different things from many different people. I've spent the last two weeks with my cousin, who is a conservative. Basically, I was exposed to a lot of conservative talking points. He listens to things like Steven Crowder, Gavin Mcinnes, Fox News. Though he admittedly doesn't agree with everything they say, and he laughs when I ridicule them for saying dumb shit. Conservatives are trying to push this as a morality issue, not a political issue. But this feels more like payback for the pushback against people who were anti vax/anti mask for COVID. The morality thing doesn't make sense either. People like Steven Crowder are against abortion, but then say things like "It's not banned, it's now in the hands of the states. And you can go to another state." If this is about morality, why the hell would they be okay with it being up to the states? Shouldn't they, you know, be against it entirely since it's, in their eyes, immoral? Not buying it.
    I grew up around tons of conservatives. Most of my family are conservative. I went to a Baptist church when I was a kid. This is 100% about morality to them. They think abortion is murder after conception. Their preachers tell them that. The pundits are using the "states rights" thing to downplay the severity of the situation at the moment. Trust me, they DO want it outlawed in EVERY state. I wouldn't be surprised if they have a long term plan to do just that. This thing goes back waaaaay deeper than covid times.

    The whole religious argument has always been ridiculous to me. I mean it makes LESS sense if you believe in heaven and all that. If babies are born and grow up, half of them are not going to be christian and they'll go to hell. But if all fetuses were aborted, they'd ALL go to heaven. If getting souls into heaven is really what they cared about (and they say that's #1 in their book) then abortion is 100% effective.

    I know that's a crude argument, but the thing is when you take on their nutty worldview things like that actually check out logically. I guess that's why they don't come to that conclusion. They don't use logic. I pity them, they are all being used.

    Also, I don't mean to paint with a broad brush. Lot's of people claim Christianity and don't believe in such nonsense. I'm just referring to the huge majority of evangelical/fundamentalists that the right keeps in their back pocket, and on the supreme court.

  20. #80
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    Quote Originally Posted by Frozen Beach View Post
    Conservatives are trying to push this as a morality issue, not a political issue.
    Isn't that always the way though...

    These people want you to hear them cry about the poor babies, wailing about how it's mass murder. Then, they're off on a strange non-sequitur tangent into a discussion about homosexual marriage and the "sanctity of the traditional wedding," and for a minute we're all standing here, scratching our heads, wondering how these two issues are related. If anything, they should love homosexual relationships: less abortions, generally. Then suddenly they don't like contraception or sex-ed in schools, where you'd think we'd need it most if we're really trying to avoid unwanted pregnancies...

    Then you figure it out. It's not about saving the babies. It's not about the sanctity of marriage. It's not about god or moral purity or "doing what's right."

    It's about being a snoopy fuck who gives way too much of a damn what other consenting people are doing in their bedrooms... all that fornicating and fucking, partying and enjoying themselves... well here I am in my cloistered household with my ten kids, and my husband/wife that I married when I was 19 years old or some shit, whatever my parents insisted I do to remain moral and pure while they home schooled me... and... well... it's just not FAIR! Why, they even skip church on sundays and laugh at my craaaaaazy beliefs!!! Well, who's laughing now motherfuckers! NOW you have to raise those kids just like I did, and live a shitty life where I'm trapped and I gave away my future and free agency to a book filled with bronze age ideas. I wasn't stupid, you're all evil!

    When you look at it that way, it all makes a lot more sense.
    Last edited by Jinsai; 06-27-2022 at 10:25 AM.

  21. #81
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    Quote Originally Posted by Jinsai View Post
    I thought Plan B was if your pull-out timing was off. The "life begins at conception" people want to claim that it's a human being as soon as fertilization happens, so to them Plan B is a form of murder.
    That’s why they also want to ban the IUD, and In Vitro.

    If they ban In Vitro, the white birth rate is gonna PLUMMET.
    Last edited by allegro; 06-27-2022 at 11:46 AM.

  22. #82
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    Quote Originally Posted by nmitchell86 View Post
    Bring mifepristone.
    We will see a LOT more of this:
    Last edited by allegro; 06-27-2022 at 12:25 PM.

  23. #83
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    Quote Originally Posted by Frozen Beach View Post
    So, I try not to keep myself in an echo chamber. I read opinions about many different things from many different people. I've spent the last two weeks with my cousin, who is a conservative. Basically, I was exposed to a lot of conservative talking points. He listens to things like Steven Crowder, Gavin Mcinnes, Fox News. Though he admittedly doesn't agree with everything they say, and he laughs when I ridicule them for saying dumb shit. Conservatives are trying to push this as a morality issue, not a political issue. But this feels more like payback for the pushback against people who were anti vax/anti mask for COVID. The morality thing doesn't make sense either. People like Steven Crowder are against abortion, but then say things like "It's not banned, it's now in the hands of the states. And you can go to another state." If this is about morality, why the hell would they be okay with it being up to the states? Shouldn't they, you know, be against it entirely since it's, in their eyes, immoral? Not buying it.
    Fox (PARTICULARLY via Tucker Carlson) has been STRONGLY pushing the Great Replacement theory.

    Banning abortion is, for them, a way of stopping the Great Replacement.

    Matt Schlapp, the head of the influential Conservative Political Action Conference (CPAC) and a confidant to former President Donald Trump, says that overturning Roe v. Wade, the 1973 Supreme Court decision that legalized abortion nationwide, would be a good “first step” in fixing what he says is the problem of immigration in the U.S.

    And in doing so, he floated a core concern of white supremacists’ original “great replacement theory” that even fringe GOP politicians haven’t been willing to voice publicly: that immigrants are outbreeding the native-born population and threatening to replace them in society.

    Rep. Mary Miller Freudian (?) slip: Overturning Roe is a “victory for white life.”

    Last edited by allegro; 06-27-2022 at 12:57 PM.

  24. #84
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    We can agree that the Supreme Court’s decision to overturn Roe v. Wade was a shock to us all. Who could have predicted the recent events our supporters have been predicting would happen for years? And honestly, it’s disappointing to find out that our friends across the aisle have been planning this for decades while only letting us know in books, television shows, and drive-time radio programs. That’s why this decision hurts—and surprises—all of us equally.

    It makes sense you’d feel angry at what’s happening. It makes sense you feel a sense of rage. Good! We’ll need that passion in November. As the people in power, we can tell you that the best way to solve a problem happening right now is us waiting for you to vote later. Because if we did something now, some people might not vote for us. And if they don’t vote for us later, then we can’t do something later! You see the problem.
    So many good parts but this one hits the nail:
    Then we found ourselves in the position of asking whether it’s really worth doing something or not if people who were never going to support us still won’t support us?
    They're so lazy and disingenuous.

  25. #85
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    Quote Originally Posted by allegro View Post
    If they ban In Vitro, the white birth rate is gonna PLUMMET.
    These aren't the GOP's best and brightest, let me tell you. Their whole "white people need a pity party" plan has a few other flaws too. This Roe decision seems like a tipping point to just cutting the shit though. Suddenly we've got some really emboldened assholes really letting the "Make America Great Again" cat out of the bag in a scary way. Like asking for us to review other critical civil rights decisions from the past 70 years or so regarding segregation. What's going on right now is the most insane thing I've ever seen happen in this country politically.

  26. #86
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    Quote Originally Posted by allegate View Post
    They're so lazy and disingenuous.
    It's not "lazy" - it's more that they are afraid of voters that don't even vote, and they're afraid of the right wing. Things have become WAY more polarized over the last 40 years.

    Look at this list:

    Social Security Act of 1965
    Civil Rights Act of 1964
    Higher Education Act of 1965 (creation of Pell Grants)
    Medicare and Medicaid Act of 1965
    Voters Rights Act of 1965
    Violence Against Women Act of 1994
    Affordable Care Act of 2010

    Every time any major "liberal" legislation is passed, there's a huge "backlash" of conservatives who RUSH the polls. And that's the one thing that Republicans have over "left" voters: The ability to draw people to the polls.

    The left? Not so much. Bitch a lot, but don't show up.

    Exhibit A?

    Richard Nixon vs. George McGovern. The hippies were out protesting, en masse, everywhere. Against Nixon, against Vietnam, against everything.

    Then Nixon won his re-election, BY A FUCKING LANDSLIDE.

    Carter v. Reagan? Same thing. Technically, Carter was fairly liberal. He put solar panels on the White House roof. He believed in advancing the U.S. policy in human rights; arms restraint; reduction of arms; reduce nuclear arms.


    The left: All talk, no action.

    Reagan's policies are STILL fucking us up.

    The inflation we are experiencing, today? It's NOTHING compared to what we experienced during Reagan. The prime rate peaked at 20.5% in August 1981.
    Last edited by allegro; 06-27-2022 at 02:28 PM.

  27. #87
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    Quote Originally Posted by Jinsai View Post
    These aren't the GOP's best and brightest, let me tell you. Their whole "white people need a pity party" plan has a few other flaws too. This Roe decision seems like a tipping point to just cutting the shit though. Suddenly we've got some really emboldened assholes really letting the "Make America Great Again" cat out of the bag in a scary way. Like asking for us to review other critical civil rights decisions from the past 70 years or so regarding segregation. What's going on right now is the most insane thing I've ever seen happen in this country politically.
    I agree that it's insane, probably because we feel kind of helpless against it? I can't FORCE people to vote strategically vs. voting for a populist.

    But, this cat's been there in plain sight all along. The left hasn't been paying attention or just has hyper-focused on personal singular things they care about.

    You could see it happening during Trump. The storm troopers on the steps of the Lincoln Memorial during Black Lives Matter protests. Peaceful protesters in D.C. TEARGASSED because Trump wanted to do a photo-op at a nearby church. Trump calling anti-semitic racists in Charlotte "very fine people." Trump telling a conference of police to treat arrested people more roughly. It was all like we'd already crossed into dystopia.

    Then, January 6th.

    Meanwhile, what's also already happened:

    * SCOTUS overturned the Voters Rights Act
    * SCOTUS overturned Affirmative Action
    * SCOTUS consistently upheld Qualified Immunity

    All along, the Federalist Society has had an agenda, playing a game of Chess.

    And they're winning.

    This "Green New Deal" and "Medicare for All" that progressives want?

    The Federalist Society has had a plan against that, all along.

    In the form of a fully-stacked Federal court, filled with VERY young, VERY conservative textualists who will strike down any of that type of Federal legislation.

    They already have the EPA in their sites.

    The EPA was created during the NIXON administration. Those days are LONG gone.

    Because profit and capitalism has been the main focus all along.

    There's NO WAY that they're EVER going to allow all that money they're raking in via Big Pharma and Big Box medical go away. Ever.

    They've stacked the deck, it started long ago, and they got the Golden Puppet with Trump.
    Last edited by allegro; 06-27-2022 at 02:39 PM.

  28. #88
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    Sarah Huckabee Sanders under fire for claiming post-Roe America makes children as safe in the womb as ‘in the classroom’
    Sarah Huckabee Sanders has sparked fury on social media after a recent speech resurfaced, in which she compared the safety of children inside a mother’s womb to their security in classrooms in post-Roe America.

    “We will make sure that when a kid is in the womb, they’re as safe as they are in a classroom, the workplace, a nursing home,” Ms Sanders said at a rally last month.
    Uh, well that's awkward AF.

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    whoo-wee at that sign.

  30. #90
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    I'm not all the way back online, but I wanted to lay this gem on you guys:

    Top period tracking app says HELL YES they'll share your data with police. Mega tech companies like Google, Facebook etc, won't say, which means they will, too, I'm afraid.

    Edit: so, impending technotheocracy?
    Last edited by elevenism; 06-28-2022 at 02:29 PM.

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