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Thread: Once Upon a Time in Hollywood

  1. #1
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    Once Upon a Time in Hollywood

    Tarantino's latest is out. I plan on going tonight. Here is a good review:

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    Wish I was going tonight. I got tix for saturday.

  3. #3
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    Saw this tonight--great film. I won't give any spoilers and you can read a synopsis on wiki, so here are some general thoughts:

    --Not a whole lot happens, definitely a slow-burn, but this wasn't at all boring, it was really engrossing.
    --I enjoyed the film very much while watching it, but like it even more in hindsight.
    --Some scenes/dialog seemed superfluous while viewing, but when the film ended, I saw how it all fit together.
    --Superb performances from Pitt and Decaprio.
    --Really awesome soundtrack.
    --The sets/scenery were fantastic.
    --I want to see this again, soon.

  4. #4
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    The only thing that wasn't perfect about this movie was Tarantino's foot fetish going Super Saiyan and distracting from numerous scenes

  5. #5
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    Seeing it 10 o'clock this morning, taking my gf who's only seen 2 Tarantino films (I've seen them all multiple times, including his own 35mm prints at his theater in LA) ...can't wait.

  6. #6
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    can't wait!

  7. #7
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    Gonna need to are this sometime soon. Can’t wait.

  8. #8
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    Wow, what a fucking film. Tarantino can be hit or miss for me (Hateful Eight put me to sleep, but I LOVE Django/Basterds), but this one is a goddamn banger. It's almost difficult to describe. It honestly seems like half the film is *technically* superfluous, but like the above poster said, it's never boring and it's highly compelling and engrossing. I kept thinking of how unnecessary some of the shots were (not in a bad way) and how other directors would never get away with it being such a slow burn, but it WORKS, because it's a big love letter to old-Hollywood.

    The 'old' movie/TV show scenes and the way they're spread throughout it, the soundtrack, the radio ads playing during the many driving scenes, the neon lights in the city..the whole thing is an ode to sixties Hollywood and what the place was like back then. The sets, writing, and acting are absolutely superb and escalate the believability of it all so much that it practically feels more 60s than the stuff from that time.

    What I love the most was the ending. Spoiler: TWIST! With Sharon Tate and the Manson family as characters, it sort of feels like the audience is waiting for that inevitable scene, but when it veers left at the last second I was totally 100% on board. My eyes went wide and the last 20 minutes of the film were amazing. Such a cool twist on real history. Pitt destroyed that action sequence.

    What I loved:
    - Acting. Leo and Brad were SUPERB (Give Leo his second oscar already), and ALL of the minor characters played beautifully. The writing and acting seemed so cohesive and it helped make the slow burn as captivating as it was. Seriously, I can't think of a single one where I was like 'that didn't work for me.'
    - The clothing, sets, writing, and acting make the 60s seem more vivid to me than almost anything I've ever seen.
    - The old-timey footage of fake films and all the radio ads that were spread throughout- you could tell Tarantino was having a blast recreating stuff that he enjoyed when he was a kid.
    - The slow burn of it. Honestly, it wouldn't have felt as good to me if it was any shorter. I could have watched another two hours.

    Also, agreed about the foot thing. It didn't REALLY bother me too badly, but it was very noticeable and (literally) shoved in our faces multiple times, haha.
    Last edited by Mr. Blaileen; 07-26-2019 at 12:07 PM.

  9. #9
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    @Mr.Blaileen, did you stay for the faux cigarette ad at the end of the credits? Hilarious.

  10. #10
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    I think the reason it feels like much of the film is superfluous is because it's actually a series of vignettes with no central conflict and in that way it's more like Pulp Fiction than any of his other films are. It's a handful of stories strung together by characters with broader motivations and drives.

    This is probably DiCaprio's best work ever. Tarantino had a lot of fun trying to push him I think, and Leo probably wanted to be pushed.

    Aside from the feet, it has some of Tarantino's most striking shots. It's a very fun, heartfelt movie. Easily among Tarantino's best. Top 3 in that lot I'd say

  11. #11
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    Quote Originally Posted by Wretchedest View Post
    I think the reason it feels like much of the film is superfluous is because it's actually a series of vignettes with no central conflict and in that way it's more like Pulp Fiction than any of his other films are. It's a handful of stories strung together by characters with broader motivations and drives.

    This is probably DiCaprio's best work ever. Tarantino had a lot of fun trying to push him I think, and Leo probably wanted to be pushed.

    Aside from the feet, it has some of Tarantino's most striking shots. It's a very fun, heartfelt movie. Easily among Tarantino's best. Top 3 in that lot I'd say
    Good analysis. If most other writers/directors attempted to make a movie like this it would have been a disaster--but QT really made it work.

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    loved it, as did my gf. there's a lot to digest, but I basically agree with everything that's been said above. I am satisfied with the ending (my heart was racing going into the movie knowing about the Manson family. my gf had no prior knowledge of that part of history) . as I dropped my gf off today we parted saying our names but with "fucking" in the middle like Cliff did dropping Rick off to work hah.

    I'd be really bummed out if he only did one more. I disagree with his assessment about old directors..some of Kurosawa's finest stuff was when he was in his 70s! but I'll have to respect it if that's the case.

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    And a new Trek could be his next, and last project.

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    so I've heard. part of me is on the fence about that. I'm not a Trekkie or trying to come off as a QT gatekeeper, but I wish (hope ? ) his last project is something he directs AND writes.

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    Really loved the movie. Leo and Pitt were standouts and a joy to watch. Everything about it was top notch. It is long, but his last two or three films were just as long (Inglorious, Jango, Hateful). Loved the twist ending because I was basically trying to figure out the whole time how he was going to do it. It surprised me and was a total Tarantino move in the best way possible.

    I literally feel like I’ve never seen a Tarantino movie I didn’t like except Jackie Brown (sorry for those who liked it). The guy can do no wrong.

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    One small complaint--I thought that the movie was pretty unfair to Bruce Lee in its portrayal.
    Last edited by GulDukat; 09-25-2023 at 04:20 PM.

  17. #17
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    Quote Originally Posted by RhettButler View Post
    One small compliant--I thought that the movie was pretty unfair to Bruce Lee in its portrayal.
    When watching the movie, I was wondering if he was that big an asshole in real life. If not, I’d have to agree with you.

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  18. #18
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    Really good, but probably not great, movie. Great cast and production, fucking top notch. They nailed everything and Brad Pitt’s character and acting was awesome.

    It’s got too slow of a pace IMHO, or he could’ve made it about 30 minutes shorter. But yes, the ending is worth it.

    Was Bruce Lee really an asshole?...

  19. #19
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    There's maybe q few too many musical montages in this movie they could have edited out.

    It's also a deeply regressive movie. Not just in the typical Tarantino way, of being tone deaf, but also in it's suggestion that that old indulgent masculine Hollywood was great enough to save, when in fact, even today we are still in process of trying to kill it.

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    The soundtrack is fucking awesome.

  21. #21
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    Got to see the 35mm print in Nashville last Thursday (first showing!). I called the theater because I saw every showing was sold out except the first and the lady told me she just put up 4 tickets ten minutes ago and one was taken while I was speaking to her. So I quickly hung up and went to the site to buy a ticket and was able to get through! Since it was going to be sold out, I left my home and got there before the crowd and was second in line. Got some free posters as well.

    As for the movie, I loved it. Brad Pitt stole the show. The ending was intense. This is probably as close as we'll get to a Tarantino "comedy". The only bummer for me was knowing Bruce Dern's character was originally meant for Burt Reynolds. I kept imagining him in that scene and it would have been so much more iconic.

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    I noticed Rick Dalton rubbing his eyes when he was having that conversation with Marvin Schwarz in the restaurant. Al Pacino is notorious for spitting when he talks. That's why they call him Six Rows Al.

    I admire Quentin Tarantino as a director, but I thought it was odd that he turned the Sharon Tate story into a movie that revolves around men. Hollywood has yet to make a proper biopic for that actress.
    Margot Robbie has very few lines in the film. She's there mostly as a symbol or eye candy. We hardly see anything of Manson at all.
    Last edited by Boots; 07-29-2019 at 07:19 AM.

  23. #23
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    I saw it last night and didn't love it. I didn't like the twist ending, even though a friend said I should have seen it coming because of the title of the movie. I want to rewatch it again. I thought it was good but I would have rather seen it play out more like it really happened. Maybe I just missed the point.

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    I wouldn't even say it's a Sharon Tate story, but rather a movie about a time period and setting as the main character.

  25. #25
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    Quote Originally Posted by versusreality View Post
    I wouldn't even say it's a Sharon Tate story, but rather a movie about a time period and setting as the main character.
    I would say this is accurate. I think the problem is that like me, everyone associates it with the Sharon Tate story because they saw the trailer and simply came to that conclusion. I think the way you put it here makes a lot of sense.

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  26. #26
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    There's not really a "point" or reason for anything. Pure entertainment and a period piece about character interactions.

  27. #27
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    Quote Originally Posted by Boots View Post
    I noticed Rick Dalton rubbing his eyes when he was having that conversation with Marvin Schwarz in the restaurant. Al Pacino is notorious for spitting when he talks. That's why they call him Six Rows Al.

    I admire Quentin Tarantino as a director, but I thought it was odd that he turned the Sharon Tate story into a movie that revolves around men. Hollywood has yet to make a proper biopic for that actress.
    Margot Robbie has very few lines in the film. She's there mostly as a symbol or eye candy. We hardly see anything of Manson at all.
    I really liked the actual footage of Tate from the movie The Wrecking Crew--it showed modern audiences what a budding starlet she was, what potential she had--it really came across as a tribute, imho.

    Here is a good write-up with some good quotes from Tate's sister.

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    I wasn't liking it, or the way the audience around us was reacting to scenes... listening to people laugh their asses of at stuff that I didn't think was funny or intended to be funny... and while that's not the movie's fault, after 2 and a half hours of waiting for something other than character piece interaction, we walked out. At some point, I'll get around to seeing how it ends.

  29. #29
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    I'm really surprised with all the praise this movie is getting... I found this film absolutely TERRIBLE! Such a sleeper.
    I've never seen a film this polarizing before. People are either loving it or hating it.
    Someone above said Tarantino can be very hit or miss, and that statement couldn't be further from the truth.
    It's weird how his films have his audience so divided.

    The last 30 mins was awesome though. I liked how it ended, but the 2+ hrs that you had to sit through to get there wasn't worth it.
    My girlfriend fell asleep half way through as well. She totally slept through the only redeeming part of the film, in my opinion.

    I'm glad some of you enjoyed it. Just wasn't for me. And for the record, I LOVE the Hateful 8 for what it's worth. I think that's his 3rd best film.
    I know there were some comments above about how someone liked "Hollywood" more than that film.

    I'd write more, but I currently only have 1 working arm. Had to break my "resting and recovery" of my broken arm to throw in my 2 cents here.

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    Rotten Tomatos:

    84% of critics and 72% of audiences enjoyed the movie.

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