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Thread: What are you playing?

  1. #391
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    Quote Originally Posted by Jinsai View Post
    been playing this puzzle game with a kinda halloweeny vibe for the Vita called Dokuro. It's like a mashup of Limbo and Ico, with an Edward Gorey influenced art style.

    So far my biggest complaint is the stupid touch screen mechanics, and the really unbalanced difficulty. Some of the puzzle rooms have really intense and complicated solutions, and then the next five or so will be completely moronic and overly simple. Still, it's surprisingly long, and I really like the art design... even if after a while it gets kind of repetitive.

    I wanna pick Dark Souls back up again soon, but I feel like it's going to be a pain in the ass to figure it all out again, and remember where I'm was trying to go. That is one ridiculously difficult game too...

    I just bought Dark Souls last week. I played it for a few before moments before I ceased. I got the Estus Flask last. I died 3 times already haha.

    I'll play it again soon.

  2. #392
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    Quote Originally Posted by dlb View Post
    Hmm, so I just finished Assassin's Creed on my PC for the first time after giving up on it in the past since it becomes so repetitive. I haven't bothered to check out the other games due to this, but now I'm thinking about playing my way through all of them and getting part III for the holidays since trailers and footage made it seem soo much better than the first one. Are the games getting better or is it the same old stuff over and over?

    My major gripes were:

    - kill moves stayed the same throughout the game
    - way too long dialogues between you and your target after the kill (it became boring after the first 4 victims)
    - shitty controls when outisde the Animus (I hated the environment at the lab the most and espcially talking to the doctor and his assistant)
    - same tasks over and over to complete your investigation

    If some of these points were fixed than I'm in. If not, I'll probably lay AC to rest. Thanks for any opinions on this!
    So yeah, just finished AC2 aswell and what can I say? Pretty awesome and they ironed out pretty much any complaint I had with the first one. No repetitive investigations, new and more weapons to use, no shitty out of Animus controls and you spend less time with your victims rambling on about god and the world. Great game and I'll probably pick up Bloodlines and Revelations in the next couple of days to get myself pumped for the third part which I'll be getting at the end of November.

    Thanks for the heads up guys!

    O, and I still have LA Noire to beat. Hell, pop it in first since I haven't even looked at it since I got it a couple of months ago.

  3. #393
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    WWE '13, loving the attitude era mode.

  4. #394
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    Quote Originally Posted by spiralout View Post
    WWE '13, loving the attitude era mode.
    How is it compared to WWE 12? Curious to check it out. Might wait until the price drops though.

  5. #395
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    As far as gameplay goes, it's not much different. Reversal's are easier to pull off, controls maybe feel a little tighter. You also get the cool "OMG" moments which is fun.

    Honestly think its worth it for the attitude era mode though, if anything for the nostalgia. It's very well done. Waay better than Road to Wrestlemania

  6. #396
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    Cool. I liked WWE 12. Seemed a little stiff at times though. I saw that godfather and gangrel are in this one. That just boosts my curiosity.

  7. #397
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    I've been playing a lot more of P3:P than I have been Persona 1.

    I don't really like 1 so far by what I've playing (about an hour worth), I don't care for the characters and I really don't like the combat system. Negotiating with demons and shit. Eh, idk. So far, I'm not liking it. Also, the controls are awful. Moving around is a pain in the ass.

    P3:P is fun, I don't know if I like the changes from FES on the PS2. But, it's not awful. The soundtrack isn't as good though from FES edition, that's for sure. But it's cool playing as the FeMC and learning about your male party members instead of just the female ones.

  8. #398
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    Having a bit of difficulty getting into AssCreed 3 so I've been playing some Final Fantasy XIII-2 instead. I quit the original out of frustration with a late-game boss but thought I'd give the sequel a chance since it's apparently a ton better. This seems to be correct. Yay for being able to level up as much as you want!

  9. #399
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    Okami HD. The game is beautiful, and I love the art style... but holy hell does it take some endurance to make it through the slow introduction, and I'm not sure I'll ever get used to the fact that all the dialog reminds me of a more annoying version of Charlie Brown's teacher. I'm a couple hours in, and it still feels like I'm waiting for this game to finally get started.

  10. #400
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    Quote Originally Posted by Jinsai View Post
    Okami HD. The game is beautiful, and I love the art style... but holy hell does it take some endurance to make it through the slow introduction, and I'm not sure I'll ever get used to the fact that all the dialog reminds me of a more annoying version of Charlie Brown's teacher. I'm a couple hours in, and it still feels like I'm waiting for this game to finally get started.
    I just bought the PS2 version (as I have no PS3) and have been meaning to jump into it. Not excited about the slow start, but glad to hear it's beautiful.

  11. #401
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    Quote Originally Posted by darktemplar007 View Post
    I just bought the PS2 version (as I have no PS3) and have been meaning to jump into it. Not excited about the slow start, but glad to hear it's beautiful.
    Well, just hang in there through the incredibly tedious opening couple hours, because all of a sudden it becomes an amazing game. I can't think of any other time where my opinion has so quickly shifted from "well, nifty I guess, but boring as hell" to "oh wow, this may be one of the best games I've ever played."

  12. #402
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    Black Ops 2. It sucks, don't buy. The maps are unmemorable, and the same problems people were having before in other games are still here. I only bought the piece of garbage because my friends pressured me to so I could play with them. Once they're burnt out, I'm selling it.

  13. #403
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    Quote Originally Posted by Frozen Beach View Post
    Black Ops 2. It sucks, don't buy. The maps are unmemorable, and the same problems people were having before in other games are still here. I only bought the piece of garbage because my friends pressured me to so I could play with them. Once they're burnt out, I'm selling it.
    Friends dont let friends buy shitty games.

  14. #404
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    Re: What are you playing?

    Quote Originally Posted by Frozen Beach View Post
    Black Ops 2. It sucks, don't buy. The maps are unmemorable, and the same problems people were having before in other games are still here. I only bought the piece of garbage because my friends pressured me to so I could play with them. Once they're burnt out, I'm selling it.
    I had vowed to myself to not buying it. I almost caved though. So in a way, I'm kinda glad to hear that.

  15. #405
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    Matter of opinion, Piko. I bought it and am having a blast. It's like Black Ops but more towards a Ghost Recon: Future Soldier vibe to it, campaign wise. The multiplayer is better than anything MW3 or MW2 strived to be.

    Any lag or issues it has is due to first day/week server issues.

    Last edited by Space Suicide; 11-14-2012 at 07:31 PM.

  16. #406
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    I love it. The campaign is pretty deep, but nothing that special. The multiplayer however is freaking awesome. The only beef I have with it are the graphics; they got shittier beyond belief to me and the enemies are really hard to see sometimes. The whole set up and the Pick 10 system are awesome. Being able to have two of any perks at the same time is win, and having three attachments on your gun is pretty sweet as well.

    Fucking servers right now are fucking everything up. Was playing all day and night yesterday.

  17. #407
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    Quote Originally Posted by Self.Destructive.Pattern View Post
    I love it. The campaign is pretty deep, but nothing that special. The multiplayer however is freaking awesome. The only beef I have with it are the graphics; they got shittier beyond belief to me and the enemies are really hard to see sometimes. The whole set up and the Pick 10 system are awesome. Being able to have two of any perks at the same time is win, and having three attachments on your gun is pretty sweet as well.

    Fucking servers right now are fucking everything up. Was playing all day and night yesterday.
    If you're playing on the PS3, there's a texture pack you can install under the option menu in multiplayer that supposedly makes everything look better.

  18. #408
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    I'm liking Black OPs 2 so far. Haven't checked out the campaign yet cause I've just been playing MP and zombies with friends. The MP is going to take some getting used to again, pretty bad at it right now. Zombies is cool to play with friends but after a half hour or so I've had enough of that. I'm going to try and get into the campaign tonight, I've read some pretty cool things about it.

  19. #409
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    Honestly, I'd probably have less of a problem with Black Ops 2 if lag compensation didn't exist. Why the hell should players with good connections be punished because somebody else has a shit one?

  20. #410
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    Re: What are you playing?

    Aside from Halo, I went back to Skyrim. Never finished it (nor Dawnguard). So I think jts about time I do that. Then maybe pick up the Dragonborn DLC tomorrow. I still kinda want to playthrough Halo on Legendary, as insanely difficult as it is. Bragging rights I guess?

  21. #411
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    I also got back to Skyrim this week. Must be the weather. I don't like to fast travel as I think you miss a lot doing that. But I am finding there's a shitload of dragons they throw at you after level 20 or so.

  22. #412
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    Re: What are you playing?

    Unfortunately, I haven't really done much. This weekend, though, its on. Halo is just Addictive.

  23. #413
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    Quote Originally Posted by Piko View Post
    Aside from Halo, I went back to Skyrim. Never finished it (nor Dawnguard). So I think jts about time I do that. Then maybe pick up the Dragonborn DLC tomorrow. I still kinda want to playthrough Halo on Legendary, as insanely difficult as it is. Bragging rights I guess?
    Dragonborn comes out tomorrow? fuck.

    seriously, fuck game companies and their stupid fucking desire to release game or content a week from each other. Gamers out there do have actual life responsibilities.

  24. #414
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    Fuck, X-COM: Enemy Unknown is amazing. I played for six hours straight last night. I can't believe how good it is.

  25. #415
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    Re: What are you playing?

    Quote Originally Posted by Conan The Barbarian View Post
    Dragonborn comes out tomorrow? fuck.

    seriously, fuck game companies and their stupid fucking desire to release game or content a week from each other. Gamers out there do have actual life responsibilities.
    I think its already out.

  26. #416
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    NNNNNNNNNNNOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO! !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    I guess it's a good thing I am single now lol.

  27. #417
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    Re: What are you playing?

    I don't think its out yet. I could've sworn it was released Monday or Tuesday. But apparently it comes out on the 4th.

  28. #418
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    You know what guys? Fuck it. Get Black Ops 2. Multiplayer is a hit or miss for me(If you can get in a game with good connection, you'll have fun, but mainly if you play with a friend), but Zombies is excellent. I jumped the gun on my opinion mainly out of frustration. Still though, there are inconsistencies there that drive me batshit that should have been fixed at this point. Also, Killcams have went back to being very inaccurate, like COD 4. I don't know how they fucked that one up, but they did.

  29. #419
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    Re: What are you playing?

    I'll buy another cod when they actually make another game.

  30. #420
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    COD: Boer War?

    Anyway, I've been lazy all day and don't have anything to do, so I'm goin' downtown and play some pinball!

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