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Thread: What are you playing?

  1. #2221
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    Recently finished FFXV and RE7. Currently playing Yakuza 0 (which I'm having a blast with) while waiting on Mass Effect Andromeda to release.

  2. #2222
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    Been going old school, playing a lot of Blake Stone: Aliens of Gold.

    It's an FPS from 1993 that used the Wolfenstein 3D engine so it's pretty similar but i like the different little features, you could use this elevator to travel between levels and the game would actually save your progress from a previous level so that when you went back to it to find secrets and treasure the enemies you killed would remain dead, everything is as it was when you left the level. There were tokens to use in vending machines to get more health, there was friendly A.I informants that if you interacted with them they would give you useful tips and even some items like health and ammo if i remember correctly or maybe it was just vending machine tokens. Just a few different gameplay things to set it apart, they also had ceiling and floor textures whereas Wolf 3D did not. I always have lots of fun playing these old FPS games.

  3. #2223
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    So, I've still yet to play Alien: Isolation. Is it possible to just play the Nostromo DLC? Or do I have to go through the normal game to do so? Also, I'm scared just thinking about playing this!

  4. #2224
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    Quote Originally Posted by r_z View Post
    So, I've still yet to play Alien: Isolation. Is it possible to just play the Nostromo DLC? Or do I have to go through the normal game to do so? Also, I'm scared just thinking about playing this!
    It's one of the only games I've played that has legitimately scared me. Resident Evil VII with the Playstation VR headset though is the only game I've had to stop playing because it was really fucking with me.

  5. #2225
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    Quote Originally Posted by r_z View Post
    So, I've still yet to play Alien: Isolation. Is it possible to just play the Nostromo DLC? Or do I have to go through the normal game to do so? Also, I'm scared just thinking about playing this!
    Yup, you can play it without dipping into the full game (on the PC at least). I wouldn't recommend that though, it's pretty hard. The full game has an awkward learning curve too, with some of the hardest sections happening early on, but you at least get an easy hour or two to learn the ropes. If your reasoning is that you want to experience the visual atmosphere of the Nostromo, there's plenty of that in the main game anyway. Aside from the characters, I don't think the Nostromo DLC uses any art assets that weren't already present.

    But anyway, yes, you should absolutely play Alien Isolation. It is indeed pretty damn scary, but it's also one of the best games of the last few years.

    Play it on PC for improved graphics and the ability to mod a few things, such as the AI's sight/sound sensitivity.

  6. #2226
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    I bought RE VII: Biohazard a few weeks ago. Man, do I pine for the days when it was just the slow zombie and occasional giant spider. That seems so tame compared to now. I feel like I have to pause every 5-10 mins to catch my breath.
    Last edited by Bachy; 02-25-2017 at 02:22 PM. Reason: Typo

  7. #2227
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    i don't know how i played Metroid as a little kid. seriously, six-year-old me must have had WAY more patience and persistence than 30-year-old me...not to mention that i SUCK at it, now. they really don't make video games HARD like they used to, you know?

  8. #2228
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    watched my partner play through most of Night in the Woods. Good stuff. I'm looking forward to giving it a go to get a different end. Myself I'm currently eying up cheap used WiiU's to play Zelda, but am still loving Yakuza 0...

  9. #2229
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    Picked up Yakuza 0 last week. Pretty fun. Had a tough time against the first boss. I'm liking it though. Might possibly shelve it for Horizon and Zelda. Dunno... There's ALOT going on this week.

  10. #2230
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    About 2 hours until Horizon.

  11. #2231
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    So I nabbed a PS4 for $200 around Black Friday/Cyber Monday. I haven't owned a console since the PS2/Gamecube days (spent most of the past decade playing WoW and CS). So I started off with Bloodborne.

    And holy balls-on-balls crime, what an amazing game. I'm really psyched I started off with that game because it totally threw me back into my video game groove. I platinum'd it in about a month and a half and went on to Doom 2016, which I just finished the campaign of. Just need to do the UAC on ultra-nightmare and I'll snag my second plat. Also an addictively fun game! Did the campaign on Ultra-Violence and it felt refreshingly anxiety-inducing.

    I'm thinking my next play will either be FFXV or the remaster of FFX, before the Kingdom Hearts Final Mix collection comes out.

  12. #2232
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    Quote Originally Posted by eversonpoe View Post
    i don't know how i played Metroid as a little kid. seriously, six-year-old me must have had WAY more patience and persistence than 30-year-old me...not to mention that i SUCK at it, now. they really don't make video games HARD like they used to, you know?
    But they do!

    I'm still getting through Nioh and that game is ridiculously hard... it's trying to one-up the challenge of the Souls games I think.

    There's also been some great throwback indie titles that are embracing the challenge of old-school games. Volgarr the Viking is an amazing Rastan-style reboot, Cursed Castilla is an updated Ghosts and Goblins... Ninja Senki is too difficult to be enjoyable... but then there's Super Meat Boy, The Binding of Isaac, Shovel Knight, Olli Olli, Dark Souls, Bloodborne, A Bastard's Tale, Darkest Dungeon...

    But really, if you're looking for a challenge, give Nioh a shot. If you want a budget old-school challenge, Volgarr.

    Quote Originally Posted by DNUmbra View Post
    So I nabbed a PS4 for $200 around Black Friday/Cyber Monday. I haven't owned a console since the PS2/Gamecube days (spent most of the past decade playing WoW and CS). So I started off with Bloodborne.

    And holy balls-on-balls crime, what an amazing game. I'm really psyched I started off with that game because it totally threw me back into my video game groove. I platinum'd it in about a month and a half and went on to Doom 2016, which I just finished the campaign of. Just need to do the UAC on ultra-nightmare and I'll snag my second plat. Also an addictively fun game! Did the campaign on Ultra-Violence and it felt refreshingly anxiety-inducing.

    I'm thinking my next play will either be FFXV or the remaster of FFX, before the Kingdom Hearts Final Mix collection comes out.
    Bloodborne is amazing... If that was up your alley, check out maybe Nioh or the Dark Souls games? Also, if you've been out of gaming that long, maybe look at the Bioshock or Batman Arkham collections.

    But today, Horizon Zero Dawn comes out... and if the reviews going around are on, it's graphically the craziest thing ever, and an incredible game.
    Last edited by Jinsai; 02-27-2017 at 11:24 PM.

  13. #2233
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    Jinsai, do you like Nioh? I'm a big Souls fan, but I'm having trouble getting into it so far...

  14. #2234
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    Being the cool kid, I just nabbed me a new Nintendo console. Yup, a new (second hand) Zelda finish Wii U. I picked up Wind Waker HD, Preordered Breath of the Wild and also got Tokyo Mirage Sessions... aaaand I can't play any til the weekend... D:

  15. #2235
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    Getting totally addicted to Civ V with what little time I have to play games. I now understand the struggle of "just one more turn" and completely losing track of time.
    Anyone interested in it, it's up for sale with Civ 3 and 4 at humblebundle with all the Dlc's (the second tier).
    Also I got an extra copy of Civ V with no dlc's if anyone is interested pm me (from a previous Humblebundle purchase).

  16. #2236
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    metroid fusion. again.

    has anyone here played other m for the wii? albeit likely forever ago? i had no idea it existed until a week ago and i found it for roughly six bucks, free shipping. i understand it has a ton of sub-par cinematics, but the gameplay looks great. especially since i suck at fps's.

  17. #2237
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    Quote Originally Posted by Kodiak33 View Post
    Jinsai, do you like Nioh? I'm a big Souls fan, but I'm having trouble getting into it so far...
    I like it, but it's different from the Soulsborne games... which is a good thing to me, at least now that I've adjusted to it.

    It's not perfect... the story is pretty much meaningless, but where the Souls games used intricate lore and atmosphere to construct a narrative, it doesn't work as well here. The cut scenes are kind of mindless when you actually try to follow along. The boss fights aren't as epic as the Souls games, and the enemy design is ok but not on par. The level design can get confusing and frustrating as hell too, in part because of all the recycled assets. The snow level in particular drove me crazy. The difficulty spikes are also really unstable... the game starts off crushingly difficult, and then at around the fourth area it just suddenly becomes waaaaay easier. Or maybe I've just gotten better by this point?

    There's a lot to love about the game though. The RPG customization mechanics are way deeper than they seem at first, and the combat is amazing once you start unlocking move sets. Some of the mechanics of the game are poorly explained (while it over explains some simple stuff), but they're really well thought out. You might not have noticed that there's a separate leveling tree, for instance. It uses an achievement/trophy type system that give you really good rewards. Press the big pad and go to Titles. You unlock the rewards in the bizarrely named "Prestige Summary." Notice also that there's two different achievement lists (R1/L1 to toggle), and you can see some of the requirements under the title list. The game gets really addictive once you get the hang of it, and the whole "ki pulse" mechanic is great, especially when you upgrade to ki pulse with dodges.

    Some tips to get started... search around for the Kodoma things... they're hidden around the map, often behind breakable crates or in corners. Once you've gotten some, you can choose a Kodoma blessing, and usually in the beginning I'd recommend going with the Elixir boost, so you can start stockpiling them. The red ghosts on the ground are Revenants, which are bot versions of dead players. Killing them is usually easy, and they drop these things called Ochokos, which are like humanity or insight in the Souls games, so you can summon in online players to help. You can also see the quality of the gear the other player was wearing. Blue or purple gear is valuable, with purple being the rarest early in the game. Also, money is more important than it seems early on... and when you get reputation points from the blacksmith, you can spend them to make the store cheaper or whatever. Don't spend them all though, get the selling price boost up to full asap, but save the other points for when you unlock the blacksmith upgrade on the fourth area. With him you can spend the points to get weapon upgrades cheaper... and later in the game they're crazy expensive. Ninjitsu and magic are actually overpowered as hell in this. Also, when you're buying skills, look around even in the weapon types you don't use for passive abilities that apply no matter what weapon you're using. Keep your weight below 70%, or if you want to go faster below 30%.

  18. #2238
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    Quote Originally Posted by kel View Post
    metroid fusion. again.

    has anyone here played other m for the wii? albeit likely forever ago? i had no idea it existed until a week ago and i found it for roughly six bucks, free shipping. i understand it has a ton of sub-par cinematics, but the gameplay looks great. especially since i suck at fps's.
    i have mixed feelings about Other M. it's a fine game with an interesting enough plot, but...
    1) the voice actress who plays samus is...very bland. samus, to me, has always been an incredibly strong character, despite never speaking (other than via text in Fusion). then she finally gets to really talk, and she sounds like a bored teenager on quaaludes.
    2) some of the unique gameplay aspects are really cool, but some of them are annoying. having to turn the wii-mote at the screen every time you want to fire missiles, especially in the middle of a battle, gets pretty tedious. it's also annoying that you can't manually adjust the camera.
    3) the final boss battle (unlike most other Metroid games) is really stupid easy once you figure out what to do. like...worse than the final boss battle in the first Bioshock. very anti-climactic.

    so, yeah...overall, i enjoyed it, but it has some issues. it was also a pretty big departure from the Prime series (which was SO FUCKING GOOD...and i'm not very good at FPS's either)

  19. #2239
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    Quote Originally Posted by eversonpoe View Post
    samus, to me, has always been an incredibly strong character
    this. yeah, it's my primary concern. hopefully i can skip the cut scenes straight off.

  20. #2240
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    Quote Originally Posted by kel View Post
    this. yeah, it's my primary concern. hopefully i can skip the cut scenes straight off.
    if i remember correctly, you can't. and also, you'll get really confused with what you're supposed to do if you skip them. : /

  21. #2241
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    Quote Originally Posted by Jinsai View Post
    But they do!

    I'm still getting through Nioh and that game is ridiculously hard... it's trying to one-up the challenge of the Souls games I think.

    There's also been some great throwback indie titles that are embracing the challenge of old-school games. Volgarr the Viking is an amazing Rastan-style reboot, Cursed Castilla is an updated Ghosts and Goblins... Ninja Senki is too difficult to be enjoyable... but then there's Super Meat Boy, The Binding of Isaac, Shovel Knight, Olli Olli, Dark Souls, Bloodborne, A Bastard's Tale, Darkest Dungeon...

    But really, if you're looking for a challenge, give Nioh a shot. If you want a budget old-school challenge, Volgarr.

    Bloodborne is amazing... If that was up your alley, check out maybe Nioh or the Dark Souls games? Also, if you've been out of gaming that long, maybe look at the Bioshock or Batman Arkham collections.

    But today, Horizon Zero Dawn comes out... and if the reviews going around are on, it's graphically the craziest thing ever, and an incredible game.
    I do plan on playing Nioh and at least DSIII. I also heard great things about Horizon so I'll likely grab that as well.

  22. #2242
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    Zelda. This game is a tricky one. Not much has really been explained so far.

  23. #2243
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    I said fuck it and bought Horizon: Zero Dawn even though I highly doubt I'll finish it or have the time to do so before Mass Effect: Andromeda hits.

  24. #2244
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    Just got Ghost Recon: Wildlands and am loving it. It feels like a great combo of Metal Gear Phantom Pain and Far Cry 4. I remember when I was playing the last Metal Gear, and I really enjoyed it, but I kept thinking that the story was just too out there for me. And I loved the Far Cry story, but the mechanics weren't as good as Metal Gear's. So this combines the two well. I love feeling like Rambo or Commando and goin' covert up in that shit.

  25. #2245
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    My girlfriend and I just bought a starter set for Magic The Gathering, but are having the hardest damn time understanding how to actually build a deck. I've read countless guides online and its just not making any sense so far. I think we underestimated how complex this game would be.

  26. #2246
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    Quote Originally Posted by richardp View Post
    My girlfriend and I just bought a starter set for Magic The Gathering, but are having the hardest damn time understanding how to actually build a deck. I've read countless guides online and its just not making any sense so far. I think we underestimated how complex this game would be.
    as someone who played in 2nd-5th grade, i can't even remember how to play, let alone build a deck, but i remember that it's hard work. i got lucky that i inherited some cards from my older cousins (which i sold to my friend for cheap when i stopped playing, not realizing how valuable they truly were) and i had fun for a while, but i can't even imagine the commitment required to dive back in and start from scratch 20 years later.

  27. #2247
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    Because I'm a cosmic bellend I've put down Zelda and have been tooling around the latest No Man's Sky update. The last two combined really put in a solid resource loop with fun rewards (buggies, base building). Then again I enjoyed it the first time round. The biggest improvement is the planet generation makes far better worlds. You now get rolling plains, mountains etc, rather than endless hills and wonky valleys. The resources you used to have to scour endless systems for can be farmed, getting about your home planet is fun in the bouncy buggy, and there is more music by 65daysofstatic. It's not, and probably never will be, a perfect game, but its just chill, locks together nicely and is different from the endless keyboard twister of other more hardcore space games.
    Promise I'll play more Zelda before I have to hand in my tr00 gamerz card..

  28. #2248
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    Quote Originally Posted by liquidcalm View Post
    Because I'm a cosmic bellend I've put down Zelda and have been tooling around the latest No Man's Sky update. The last two combined really put in a solid resource loop with fun rewards (buggies, base building). Then again I enjoyed it the first time round. The biggest improvement is the planet generation makes far better worlds. You now get rolling plains, mountains etc, rather than endless hills and wonky valleys. The resources you used to have to scour endless systems for can be farmed, getting about your home planet is fun in the bouncy buggy, and there is more music by 65daysofstatic. It's not, and probably never will be, a perfect game, but its just chill, locks together nicely and is different from the endless keyboard twister of other more hardcore space games.
    Promise I'll play more Zelda before I have to hand in my tr00 gamerz card..
    Agreed, these two updates have really improved the game, and I also enjoyed it a lot from the beginning. My home planet isn't great for the buggy, it's mostly water with hilly islands. Gotta find a new home world to screw around with the different exocrafts. They've really improved all of the visuals, it's starting to look a lot more like the early trailers though I doubt they'll ever get there completely.

  29. #2249
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    @Jinsai now I'm into Nioh! It took awhile but I really like the combat, maybe more than the other Souls games besides Bloodborne. I'm on the second boss, and she's fucking tough. I'm still a little confused on when to use ki pulse perfectly...but other than that I'm doing well with it.

  30. #2250
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    Cannot put down Horizon Zero Dawn at the moment. It feels so dam satisfying to kill the dinos in that game, and getting completely owned sometimes in the process. The side quests can be a bit repetitive, but they are still fun to do even if most of them are similar. Need one more power cell to get the Shield Weaver armor. Man, it looks so sexy and is op as hell.

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