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Thread: The Mandalorian

  1. #241
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    Roboto as IG-11 is a pretty cool deep cut.

  2. #242
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    I really wish they'd stop using stock sounds of human babies for The Child. How hard would it have been to just hire a Frank Welker type to record sounds?

  3. #243
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    Quote Originally Posted by allegate View Post
    Roboto as IG-11 is a pretty cool deep cut.
    i saw an image where someone photoshopped the dean from community's face onto mando, and made jeff baby yoda, and changed the title to "the mandeanlorian" or something similar. i wish i had retweeted it, because i can't find it now.

    edit: found it!

  4. #244
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    Big Clone Wars and Rebels energy in Chapter 11

    I was super pumped by that appearance and that name drop, fucking hell yes!

  5. #245
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    so this week's episode isn't as gross/upsetting as last week's? good.

    also, didn't realize it until someone else pointed it out, but a big part of why i was so upset with baby yo eating those eggs is because my wife and i had fertility issues. i can only imagine what that was like for folks who didn't eventually get theirs sorted out.

  6. #246
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    Well, lots of people do not like Baby Yoda anymore after that episode. Amazing to watch a beloved character can ruined by such a stupid and needless "joke."

  7. #247
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    Quote Originally Posted by Mr. Blaileen View Post
    I think I'm gonna let this season blow by and binge it all when it's through. Usually I wouldn't have the willpower for such things, but being a full time student and employee leaves me with almost no time, so it works.
    I did that last year and kinda wish I'd waited this year, too. Really enjoying the first 3, even if 2 was a bit lacking it made up for it in comedy. Anxious for the rest!

  8. #248
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    Quote Originally Posted by neorev View Post
    Well, lots of people do not like Baby Yoda anymore after that episode. Amazing to watch a beloved character can ruined by such a stupid and needless "joke."
    I guessing as the season rolls on it'll be less joke and more plot point. Clearly the Child is hungry, they're making too big a deal of it to not have some significance.

  9. #249
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    I have to be honest—I was way more off put by the spiders last week than Baby Yoda eating eggs. Babies are stupid and typically have no idea what they’re doing beyond basic needs. BY is slightly more aware than regular babies but obviously needs discipline and direction on restraint and morality. I think it’s more of a statement about how bad at parenting Mando is; though to be fair it’s clear he’s winging this. They’re both in a situation neither had imagined they’d be in. I find much of the response to be an overreaction. If BY had murdered the entire frog family when Mando returned from the mission this week? You’d have some legit reasons to be upset. Instead, he appeared to learn there was something alive inside the eggs.
    Overall, this week’s episode was fantastic minus the always terrible Katee Sackhoff (I don’t get the love for her at all). It was cool to see Sasha Banks, though. It set up some real interesting things the show can explore and build upon.
    Last edited by Swykk; 11-14-2020 at 04:22 PM.

  10. #250
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    I actually think this was one of the weaker episodes. I hope we avoid a deep dive across other pockets of the franchise and stick to the core concept.

  11. #251
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    Quote Originally Posted by Wretchedest View Post
    I actually think this was one of the weaker episodes. I hope we avoid a deep dive across other pockets of the franchise and stick to the core concept.
    Not gonna happen with Dave Filoni at the helm, he's a Star Wars nerd through and through.
    Talking of nerddom, not even mine could keep up with the reveals in the last episode
    (Also spoilers for Clone Wars) Spoiler: The whole Mando being Death Watch thing confused the hell out of me. I'm not caught up enough on Clone Wars to realise the implications of the characters from the last episode. At first I thought the Mandalorians he encounters were Death Watch after the helmets came off, then they said he was Death Watch, then they turned out to be not so great so I thought they were Death Watch again, and the first line of Wookieepedia confirmed it, but then digging a little deeper, turns out they're ex-Death Watch.
    Confusing much?
    Last edited by scorpiusdiamond; 11-16-2020 at 05:56 AM.

  12. #252
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    You have to be a fan of Clone Wars to mostly understand how EXCITING AND CRAZY CHAPTER 11 was. Truly, if you want to cram before this next episode, watch the last four episodes of Clone Wars that were put out on Disney+ and you can get a preview. But overall, Clone Wars and Rebels are worth your time to check out.

  13. #253
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    Quote Originally Posted by ltrandazzo View Post
    You have to be a fan of Clone Wars to mostly understand how EXCITING AND CRAZY CHAPTER 11 was. Truly, if you want to cram before this next episode, watch the last four episodes of Clone Wars that were put out on Disney+ and you can get a preview. But overall, Clone Wars and Rebels are worth your time to check out.
    i don't know about any of that but i still REALLY enjoyed this week's episode. cried when The Frogs™ reunited, laughed a lot, and there were some great musical cues.

  14. #254
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    So now it's the "boob-armor" that people get mad about on the internet. Jesus Christ, even a show like this has so many micro-shitstorms going on.. Are we collectively spending too much time on the internet? I for one can remeber that back in my fencing days women were quite happy to have some extra protection and my lady even got herself a customized guitar for her "shapes". From what I've seen the armor doesn't differ greatly from Clone Wars and Rebels and frankly, I didn't even recognize that it was a bit different than Mando's armor. Phew...

    As for the episode itself: It was short, but I liked it way more than the last one and to some extent the premiere. Seeing Mandalorians in action is just amazing and I wish we'd get more of that as it was the only redeeming factor of that prison-ship episode in season 1 at least for me. I still think that the show isn't written too well and the overall arc is a little bit all over the place. Then again, like some people on here already said, maybe we have to treat it as a old school TV show and step away from our top-tier character-building and story-heavy Netflix stuff. I'm just a little afraid at this point that we might shuffle away a bit too much from Mando with all these characters being teased and introduced. Let's see!

    Oh and those Boba Fett spin-off news? If they are indeed planning something, I'm all in! It sucks we never got to see that anthology movie and the 1313 game was cancelled.
    Last edited by dlb; 11-17-2020 at 05:52 AM.

  15. #255
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    It's probably no secret about Bo-Katan showing up anymore given Star Wars socials are dropping character posters and what not.

    So if you're out of the loop where that character is concerned here's a good primer.

  16. #256
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    Episode was a mess, but was nice little reveals here and there. What I don't enjoy is the bewildered looks on my friends faces that have no idea what they were talking about half the episode from all the exposition they never experienced from the animated show.

    Does anyone have a good recap video for others that do not feel like watching Clone Wars or Rebels?

  17. #257
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    Quote Originally Posted by Self.Destructive.Pattern View Post
    Does anyone have a good recap video for others that do not feel like watching Clone Wars or Rebels?
    The video @thelastdisciple posted seems to do a good job...I haven't seen either of the animated series and it connected a lot of dots for me.

  18. #258
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    Quote Originally Posted by cdm View Post
    The video @thelastdisciple posted seems to do a good job...I haven't seen either of the animated series and it connected a lot of dots for me.
    Thank you .

  19. #259
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    There are some good videos on Youtube on the whole lore of Mandalore and some on the back story of Boba/Jango Fett (mostly Legends stuff, and presumably not movie canon) that worked well for me. It's pretty crazy how dedicated fans can get.. wait? What message board are we on again?

  20. #260
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    In that video, he mentions Cobb Vanth being the first character who was originally created for a book or comic to make the jump to live action, while Saw Gerrera was the first animated character to be portrayed in film or television. I thought to myself, "No, that would be Boba, who first appeared in the 1978 Holiday Special." I think what he meant to say was that Saw was the first character originally created for animation to make the jump to live action, since Boba was originally created for Empire, but made an early appearance in animated form in the Holiday Special.
    But....... I did happen to learn something just now while doing a quick search on the subject.......

    Boba's first appearance was not the Holiday Special on November 17, 1978. It was the San Anselmo County Fair parade, on September 24, 1978. (Okay, so San Anselmo is not in AGFFA).
    I always thought Jeremy Bulloch was the first person to play Boba. Jeremy was the first to play Boba in a film, but Duwayne Dunham played Boba in this parade. I did a search on Duwayne Dunham, and he is primarily a film editor and director, having edited eighteen episodes of Twin Peaks: The Return, two episodes of Twin Peaks S1&2, Blue Velvet, Wild at Heart, Return of the Jedi, and more. He has directed two episodes of The Clone Wars, three episodes of Twin Peaks S1&2, among other things.

    During pre-production of The Empire Strikes Back, production designer Norman Reynolds asked assistant editor Duwayne Dunham to try out the first, all white prototype armor for Boba Fett.

    Some great photos of the parade are included in this story:

  21. #261
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    but seriously, that's awesome. love reading that kind of deep dive.

  22. #262
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    'We signed autographs. I remember trying to shout through that mask [at Gary Kurtz], “Is it one T or two Ts?” And him saying “I think it’s two!”'

    Imagine having an ultra-rare Boba Fett autograph variant that has only one T.

  23. #263
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    Pretty cool new episode! A little filler, yet it expanded on the lore a bit and foreshadowed some of the upcoming events as well as the newer movies. Excited to see where that goes (some explosive material in there) and if it at all connects to the movies.

    Really loved the music in this episode, quite Blade Runner'esque and the action scenes looked better than some of the action in the new trilogy, RO and Solo. Perfect mix of oldschool effects and new techology, just like Star Wars should be in my opinion.
    Last edited by dlb; 11-20-2020 at 05:39 AM.

  24. #264
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    one of the more enjoyable episodes so far.

    does anyone think the cgi, isn't on par with the first season tho? it just looks off, compared to season 1.

  25. #265
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    yeah the CGI has been really back and forth. I still don't see how they can do it in-screen like that and make it look practically seamless though.

    side note:

    that's really cute, and the price is only $18, but I wasn't aware you could register a patent on someone else's trademark.

    though it's almost karmic payback for Disney's insistence on their interpretation of contract law this week.

  26. #266
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    Is this real? Haven't watched the new episode yet

  27. #267
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    I just had a look and yup although that image has been brightened up a lot. In reality it's a very quick cut, obscured by blaster fire and a lot darker.

    Yikes though, I imagine it would be pretty easy to re-release the episode and do a quick CG clone-stamp tool over it or whatever it is they do.

  28. #268
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    I personally found this episode to be among the best in the series. It felt very old school Star Wars in the best way possible.

  29. #269
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    GREAT episode. The chase scenes & the dogfights (so much nostalgia rushes in for me just hearing certain Star Wars sounds...its so fun), the comedy, and the two major bits of info dropped that tie into MUCH bigger things. This show man...

  30. #270
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    Found myself whooping and hollering in this episode like I did with the first one. Hell yes.
    Maybe it's just me and my obsessive mind, but I feel myself being one step ahead in terms of plot. I already know what Moff Gideon is up to, and it connects all the dots from way back in the beginning. Was it too much of a reveal?

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