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Thread: HYAAA! - Skyward Sword (Zelda)

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    HYAAA! - Skyward Sword (Zelda)


    This game has been awesome so far, but definitely a lot more challenging than any of the recent Zelda games. I've been emulating it on my computer using Dolphin and the graphics are leagues ahead of what it looks like on my Wii.

  2. #2
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    I just picked up the collectors edition. I haven't played my Wii in forever. Mostly just PS3, but I love me some Zelda. Man 480p looks terrible on an HDTV especially after playing everything in 1080P!

    I remember seeing Dolphin in its infancy when New SMB came out. I'll have to check it out again. Maybe hook my MBP up to my TV to play Zelda if it runs well.

  3. #3
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    Quote Originally Posted by Torgo View Post

    This game has been awesome so far, but definitely a lot more challenging than any of the recent Zelda games. I've been emulating it on my computer using Dolphin and the graphics are leagues ahead of what it looks like on my Wii.
    Emulation! I hadn't thought to try that. How are the controls with a keyboard and mouse? I'm downloading now since my Wii is still dead and I won't have money to replace it for ages.

  4. #4
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    Quote Originally Posted by johnbron View Post
    How are the controls with a keyboard and mouse?
    You just sync your Wiimote to your computer via Bluetooth. if you dont have a bluetooth adapter built in, a USB one is pretty cheap

    also, Skyward Sword requires a wiimotion plus.

  5. #5
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    Quote Originally Posted by Malechite View Post
    You just sync your Wiimote to your computer via Bluetooth. if you dont have a bluetooth adapter built in, a USB one is pretty cheap

    also, Skyward Sword requires a wiimotion plus.
    Nice! I have a USB one around here. I'll have to pick up a new Wiimote and give this a test soon.

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    I picked up the special edition. Youre right, so far it is harder than most Zeldas. But sometimes I feel like its cheap hard. Difficulty lies in bad camera controls and that mobility is needlessly limited by the inclusion of a stamina bar... the wii controls are often unresponsive and innacurate. Also, i didnt think this would be an issue for me, but the aesthetic is kind of jarring. The environments are kind of bland and plain, even compared to twilight princess so its hard to feel connected to the game.

    As a pleasant surprose, though, the story seems to be really strong so far. The relationship between Zelda and link is so real and convincing it seems like a giant leap for nintendo. But its the only thin g keeping me interested. It doesnt help the skyward sword has to compete with skyrim for screen time.

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    My dad asked me to go to Best Buy with him to help him pick out an HDTV and Blu-ray player. I saw this as an opportunity to snag a Wii Motion Plus adapter for my existing Wiimote. It worked! The emulator is a bit slow on my computer but it's running Skyward Sword pretty well. I've been playing for an hour or two now and I'm enjoying it. Off to battle!

  8. #8
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    I just finished this 100% last night, i've always been a massive Zelda fan so naturally I loved this game. I do have some gripes about the lack of NPC's in the land below the clouds, the needless loading times between the island of Skyloft and the sky itself, and it having the smallest sized map basically since Ocarina. I also didn't like how they kept calling it the land below, just call it goddamn Hyrule already. But yeah, trivial stuff from an otherwise great game. I didn't have any issues with the controls, and thats not just biased fanboyism, it just seemed to click for me.

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    I'm definitely going to get this one. I've always been a fan of The Legend of Zelda franchise for almost as long as I've been a fan of the Mario franchise. The Wii Remote that comes with the limited edition looks pretty sweet too.

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    I love it, and am actually trying to take my time, do side quests, and enjoy it instead of pummeling forward.

    Quote Originally Posted by The Reason Being View Post
    I just finished this 100% last night, i've always been a massive Zelda fan so naturally I loved this game. I do have some gripes about the lack of NPC's in the land below the clouds, the needless loading times between the island of Skyloft and the sky itself, and it having the smallest sized map basically since Ocarina. I also didn't like how they kept calling it the land below, just call it goddamn Hyrule already. But yeah, trivial stuff from an otherwise great game. I didn't have any issues with the controls, and thats not just biased fanboyism, it just seemed to click for me.
    Why did you think the loading was needless? When you're in the sky, the island isn't loaded, the simplified image of it is (take a look at it before falling). The island is pretty complicated, and I would rather have better graphics on it than be able to fall on it instantly.
    The reason it's not called Hyrule is because they don't know the name yet- this game is supposed to be the ultimate prequel to all Zeldas. So Skyloft doesn't have much "legend" of down there sitting around in old books. It is a bit annoying, as they could just have Fi know the name, but I think they did that sort of thing to add to the mystery and newness of the game compared to most in the series.

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    So excited to play this. People who have used Dolphin - is it hard to get it working? I've got wii motion plus, and I can get a blutooth adapter, can't decide if it's worth saving the trouble and just playing it on my Wii though.

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    Quote Originally Posted by isak View Post
    So excited to play this. People who have used Dolphin - is it hard to get it working? I've got wii motion plus, and I can get a blutooth adapter, can't decide if it's worth saving the trouble and just playing it on my Wii though.
    I was playing using Dolphin, but earlier today I bought a cheap used Wii because my computer was running it a little too slowly. Dolphin was very easy to get running. The only trick was shutting off something in Windows so the controller would connect properly.

    If you have a fast system, you'll probably love it. Especially since Dolphin can run the games better than a Wii.

    I am here: http://maps.google.com/maps?ll=45.505957,-122.928305

    LOL, geotagged forum posts. So unnecessary, sorry about that. /me shuts off feature in phone app
    Last edited by johnbron; 12-03-2011 at 07:52 PM.

  13. #13
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    Quote Originally Posted by Tea View Post
    Why did you think the loading was needless? When you're in the sky, the island isn't loaded, the simplified image of it is (take a look at it before falling). The island is pretty complicated, and I would rather have better graphics on it than be able to fall on it instantly.
    The reason it's not called Hyrule is because they don't know the name yet- this game is supposed to be the ultimate prequel to all Zeldas. So Skyloft doesn't have much "legend" of down there sitting around in old books. It is a bit annoying, as they could just have Fi know the name, but I think they did that sort of thing to add to the mystery and newness of the game compared to most in the series.
    I guess needless wasn't the word i was looking for, obviously it was like that for good reason. What frustrated me was that the windwaker did the whole ocean / island thing completely seamlessly nearly 10 years ago, and on a previous generation console. I undertsand the whole not being hyrule backstory and all, i just missed having a name for the land i was traversing ( i also wished my bird had a name ). But hey, im just nitpicking about my favorite series in game history, i still stand by this game as an all round excellent piece of work.

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    I keep forgetting to mentions this, but Fi sounds like GLaDOS, right? I can't be the only one. It cracks me up.

  15. #15
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    I am having the hardest time getting into this game. I got past the aesthetic, I got past the wonky dungeon design, I can deal with stamina and shield health... but is anyone having a hard time getting the controls to respond properly? In a game where the direction and timing of your swing counts so heavily, iI find it odd how often your swing comes late and from the wrong direction... I'm so miffed. There are times where I understand the solution to a problem, and can't get the controls to respond properly.

    The only thing keeping me intersted is the story. I'm just at the end of the forest temple...does the plot continue throughout, like a typical modern game, or does it only happen intermittently, like the average Zelda game?

  16. #16
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    The typo in the thread title is driving me bonkers. Damn it, Alex.

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    Quote Originally Posted by Wretchedest View Post
    The only thing keeping me intersted is the story. I'm just at the end of the forest temple...does the plot continue throughout, like a typical modern game, or does it only happen intermittently, like the average Zelda game?
    I'm almost at the fifth dungeon and so far it looks like the story excitement is mainly at the beginning. There is definitely more than the average Zelda, but still not the amount of your typical RPG.

    And yeah, you're not alone, johnbron. The second I heard her I connected it- or possibly Vocaloid. Kanye West?

  18. #18
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    Quote Originally Posted by beat View Post
    The typo in the thread title is driving me bonkers. Damn it, Alex.
    Tell me about it. I noticed it right as I pressed send on my cellphone.

    i gues well just half to life wit it.

  19. #19
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    Okay, I'm near the end of the game, and here are my thoughts:

    The game didn't progress in terms of difficulty; the only way I can see it doing so is that you have more tools to try out in situations, instead of it truly being more complicated. The puzzles were not as difficult as previous Zelda games- I got stuck in parts, but it just took a break to move on.

    Link's face has actually been freaking me out. His lips and eyes...

    The graphics are amazing, I don't care if they're lo-res. I hope more games go in the direction of a true style/visual feel such as Skyward did, instead of relying on "realistic" graphics.

    The music... dear god, and I thought good music was gone from Zelda after Majora's Mask. Looking forward to getting its soundtrack.

    A lot of things need to change. I love the Zelda series, and I want more from it. I don't think I'm expecting too much from some major changes, because they've done it in the past, and I believe they can again. Not only did the graphics, but also the gameplay felt like a hybrid of Wind Waker and Twilight Princess, which was good but not original really.

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    Quote Originally Posted by Tea View Post
    Link's face has actually been freaking me out. His lips and eyes...
    He kinda looks like Michael Jackson...

    I guess I'm going to try again to get into this game. If it wasn't a Zelda game, I would have given up by now.

  21. #21
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    Finally started playing this, I must admit I've been kind of bored with it. Granted I'm only on the first temple, but I never felt this way with Twilight Princess, I'm thinking (again, only so far) that its the better of the two released for Wii. And I also only mean so far into the games: like the 3 hours or so I've put into Skyward Sword aren't nearly as fun as the first 3 hours I put into Twilight Princess.

  22. #22
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    I beat the game tonight. I think it's about as good as Zelda games get. I absolutely love the graphics, low res and all. Great stuff!

  23. #23
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    Just made this cover of the Ocarina of Time tile screen. I tried to make it kinda eerie, ambient, and electronic. what do you guys think?


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