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Thread: The COVID-19 coping thread

  1. #571
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    i got a fucking hair cut today. my stylist agreed to cut mine and my children’s hair in her driveway. it was fantastic.

    Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

  2. #572
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    literally the only perk of losing your hair is that buzz cuts are a one-time fee of a good trimmer.

  3. #573
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    Quote Originally Posted by allegate View Post
    literally the only perk of losing your hair is that buzz cuts are a one-time fee of a good trimmer.
    we talked about buzzing my son but my stylist was super gracious and gave him an adorable cut.

  4. #574
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    Went back to work on may 15th, Pittsburgh did great on shutting shit down early.. at work, masks were mandatory we even went to our green phase with resturants and bars opening up...but thats when stuff got fucky.. people stoppef wearing masks.. long story short.. despite wearing my mask everyday at work, washing my hands every hour, disinfecting surfaces at work..i'm sick..

    I don't know HOW sick, as i can't find a goddam covid test in three area, so I'm going to the hospital tomorrow. Im not coughing that much, but MAN. Im so weak. My body aches. I sneeze and when my body tenses, I'm in incredible pain. Ill keep you updated.

  5. #575
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    Quote Originally Posted by Tom View Post
    I think there's a good case for using a CRT with 8 and 16bit era consoles, but for the Gamecube where many of the games were designed with 480p in mind, it's a shame to miss out. For example, Wind Waker looks stunning at 480p on a modern screen (particularly if running in anamorphic widescreen) - I think it actually looks nicer than the HD version.
    I should clarify, I misspoke. I really meant to say upgrade everything. From the screen on handhelds to, yes, HDMI mods... he's going what he thinks is best and posts all the results via his channel (along with so much more).

  6. #576
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    Last edited by allegate; 07-09-2020 at 12:05 PM.

  7. #577
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    Quote Originally Posted by Tom View Post
    Looks sweet! But have you considered a more modern screen for playing Gamecube games - they look so glorious at their native 480p.
    i don't have a component cable for the gamecube (though, surprisingly, that CRT has a component input!) but i have an old Wii that i can always hook up to my plasma if i so desire. the whole idea was to have a separate setup for "classic" gaming, and we're pretty happy with it. unfortunately, all three cartridge systems need some help. i'm going to try some contact cleaner but i'm not sure it'll solve the issue. i'm also worried about the off-brand N64 expansion pak i bought a few years ago and whether or not it's reliable.

    does anyone know how easy it is to replace the contacts in an NES? (i have a lot of experience working inside electronics but i've never actually done this particular thing)

    as of this afternoon, my next metal album is completely done except for one or two friends hopefully doing some vocals for me, and then me doing final mix. all instruments, lyrics, & my vocals are finished, and i am very happy with it. most of today was spent re-recording the guitars & bass in the last couple sections of one of the songs because the original parts sounded too happy i can't abide it!

  8. #578
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    Quote Originally Posted by eversonpoe View Post
    i don't have a component cable for the gamecube (though, surprisingly, that CRT has a component input!) but i have an old Wii that i can always hook up to my plasma if i so desire. the whole idea was to have a separate setup for "classic" gaming, and we're pretty happy with it.
    No need for the component cable - crazily overpriced! I like the separate set up idea though. Here's something to try if you're intrigued to see how nice Gamecube games can look without disrupting your classic set up: You have a WiiU, right? It will run Gamecube games (without emulation) and will work with the Gamecube controller (even your Wavebird ). I love my old Gamecube, but these days I only play Gamecube games on the WiiU - for me, it's as good as it gets.

  9. #579
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    Just something to 'brighten' your day.


  10. #580
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    Holy moly

  11. #581
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    Quote Originally Posted by Tom View Post
    No need for the component cable - crazily overpriced! I like the separate set up idea though. Here's something to try if you're intrigued to see how nice Gamecube games can look without disrupting your classic set up: You have a WiiU, right? It will run Gamecube games (without emulation) and will work with the Gamecube controller (even your Wavebird ). I love my old Gamecube, but these days I only play Gamecube games on the WiiU - for me, it's as good as it gets.
    I've read this several times and even slept on it and it's still not making sense to me. Are you sure you're not talking about a Wii? Because the Wii U will not play GC games without emulation, and the controller thing makes even less sense.
    The Wii U is not compatible with GameCube discs or accessories, although a homebrew application for Wii Mode exists that enables GameCube hardware and GameCube controller support. A USB GameCube controller adapter with four ports was released exclusively for use with Super Smash Bros. for Wii U and does not support any other Wii or Wii U titles.
    I have a Wii U that I keep meaning to mod to play GC games but I'm also afraid of bricking it - even though it's supposed to be really frickin' easy - so it hasn't changed.

    It's also not been turned on in at least a year if not more because my son decided he didn't want to play Mario Maker anymore. So maybe it's time to just chuck it for a small bit of change and get a Switch instead.

  12. #582
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    Quote Originally Posted by Tom View Post
    No need for the component cable - crazily overpriced! I like the separate set up idea though. Here's something to try if you're intrigued to see how nice Gamecube games can look without disrupting your classic set up: You have a WiiU, right? It will run Gamecube games (without emulation) and will work with the Gamecube controller (even your Wavebird ). I love my old Gamecube, but these days I only play Gamecube games on the WiiU - for me, it's as good as it gets.
    Quote Originally Posted by allegate View Post
    I've read this several times and even slept on it and it's still not making sense to me. Are you sure you're not talking about a Wii? Because the Wii U will not play GC games without emulation, and the controller thing makes even less sense.I have a Wii U that I keep meaning to mod to play GC games but I'm also afraid of bricking it - even though it's supposed to be really frickin' easy - so it hasn't changed.

    It's also not been turned on in at least a year if not more because my son decided he didn't want to play Mario Maker anymore. So maybe it's time to just chuck it for a small bit of change and get a Switch instead.
    yeah, as far as i know, the Wii will play gamecube games natively & has the controller ports to support it (which is how i played gamecube games for a long time after getting a Wii). but the WiiU doesn't work with gamecube controllers without the outboard gamecube to dual USB adapter, and even then, only for smash bros. it also doesn't have a disc-loading mechanism to detect the smaller discs, so i don't know how it would bring them in and mount them the way the Wii is able to do.

    also, my wavebird started having issues two weeks ago and it thinks the control stick is constantly pushing hard right. not sure what to do about it. might try to open & clean it so i don't have to be wired all the time (which is especially annoying when we play smash bros. on the switch and the system is about 12' away inside a cabinet).

  13. #583
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    Quote Originally Posted by eversonpoe View Post
    does anyone know how easy it is to replace the contacts in an NES? (i have a lot of experience working inside electronics but i've never actually done this particular thing)
    I would try cleaning before replacing the connector. They really don't make them like they used to. For the most part, the $10 connectors are junk.

    Case (4 screws, bottom of unit)
    RF Shield (7 screws)
    Cartridge Assembly (6 screws, 3? of these are through the motherboard)
    Pull up to remove connector

    Use a toothbrush with contact cleaner solution.

  14. #584
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    Quote Originally Posted by Jon View Post
    I would try cleaning before replacing the connector. They really don't make them like they used to. For the most part, the $10 connectors are junk.

    Case (4 screws, bottom of unit)
    RF Shield (7 screws)
    Cartridge Assembly (6 screws, 3? of these are through the motherboard)
    Pull up to remove connector

    Use a toothbrush with the contact cleaner solution.
    i've opened it before. i actually had LEFT it without any of the screws in it when we moved (from when i was trying to figure out what might be wrong with it at our old place) so when we were setting this up, i closed it haha

  15. #585
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    I've taken discussion of Gamecube games and the WiiU over here:

  16. #586
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    our school district just announced 9 weeks of virtual learning to start the school year. the counties around us are giving in person and virtual options. i have mixed feelings about it but i was already planning to keep my children home. i think 9 weeks is optimistic but at least the local officials were doing what they can to slow the spread.

    Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

  17. #587
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    Finally got my covid test today, i was told I'll get results in 7 or 8 days..insane!

    Its also been brought to my attention that i now have 0 sense of thats great haha

  18. #588
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    Quote Originally Posted by xfocalinx View Post
    Finally got my covid test today, i was told I'll get results in 7 or 8 days..insane!

    Its also been brought to my attention that i now have 0 sense of thats great haha
    I'm sorry. Did you tell the testing people about the loss of smell? There's a reason I ask...

  19. #589
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    Quote Originally Posted by Sesquipedalism View Post
    I don't know anything about your situation and am very much not a doctor. Or nurse. Or orderly. Nevertheless, I felt like chiming in to say that, if it ain't corona, anosmia can be an early indicator of Addison's Disease and, if they figure it out early enough, it's a symptom that can be somewhat reversed. My sister has Addison's and her doctors didn't connect dots for so long that she'll never be able to smell again. So, if there are no other causes, and you have any symptoms of the condition, ask.

    Public Service Announcement from someone who's watched a loved one lose a little bit of joie de vivre because of anosmia.
    On the other hand, I have bad allergies and I lose my sense of smell all the time. ALL the time.

    The safe bet is to stay home, wear a mask (and social distance as far as possible if you must go out).

  20. #590
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    I had a job interview today via Zoom, it went OK I guess but I probably won't get it. I was nervous and stuttered a bit, I find it difficult to answer fluently to questions I've just heard. Some of my answers I think were good some not so good! At least I didn't have to travel 300 mile round trip to the be interviewed in person for it. Good experience I guess too, haven't done lots of job interviews.

    The COVID job hunt has been demoralising up to this point I'm glad that I got to an interview stage, sometimes they never reply
    Last edited by paul_is_dead; 07-13-2020 at 08:30 AM.

  21. #591
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    Video interviews are the hardest. You intuitively want to look them in the eyes while answering but if you do that you're actually looking at their sternum, give or take, because of the angle of the camera. It's tough to remember to look at the camera while speaking.

    It's also nerve-wracking because of whatever audio delays and stutters may happen and you constantly think they're going to mark you down for it.

    I'm not helping at this point so I'm going to stop talking about everything I worry about while doing a video interview. The positive is that you got the interview, and like you say that's the hardest part. Congrats and good luck.

  22. #592
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    Quote Originally Posted by MrLobster View Post
    I'm sorry. Did you tell the testing people about the loss of smell? There's a reason I ask...
    i really didnt notice it until the following day, my girlfriend and i washed our dog and she noticed i wasnt reacting to the wet-dog smell

  23. #593
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    Quote Originally Posted by Sesquipedalism View Post
    I don't know anything about your situation and am very much not a doctor. Or nurse. Or orderly. Nevertheless, I felt like chiming in to say that, if it ain't corona, anosmia can be an early indicator of Addison's Disease and, if they figure it out early enough, it's a symptom that can be somewhat reversed. My sister has Addison's and her doctors didn't connect dots for so long that she'll never be able to smell again. So, if there are no other causes, and you have any symptoms of the condition, ask.

    Public Service Announcement from someone who's watched a loved one lose a little bit of joie de vivre because of anosmia.
    oh wow thats crazy! i lost hearing in one ear at the age of 27, so losing smell at the age of 29 wouldnt be that unfamiliar

  24. #594
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    Quote Originally Posted by xfocalinx View Post
    i really didnt notice it until the following day,
    If you can get in touch with them now, I'd recommend telling them.

  25. #595
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    yeah, they should be expediting the tests if you have a tell-tale symptom like that.

  26. #596
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    i would have no idea how to get in contact with them, i did a drive-up test, not a doctor's visit

  27. #597
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    got my unemployment stuff in the mail yesterday, but didn't open it until today because of virus concerns. turns out i should have because my bi-weekly certification date was yesterday and you can only certify on that day. so i'm not sure what to do. also don't know if i'll be getting the bonus $600. and they sent me a debit card which means i'll have to go to one of the atms that it'll work with, withdraw cash, then go to my bank and deposit it.

    i fucking hate this so much. i hate capitalism. i hate the pandemic and the rampant racism that so many people cling to desperately. everything fucking sucks right now. i want the world to get better.

    also, i really wish i had known that i could have applied at the beginning of june because it looks like i'm not getting anything retroactively.

  28. #598
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    @eversonpoe , in the future, if you’re worried about the virus on mail, spray it with a fine spritz of rubbing alcohol or just give it a quick wipe with rubbing alcohol.

    Bi-weekly certification just means that you certify every other week that you are still unemployed. You have to do this every two weeks for the duration of your receipt of unemployment benefits in order to continue to get your money. Considering how fucked-up IDES is right now, I’m pleasantly surprised you got that far.

    The Federal $600 will stop for everyone on July 25th.

    See the instructions below re if you missed your certification date. The instructions online say that your certification requires that you are seeking work:

    See below. Technically, unemployment is socialism, this is a pandemic that is unprecedented and a system that just can’t handle any of it, the system is totally FUBAR.

    There are literally millions of people across the country who applied for unemployment four months ago and still have not received any money (unemployment is from the state, the extra $600 is Federal) because the systems are inundated, or totally broke, or both, and also hit by MASSIVE fraud rings (many out of Nigeria) that robbed the systems of money they’ll never get back, plus the idiotic employment systems have also made huge stupid errors.

    I hope 2020 can bring enough positive changes, like emergency relief that is just not up to task (especially the infrastructure and InfoSec that is behind that relief).


    Note this on the (above) IDES site:

    How long will Pandemic Unemployment Assistance last? Will my PUA claim be backdated?
    PUA payments are available for claimants who were unemployed due to COVID-19 related reasons beginning the week of February 2, 2020. PUA payments end on December 26, 2020. IDES will backdate claims to the first week of unemployment due to COVID-19 related reasons.

    Will my benefits be affected if I cannot file immediately?
    No. The day or time a claim is filed will not impact whether you receive benefits or your benefit amount. If you were unable to file your claim because of capacity or system limitations, you will have an opportunity to discuss backdating your claim with a representative by calling 800-244-5631.
    Last edited by allegro; 07-16-2020 at 12:46 AM.

  29. #599
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    This is America. WTF.

  30. #600
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    sorry if i missed you explaining it because of my sick-ass-stupif-ass brain..but i filed for what? do i make a biweekly claim, or?

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