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Thread: Trump 2020-21 - Epilogue

  1. #571
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    Quote Originally Posted by Jinsai View Post
    and now they're ending it with "You Can't Always Get What You Want" by the Stones.

    I'm just baffled trying to unpack that choice.
    It’s fucking hilarious.

    Quote Originally Posted by NotoriousTIMP View Post
    fuck it, at this point America/Americans deserve dickstain....I'm so glad I plan on moving out of this country soon.
    Where ya goin’, TIMP?

  2. #572
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    Quote Originally Posted by Sesquipedalism View Post
    Thank you. That got a hearty “Fuck yeah!” and fist pump from me and my wife.
    This was a pretty epic Spinal Tap-level disaster.

    They had this whole outdoor area set up for this GIANT overflow festival thing with food and music stages and Trump and Pence were to speak on stage out there. But it was all totally empty. They were dismantling the stages and food areas before Trump even went onstage inside.

    Inside, the fluffers included Eric Trump and Kimberly Guilfoyle. Eric lead the attendees in call-and-response shouting, despite that increasing Covid transmission. Kimberly mentioned Hillary Clinton, then led the crowd in the chestnut chant of “lock her up.”

    When Trump finally spoke for too long, attendees were unashamedly yawning.

    The COOL thing is I didn’t have to listen to any of these assholes saying anything. MSNBC was covering it all day, but not playing any audio. They just occasionally DESCRIBED the audio while showing some video, so we didn’t have to be subjected to these assholes. And we could still see the complete collapse of the clown show in real time. And a shitload of us were live-Tweeting it.

    It was awesome.

    American teenagers (and Zoomers): I STAN!!!!!

    Last edited by allegro; 06-20-2020 at 10:19 PM.

  3. #573
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    Quote Originally Posted by allegro View Post
    It’s fucking hilarious.

    Where ya goin’, TIMP?
    Japan! Just wrapped up my AA and now i'm heading off to get my BA in teaching, then its off to Japan to teach English!

  4. #574
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    Quote Originally Posted by NotoriousTIMP View Post
    Japan! Just wrapped up my AA and now i'm heading off to get my BA in teaching, then its off to Japan to teach English!
    Japan is awesome.

  5. #575
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    Quote Originally Posted by NotoriousTIMP View Post
    Japan! Just wrapped up my AA and now i'm heading off to get my BA in teaching, then its off to Japan to teach English!
    Omg I’m so jealous!!!!!

    Good for you!! That’s awesome. What an adventure.
    Last edited by allegro; 06-20-2020 at 10:26 PM.

  6. #576
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    Quote Originally Posted by allegro View Post
    This was a pretty epic Spinal Tap-level disaster.

    They had this whole outdoor area set up for this GIANT overflow festival thing with food and music stages and Trump and Pence were to speak on stage out there. But it was all totally empty. They were dismantling the stages and food areas before Trump even went onstage inside.

    Inside, the fluffers included Eric Trump and Kimberly Guilfoyle. Eric lead the attendees in call-and-response shouting, despite that increasing Covid transmission. Kimberly mentioned Hillary Clinton, then led the crowd in the chestnut chant of “lock her up.”

    When Trump finally spoke for too long, attendees were unashamedly yawning.

    The COOL thing is I didn’t have to listen to any of these assholes saying anything. MSNBC was covering it all day, but not playing any audio. They just occasionally DESCRIBED the audio while showing some video, so we didn’t have to be subjected to these assholes. And we could still see the complete collapse of the clown show in real time. And a shitload of us were live-Tweeting it.

    It was awesome.

    American teenagers (and Zoomers): I STAN!!!!!

    And they were calling it... THE OUTDOOR EXPERIENCE. Yes, it is completely Spinal Tap.

  7. #577
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    Quote Originally Posted by Jinsai View Post
    And they were calling it... THE OUTDOOR EXPERIENCE. Yes, it is completely Spinal Tap.
    You are witnessing the rebirth of Trump, Mark II:

    Last edited by allegro; 06-20-2020 at 10:36 PM.

  8. #578
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    This has got to be a huge blow to Trump's ego. I'm guessing that we are headed for another crazy week, starting with some bat-shit crazy tweets starting any moment.

  9. #579
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  10. #580
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    Imagine what would happen if any other politician admitted to slowing testing if the deaths were in the *triple digits*

  11. #581
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  12. #582
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    The insanity of it all is people talking about the fucking attendance numbers and not the line about slowing tests.

    I mean, I guess that's how much we've normalised his shit. We are beyond gaslit

  13. #583
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    Even Drudge is shitting on the klan rally.

  14. #584
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    Quote Originally Posted by Sesquipedalism View Post
    You're not wrong. And I'm guilty of it, too. After the past week, I'm more worried about state media and erased investigations than I am about the pandemic. Which is likely an incorrect priority structure. But I very nearly threw up and cried last night. I can be cautious about the pandemic—I have at least a small measure of control. I can't do shit about the rest of it and the rest of it has the potential to affect the rest of my life. As do the medical bills if I get the virus, I suppose, but again: tiny measure of control. We still disinfect the mail and don't leave the house except for groceries.

    My excuse? I sort of dismissed the slowing tests line because—possibly while the rally was still going on—his administration jumped all over it, saying it was an obvious joke, and that everyone taking it seriously is humorless. And I guess I left it at that because, even if it is true (and I do believe it he or his people would order it; whether or not such a directive would be followed down the line by the people in the metaphorical trenches facing the consequences of slowed testing is another matter), I think it will absolutely be a futile argument to harp on unless it can be proven that he actually did order such a thing.

    But I have to admit that even this line of reasoning is the sort of on-one's-feet rationalization and focus direction that we've all had to get good at during this administration and the problem with that kind of shit is that it is extraordinarily likely that, over a long enough timeline, one will make mistakes, dismiss something that shouldn't be dismissed, deprioritize something that should be pushed up the alert ladder, &c. Maybe I made the right call focusing on other shit, maybe not. I don't know anymore. I'm fucking exhausted.

    At some point, like five years after he leaves office, I'd like to tackle the brass tacks here: Even if it was a joke, can we all agree that no president should ever make that joke in the middle of a pandemic ever again? Can we then discuss a return to at least a little bit of earnestness, civility, and candor where the office of the president is concerned?

    EDIT: In rereading, I realize I never actually answered the part of your comment where you mention talking attendance numbers. That I am currently participating in because it's literally the best political news I've heard all week. I'm glad this rally "flopped." And for someone so focused on doing things bigly and numbers—someone whose administration actually began with literally the most inane fight I'd ever seen in politics (topping even "depends on what the definition of 'is' is")—it did seem worth commenting upon, though not getting long distracted by. It was my cocktail at the end of a long Saturday, so to speak.
    I'm not trying to point fingers. All the conversations are going that way. Maybe his low attendance numbers are more newsworthy, less surprising than him slowing testing.

    Maybe it's more fun, because we know that's how to hurt him. Twice as many Americans have died as in the Vietnam that information going to change how he is held to account? No.

  15. #585
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    Quote Originally Posted by versusreality View Post
    my morale is so low. I am convinced he will win again. it kills me to think that. I really really really hope I'm wrong.
    I wrote this on here a while back in relation to a discussion of Warren's chances (OOF...what was I thinking? What an absolutely dreadful campaign she ran...5th in her home state! lol)

    "Hillary was hated all over the country by people of all stripes. She won the popular vote nonetheless by 3 million votes, and only lost the 3 swing states she didn't campaign nearly enough in by 70-something thousand votes combined. That's it. Warren is much, much more popular...many more people absolutely hate Trump now...and MANY more people will be energized to vote against him than the record low depressed vote of 2016. As long as she actually campaigns & excites people in the swing states she needs to, she will win handily against the pig, don't worry."

    Those 3 states were Michigan, Wisconsin & Pennsylvania. That's where she lost the presidency. If she did what she needed to there, she woulda won.

    If you don't trust the polls in those states yet, I hear you. But know Biden is up in all of them I believe.

    But here's some more info to reinforce the idea that Biden can sway those 70,000 votes back (ignoring the current situation where he is also up in some polls in other swing states like Florida, Arizona & even Georgia)...

    - One is the simple notion that practically no one who voted for Hillary in 2016 will flip to Trump now. That's preposterous.
    - Wisconsin is typically a relatively reliable blue state in recent history, and immediately trended back towards the Dems starting in 2018, as a Dem is now Governor & we picked up House seats. Then think about the fierce turnout & energy on the left for the recent primary during the height of Covid. Hillary was the reason for the loss in 2016, that's it.
    - I think Biden has the ability to flip 70,000 votes total across three states. There's enough buyer's remorse coupled with real anger towards Trump for that to happen.
    - Joe is originally from Pennsylvania. I don't see how he loses what could be described as his home state, considering that's been trending blue as well.
    - we've seen impressive voter registration numbers all over the country. People are itching to make their voice heard.

    I get the depressed feeling over this. But the numbers are really on our side at least until something happens to change it. Joe would have to really flub something or have a major health issue for his advantage to waiver.

    You want to talk to me about the Republicans cheating to win the election? Well, that's a different story & can't pretend I'm not worried about it either, especially with how the primaries have been ran in some states.
    Last edited by bobbie solo; 06-21-2020 at 02:09 AM.

  16. #586
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  17. #587
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    He had said that testing shit a while ago though.

    My personal favorite part was the post-birth executions.

    Looks like final attendance was 6,611 - just over 1/3 capacity.
    Last edited by Sarah K; 06-21-2020 at 04:04 AM.

  18. #588
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    Quote Originally Posted by Wretchedest View Post
    The insanity of it all is people talking about the fucking attendance numbers and not the line about slowing tests.

    I mean, I guess that's how much we've normalised his shit. We are beyond gaslit
    He’s been saying this stupid shit for MONTHS.

    We ALREADY KNOW that we are not testing NEARLY ENOUGH and Shitler thinks we are testing too much because it makes him look bad. BECAUSE HE IS A MORON.

    Here is from two days ago, WSJ: Testing is overrated.

    5 days ago: If U.S. Stops Coronavirus Testing There Would Be 'Very Few Cases, if Any'

    May 14: “And don’t forget, we have more cases than anybody in the world. But why? Because we do more testing. When you test, you have a case. When you test, you find something is wrong with people. If we didn’t do any testing, we would have very few cases.”

    May 7: “We make ourselves look bad with testing.”

    March 13: Trump afraid testing could hurt re-election chances.

    Etc. etc. etc.
    Last edited by allegro; 06-21-2020 at 05:01 AM.

  19. #589
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    Quote Originally Posted by Sarah K View Post
    My personal favorite part was the post-birth executions.
    Yes!! I guess he repeated that shit last night?

    Wtf. Classic stupid.

  20. #590
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  21. #591
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    Trump 2020 - There are still children in detention separated from their parents

    Quote Originally Posted by Wretchedest View Post
    The insanity of it all is people talking about the fucking attendance numbers and not the line about slowing tests.

    I mean, I guess that's how much we've normalised his shit. We are beyond gaslit
    i’ve been thinking about who his people are that he could tell to slow the tests. is he talking about governors? who controls the tests? i don’t know if it’s him. it’s his fault we didn’t have enough tests in the beginning because of negligence. do we have enough tests now? if not, this statement is an indictment. not that the gop will do anything to him.

    edit to add: on twitter there seems to be a notion that antifa blocked people from getting in or something.

  22. #592
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    A Gary Cherone-fronted Van Halen in 1998 was a bigger draw.

  23. #593
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    Quote Originally Posted by GulDukat View Post

    A Gary Cherone-fronted Van Halen in 1998 was a bigger draw.
    Someone on Twitter told me last night that they saw the Trans-Siberian Orchestra at that venue at Christmas and it was way more packed.

    But they weren’t scammed by teenagers and nerd Boomers.

    Make no mistake: There were plenty of Trumpers who could not get a ticket to that Klandig yesterday who wanted one. Because all the tickets were snapped up. By KPop teens and busy Lefty Boomers.
    Last edited by allegro; 06-21-2020 at 08:57 AM.

  24. #594
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    God really was pissing himself laughing when he put that brain and destiny into Trump.

  25. #595
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    Quote Originally Posted by allegro View Post
    Someone on Twitter told me last night that they saw the Trans-Siberian Orchestra at that venue at Christmas and it was way more packed.

    But they weren’t scammed by teenagers and nerd Boomers.

    Make no mistake: There were plenty of Trumpers who could not get a ticket to that Klandig yesterday who wanted one. Because all the tickets were snapped up. By KPop teens and busy Lefty Boomers.
    So why not get Trump supporters waiting outside without a ticket? There were big screens there for them to watch the speech. Maybe because they weren't there?

    Besides, I thought the venue was 2/3 empty because of "very bad people" keeping the Trumpers away?
    Last edited by GulDukat; 06-21-2020 at 09:28 AM.

  26. #596
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    I'm not saying John Bolton's book has already leaked. I'm not saying it's on Google Drives in PDF format. And I'm definitely not saying that people should go download it instead of giving money to him.

    I'm absolutely not saying any of those things at all.

  27. #597
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    Quote Originally Posted by Erneuert View Post
    God really was pissing himself laughing when he put that brain and destiny into Trump.
    trump’s election is proof that there is no god.

  28. #598
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    Quote Originally Posted by Erneuert View Post
    God really was pissing himself laughing when he put that brain and destiny into Trump.

    Does this look or sound like a man who has ever had even the tiniest bit of interaction with whatever God/gods might exist? (And I purposefully chose the tweet to cover the Bible quote in question because it makes me laugh every time.)

  29. #599
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    Quote Originally Posted by GulDukat View Post
    So why not get Trump supporters waiting outside without a ticket? There were big screens there for them to watch the speech. Maybe because they weren't there?

    Besides, I thought the venue was 2/3 empty because of "very bad people" keeping the Trumpers away?
    You had to have a ticket to be in the “Outdoor Experience.” That was for the excess ticketed people who couldn’t fit inside the venue. Remember: Brad Parscale THOUGHT he’d sent tickets to over 900,000 rabid Trump supporters. That’s why they set up the whole Coronapalooza Experience.

    The “very bad people” excuse was cooked up AFTER they found out they sent out nearly a million tickets to people who didn’t show up. They’re posting pics on Twitter of Trump fans being “forced” to go through one large gate. Oh, the humanity. They’re now saying that made people turn away and go home. Of COURSE, they’re lying. There was barely any protester presence around the Klanapalooza, the media made that clear with drone footage. It all looked like a Country Music Fest. People were peacefully filing in, no problems.

    The shit between the two groups didn’t go down until AFTER the rally, that night.

    Trump idiots camped out in front of the BOK for days. The snaking line inside the gates, designed to socially-distance an anticipated HUGE crowd, looked ridiculous.

    They don’t want to admit - to quote Home Alone - that they were “scammed by a kindergartner.“
    Last edited by allegro; 06-21-2020 at 11:16 AM.

  30. #600
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    I still can't get over the "I looked very handsome" comment. I mean, I get that he's THE narcissist... but does he actually look at videos of himself on TV and think to himself "god I'm so good looking, I'm like the model of good looks." It's not even about whether or not people consider him to be attractive. I would say he looks fucking weird, but the point isn't to go after someone for their personal appearance... it's that he actually looks at himself and thinks "ooooooh, you handsome devil." And then later, he's so smitten with his impression of himself, that he has to share it with a stadium full of people, all of whom, I assume he assumes, think he's some Adonis. It's just bizarre to me I guess. But here we are.
    Last edited by Jinsai; 06-21-2020 at 11:10 AM.

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