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Thread: Flaming Lips

  1. #61
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    Go Miley Defense Force!

    I wish that Lip$ha album had seen the light of day.

  2. #62
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    Quote Originally Posted by HurtinMinorKey View Post
    How is wearing a headress racist? But I'm sure if he was pissing on a crucifix everybody would say he was cool though.....
    I don't really know what else to tell you. Others here have done a better job trying to explain it to you than I ever could. Check out these links saying why it's racist for someone to mock another person's culture:

  3. #63
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    Quote Originally Posted by icecream View Post
    I don't really know what else to tell you. Others here have done a better job trying to explain it to you than I ever could. Check out these links saying why it's racist for someone to mock another person's culture:
    No, i get it. I just disagree. Cultural appropriation is not racism. See my female catholic priest example.

  4. #64
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    Quote Originally Posted by HurtinMinorKey View Post
    No, i get it. I just disagree. Cultural appropriation is not racism. See my female catholic priest example.
    You are missing the point, therefor don't understand it. It is racist to do what Fallin did. She took the costume headdress and wore it as a fashion item. Even making costume versions of Aboriginal clothing is fucked up. She also ignored the significance of the headdress. Mocking someone's culture is racist, no way around it.
    Three paragraphs explaining why it's wrong.
    Last edited by icecream; 05-28-2014 at 09:25 PM.

  5. #65
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    Quote Originally Posted by icecream View Post
    You are missing the point, therefor don't understand it. It is racist to do what Fallin did. She took the costume headdress and wore it as a fashion item. Even making costume versions of Aboriginal clothing is fucked up. She also ignored the significance of the headdress. Mocking someone's culture is racist, no way around it.
    Three paragraphs explaining why it's wrong.
    So then you agree it's racist for a women to dress up as a Catholic priest for Halloween. In which case, I think you are a moron. Claiming that someone of a different race is inherently inferior because they are member of that race, that's racism. Since I don't think her wearing this headdress was done to promote the notion that native Americans are somehow inferior, I am not going to label her a racist.

    And your three paragraphs are arbitrary bullshit. By definition 1. any illustration of the prophet Muhammad is racist, even if it's not done with any bad intent, because (from your source)

    "It’s blatantly disrespectful but also, shows a sign of your belief in your own superiority over the group."

    Bullshit. There is a difference between asserting superiority over the group and not allowing the group to assert its superiority over you. This is akin to the difference between tolerance and respect. I am not going to demean any group or ethnicity intentionally, but i'm also not going to walk on eggshells around any group to avoid offending their sensibilities.

  6. #66
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    Racism doesn't mean you have to be burning crosses and hanging people... It lies on a spectrum. Just like most things in life. Sure, she isn't running around screaming I HATE INDIANS. But she is being willfully disrespectful of a culture.

  7. #67
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    You are using a really narrow and inadequate definition of racism. No matter what anyone here tells you about cultural appropriation if you keep defining racism by such narrow terms, you aren't going to be convinced otherwise. It's a failure on your part, not ours to understand why it's racist. If Fallin thinks she can just pop on a headdress because she wants to, it's disrespectful and shows she thinks she is higher than Aboriginal people and culture.

  8. #68
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  9. #69
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    Quote Originally Posted by icecream View Post
    You are missing the point, therefor don't understand it. It is racist to do what Fallin did. She took the costume headdress and wore it as a fashion item.
    THAT is not racism! It's potentially ignorant, but it's not racist! There is a very fundamental distinction that needs to be acknowledged here. Calling someone a racist is a severe claim. It should be.

    We undermine the weight of that claim when we start calling some silly bullshit like this racist. Intent is important to consider. .
    Last edited by Jinsai; 05-30-2014 at 05:26 AM.

  10. #70
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    Quote Originally Posted by Sarah K View Post
    Racism doesn't mean you have to be burning crosses and hanging people... It lies on a spectrum. Just like most things in life. Sure, she isn't running around screaming I HATE INDIANS. But she is being willfully disrespectful of a culture.

    And when you walk around without a burqa on you're being willfully disrespectful to devout Muslims, so i guess that makes you a racist too.

  11. #71
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    Except not every Muslim woman wears a burqa, much less a hijab or niqab.

    Thanks for playing!

  12. #72
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    Are you having any luck with thkse straws that your grabbing at?

  13. #73
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    Quote Originally Posted by orestes View Post
    Except not every Muslim woman wears a burqa, much less a hijab or niqab.

    Thanks for playing!

    And not every native american wears a feathered headdress, so what are you getting at? The point is that if you raise the bar of racism to the point of not offending anyone, then you've gone too far.

    I'm actually surprised you guys still don't get this. I'm not the only person in the thread that thinks this way, i'm just the only one who's stupid enough to try to get the point across.

  14. #74
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    And the purpose of the point is what, exactly? To try to establish that it's OK to offend people without fear of repercussion?

  15. #75
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    Racism is cool, brah. We can't always worry about the feelings of others.

    brb, going out in blackface YOLO

  16. #76
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    Quote Originally Posted by aggroculture View Post
    And the purpose of the point is what, exactly? To try to establish that it's OK to offend people without fear of repercussion?
    Not at all. It's to make an important distinction between being offensive and being racist.

  17. #77
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    Quote Originally Posted by Sarah K View Post
    Racism is cool, brah. We can't always worry about the feelings of others.

    brb, going out in blackface YOLO
    You've already labeled yourself as a racist by your own definition, so keep it up. I'm sure if you keep making glib remarks eventually one of them might actually make sense.

  18. #78
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    Just hoping that you can somehow grasp the absurdity of what you're saying.

    There seems to be this misconception that if someone isn't screaming slurs or actively oppressing someone, that they aren't participating in racism. And that is just so false and sad. :/

  19. #79
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    Quote Originally Posted by HurtinMinorKey View Post
    Not at all. It's to make an important distinction between being offensive and being racist.
    Why and to who is it important?
    Also: who gets to decide what's racist and what isn't? The person who is offended, or someone who isn't?

  20. #80
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    Quote Originally Posted by aggroculture View Post
    Why and to who is it important?
    Also: who gets to decide what's racist and what isn't? The person who is offended, or someone who isn't?
    As we discussed earlier in the thread, i think the literal definition is a good place to start.

    From WIki: Racism is actions, practices or beliefs, or social or political systems that consider different races to be ranked as inherently superior or inferior to each other

    So in this case, unless Sarah et al. really think that wearing a feathered headdress equates to the expression that Native Americans are inherently inferior, I don't see how they can claim it as racist.
    Last edited by HurtinMinorKey; 05-30-2014 at 02:13 PM.

  21. #81
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    Um, can we just get to the subject over how much of a sellout Wayne Coyne has become?

  22. #82
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    Quote Originally Posted by Jinsai View Post
    THAT is not racism! It's potentially ignorant, but it's not racist! There is a very fundamental distinction that needs to be acknowledged here. Calling someone a racist is a severe claim. It should be.

    We undermine the weight of that claim when we start calling some silly bullshit like this racist. Intent is important to consider. .
    Normally I would agree, but her actions go beyond wearing the headdress though. In her "apology", she still defended her actions showing no sign of realizing her insensitivity. After, she said her band was going to show up in full traditional Native American clothes. Protesters showed up at the gig and she mocked them and did a fake war dance. It isn't one incident of cultural insensitivity, she has a history of it. To me, that makes her a racist piece of shit.

  23. #83
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    I cannot stop listening to The Terror. I am unable to put it down. It's been on repeat for a couple of days now.

    I don't know The Flaming Lips. I never heard anything before.

    I recently tried Soft Bulletin, I can't get into it at all. Embryonic is closer. I like half of it.

    Any suggestions on how I should continue my Flaming Lips discovery?

  24. #84
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    Get the Peace Sword EP next, then maybe their "7 Skies H3" disc a.k.a. the 24 hour song. Both are more in the vein of The Terror.

    Personally, I like Embryonic the best. It's like a late 60s double album.

  25. #85
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    Quote Originally Posted by PhoenixML View Post
    I cannot stop listening to The Terror. I am unable to put it down. It's been on repeat for a couple of days now.

    I don't know The Flaming Lips. I never heard anything before.
    The Terror? F'ing damn good choice.

  26. #86
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    I'm late to the party... but what a ten ton twat this man is, just read about the headdress fiasco and also his treatment of Erykah Badu.

    It's not necessarily racist to mock another culture IMO, racism is the belief that a race or certain races are innately superior to others. What happened with the headdress is just dumb middle class kids (one aged 50 and counting) being rude due to a sense of entitlement

    but at least they didn't trot out some tired argument regarding freedom of speech being under attack

  27. #87
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    Quote Originally Posted by HurtinMinorKey View Post
    How is wearing a headress racist? But I'm sure if he was pissing on a crucifix everybody would say he was cool though.....
    Yeah because white Americans didn't commit a brutal genocide and land theft against christians as a whole

    Agreed this isn't about racism but re: the latter remark, honestly if you can't see the massive difference between those two examples, you either don't want to or you can't. But the difference is there nonetheless. But they have every right to be complete and utter cocks if they do so wish

  28. #88
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    What. The. Hell. Am. I. Listening. To.


  29. #89
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    Wow, this thread died hard in the face of all the intense racism talk and all the weird Miley Cyrus/random EPs stuff.

    BUT! I was listening to At War With the Mystics today and forgot how good that album is! I never gave it a fair chance when it came out but really like it now.

    However, I was never able to get into The Terror. Can someone help explain that album to me? Or an ideal context in which to listen to it? I like Embryonic, so I enjoy some of their slightly more "out there" stuff. I just feel like I need the right perspective or circumstance or context to understand the album and maybe I could really give it another shot.

    Thanks everyone.

  30. #90
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    New single, new album out in January! PUMPED!!

    Oczy Mlody:
    01 Oczy Mlody
    02 How??
    03 There Should Be Unicorns
    04 Sunrise (Eyes of the Young)
    05 Nigdy Nie (Never No)
    06 Galaxy I Sink
    07 One Night While Hunting for Faeries and Witches and Wizards to Kill
    08 Do Glowy
    09 Listening to the Frogs With Demon Eyes
    10 The Castle
    11 Almost Home (Blisko Domu)
    12 We a Famly

    Quote Originally Posted by The Doctor View Post
    However, I was never able to get into The Terror. Can someone help explain that album to me? Or an ideal context in which to listen to it? I like Embryonic, so I enjoy some of their slightly more "out there" stuff. I just feel like I need the right perspective or circumstance or context to understand the album and maybe I could really give it another shot.

    Thanks everyone.
    I honestly loved the hell out of the Terror. It was by far their bleakest record with Wayne dealing from a lot of the emotions from his divorce and I believe Steven had just had a little relapse with drugs so the guys were in a weird place mentally...and it showcased itself on the record. To me, The Terror sounds like being trapped in outer space and facing ultimate doom...while overcome with depression that builds overtime. It's an insane record and I love it to bits....but I must say this new album is shaping up to be a real good one based on the single.

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