This is what makes me think it's entirely plausible that if he wasn't directly murdered, someone could have greased the wheels to get him pulled from suicide watch. News headline comes out that he tried to off himself? Slip some money to (or blackmail) the people who can take him off of suicide watch so that he'll just kill himself. Seems to me like it would be a very easy way to "eliminate" someone without having to get a third party to actually do it and then cover all the forensics. If a guy's already thrown his own noose over a tree branch, why go to the trouble of shooting him if you can just kick the stool out from under him?

(Again, not saying that this IS what happened. Just...seriously, in 2019, nothing would surprise me.)

And on that note...I would suggest maybe opening a new thread or putting this talk in Random General Headlines so that we can reserve this space specifically for sexual asshattery and focus more on both perps and survivors in general than on the bizarre circumstances around this case.