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Thread: The COVID-19 coping thread

  1. #481
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    Quote Originally Posted by eversonpoe View Post
    the scary thing is that that's how people are in the drive-thru NORMALLY. i've had people yell at me, try to throw their food at me because it's "not what they wanted" (i.e. the peppers on this woman's sandwich weren't perfectly's not like we sit there and hand-make them fresh, lady...), and SCREAM at the car in front of them because they want their damn starbucks asap. like...they can't move until they get their stuff, and getting mad at them or us isn't gonna help. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ the world is full of karens, man.
    Like THIS chick below omg. Ugh, people are terrible.

    Last edited by allegro; 06-15-2020 at 12:09 AM. Reason: .

  2. #482
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    Quote Originally Posted by eversonpoe View Post
    the scary thing is that that's how people are in the drive-thru NORMALLY. i've had people yell at me, try to throw their food at me because it's "not what they wanted" (i.e. the peppers on this woman's sandwich weren't perfectly's not like we sit there and hand-make them fresh, lady...), and SCREAM at the car in front of them because they want their damn starbucks asap. like...they can't move until they get their stuff, and getting mad at them or us isn't gonna help. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ the world is full of karens, man.
    Coffee is a hell of a drug. #kiddingnotkidding

  3. #483
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    My favorite restaurant has now been put down for good, at least partially because of this. They offered takeout for about two weeks after things first started shutting down, then decided "for safety reasons" that they'd suspend operations until it was healthy to resume. I put that in quotes because there seemed to be other indications that they might not be on good financial footing, and I think they used the health aspect as a public facing excuse instead of saying "we're losing too much money on takeout so we're shutting down". I was really hoping they'd be back, because they were a specialty shop that made dishes that literally no one else in the county makes. So it's not like "oh, I'll just have to go somewhere else to get this now". There isn't a different place to go to

  4. #484
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    The jobs market is really getting me down

    I feel hopeless

  5. #485
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    Quote Originally Posted by paul_is_dead View Post
    The jobs market is really getting me down

    I feel hopeless
    I'm there with you. I haven't had to look for a job in over ten years. Job hunting really isn't working out right now for me and I am contemplating moving away from Long Island since there is literally nothing keeping me here anymore.

    The most frustrating aspect about all of this is not knowing what the hell to do or go for. Any job is better than nothing, but I also need to be a bit selective and do not want to fall into an even deeper hole of depression because I am completely miserable at a job I don't want.

  6. #486
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    Quote Originally Posted by paul_is_dead View Post
    The jobs market is really getting me down

    I feel hopeless
    Quote Originally Posted by Self.Destructive.Pattern View Post
    I'm there with you. I haven't had to look for a job in over ten years. Job hunting really isn't working out right now for me and I am contemplating moving away from Long Island since there is literally nothing keeping me here anymore.

    The most frustrating aspect about all of this is not knowing what the hell to do or go for. Any job is better than nothing, but I also need to be a bit selective and do not want to fall into an even deeper hole of depression because I am completely miserable at a job I don't want.
    everything i think i can apply for turns out to have requirements that i don't even remotely meet. "Bachelor's Degree in (this field) with a minimum of 2 years experience working in (this or a related field)." etc.

    (sorry if i already posted this previously) i can't even get a transcription job because they all require a windows laptop and i don't have the money to buy one right now (or anything, for that matter).

  7. #487
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    Quote Originally Posted by eversonpoe View Post
    everything i think i can apply for turns out to have requirements that i don't even remotely meet. "Bachelor's Degree in (this field) with a minimum of 2 years experience working in (this or a related field)." etc.

    (sorry if i already posted this previously) i can't even get a transcription job because they all require a windows laptop and i don't have the money to buy one right now (or anything, for that matter).
    do you have a Mac laptop that can dual boot using Bootcamp?

    This is a time in history that we've been in, before. Where people have to either ride it out, at great discomfort or reliance on family, etc., OR have to completely change gears and careers.

    Sometimes it’s a time to get more education, different education, technical education, or freelance until you can change careers, work part-time in a lesser-desired job while you're doing that, etc.

    We've been through these waves, before. It really sucks, but we have to ride it out until the other side.

    Look at @Pillfred - He was a cook in restaurant work for 20 years. Now he's doing flag work. When you call JULIE to mark buried lines when you plant a tree, he's gonna show up and spray paint your lawn and put down flags.

    Through every disaster or change, there's opportunity.

    Sometimes you get to one place via another place, like that old management book, "Who Moved my Cheese?"

    Yes, this is a REALLY shitty time to look for a job, because the economy is still in Covid mode. There is also great uncertainty because of Trump and the upcoming election. But, hang in there. You’re all in my thoughts and prayers.

    The Joffrey Ballet announced, today, that their entire program is cancelled past Christmas, including the Nutcracker. I assume this is because they go into Nutcracker rehearsals in August.

    So, Covid is already affecting stuff into next year.
    Last edited by allegro; 06-16-2020 at 08:35 PM.

  8. #488
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    I need to find a coping mechanism instead of sitting in the house eating junk food, lol. I actually stopped eating Junk food for probably... 4 years. I had slowly been getting an "adult diet", eating properly. Tons of fruits and veggies. I almost cut out sugar entirely all together. Then, the pandemic hit. It's crazy to think that something as small as staying home and never leaving the house will trigger you to start eating candy and chips again.

    My girlfriend got laid off in March, and was off until last week. She's finally back at work, so that's good. But she's back to working from home and we live in this tiny ass super small 1 bedroom condo. I need to work from home as well. We see each other 100% of the day. Nobody ever gets the place to themselves ever at any given hour of the day. We sit here, watch the nice sunny days pass while we sit here and rot. My job has announced that we will be working from home for the rest of 2020. At first I was happy about that, but now I'm not so sure. Sure, it'll be great to avoid the 2nd wave that hits hard in the fall, but I am getting extreme, extreme cabin fever.

    I miss doing things so much. 2020 was going to be THE YEAR as well. Had so much planned. Now I fear my life is just going to be this. Wake up, go on the internet, work from home from my bedroom, eat, shower, sleep, repeat. There doesn't seem to be an end in sight.

    Our province almost beat COVID as well. Few weeks ago, we were down to almost no cases a day anymore, now we're creeping back up to high numbers again, and that is scary as shit. The 2nd wave is real and it's coming in quick. I fear nobody in North America is taking this seriously. The bars and pubs here are all back to normal. People everywhere on the patios drinking and smoking in close proximity. It's no wonder the cases are on a rise. I wish they literally told the whole wide world to NOT LEAVE THE HOUSE for 1 whole month. If the world went into complete lockdown back in March/April for at least 4-6 weeks, this virus would have been gone.

    Sorry for the complaining. I'm really tired of being locked up inside. I'm starting to lose it. It pains me seeing nobody following the rules and every one just out and about partying like it's 2019.

  9. #489
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    Quote Originally Posted by ManBurning View Post

    I miss doing things so much. 2020 was going to be THE YEAR as well. Had so much planned. Now I fear my life is just going to be this. Wake up, go on the internet, work from home from my bedroom, eat, shower, sleep, repeat. There doesn't seem to be an end in sight.

    Sorry for the complaining. I'm really tired of being locked up inside. I'm starting to lose it. It pains me seeing nobody following the rules and every one just out and about partying like it's 2019.
    I could have written the same thing. I'm there too.

    It's ok. It's called the coping thread for a reason, right?

  10. #490
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    contributed a new song to this compilation that the label i'm on put together. all bandcamp revenue shares today go to the NAACP, and the label is donating everything else to BLM global.

  11. #491
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    Quote Originally Posted by Sesquipedalism View Post
    Pursuant to that employment chat, I just spent two hours completing an online application for a remote Proofreading position. On the last screen, there's a box that says "This job requires a high degree of travel," and asks me to certify that I'm comfortable with and capable of that. I mean, I guess you finish applying and ask if you get a callback?
    There is ZERO reason to SEE someone for proofreading. ZERO.

    I really think a lot of these online job postings fulfill a corporate or academic “posting” requirement, even though they have already internally filled the position. They include all kinds of ridiculous requirements, deliberately, so that their ACTUAL candidate isn’t at risk.

  12. #492
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    as someone who does a lot of job postings: @allegro isn't wrong. I'm doing one now and I'm actively not telling the person who wants it done that there's a way to limit it to certain candidates because at the same time I'm hiring this brand-new position I'm getting rid of an encumbered position and he wants said incumbent in the new one.

    that doesn't make much sense. basically there are three positions in the org chart now. there are still three positions in the new org chart, but one of the three is different. the one that used to be there is encumbered and they want to give the new position to the same person but can't, they have to actually hire for it. What I'm trying to do is keep the super-secret information about the hiring process where they just look at the one person just that: super-secret.
    Last edited by allegate; 06-20-2020 at 09:38 PM.

  13. #493
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    Quote Originally Posted by allegate View Post
    as someone who does a lot of job postings: @allegro isn't wrong. I'm doing one now and I'm actively not telling the person who wants it done that there's a way to limit it to certain candidates because at the same time I'm hiring this brand-new position I'm getting rid of an encumbered position and he wants said incumbent in the new one.
    They do the same with posting the position internally; it’s “required” per the handbook, but it’s bullshit because they’ve already filled the position. But they get people’s hopes up for nothing.

    Also, all these extra academic requirements are management’s way of keeping minority and women riffraff out. It’s an ancient form of discrimination. Always extend that carrot out farther and farther.

    It’s perfectly exemplified in the movie “Hidden Figures.”

    Last edited by allegro; 06-20-2020 at 06:31 PM.

  14. #494
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    Sorry... having a moment.

    The end.

  15. #495
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    My mom is here for an extended period of time to help my sister who is expecting her second child in the next 2-3 weeks.

    I haven’t seen my sister since February; my mom since January. I’d love to see them and yet, as mentioned previously, I’m in a higher risk group for this fucking virus and my sister had an outdoor birthday party for my nephew who just turned 5 last week (I don’t know why and I don’t want to fight with her so I’m not asking) so I definitely have reservations about hanging out.

    I imagine I will see them at some point but wear a mask and be socially distant. Hopefully my nephew will be told to stay away. Not sure he would listen.

  16. #496
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    Quote Originally Posted by Swykk View Post
    my sister had an outdoor birthday party for my nephew who just turned 5 last week (I don’t know why).
    Outdoor stuff is considered less "risky" so maybe that's why?

  17. #497
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    i had an outdoor party for my daughter this weekend. i let her invite 4 friends. all i can think of today was that there wasn’t enough hand washing. fml

    Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

  18. #498
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    Quote Originally Posted by sweeterthan View Post
    i had an outdoor party for my daughter this weekend. i let her invite 4 friends. all i can think of today was that there wasn’t enough hand washing. fml
    Were they wearing masks?

    We bought this "Suave Spray Hand Sanitizer" at the supermarket, since it's so hard to find pop-up wipes to use to wipe down our groceries. Yes, now they're saying that it's highly unlikely that we'll get it from contact, but, still. So, we now spray the groceries and wipe them or we spray a paper towel and wipe them. Then I SMELLED the stuff.

    It's isopropyl alcohol. wtf.

    Yesterday, G and I went to dinner for Father's Day (even though our fathers are dead, G is a Cat Dad) at a local restaurant for a Prix Fixe menu ... in the parking lot. It was weird. Very good, but windy and weird.

  19. #499
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    Quote Originally Posted by allegro View Post
    Were they wearing masks?

    We bought this "Suave Spray Hand Sanitizer" at the supermarket, since it's so hard to find pop-up wipes to use to wipe down our groceries. Yes, now they're saying that it's highly unlikely that we'll get it from contact, but, still. So, we now spray the groceries and wipe them or we spray a paper towel and wipe them. Then I SMELLED the stuff.

    It's isopropyl alcohol. wtf.

    Yesterday, G and I went to dinner for Father's Day (even though our fathers are dead, G is a Cat Dad) at a local restaurant for a Prix Fixe menu ... in the parking lot. It was weird. Very good, but windy and weird.
    they were not wearing masks. we had a water slide so they did that for 4 hours.

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  20. #500
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    Quote Originally Posted by sweeterthan View Post
    they were not wearing masks. we had a water slide so they did that for 4 hours.
    Aw, jeez, that sounds like fun! Let the kids live! I'm jealous!!!!

    Ya coulda put some soap in that water slide, Mama! Double duty! LOL!!!

  21. #501
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    Quote Originally Posted by allegro View Post
    Aw, jeez, that sounds like fun! Let the kids live! I'm jealous!!!!

    Ya coulda put some soap in that water slide, Mama! Double duty! LOL!!!
    that was a thought that ran thru my head yesterday when i realized there wasn’t enough hand washing. they had a blast. i wish we could’ve had more kids come. it felt weird to exclude people. i went down the slide a couple times holding her hand. so damn sweet.

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  22. #502
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    Quote Originally Posted by sweeterthan View Post
    that was a thought that ran thru my head yesterday when i realized there wasn’t enough hand washing. they had a blast. i wish we could’ve had more kids come. it felt weird to exclude people. i went down the slide a couple times holding her hand. so damn sweet.
    That’s beautiful. You created memories both of you will never forget, and under difficult circumstances. Brava to you, Mama! And Happy Birthday to your girl!

  23. #503
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    so it seems like Coachella still plans to move ahead with the festival in October. I don't understand how anyone who has actually gone to Coachella (or a comparably large festival) can think this is a good idea. You are pressed into a sweaty crowd of people acting stupid, and even though it's mostly outside, there are indoorish venues there. They're not going to be able to realistically enforce masks. Three days (and the camping grounds), for two weekends in a row. I wonder if some of the bands are considering dropping out (if they legally can) due to how irresponsible it is.

    @Sesquipedalism, yeah when we were looking for hand sanitizer we found some weird cheap thing that smelled like gin mixed with vodka. I made the mistake of brushing my face after using it and it made me feel sick.
    Last edited by Jinsai; 06-22-2020 at 03:00 PM.

  24. #504
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    actually I went to the market down the street and they were fully stocked on a variety of hand sanitizers I'd never heard of. I ran out of the gin stuff, lol. And yeah, when I used to drink scotch/whiskey, Laproaig was my favorite.

  25. #505
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    Does anyone know if @Halo Infinity is doing okay? He hasn't posted since March, and his profile doesn't accept PMs anymore. I mean, he's probably just taking an ETS break, but I know plenty of peeps are more vulnerable than usual at this time.

  26. #506
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    Quote Originally Posted by piggy View Post
    Does anyone know if @Halo Infinity is doing okay? He hasn't posted since March, and his profile doesn't accept PMs anymore. I mean, he's probably just taking an ETS break, but I know plenty of peeps are more vulnerable than usual at this time.
    i swear they posted more recently than that. i feel like they're at least liked some of my posts more recently than that. but i also know they've taken sporadic breaks from hanging out here as much as usual.

  27. #507
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    Quote Originally Posted by Jinsai View Post
    so it seems like Coachella still plans to move ahead with the festival in October. I don't understand how anyone who has actually gone to Coachella (or a comparably large festival) can think this is a good idea. You are pressed into a sweaty crowd of people acting stupid, and even though it's mostly outside, there are indoorish venues there. They're not going to be able to realistically enforce masks. Three days (and the camping grounds), for two weekends in a row. I wonder if some of the bands are considering dropping out (if they legally can) due to how irresponsible it is.
    Hmm.... did they back pedal on the April 2021 postponement? I can't find any info about them going forth in October again.
    last update was from June 11th when they announced the dates for 2021...

  28. #508
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    Quote Originally Posted by ManBurning View Post
    Hmm.... did they back pedal on the April 2021 postponement? I can't find any info about them going forth in October again.
    last update was from June 11th when they announced the dates for 2021...
    Guess you're right. Well, I'm still not going I guess. Not that that really applies to anything...

  29. #509
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    The COVID-19 coping thread

    i got a text from my stepmom last night that her husband has covid. she said he’s struggling but theyre hanging in there. they’re in florida. he’s at home. she’s had one test that’s negative and took another yesterday. he’s a vietnam vet with multiple health problems in his mid 70s. i’m so worried for them both. i had to tell myself there’s nothing i can do and to go bed.

  30. #510
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    Quote Originally Posted by Jinsai View Post
    Guess you're right. Well, I'm still not going I guess. Not that that really applies to anything...
    They haven't really made any concrete statements on what's going on, except that 2020 is absolutely not happening (forced per Riverside County health guidance), and all tickets will be valid for April 2021 which will have a different lineup TBA. It sounded like they were going to make it a smaller capacity event exclusive to only those remaining ticket holders (it would almost have to be, if it can even happen then at all), and then have a more "normal" sized event in Oct 2021. Not sure if they still plan on that.

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