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Thread: The COVID-19 coping thread

  1. #451
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  2. #452
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    Quote Originally Posted by MrLobster View Post
    whoa, if the Vid don't kill ya, the cholesterol will

  3. #453
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    bamboozled again!
    Last edited by allegate; 06-02-2020 at 06:25 PM.

  4. #454
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    I'm seriously considering trying to get an antibody test.

    In my zip code, as of the last update I can find, approximately 0.53% of people who live here have had it.

    When you think about how many people come through the store where I work on a daily basis...

    (Plus, I was showing what's now regarded as symptoms of COVID-19 in March)

  5. #455
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  6. #456
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    Still coping by taking long walks through nearby conservation land. And eating far too much home made sourdough bread! This new realty is disturbing yet certainly survivable. Although recent social unrest has added a surrealistic dystopian spin on everything. It really feels like society is becoming unglued. And that causes me to feel great sadness.

    Last week I found this cute critter paddling around the beaver pond:

  7. #457
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    finally managed to get an Ikea order in for pickup monday night at 12:30am. leaving in like 20 minutes to go pick it up. now i can keep going with my project of apartment re-arranging and the beginning of baby-proofing.

  8. #458
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    Quote Originally Posted by allegro View Post
    ...and it was at that moment, that Karen realized, with some alarm, that "SOMETHING is terribly ridiculous right here!"

    I don't know, maybe they're having fun with it.

  9. #459
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    Quote Originally Posted by Jinsai View Post
    ...and it was at that moment, that Karen realized, with some alarm, that "SOMETHING is terribly ridiculous right here!"

    I don't know, maybe they're having fun with it.
    As a christened Catholic who's also a Catholic godmother, I find this friggin' HILARIOUS!!!!

  10. #460
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    before ^^^

    after ^^^

    (sorry about the huge image size...not sure how to fix that...)

    i moved the subwoofer from the lower left cabinet to outside the cabinets on the right (it’s barely visible in the pictures), changed some shelf heights, moved all the video games into the bottom left cabinet, moved the modem & router (which had been behind the video games) into the left cabinet, moved the nintendo switch inside the cabinet, swapped the shelves with the surround receiver and the ps3/appletv, added doors to both left cabinets, built the new 2x2 kallax & bins, and obviously moved the turntable on top of it. also moved the left speaker in toward the tv and decluttered the whole top. now i just wish i either had the proper stand for the tv, or that i had something to put in front of it haha.

    i am not usually for minimalism but i have to say, i’m REALY happy with how this turned out. my only concern is that the purple bins aren’t going to be able to hold as many records (weight-wise) as i might need to put in them for overflow from the dining room where all my records live :/

    anyway, it was really nice to take a 45-minute drive (each way) with the windows down, and then have a project to work on today. also probably good to clean all that stuff more often. yeesh there was a lot of dust & cat hair on EVERYTHING i moved around today.

  11. #461
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    man, I have some FB friends who are way crazier than I knew... I had no idea I had so many friends who legitimately believe these conspiracy theories about George Soros and cannibal pizza cults and stuff. I'm done, I'm just blocking people at this point. I don't need this stupid shit in my life.

  12. #462
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    wait....cannibal pizza cults? wtf is that!? (dare I ask? )

  13. #463
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    Been back to work for newrly three weeks now, the amount of times i have to tell customere to put their masks back on is crazy, (thats not including people who arent covering their nose).. ill go into a gas station to get an energy drink, and I'm the only one with a mask on... even if you 100% believe covid is gone..why not be safe? Why not wear a mask indoors? We would have never been allowed to do so before hand..take advantage of it, feel cool, save a life.

  14. #464
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    Quote Originally Posted by xfocalinx View Post
    Been back to work for newrly three weeks now, the amount of times i have to tell customere to put their masks back on is crazy, (thats not including people who arent covering their nose).. ill go into a gas station to get an energy drink, and I'm the only one with a mask on... even if you 100% believe covid is gone..why not be safe? Why not wear a mask indoors? We would have never been allowed to do so before hand..take advantage of it, feel cool, save a life.
    It's seeing things like this that makes me think the whole "have we seen the end of handshakes?!?" crap is just that: crap.

  16. #466
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  17. #467
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    Quote Originally Posted by halo eighteen View Post
    Finally got an antibody test today. I've been on the fence because I'm not sure it'll really be useful info, even if it was a reliable test (which it doesn't seem to be). But as sick as I was a few months back, and having been in the workplace this whole time, not to mention the amount of people that have been asymptomatic - it'd just be nice to know.
    Was kind of low key hoping for a positive result, but it did indeed come back negative. Keep disinfecting and washing those hands, everyone!

  18. #468
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  19. #469
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    Got tested today.

    I do delivery for instacart on the side, and I'm at the store around the corner from my house fora few hours every day, and one of the employees there tested positive. I've got no symptoms, but I'm getting checked out just in case.

  20. #470
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    sorry for the double post, but as this totally unrelated, i wanted to separate it.

    my manager was able to grant me an extended leave of absence, so technically i still have a job at starbucks that i can return to when virus concerns are diminished. however, since we have no idea how long it's going to be before we reach that point, i don't know if the leave will be long enough (it's either to or through september, i need to get clarification). i also haven't been making any money since early may, which is going to be a serious problem very soon.

    i've managed to keep myself busy enough, i'm still working on lots of music (the label i'm on is putting together a charity comp so i'm finishing up a song for that), and we've actually managed to take a couple walks. but i don't have enough structure.

    i applied for two audio-related jobs last week. i'm looking for jobs today (in any field) but everything i'm finding is either way out of my league / not doable from home, tiny potatoes ("i'll pay you $25 to sync this audio to this video"), or not logistically possible (every transcription job requires a windows computer and i definitely don't have the money to buy a computer right now). i already don't feel well today and looking for and applying for jobs makes me feel sick for some reason.

    i wish i felt safe going back to work. i really do. i obviously have an amazing manager who really fights for his team, he's one of the only managers in the entire district who actually works on the floor (and he does it regularly), he's so kind and generous, and i don't even remotely dislike my job. i wish i made more than $13/hr, but it's better than nothing.

    le sigh.

  21. #471
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    You’ve really been through it, @Jinsai . I’m so sorry to hear this new awful development.

    That said, it sounds like it was quite necessary and I hope you realize you will be better off in the end.

  22. #472
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    Quote Originally Posted by eversonpoe View Post
    i wish i felt safe going back to work. i really do. i obviously have an amazing manager who really fights for his team, he's one of the only managers in the entire district who actually works on the floor (and he does it regularly), he's so kind and generous, and i don't even remotely dislike my job. i wish i made more than $13/hr, but it's better than nothing.
    A few thoughts, here:

    You are assumedly pretty healthy, no history of high blood pressure or blood clots or diabetes, etc.? Do they allow you to wear a mask at Starbucks? Question is, would they let you work the drive-through? Because this whole drive-through setup is SO safe, nobody is touching anything, everyone is really safe, I think it's more dangerous going to the grocery store, really. My husband and I get stuff through drive-through, and I think being at the grocery store is more risky. If Starbucks allows you to wear an N95, your chances of contracting the virus is lowered a LOT. Wash your hands a lot, it's lowered even more.

    On the side, look at the VOLUME of the "$25 to sync this video" thing, and keep your TIME down on those flat-rate jobs so that your hourly rate is high. So, if it takes you, say, 20 minutes to do that $25 job, your hourly rate would be $75/hour.
    Last edited by allegro; 06-11-2020 at 03:22 PM.

  23. #473
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    thank you to people who have sent me PMs, I appreciate it. I'm going to be real and just say that I don't think I've ever been this miserable in my life. I'm kinda shocked by how it feels. There is a LOT going on in my stupid world right now, and it's leaving me kind of lost. Maybe it's related to Covid19 maybe it isn't... I don't know.

  24. #474
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    I've worn them a few times now and just a bit too tight for my head... but was able to take a decent pic at least.
    Last edited by MrLobster; 06-11-2020 at 07:59 PM.

  25. #475
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    Quote Originally Posted by Jinsai View Post
    thank you to people who have sent me PMs, I appreciate it. I'm going to be real and just say that I don't think I've ever been this miserable in my life. I'm kinda shocked by how it feels. There is a LOT going on in my stupid world right now, and it's leaving me kind of lost. Maybe it's related to Covid19 maybe it isn't... I don't know.
    I was going to respond to your recent lament which seems to have disappeared. Perhaps it was in a different thread and I just can't find it now?

    Your desperation is something I can perhaps relate to. Many years ago I was in an absurd relationship which tested my very ability to exist. But I could not just walk away because I was committed. I had made promises and keeping those promises was paramount. I really wanted to help. And I really tried my best!

    But I refused to accept that the help I was able to offer was simply not sufficient. And when the relationship eventually failed, I blamed myself. Everything went pear shaped because I was not strong enough to fix her problems.

    Now I look back and realize that I goofed. My expectations were not realistic. My ability to fix my own shortcomings is limited, and my ability to force change upon another is nonexistent. But the end of the relationship still hurts like hell even now many decades later.

  26. #476
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    Quote Originally Posted by zero View Post
    I was going to respond to your recent lament which seems to have disappeared. Perhaps it was in a different thread and I just can't find it now?

    I deleted it, mainly because I felt it was a one-sided take on a private argument that I was putting out there onto a public forum, and I didn't think that was fair to her really. We've managed to end things as amicably as I guess you could hope to, so it probably doesn't help for me to be venting angrily on the net. I don't know. I'm in a confused, shocked, miserable headspace right now.

  27. #477
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    I live in a very small town not far from Bristol (where that statue was torn down and thrown in the river). Our Black population must number in the 10s. Maybe 200? I don't know. But today at 1pm somewhere in town there was a BLM meetup (I think it was indoors, I literally have no idea where).

    So, also in town we have a place called Kings Square. Which is a little green area with a statue in the centre to commemerate all of the people from town that died in WW1 and WW2. The statue is of a woman sat in a chair with some cherubs climbing over her. It's just a woman mind you, not a representation of a person that has ever been alive and done anything.

    So at 1pm today, because of the BLM meeting this biker club thought they should go and stand guard at the statue, you know....just incase??? Fuck knows what. Incase BLM have a violent reaction to a non descript statue?

    The dumb is so overwheliming is hilarious! They actually think they're doing some good. No one is threatening anything at all they're just "on guard".

  28. #478
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    i had a rough week and really needed some comfort, so yesterday morning sarah and i decided to do starbucks for breakfast. i felt a little weird about it considering i haven't been to work in three months. we did a mobile order from a nearby drive-thru, but the line was so long that i ended up parking and going inside. while the partners are absolutely doing everything by the book, the customers and their conduct assured me that i am still making the right decision in not returning to work. i felt like i was going to have a panic attack for the short time i was inside and it took a while to subside.

    on the plus side, our drinks & food were both very good. i think next time i'll do drive-thru on a weekday.

  29. #479
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    Quote Originally Posted by eversonpoe View Post
    i had a rough week and really needed some comfort, so yesterday morning sarah and i decided to do starbucks for breakfast. i felt a little weird about it considering i haven't been to work in three months. we did a mobile order from a nearby drive-thru, but the line was so long that i ended up parking and going inside. while the partners are absolutely doing everything by the book, the customers and their conduct assured me that i am still making the right decision in not returning to work. i felt like i was going to have a panic attack for the short time i was inside and it took a while to subside.

    on the plus side, our drinks & food were both very good. i think next time i'll do drive-thru on a weekday.
    My husband got us Starbucks from the drive-thru on Deerfield Rd in HP today and he said the line was HUGE. He patiently waited, and when he was finally at the window, he paid and the employee handed him change, than my husband was waiting for the coffees and the jerk in the car behind my husband started HONKING HIS HORN! My husband initially ignored the guy, but then he did it again, so my husband yelled out the window to him “calm down, they’re working as fast as they can!” The old man beeped again, then my husband - typically very calm - yelled “FUCK OFF, ASSHOLE!” And the Starbucks people were laughing.

    I don’t blame you for not wanting to deal with these people, omg.

  30. #480
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    Quote Originally Posted by allegro View Post
    My husband got us Starbucks from the drive-thru on Deerfield Rd in HP today and he said the line was HUGE. He patiently waited, and when he was finally at the window, he paid and the employee handed him change, than my husband was waiting for the coffees and the jerk in the car behind my husband started HONKING HIS HORN! My husband initially ignored the guy, but then he did it again, so my husband yelled out the window to him “calm down, they’re working as fast as they can!” The old man beeped again, then my husband - typically very calm - yelled “FUCK OFF, ASSHOLE!” And the Starbucks people were laughing.

    I don’t blame you for not wanting to deal with these people, omg.
    the scary thing is that that's how people are in the drive-thru NORMALLY. i've had people yell at me, try to throw their food at me because it's "not what they wanted" (i.e. the peppers on this woman's sandwich weren't perfectly's not like we sit there and hand-make them fresh, lady...), and SCREAM at the car in front of them because they want their damn starbucks asap. like...they can't move until they get their stuff, and getting mad at them or us isn't gonna help. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ the world is full of karens, man.

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