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Thread: What are you playing?

  1. #1771
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    Finished KOTOR, 50 hours on the nose.

    What a game, loved the story.....the gameplay still isn't something i really care for but damn it i had fun, i can't believe i was able to remain unspoiled after all this time as i had no idea my character was going to turn out to be Spoiler: Revan.. that was a pretty cool reveal and then ugh...that last bit on the Star Forge what a doozy.. so many Dark Jedi and Sith....glad that i was maxed out stats-wise oh and Bastila feels! I was so sad when she Spoiler: fell to the darkside but i was able to bring her back and defeat Malak.

    I probably won't return for a darkside replay for a while but I'm satisfied with the first go of it.

    Going to take a break before i jump into The Sith Lords sequel, meantime I'll be loading up some Heavy Rain.
    Last edited by thelastdisciple; 02-02-2015 at 03:42 AM.

  2. #1772
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    Quote Originally Posted by thelastdisciple View Post
    Ii can't believe i was able to remain unspoiled after all this time
    Glad you took care of that for everyone else here !

    My brother gifted me KOTOR a year ago, I have tried it but the gameplay was really too old school for me, so I didn't go far, even though I really wanted to play it... I'm really bad with old games, I didn't finish Deus Ex for the same reason, recent games have spoiled me with context-aware commands, I have the hardest time having to map and remember a thousand key to a thousand different actions...
    Last edited by Khrz; 02-02-2015 at 03:52 AM.

  3. #1773
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    Quote Originally Posted by Khrz View Post
    Glad you took care of that for everyone else here !
    Ah oops i didn't even think of that (it's late), it's good you caught that before the post was too old.

    Really though i imagine that's like spoiling Vader being Luke's Dad by now :P
    I wouldn't have been mad if i did know beforehand but i was just fortunate that i was able to tune it out somehow.

  4. #1774
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    Quote Originally Posted by thelastdisciple View Post
    Really though i imagine that's like spoiling Vader being Luke's Dad by now :P
    Wat ? The guy's been his father all along ? Holy shit !!!! Man I really have to watch The Empire Strikes Back some day... Also, I'm currently reading the bible, and I'm really rooting for that guy Jesus, hopefully nothing bad will happen to him...

    Yeah it's really too old for spoilers at this point, as I said in my edit I never got around to play it, and I thought "well that takes care of that" when I read your post, but to be honest I probably wouldn't have played it anyway

  5. #1775
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    I am playing Dying light. annnnd after i trudged through the obnoxious tutorial stages and endured the most meaningless empty dialogue it's been pretty fun. it's the first game other than destiny that I've played seriousls with my surround sound head phones, and it has started to scare the fuck out of me. Lots of cool ideas at play here but i have to say, they are completely undermined by some weird, unchangeabe button layout decisions. Jump is R1 (on PS) which comes off to me as super arrogant on the developers part. They have to know, as gamers, that this is a super counterintuitive control scheme to grock, and makes it hard to transition between games. You aren't going to reinvent the wheel guys, might as well at least give us the option to play the game with controls that we are used to.

  6. #1776
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    Quote Originally Posted by thelastdisciple View Post
    Finished KOTOR, 50 hours on the nose.

    What a game, loved the story.....the gameplay still isn't something i really care for but damn it i had fun, i can't believe i was able to remain unspoiled after all this time as i had no idea my character was going to turn out to be Spoiler: Revan.. that was a pretty cool reveal and then ugh...that last bit on the Star Forge what a doozy.. so many Dark Jedi and Sith....glad that i was maxed out stats-wise oh and Bastila feels! I was so sad when she Spoiler: fell to the darkside but i was able to bring her back and defeat Malak.

    I probably won't return for a darkside replay for a while but I'm satisfied with the first go of it.

    Going to take a break before i jump into The Sith Lords sequel, meantime I'll be loading up some Heavy Rain.
    I remember playing as Darkside and having the lightside ending....anyway, heard Kotor 2 is much better, if you download the dev's content pack that is, since without it, you're pretty much playing an unfinished version of the game.

  7. #1777
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    I'm a couple of hours into The Long Dark. I've been wanting to play this game for a while but never had a Steam account, now I do. I have to say it's been super fun and pretty suspenseful for being a game where the only real enemy is nature itself. My dude has been alive for almost three days now, and my supplies are in good shape... for the moment. We'll see as the game progresses, but I'm having as blast just exploring the lonely landscape. Some of the weather effects are nuts; there was this winter fog that came up and blocked my viewing distance for several in-game hours, while I huddled in an ice fishing hut on a frozen lake trying to keep warm and avoid the wolves that were roaming around through the fog. Pretty intense.

  8. #1778
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    Been speed running GoldenEye a lot lately. Also been cracking out on Destiny a whole shit load.

  9. #1779
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    Just got to Trayus Academy in KOTOR 2.

    You really gotta pick your battles in this part, sheesh... I have to magically lure dudes away from their million strong groups to pick them off because there's no way i can take on 4 of these staff and saber wielding cronies at once, my defense is at 31... i don't know if i really have anything to get it any higher, should it be higher at this point? that's what i hate is there are some things that compromising your defense if all you want to focus on is strength. Madness!

    Trying to use power up needles, extra shields and anything i can.

    EDIT: 52 hours and KOTOR2 is finished. Granted I only played the vanilla version but I'll consider the restored content mod someday.

    If i have to pick the one i enjoyed the most it would definitely be the first one, way better characters, writing, very intriguing mystery, loved the plot twist and the ending was better handled.
    Last edited by thelastdisciple; 02-12-2015 at 09:56 PM.

  10. #1780
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    Life is Strange: Episode 1 - Chrysalis

    Cannot recommend it enough! Great story so far, fun time traveling events and a likable, relatable protagonist. Definitely going to be getting that season pass for the rest of the episodes.

  11. #1781
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    Finished South Park: The Stick of Truth last night. Absolutely the best South Park game that could have been made IMO. Had a blast the entire time.

    Now onto Resident Evil Remastered.

  12. #1782
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    67hours into Dragon Age Inquistion, still no end in sight (unless its abrupt...) so much left to do, I still have no idea how the equipment crafting really works beyond making a fancy green formal suit...

  13. #1783
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    Bought a Wii U. Came with Super Mario 3d World and Nintendoland.

  14. #1784
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    Working my way through the unnecessarily long Code Name STEAM demo, definitely planning on picking this one up next month.

    Also finishing up Fire Emblem: Awakening. 48 hours in, I finally figured out how to open up the SpotPass stuff, so that's a lot more stuff to work on, and I haven't even thought about DLC.

  15. #1785
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    I found it so fucking hilarious when I got this squirrel.

  16. #1786
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    Just finished Majora's Mask 3D. FEELS EVERYWHERE.

  17. #1787
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    Fun stuff when you figure it out and get to play it with friends in co-op. Solid F2P.

  18. #1788
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    Left 4 Dead 2 on steam and man do mods make a difference.
    I fell in love with steam works.
    Nothing like the sight of Stay Puft common infect mod. The moment you see hundreds rush at you is just hilarious.
    The randy the macho man mods for the tank make me bust out laughing every time.
    When a tank comes right at you and he throws a pack of slim jims and screams snap into a slim jim is something that can't be found elsewhere.

    oh and a bit of Team Fortress 2.

    Anyone wants to play hit me up, Ziltoid is my username on steam.

    Last edited by ziltoid; 02-26-2015 at 11:32 AM.

  19. #1789
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    Finished and got the Platinum trophy (One of the easiest Platinum's) The Order: 1886 this past weekend.

    Honestly enjoyed the game. It wasn't as bad as some reviewers made it out to be. Honestly I would give it anywhere between a 7 to 7.5

    -Thought the story was pretty decent to good a bit different than I imagined.
    -Beautiful game, there is no doubt about that. Best looking game I have seen on both systems so far.
    -Had no problems with the cover and shoot system. Reminded me a lot of Uncharted, which I played prior to this.
    -Length was decent. I feel if this game was a couple hours longer it would have dragged.
    -some nice Easter eggs

    -The ending could have been better way too abrupt for my taste but honestly the whole game felt like it was a set up for future games in this franchise (that is if they decide to keep going).
    -I feel like they were trying to create an hybrid between a Heavy Rain/narrative type of game and an action game but I think it would have been better to have gone one way instead of trying to both.

    -They played this way too safe, my biggest gripe. Kinda of reminded me of Remember Me, beautiful game and world but you couldn't enjoy it or explore it. Wish they would have done a Dishonored kinda thing where it wasn't an open world but you had enough space to work with and explore the world a bit.
    -A few chapters are nothing but cut scenes.... not really a big deal to me but I could see how they could turn a person off. It did feel like there could have been way more gameplay or it could have been expanded and the cut scenes sort of took away from the flow of the game.
    -No replay value. You could Platinum this game on the first run. After beating it there is nothing to ever bring you back to it.

    Overall I enjoyed the game, nothing game play wise that will blow minds but to me it wasn't as bad as some reviewers made it out to be. Could it have been better? oh for sure and the gameplay could be expanded more as well as letting us explore London of 1886. I hope they do make a second game that cuts down on the cut scenes and focuses more on the game play and gives the player more freedom around the environment.
    Last edited by Tums206_BFY; 03-03-2015 at 03:29 AM.

  20. #1790
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    Got back into the Old Republic (i had actually tried it once before i had even played KOTOR 1 or 2 for the first time), playing PvE with a F2P level 40 Jedi Sentinel character. My last character was a Jedi Guardian but he had shit gear and i got bored and was just stuck on Taris... i think i left him at level 22 but yeah this second go at it has been much better, it's nice to finally see all these different worlds like Tatooine and Hoth... i got so sick of Taris having to play it a second time though anyways... almost at Belsavis ^_^

    It's gonna suck when i hit level 50 and can't progress any further though

    Maybe I'll get a gametime card or something in the future, I'd really love to check out this Shadow of Revan stuff.

  21. #1791
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    Starbound! and painfully waiting for Cities: Skylines. Also sad news about Maxis... damn you EA! DAMN YOU!

  22. #1792
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    Quote Originally Posted by thelastdisciple View Post
    Got back into the Old Republic (i had actually tried it once before i had even played KOTOR 1 or 2 for the first time), playing PvE with a F2P level 40 Jedi Sentinel character. My last character was a Jedi Guardian but he had shit gear and i got bored and was just stuck on Taris... i think i left him at level 22 but yeah this second go at it has been much better, it's nice to finally see all these different worlds like Tatooine and Hoth... i got so sick of Taris having to play it a second time though anyways... almost at Belsavis ^_^

    It's gonna suck when i hit level 50 and can't progress any further though

    Maybe I'll get a gametime card or something in the future, I'd really love to check out this Shadow of Revan stuff.
    What do you think of TOR, from a storyline point of view? I'm a big fan of the KOTOR games but have always been wary of the MMO.

  23. #1793
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    Quote Originally Posted by Vertigo View Post
    What do you think of TOR, from a storyline point of view? I'm a big fan of the KOTOR games but have always been wary of the MMO.
    It's far from as good as the first games but still enjoyable, the voice acting makes it really good. I think it's a bit harder to follow than the previous titles sometimes just because there's so much content in comparison...almost like it feels incredibly padded but it's an MMO so i guess it has to be?....definitely more of a commitment required, that and while I'm questing and grinding my levels i tend to forget what's even going on until i get to the next major story moment lol my memory is really bad but you can see how the Sith threat snowballs as you go.

    The part i just finished where you get your first meeting with the supposed "Emperor" of this era was pretty interesting.

  24. #1794
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    Beat the main Time Patrol Questline (Single Player Story) in Dragon Ball Xenoverse. Fun, little interesting story going on with entirely original characters and storyline parallel to the main sagas. I have a shit ton of Parallel Time Quests to do, more fighters to train under and need to hit Level 80 (I'm at 68 right now) so I'll keep with it for awhile. Season Pass and DLC can't come quick enough. It just pains me how AWFUL the servers are. They're a joke and the only damper to this great game. Funnest DBZ game I'd had since initial Budokai games on PS2.

    If you like this franchise: Get it!

  25. #1795
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    Cities Skylines is all kinds of good so far. It is basically 3D Sim City 2000 with proper traffic management. So far my city has filled up with garbage, dead bodies, and people fell sick as I accidentally put sewage into the water supply.
    It runs a bit pants on my 2009 Mac, have to run with no fancy graphics, and in a small window. I forgot about PC/Mac games having 'requirements'.
    Anyway. Like Sim City? Thought the last one was a bit pants? I think you'll be happy with this.

  26. #1796
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    Hotline Miami 2 is fucking epic.

  27. #1797
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    I played the free games for March on PS+, Valiant Hearts, and counter Spy. Pretty fun, now back to Destiny!

  28. #1798
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    If you enjoy puzzle games I heartily recommend The Talos Principle. Beautiful graphics, interesting concept, moderately challenging puzzles (if not very imaginative after you've made some progress in the game). Philosophical ponderings on the nature of consciousness and free will. Sufficiently atmospheric soundtrack. What more do you need for a relaxing diversion?
    Last edited by Alexandros; 03-22-2015 at 12:47 AM.

  29. #1799
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    Quote Originally Posted by Wretchedest View Post
    Hotline Miami 2 is fucking epic.
    I completely fell in love with it too. Can't stop listening to the soundtrack.

  30. #1800
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    finished up Episode 2 of Tales from the Borderlands. Still good, not quite up with the first (isn't this the case for all Telltale games?). Still.. its ace stuff. The setting and characters all play out in what feels like he freshest Telltale game for ages, without the constant "oh god all these decisions will result in awfulness".. which is refreshing..
    Anyway.. can I finish up Dragon Age before Bloodborne? find out soon...

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