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Thread: Coronavirus - COVID-19

  1. #181
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    Thoughts and prayers, because that’s always been so effective.

  2. #182
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    Oh for fuck's sake.

  3. #183
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    So.......i love the scary news,lol. I touch china stuff every day that comes on a cargo ship overseas, my company is owned by a Chinese gentlemen who fly back and fourth all the time he just got back last month and if getting ready to head back to China. I am not really worried and the virus. Ebola anyone?

  4. #184
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    Quote Originally Posted by bryan_NIN65 View Post
    Ebola anyone?
    There is a huge difference between this and Ebola. Ebola was contained to Africa for the most part. This is worldwide. This spreads faster. Doesn't have as high as a mortality rate, but if Ebola went worldwide like this this, you'd be singing a different tune.

    Either way, 6 dead in Seattle now. Curious what Washington states actual numbers are.

    Seattle refuses to pull the plug on its annual emerald city Comic-Con in 2 weeks. Should be interesting to see how this spreads with that. Guy from my work is gonna be going there. my manager is still stuck in China too. Her flight was cancelled. Rumor is she managed to get a flight and should be back at the end of this week.

    The louve in paris has shut down in attempts to control this. You're going to start seeing a lot of festivals/events/monuments/museums etc shutting down and cancelling their events the next few weeks.

    I don't see this going away like the seasonal flu either. This thing is here to stay for 2020 well into the summer.

    Time to set up base in Antarctica or Greenland, lol.
    Last edited by ManBurning; 03-02-2020 at 06:23 PM.

  5. #185
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    Oh, and yes bad Ebola joke, but Ebola got closer to me (500miles). This sucks as all sickness but I'm gonna get to worried.

  6. #186
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  7. #187
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    Quote Originally Posted by versusreality View Post
    The incubation period is said to be as long as 27 days now, so the 14 day quarantine is pretty useless IMO.

    But yeah, that's wrong of the company for making her go back to work immediately after being in China. my manager is still stuck there, but my company is telling us once she does come back, they're gonna have her work from home for a couple weeks first.

    So, good on the employee for trying to grieve it. It's a health and safety issue. But I mean, employees are going to start abusing it though. What is the right or wrong approach to this?

    We're most likely going to cancel our trip to germany in May, but what if I didn't? Traveling to Europe is kind of a grey area. I mean, Italy is out of control. Traveling to an infected part of the world is on you, are you entitled to getting an extra 2 weeks off to sit at home before going back to work? Some people don't have the luxury of doing that.

    Pretty soon none of this will matter anyway, it'll be everywhere and there will be no escaping it and everyone will be sick at home anyway. I heard 70% of the world is probably going to contract it at some point or another.

  8. #188
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    The second case in NY is in my area :-/

  9. #189
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    Quote Originally Posted by SM Rollinger View Post
    I'm more concerned about my cat running out of food than I am lol......
    I would be too, not going to like it when it starts chewing your face while you sleep.

  10. #190
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  11. #191
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    honestly considering not booking my august vacation. I usually go down the shore every summer, have been since I was a kid in the early 90's. but I have no idea what things will be like in the summer with this. will it spread everywhere? get worse? do we know if it's seasonal.

    I feel like not taking any risks...

  12. #192
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  13. #193
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    Quote Originally Posted by ManBurning View Post
    There is a huge difference between this and Ebola. Ebola was contained to Africa for the most part. This is worldwide. This spreads faster. Doesn't have as high as a mortality rate, but if Ebola went worldwide like this this, you'd be singing a different tune.

    Either way, 6 dead in Seattle now. Curious what Washington states actual numbers are.

    Seattle refuses to pull the plug on its annual emerald city Comic-Con in 2 weeks. Should be interesting to see how this spreads with that. Guy from my work is gonna be going there. my manager is still stuck in China too. Her flight was cancelled. Rumor is she managed to get a flight and should be back at the end of this week.

    The louve in paris has shut down in attempts to control this. You're going to start seeing a lot of festivals/events/monuments/museums etc shutting down and cancelling their events the next few weeks.

    I don't see this going away like the seasonal flu either. This thing is here to stay for 2020 well into the summer.

    Time to set up base in Antarctica or Greenland, lol.
    there is cdc investigation going on. the numbers in washington are most likely much worse, perhaps like milan. they figure the virus has been here since early on (given all the trade with asia) & there wasn't testing available. the governor has declared state of emergency. very nervous times as i am right in the middle of the high risk group. been on phone all day with doctors, etc. i have some very specific instructions. most likely going to have to stop some meds that are suppressing my immune system. it's gonna hurt.

  14. #194
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    as I was talking to my co-worker today...

    we have many students in our building who we know are neglected by their parents- they don't get taken to doctors when they're sick. heck, the parents don't even take themselves when they're sick. some don't even have insurance. so how many cases around the country, the world, are diagnosed?

  15. #195
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    Quote Originally Posted by chuckrh View Post
    very nervous times as i am right in the middle of the high risk group. been on phone all day with doctors, etc. i have some very specific instructions. most likely going to have to stop some meds that are suppressing my immune system. it's gonna hurt.
    Shit. Best wishes to you. Hopefully it doesn’t come to that.

  16. #196
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    Coronavirus world tour t-shirts for sale, because... ya'll know someone was going to capitalize on this eventually.

  17. #197
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    So after being in a hospital for a week and being off work on compassionate leave for another when i finally came back my office (in central London) is in FULL Virus alert. Signs EVERYWHERE about not touching your mouth/nose/eyes, wash your hands (this shouldn't need to be said honestly), keep distance from people coughing etc. We're taking this VERY seriously.

    Something i have seen pointed out though, we have a government statement explaining what to do if you think you have it here and it's covered by the NHS...but what is happening in the US? Are people having to pay to be tested if they aren't insured? Because that would REALLY not help in containing this virus.

  18. #198
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    Quote Originally Posted by Haysey View Post
    Something i have seen pointed out though, we have a government statement explaining what to do if you think you have it here and it's covered by the NHS...but what is happening in the US? Are people having to pay to be tested if they aren't insured? Because that would REALLY not help in containing this virus.

  19. #199
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    Quote Originally Posted by Haysey View Post
    Something i have seen pointed out though, we have a government statement explaining what to do if you think you have it here and it's covered by the NHS...but what is happening in the US? Are people having to pay to be tested if they aren't insured? Because that would REALLY not help in containing this virus.
    A really funny / not-at-all funny thing is happening in the US: Republicans are now being faced with a crisis where they have to support socialized medicine for under and non-insured. It's exactly the situation they've been deriding and calling unnecessary for months and years. They've peddled the notion that everyone has insurance and loves their plan so the government has no place in healthcare. Well now they are faced with a situation where the majority of their electorate is at-risk (due to age) and a sizable portion is under-insured. They're having to grapple with that and it would be hilarious if lives weren't at risk.

    At the state, local, employer level, from my view, people seem to be taking it with appropriate seriousness (edit) but they are handcuffed at the federal level...the thread @tricil posted above highlights that. That said, I live in a state with no **known** cases. The proactive measures seem to be there. Many states can now test for themselves and individual doctors can order the test without consulting CDC << Those two developments are very recent (this week) and will be key to containing this. In the short term this isn't going to be overcome by medicine but by data points. The more tests = more data. They can turn that data into containment plans. That has been severely lacking so far while countries like South Korea are organizing drive-up testing centers.

    As far as who pays for it...that part seems to be in flux and will probably in debate for weeks and weeks to come.
    Last edited by cdm; 03-04-2020 at 08:29 AM.

  20. #200
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    Quote Originally Posted by allegate View Post
    would it be better or worse if he pukes on someone à la Bush the First?

  21. #201
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    I should be surprised by this but yet I cannot muster the energy.

  22. #202
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    Quote Originally Posted by cdm View Post
    A really funny / not-at-all funny thing is happening in the US: Republicans are now being faced with a crisis where they have to support socialized medicine for under and non-insured. It's exactly the situation they've been deriding and calling unnecessary for months and years. They've peddled the notion that everyone has insurance and loves their plan so the government has no place in healthcare. Well now they are faced with a situation where the majority of their electorate is at-risk (due to age) and a sizable portion is under-insured. They're having to grapple with that and it would be hilarious if lives weren't at risk.

    At the state, local, employer level, from my view, people seem to be taking it with appropriate seriousness (edit) but they are handcuffed at the federal level...the thread @tricil posted above highlights that. That said, I live in a state with no **known** cases. The proactive measures seem to be there. Many states can now test for themselves and individual doctors can order the test without consulting CDC << Those two developments are very recent (this week) and will be key to containing this. In the short term this isn't going to be overcome by medicine but by data points. The more tests = more data. They can turn that data into containment plans. That has been severely lacking so far while countries like South Korea are organizing drive-up testing centers.

    As far as who pays for it...that part seems to be in flux and will probably in debate for weeks and weeks to come.
    in washington state there are criteria regarding who gets tested due to lack of testing capacity. after consulting with my doctor yesterday, there is a significant chance that i have the virus but not quite enough to get tested. it could be side effects of some meds. i've been given very specific instructions on how to proceed. while i haven't officially been put in quarantine i'm treating it like i have in the interest of everyone's safety. even if i don't have it, i'm still in the high risk group. 2 of my favorite bands are playing in separate shows in 2 weeks (wilco & drive-by truckers) & i'm writing them off. kind of bummed about it as i don't really go out much but can't be helped obviously. for a bit of historical perspective i would suggest looking into the spanish flu of 1918 especially in philadelphia. while we are better off than we used to be in some ways we aren't. everyone stay safe & smart out there. it can't hurt.

  23. #203
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    Quote Originally Posted by cdm View Post
    A really funny / not-at-all funny thing is happening in the US: Republicans are now being faced with a crisis where they have to support socialized medicine for under and non-insured. It's exactly the situation they've been deriding and calling unnecessary for months and years. They've peddled the notion that everyone has insurance and loves their plan so the government has no place in healthcare. Well now they are faced with a situation where the majority of their electorate is at-risk (due to age) and a sizable portion is under-insured. They're having to grapple with that and it would be hilarious if lives weren't at risk.

    At the state, local, employer level, from my view, people seem to be taking it with appropriate seriousness (edit) but they are handcuffed at the federal level...the thread @tricil posted above highlights that. That said, I live in a state with no **known** cases. The proactive measures seem to be there. Many states can now test for themselves and individual doctors can order the test without consulting CDC << Those two developments are very recent (this week) and will be key to containing this. In the short term this isn't going to be overcome by medicine but by data points. The more tests = more data. They can turn that data into containment plans. That has been severely lacking so far while countries like South Korea are organizing drive-up testing centers.

    As far as who pays for it...that part seems to be in flux and will probably in debate for weeks and weeks to come.
    Well...fuck! That thread was a real eye opener! Thanks for the answers, and i hope none of you have to get tested!

  24. #204
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    Quote Originally Posted by chuckrh View Post
    in washington state there are criteria regarding who gets tested due to lack of testing capacity. after consulting with my doctor yesterday, there is a significant chance that i have the virus but not quite enough to get tested. it could be side effects of some meds. i've been given very specific instructions on how to proceed. while i haven't officially been put in quarantine i'm treating it like i have in the interest of everyone's safety. even if i don't have it, i'm still in the high risk group. 2 of my favorite bands are playing in separate shows in 2 weeks (wilco & drive-by truckers) & i'm writing them off. kind of bummed about it as i don't really go out much but can't be helped obviously. for a bit of historical perspective i would suggest looking into the spanish flu of 1918 especially in philadelphia. while we are better off than we used to be in some ways we aren't. everyone stay safe & smart out there. it can't hurt.
    Oh shit man, I'm sorry. I hope they keep a good watch on you.

  25. #205
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    How I'm greeting people from now on

  26. #206
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    These numbers aren't great but it's getting better. It would be interesting to know if other states are helping supplement Washington state's capacity given the severity.

    Last edited by cdm; 03-04-2020 at 01:34 PM.

  27. #207
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    Quote Originally Posted by Haysey View Post
    Are people having to pay to be tested if they aren't insured?
    NYC just released a series of statements that included the following: "...facilities are open to all needing medical attention regardless of insurance status or ability to pay." In other cities / states this still may be a YMMV situation.

  28. #208
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    They're making us force all study abroad students in impacted areas to return. And making us cancel ALL upcoming study abroad trips no matter the location.

    Students are going to be out thousands and thousands of dollars that they already don't have. Breaking leases, lost tuition (and class credit), not getting the experience they signed up for... All over unnecessary panic. Thanks Cuomo.

  29. #209
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    We have a friend who's an American Air Traffic Controller working as a trainer in Frankfort, Germany.

    The facility, there, stopped all tours.

    And, if you leave the country for any travel, you basically can't get back in for the foreseeable future.

    This, of course, ended any of his vacation plans to come home and visit his 84-yr-old Mom in the U.S. for a while.

    Edit: Now he's telling us that he CAN visit his Mom because she's in Texas, and there's no Covid-19 in Texas? But, if he visits anywhere except Texas, he would have to self-quarantine for a few weeks. Not sure about pay.
    Last edited by allegro; 03-05-2020 at 01:25 PM.

  30. #210
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