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Thread: All Things Marijuana!

  1. #31
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  3. #33
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    So........is there any science, and I mean proper studies, that address whether CBD is effective for...well, anything at all, really...without at least some quantity of THC? Never touched marijuana in any form before (I'm boring, okay?) but I'm growing more intrigued by the possibility of using some form of CBD as a sleep aid / anti-anxiety combo when I'm on tour. The problem though is if I were ever to get injured, a drug test would be mandatory. And I don't think my employer OR worker's comp would look too fondly on the presence of THC immediately after an accident. That, and in all honesty I just really don't give two shits about getting high. It's never interested me and it never will.

    Everyone I talk to who claims to be an "expert" has varying claims as to whether or not things like oils or gummies or edibles are actually effective as just​ CBD, but I've yet to be able to find any solid research on it. Any leads I could check out?

  4. #34
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    Quote Originally Posted by theimage13 View Post
    Everyone I talk to who claims to be an "expert" has varying claims as to whether or not things like oils or gummies or edibles are actually effective as just​ CBD, but I've yet to be able to find any solid research on it. Any leads I could check out?
    It's complicated and I've never found any solid research that it's anything more than placebo-effect marketing (same thing for topical applications, mostly).

    And while you can certainly have low THC strains and higher CBD strains, the wholesale removal of one or the other won't ever be as beneficial as the whole flower (and considering we still don't know a whole lot about structure of the flower, as in, there are still regular discoveries about the different types of THC and CBD within it).

    So, let's get into your own usage... are you in a geography where you can get legal protection for medical uses? If not, and you're worried about employer testing, personally, I wouldn't risk it. Any current testing I know about looks for cannabinoids in general and not just THC or CBD, so there's no fooling it...

    However, if you are able to get that type of protection, then why aren't you looking at a whole, dried flower solution to begin with? As you said, you've never touched cannabis before (and also please... please stop calling it marijuana, it's a loaded term and generally is considered racist once you know the history of it), and so you have no baseline experience from which to build up your own trustworthy data set.

    You have to keep "set and setting" in mind as well, if you don't trust where you are who you're with, then the anti-anxiety side of things probably won't work the way you want them to.

    My first experiment would be picking up legal (something with THC and CBD percentages listed on the package would be most preferred) whole dried flower (either milled or unmilled) and if you don't want to smoke it, make a simple tea out of it (just boiling water). Use the same amount of dried flower as in a typical tea and steep it in boiling water for 5 or so minutes, you can add sugar, honey or milk for taste... otherwise, it tastes like, you guessed it, grass (yes there are cannabis THC/CBD infused teas out there but our experiences over here tell us that's not worth the price). Do this at night, a half hour to an hour before you want to go to sleep (my partner has a cup of tea every second night for general health and quality sleep but when there are cyclical monthly issues to deal with, it's a cup of tea every night for that week or so of duration).

  5. #35
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    I second the recommendation of just getting the raw herb. If you're not interested in getting high, then look out for some high CBD hemp (hemp being any cannabis strain with 0.3% THC or less). I'd recommend using it via a herbal vaporizer, particularly if you're using it for anxiety, and so would benefit from simple, quick, and portable delivery system.

    But also try out some hemp leaf tea before bed - add a bit of fat after its brewed (I like coconut) this will help you absorb the CBD. I've used oils as well, and they are effective, but not nearly as effective as the herb itself. You can blend it with other herbs - chamomile, lavender, etc - for the ultimate sleep inducing brew.

  6. #36
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    I actually wouldn't use hemp, mainly because of the laws surrounding what pesticides and herbicides can be used in the process. Hemp is typically legislated different from cannabis in that regard with a lot less stringency given to hemp. Always check your sources.

  7. #37
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    Quote Originally Posted by theimage13 View Post
    So........is there any science, and I mean proper studies, that address whether CBD is effective for...well, anything at all, really...without at least some quantity of THC? Never touched marijuana in any form before (I'm boring, okay?) but I'm growing more intrigued by the possibility of using some form of CBD as a sleep aid / anti-anxiety combo when I'm on tour. The problem though is if I were ever to get injured, a drug test would be mandatory. And I don't think my employer OR worker's comp would look too fondly on the presence of THC immediately after an accident. That, and in all honesty I just really don't give two shits about getting high. It's never interested me and it never will.

    Everyone I talk to who claims to be an "expert" has varying claims as to whether or not things like oils or gummies or edibles are actually effective as just​ CBD, but I've yet to be able to find any solid research on it. Any leads I could check out?
    There is no "proper" research into products containing only CBD. Big pharma will have to be involved in order for that to happen. Here's a recent findings abstract from a study published this year. The problems identified are not unique to sprays or the area of pain management:


    By examining recent literature, we investigated the use of CBD and its potential role in pain management. Since there are currently no approved pharmaceutical products that contain CBD alone for the management of pain, this review focused on nabiximols (which is a combined product of THC/CBD in a 1:1 ratio) as the only pharmaceutical product available that contains CBD and is being used for the management of pain. It is difficult to definitely attribute the therapeutic properties to CBD alone since it is always administered with THC. Based on the available literature, it is difficult to make a recommendation for the use of CBD in chronic pain management. It is also important to note that there are many CBD products currently available as supplements, but these products are non-pharmaceuticals and lack the appropriate clinical studies to support their efficacy claims.

  8. #38
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    Never consumed cannabis; my employer even prohibited CBD usage. The justification for CBD prohibition by my employer was made by alleging that consumption of CBD products could potentially result urinalysis indicating the presence of THC-COOH. I’m subject to random drug testing as well, which is sad, because everything I’ve read indicates that CBD could be beneficial for my back pain. I’m not stating CBD will cause a positive screen for marijuana metabolites, but I do believe that many of the CBD products sold here in Texas aren’t regulated with enough scrutiny and I don’t want to lose my career over it.

  9. #39
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    Quote Originally Posted by AngrySniper View Post
    Never consumed cannabis; my employer even prohibited CBD usage. The justification for CBD prohibition by my employer was made by alleging that consumption of CBD products could potentially result urinalysis indicating the presence of THC-COOH. I’m subject to random drug testing as well, which is sad, because everything I’ve read indicates that CBD could be beneficial for my back pain. I’m not stating CBD will cause a positive screen for marijuana metabolites, but I do believe that many of the CBD products sold here in Texas aren’t regulated with enough scrutiny and I don’t want to lose my career over it.
    Have you thought about trying CBD cream for your back? My 65 year old father just started using it last year, had never smoked in his life, and swears by the cream. As long as the product is "pure" CBD and does not contain CBN, you'll be fine on drug tests. Any wellness store that sells CBD should be able to answer your small questions, and if they can't then find somewhere more informed.

  10. #40
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    Partook in recreational IL edibles for the first time today. It’s over double the price of CO, but far more potent. I just ordered Portillo’s for delivery and almost put in a tip for $300 because I forgot the decimal point.

  11. #41
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    I was sXe most of my life until about 20 or so, but I started smoking when around friends only about a little bit more than a decade.

    Got my first piece only four years ago now at this point and since the Illinois dispensary opened up next to us—it's been such a great night cap to put on some records and just zone out for awhile.

  12. #42
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    Quote Originally Posted by theimage13 View Post
    So........is there any science, and I mean proper studies, that address whether CBD is effective for...well, anything at all, really...
    There are a couple of studies that demonstrate effectiveness for like, two very specific things. Outside of that, the literature is essentially inconclusive, which is basically the same as showing no link.

    By and large it's (expensive!) snake oil that a depressingly high number of folks have bought into. The placebo effect is powerful and important and sometimes that is enough. I just wish that folks were not shelling out this kind of cash in the process.

    I recently grabbed a poster off of someone and they said they threw in an extra. I was like cool, I'm probably gonna get a sticker or something. But it was a 1g cartridge! After chatting a bit, it's a company that he and his friend run. #Bless. I stopped buying them when people were dying and shit because I knew the ones I was getting were definitely not from dispensaries/regulated. I forgot how much I missed these.

  13. #43
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    Quote Originally Posted by Sarah K View Post
    There are a couple of studies that demonstrate effectiveness for like, two very specific things. Outside of that, the literature is essentially inconclusive, which is basically the same as showing no link.

    By and large it's (expensive!) snake oil that a depressingly high number of folks have bought into. The placebo effect is powerful and important and sometimes that is enough. I just wish that folks were not shelling out this kind of cash in the process.
    I've suffered from insomnia since my teens which my sister and mother also suffer from. I've taken melatonin + valerian root together, and combined I could maybe get 3-4 hours sleep.
    I've taken Ambien, Lunesta, before my GP settled on giving me trazadone long term (50mg). After 2-3 years, it started to wear off, and I tried going to 100mg of trazadone, which made me groggy into 12+ hours. Not viable.

    About 6 weeks ago, I started taking full hemp extract (all compounds, not just CBD oil) from two different sources. One is a tincture of hemp extract + valerian root. The others are hemp extract gummies + melatonin. These + the 50 mg trazadone have given me a solid 7-8 hours of sleep each night. I wake up, but I go back to sleep. On the weekends, I sleep in even more when I can.

    I think there has been a lot of "snake oil" with CBD oil, which is easy to make. I tried 1-2 cheap brands that didn't do jack shit.
    I think pure hemp oil has better capabilities. This is not a placebo effect. Sure this is N=1. Maybe I'm just lucky, but I also had to seek out the brands I use.
    People need to understand that marijuana and hemp are like broccoli and kale. Same family, different benefits.

  14. #44
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    I mostly vape now and eat some gummies on the side. My favorite gummies are these Kanha Nano things. If I'm going to eat those, I'm probably going to vape sativa during the day, and then to go to sleep, I eat these Wyld CBN sleep gummies and smoke indica if necessary.

  15. #45
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    The Cherry Cola chocolate square is my go to currently. Pop Rocks are in it, kinda funky.

  16. #46
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    (and this is me shamelessly... shamelessly plugging a 420 series to chill with...

    Remember to drink some water.

  17. #47
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    I cannot wait for the next few weeks to be done. Stress has been at all-time highs and increases daily. I need a t-break so badly...I can't remember the brand now, but I was taking the full 350mg (5 gummies, 70mg/ea) and felt nothing aside from slight dryness of mouth for maybe 20 minutes. No other effects at all. I pound indica vape carts, anywhere from 77-90% THC depending on the strain and brand and barely feel anything at all. It's pretty damned annoying but it's the only thing that quiets anxiety (and it barely seems to do that anymore) and helps me fall (but not stay) asleep.

  18. #48
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    Another thing: O.Pen carts are fucking garbage. I have used 5 of them now and have had the same shitty experience with each:

    They leak from the bottom.

    The little cylinder thing that goes up the bottom center of the cartridge comes out and stays stuck to the magnet if using a magnetic vaporizer. They leak even if that stays in.

    Getting a decent pull is almost impossible. It usually takes a minimum of 2 full 15-second hits before getting anything in my exhale and even then, it's barely anything. Doesn't matter the heat setting either.

    They get clogged so fast and so thoroughly that they can become completely unusable. I had to throw away ~500mg (in a 1000mg cart) because the oil completely clogged up the cart. After 6 15-second pulls on 3.0V, all I got was a burning smell and smoke from the oil that leaked out the bottom and was burning as the battery was heating it.

    Don't be fooled by the $40-50 (w/tax) prices for 1000mg carts. O.PEN IS NOT WORTH IT. Their batteries are garbage as well.

    Kodo are damn close to O.Pen, too. They don't leak and don't get clogged but no matter the setting, getting a decent pull is nearly impossible.

    Alivar is awesome, though. Absolutely no problems with them at all and they provide fantastic pulls at any power level. Become Mellow and Become Balanced are my favorites. Become Elevated was decent for sativa-dominant but made me more paranoid that I'd like. But $40.83 w/tax for 1000mg is hard to beat.

  19. #49
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    Quote Originally Posted by klyrish View Post
    Another thing: O.Pen carts are fucking garbage. I have used 5 of them now and have had the same shitty experience with each:

    They leak from the bottom.

    The little cylinder thing that goes up the bottom center of the cartridge comes out and stays stuck to the magnet if using a magnetic vaporizer. They leak even if that stays in.

    Getting a decent pull is almost impossible. It usually takes a minimum of 2 full 15-second hits before getting anything in my exhale and even then, it's barely anything. Doesn't matter the heat setting either.

    They get clogged so fast and so thoroughly that they can become completely unusable. I had to throw away ~500mg (in a 1000mg cart) because the oil completely clogged up the cart. After 6 15-second pulls on 3.0V, all I got was a burning smell and smoke from the oil that leaked out the bottom and was burning as the battery was heating it.

    Don't be fooled by the $40-50 (w/tax) prices for 1000mg carts. O.PEN IS NOT WORTH IT. Their batteries are garbage as well.

    Kodo are damn close to O.Pen, too. They don't leak and don't get clogged but no matter the setting, getting a decent pull is nearly impossible.

    Alivar is awesome, though. Absolutely no problems with them at all and they provide fantastic pulls at any power level. Become Mellow and Become Balanced are my favorites. Become Elevated was decent for sativa-dominant but made me more paranoid that I'd like. But $40.83 w/tax for 1000mg is hard to beat.
    I don't have much experience with pens, but the experience I do have is not positive. I use a Migi Pro mod, and have never had a problem with the magnet inside the mod or the magnet on the atomizer. It is adjustable from 3.5v-4.0v, and is able to smoke concentrate, rosin, and wax.

    Illinois is way behind at the moment, so our carts are $70-$85 for 500mg. I've been sticking to TKO, because I can verify the source. There's lots of fake Cookies carts around here.

  20. #50
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    Quote Originally Posted by Jon View Post
    Illinois is way behind at the moment, so our carts are $70-$85 for 500mg.
    Holy shit, I don't remember carts being that expensive back in 2013 when recreational sales were finally allowed but maybe they were. Eighths of flower were $60-65 so maybe they were that expensive or more. That's seriously insane, though. Hopefully prices drop quickly for you, especially since this is kind of old hat at this point. $25 quarters of any of 20 strains of your choosing is fucking awesome.

  21. #51
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    I'm always surprised how popular weed is and how you got into it. Does it relieve stress? Pain? Anxiety? Did it start out of curiosity and just stayed since you felt good?

    I tried it once, felt like shit afterwards. Never again. Now I get sick from the smell alone. When people smoke in enclosed areas I usually make my way out. Someone smoking in a train compartment once was enough for me, I had like instant nausea. Plus I developed a highly sensitive smell for marijuana since it's so repulsive to me. I could probably compete with a drug sniffing dog..
    I don't know why. Not a smoker either but that doesn't bother me half as much as weed.

  22. #52
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    Quote Originally Posted by shade View Post
    I'm always surprised how popular weed is and how you got into it. Does it relieve stress? Pain? Anxiety? Did it start out of curiosity and just stayed since you felt good?
    Yes, pretty much all of the above. It's a good fit for me I guess. If things are going well then it just elevates them further, if things aren't going well it helps me to manage and process. It alleviates a certain amount of social anxiety (I used to use booze for this, which didn't work so well). I used to use it for insomnia, though I'm over that now. I could go on and on about the benefits for me. I guess the top one is that it enables me to have extremely powerful aesthetic experiences, and these keep me sane.

  23. #53
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    Quote Originally Posted by shade View Post
    I'm always surprised how popular weed is and how you got into it. Does it relieve stress? Pain? Anxiety? Did it start out of curiosity and just stayed since you felt good?
    Sorry this rambles.

    Medical reasons (but I did share a few joints a solid decade before medical). Stress.... I don't know. Pain, no. But it does let one manage it rather well (this is to say, it does not "kill pain", but it lets you be aware of what sort of pain you are in and potentially how to manage it in smart ways... and remember, pain does have to be a physical sensation). Anxiety... kinda depends on what you're anxious about. Some people say they get anxious and paranoid from it, but my working theory on that is that they more worried about being "caught" and the consequences of it rather than than the plant itself... I started because really consuming cannabis after i watched a documentary on medical [cannabis] and saw how it helped an individual with a sever stutter. Since lack of fluid speech was a huge part of my newly acquired disability, I figured I'd give it a shot. It worked for that. It also worked the severe movement disorder that is the largest part of my disability. With some experimentation, I figured out the bare minimum to manage what I have (2 puffs every 18hours)... and then, no, after many, many, many years I've reached a point where I'm legal and protected (to a degree) to use cannabis for medical purposes and I happily consume 4g a day because of instead of using it like an inhaler for when 18hour time frame is reach, I treat it like blood sugar and keep it fed regularly.

    I've never really ever been able to "get high" (consequently, previous to cannabis, the amount of alcohol it took to make me feel comfortable was rather expensive... it's just me, not the substances [and drinking and my disability aren't exactly good for one another, shaking from the head and all that, so I don't do that and have rather strong feelings about it now]). I consumer with a nice pipe and dry flower, and if I smoke a bowl entirely or two in a fairly rapid time frame, then I get high... for like, 10 minutes. So, it's not worth the effort on my side. Even having edibles, you know how how they say take a small square (of chocolate) to start to see how it treats you. Well, by about 12 small squares (or 3 bars) I feel pretty mellow. It's rather nice consuming a substance that won't kill me if I have "too much" of it.

    I've never had adverse effects from consuming. My tolerance is same as it ever was.

    I have acute chronic pain, depression and tardive dystonia. The acute chronic pain I can't do much about until surgery techniques get better for what's required, the depression is nearly completely chemical in nature due to that's also what cascaded into acquiring that tardive dystonia and since it was switching antidepressants that "caused" the disability to occur I can't take those ever again just in case it makes things worse. Cannabis helps me manage all of that, being mindful of the acute chronic pain (if I'm was out walking around, pre-COVID-time, if my chronic pain leg was started to fatigue or starting to drag a bit, I'd take a puff or two from my "vaporizer" [no liquid, tough to make is vapour and portable dry ceramic oven is just annoying to say, and calling it a DaVinci doesn't help most people understand any better] and be good to go to get me home or whatever other destination so I can rest my weary ugly bag of mostly water). For the depression side of things, it's tougher to gauge, I think it helps over all but since the root causality can't be addressed in a meaningful way, so all I can do is cope.

    The acute chronic pain saps the brains' ability to absorb other negative stimulus away, and then coupled with other environmental/personal matters led to previous depressions (but the fun part is that I didn't actually know about the acute chronic pain until AFTER the disability was acquired... my right leg just kept hurting and hurting and hurting, so an ultrasound, an x-ray and an MRI scan later we found the fucking cause of it all. And then re-contextualizing my life to figure out I was in heaps of pain for decades made my life make a lot more sense) and what we thought was the appropriate treatments at the time. So, since I can't address the acute chronic pain any more than I already am (I suppose I could use a wheel chair... but I'm holding out for a golden hover chair like Professor X), the cannabis lets me just get on with my day. Before cannabis was managing the shaking side of the disability, I'd have ~3hours of useful time in a given day before I'd be exhausted... now I can pretty much do what I want, when I want. I'm still on an 18hour time table though, and I'd like to really know why it does it. Even if I smoke "all the time" prior to the 18 hours, if I don't for like 15minutes before that window closes, I'll start shaking again like clockwork... but if I do keep smoking, then I don't get the shaking but I feel very compelled to take a nap, like all my oomph suddenly goes away... so I stagger to bed and lay down for anywhere from 30min. to 3hours and I'm good to go again. Planning a schedule around an 18hour clock is annoying (6am, forced to lay down... midnight, forced to lay down... 6pm, forced to lay down [or 7, 1, 7, depending on the time of year... I like that routine more, easier to go out for lunch]).

    Sorry about rambling but it's kinda complicated for me and so my answers are nuanced.

    So yeah, I smoke a lot of weed (~4.2oz a month or 120g). Not too much for edibles, but that's mainly a cost equation... but if I make my own space cake, I'm pretty okay with it but I haven't done that in years now.

    It's not for everyone, sure but I've never understood adverse reactions that aren't related to an allergy. Remember, the illicit market cannabis is notoriously bad for quality control... so if your experiences were from weed from that type of a source, you may have been inhaling all sorts of nasty instead of goodness (and that type of trauma, can certainly put one on edge to smelling it).

  24. #54
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    Quote Originally Posted by MrLobster View Post
    # Not too much for edibles, but that's mainly a cost equation... but if I make my own space cake, I'm pretty okay with it but I haven't done that in years now.
    Be sure to save what you put through your DaVinci - vaporised herb makes a very pleasant edible. Mix it up with a bit fat and you're away!

  25. #55
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    A coworker said he was in process with his gp to get his medicinal marijuana card for his insomnia. I'm kinda tempted to do the same. CBD oil helps, but it isn't 100%. I wouldn't be able to smoke this in my apartment, but I'd be ok with edibles.

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    Quote Originally Posted by Tom View Post
    Be sure to save what you put through your DaVinci - vaporised herb makes a very pleasant edible. Mix it up with a bit fat and you're away!
    I'm even more basic than that, I just use some dry flower (I have a small jar that I call "potpourri" of the last little bit of milled that I have and just let that accumulate, so many strains in one jar... I let guests smoke from that excess but also for the baking needs) in cake mix and let that tastiness rise (it's get so fluffy)

  27. #57
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    Quote Originally Posted by MrLobster View Post
    Sorry this rambles.
    It's not for everyone, sure but I've never understood adverse reactions that aren't related to an allergy. Remember, the illicit market cannabis is notoriously bad for quality control... so if your experiences were from weed from that type of a source, you may have been inhaling all sorts of nasty instead of goodness (and that type of trauma, can certainly put one on edge to smelling it).
    Yeah, that thought crossed my mind. Although it was in Amsterdam. You'd expected them to know.
    Maybe I got some crappy stuff that spoiled it for me forever. I guess it's a good thing? We're talking weed, imagine it would work like this with the nastier stuff.

    But I can smell it from a mile away now and the nausea is bad.

  28. #58
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    Quote Originally Posted by shade View Post
    Yeah, that thought crossed my mind. Although it was in Amsterdam. You'd expected them to know.
    They also have the terrible and unfortunate habit of mixing tobacco and cannabis together in one joint for casual consumption and usually have to specify that you just want just cannabis. Fun fact, you can't even grow cannabis for personal use there...

  29. #59
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    You can't grow cannabis for personal use almost anywhere in Europe. Tbh, I cannot think of a country around here where it is legal. It took them forever to even approve the medical prescription cannabis and that is way harder to get around here than it is in Canada - Canada and the States are way less restrictive on this.

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