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Thread: The COVID-19 coping thread

  1. #781
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    So, my mom tested positive for Covid 19. She's having trouble breathing and she's no spring chicken. SHe was already in poor health.
    And, of course, we live with her, sooooo, yeah. I hope we don't catch it, too.

    I guess we'll be receiving a quarantine order from the judge on monday.

    this is scary, because i already have an autoimmune disease.
    Last edited by elevenism; 10-23-2020 at 07:50 PM.

  2. #782
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    Quote Originally Posted by elevenism View Post
    this is scary, because i already have an autoimmune disease.
    I hope that it passes you byl (I was going to say positively... but, uh... yeah), does your mom know how she picked it up?

  3. #783
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    Yeah I was wondering the same thing.

    You two need to go get tested, too, @elevenism .

  4. #784
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    Cross-posted from the Covid/Headlines thread:

    My Mom’s neighbor, Jim, is 75. Jim’s brother-in-law died of Covid last April.

    His niece tested positive last week.

    His nephew was hospitalized yesterday with pneumonia. Today, he tested positive for Covid. They’re scanning his legs for blood clots.

    Which means Jim’s sister must go get tested tomorrow, because her son lives with her; he moved in after getting laid off from United Airlines to help care for his ailing dad. His dad went into the hospital, then rehab, got Covid in rehab, then died in the hospital that Jim just got discharged from on Wednesday night. (Jim has Lewy Body Dementia and Parkinson’s and my husband and I, and my Mom, helped care for him.)

    Jim’s sister is 81 and has been very sick for at least four days. I kept asking her on the phone to get tested but she kept telling me she didn’t have a fever. Note that her son never had a fever, either.

    Jim was transferred from the hospital to a nursing home facility. Today, that facility told us there’s so much Covid on his floor, they have to evacuate him and other patients. I helped his sister get him into a new facility that had been in the works, he’s being transferred tomorrow morning.

    I have to empty Jim’s apartment by the end of October, with the help of the only other family member of Jim who does not have Covid. Yesterday, I figured out how to schedule the shut-off of his electric service in his apartment on November 1st.

    Tonight, we found out that the medical transport service that transferred Jim from the hospital to the nursing home neglected to bring in with him a bag that contained his reading glasses and HIS DENTURES. So now his teeth are missing somewhere in a car.

    This is a nightmare.

  5. #785
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    Here in the Netherlands it's spreading like wildfire. We're one of the worst countries in the world right now, in terms of spreading this thing. I just stay at home most of the time. My parents don't like it, which makes sense, because I'm not very good at caring for myself, but I'd rather get the thing and get over it than spread it to my loved ones. I'm still quite young (30) so I will probably survive it. They might not. Stay safe if you can, folks. Even if your family doesn't like it, staying at home is the best thing to do right now.

  6. #786
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  7. #787
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    We're going to eat a nice Italian place tonight; local transmission from restaurants are surprisingly low and we'll be wearing masks until the food in in front of our faces... and we'll be a bit on the early side.

    We haven't done this since mid-February when our favourite Hungarian place ended its lease (not COVID related, just location related... where they were vs. what they wanted).

    Local transmission cases in general have been going up and that's more worrisome.

    Post dinner edit
    Quite happy with the way things were set up. Plex hanging between tables and good distancing between tables. All the staff wore masks.
    Food was top notch too.
    Last edited by MrLobster; 10-30-2020 at 10:44 PM.

  8. #788
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    Got a call tonight and my wife's grandfather is in the hospital with Covid. He's in his 80s but otherwise hale and hearty so I hope he makes it through. He's also in Montana, so not close by.

  9. #789
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    Quote Originally Posted by allegate View Post
    Got a call tonight and my wife's grandfather is in the hospital with Covid. He's in his 80s but otherwise hale and hearty so I hope he makes it through. He's also in Montana, so not close by.
    My thoughts are with your family.

  10. #790
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    So my aunt had Covid recently. I was really concerned because she was a heavy smoker until five years ago and her lungs are definitely not in the best shape, but thankfully she's been doing a lot of stuff for her health since she quit. Her symptoms were mild though, so she just stayed home to recover. Amusing side note: she sent me a Halloween card this week, and I decided to open it with gloves on just to be safe. Bizarre times we're living in.

  11. #791
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    Quote Originally Posted by allegro View Post
    My thoughts are with your family.
    thanks. my wife is worried because of the fact he's in Montana. If he does die from this, he's already paid for a plot to be buried next to his wife and that's in Wahkiakum County here in Washington so how would they transport him? Especially because of Covid? I told her that's a weird thing to worry about while he's alive.

    His adopted son - my wife's ex-step-father (the family tree here is weird) - is how we found out the news. Apparently he's somewhat excited because he wants to loot the body. He's not a good person at all and everyone feels this is very gross.

  12. #792
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    There are a couple of fucking walnuts in my department at work who have just exposed a bunch of us to Covid.

    We wear masks at work and have quite a bit of distance between cubicles and offices, but that only reduces risk. And these goobers hang out maskless all the time outside of work. One by one today, they were calling in sick with a positive Covid test results having developed symptoms over the weekend. Which means they likely had the virus on Friday at work. :/

    I don’t have any symptoms yet, but I went ahead and got tested anyway. Fingers crossed that I’m good, because inevitably my husband and kids will get it if I get it.

    I have no idea what I’m gonna do if both adults in the house get sick and have to care for a seriously disabled 8 year old who can’t dress herself or walk independently.

    I’m so tired of people’s selfishness affecting my life while I’m doing my best to play by the rules.

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  13. #793
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    Quote Originally Posted by eachpassingphase View Post
    There are a couple of fucking walnuts in my department... And these goobers...
    Just had to tell you that your use of the words "walnuts" and "goobers" made me LOL. I heart you, my friend.

  14. #794
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    Quote Originally Posted by eachpassingphase View Post
    There are a couple of fucking walnuts in my department at work who have just exposed a bunch of us to Covid.

    We wear masks at work and have quite a bit of distance between cubicles and offices, but that only reduces risk. And these goobers hang out maskless all the time outside of work. One by one today, they were calling in sick with a positive Covid test results having developed symptoms over the weekend. Which means they likely had the virus on Friday at work. :/

    I don’t have any symptoms yet, but I went ahead and got tested anyway. Fingers crossed that I’m good, because inevitably my husband and kids will get it if I get it.

    I have no idea what I’m gonna do if both adults in the house get sick and have to care for a seriously disabled 8 year old who can’t dress herself or walk independently.

    I’m so tired of people’s selfishness affecting my life while I’m doing my best to play by the rules.

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    That sucks that your work is making you guys go into the office still.
    My office thankfully has us going to be working from home until June 2021. It was extended from December. Thank God.

    Good luck on your test.

  15. #795
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    Quote Originally Posted by ManBurning View Post
    That sucks that your work is making you guys go into the office still.
    My office thankfully has us going to be working from home until June 2021. It was extended from December. Thank God.

    Good luck on your test.
    Yeah it’s one of those things where I’m new to the job so I needed to train in person. They will let us work from home...if there is an outbreak or if you have a preexisting condition that would make Covid particularly dangerous for you. Which it looks like there will be now. :/

    My husband works for the same company, only he’s on the business analytics team and I’m in the finance department. So we are on total opposite sides of the building and his job rarely requires interacting with people. He worked from home all summer because our city shut all nonessential businesses down, but came back into the office a month ago because he can stay away from others in the office.

    But I can’t, so now I’m going to give it to him anyway. Dang it.

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  16. #796
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    Being in front of up to 30 students in class rooms for hours each day certainly is... something. Politicians say there's no evidence of people getting infected with Covid in schools. At the same time they admit to not being able to trace the sources of 75% of all infections here. So...

  17. #797
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    Welp. Popped positive. The next two weeks are going to be very cool and very normal.

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  18. #798
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    Quote Originally Posted by r_z View Post
    Being in front of up to 30 students in class rooms for hours each day certainly is... something. Politicians say there's no evidence of people getting infected with Covid in schools. At the same time they admit to not being able to trace the sources of 75% of all infections here. So...
    Our school district is hybrid, but in-person learning is currently canceled for a week. 7 people across 2 schools have tested positive so far; there's maybe 200 kids in the entire district.

    I'll go so far as to say schools and grocery stores are where the majority of this stuff is coming from at it this point.

  19. #799
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    Quote Originally Posted by eachpassingphase View Post
    Welp. Popped positive. The next two weeks are going to be very cool and very normal.
    Hugs and drugs (if you want them). Hope you and your fam are going to be okay.

  20. #800
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    Quote Originally Posted by eachpassingphase View Post
    Welp. Popped positive. The next two weeks are going to be very cool and very normal.

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    fuck, dude. i'm so sorry. i can't imagine how hard it's going to be taking care of your daughter with this. i guess just isolate as much as you can in the house, keep a mask on, and wash your hands a ton. i hope you recover quickly. <3

  21. #801
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    Quote Originally Posted by eachpassingphase View Post
    Welp. Popped positive. The next two weeks are going to be very cool and very normal.

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    Ugh. This sucks! I’m so sorry. Try and take it easy (though I imagine that’s not possible). I also hope you recover quickly.

  22. #802
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    Quote Originally Posted by botley View Post
    Hugs and drugs (if you want them). Hope you and your fam are going to be okay.
    I absolutely want drugs but I live in Missouri so I can’t have any.

    I did joke with my husband though that after this is over I’m taking a vacation over the border to IL so I can get stoned for the first time in like 15 years. I’m not in ministry anymore, I can smoke weed if I want to.

    But let’s be real here, I get a headache from a half a glass of wine twice a year, I’m not doing any drugs. I’m too old and uncool for that.

    I just want to stay out of the hospital long enough to see Trump lose today and Trent get inducted on Saturday.

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  23. #803
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    Quote Originally Posted by eachpassingphase View Post
    I’m too old and uncool for that.
    These pre-existing conditions do not exclude you.

    Sending positive vibes to you and yours.

  24. #804
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    staving off my extreme anxiety today with, so far:

    dark chocolate
    over the garden wall (if you haven't seen it, it's on hulu & hbo max and it's one of the best animated things to ever exist)
    dark chocolate covered pretzels

    to come:

    video games
    more dark chocolate

    i keep vacillating between feeling like i'm gonna fall asleep and feeling like i'm gonna barf

  25. #805
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    Quote Originally Posted by eachpassingphase View Post
    I absolutely want drugs but I live in Missouri so I can’t have any.

    I did joke with my husband though that after this is over I’m taking a vacation over the border to IL so I can get stoned for the first time in like 15 years. I’m not in ministry anymore, I can smoke weed if I want to.

    But let’s be real here, I get a headache from a half a glass of wine twice a year, I’m not doing any drugs. I’m too old and uncool for that.

    I just want to stay out of the hospital long enough to see Trump lose today and Trent get inducted on Saturday.

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    I am so sorry this happened to you. How awful. We are all wishing you and your family well.

  26. #806
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    Quote Originally Posted by eachpassingphase View Post
    Welp. Popped positive. The next two weeks are going to be very cool and very normal.

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    So sorry. Wishing you the best.

  27. #807
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    the four-way split i'm on is out this friday (which is another bandcamp day). all money goes to the Chicago Community Bond Fund.

    i mixed everything but the Wyeth tracks and i'm really proud of that, as well as the two songs i contributed. very excited for this to be released.

  28. #808
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    Quote Originally Posted by eachpassingphase View Post
    Welp. Popped positive. The next two weeks are going to be very cool and very normal.

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    Wishing you and your fam the best and positive vibes! <3

  29. #809
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    Quote Originally Posted by eversonpoe View Post

    the four-way split i'm on is out this friday (which is another bandcamp day). all money goes to the Chicago Community Bond Fund.

    i mixed everything but the Wyeth tracks and i'm really proud of that, as well as the two songs i contributed. very excited for this to be released.
    Oooooo, the art for this is pretty. Congrats on the songs and the mixing work!

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  30. #810
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    Quote Originally Posted by eachpassingphase View Post
    Oooooo, the art for this is pretty. Congrats on the songs and the mixing work!
    thanks! the woman who did the art also mastered it and...there was a bit of conflict in that department (you DO NOT add sound to someone else's music when you master it and then refuse to remove said sound when (politely) asked to do so) and just a general sense of unease. so hopefully it comes out ok!

    watched a bunch of rifftrax tonight (four election-oriented shorts from the 50s-70s & the movie "blood theatre") and then, for some reason, "the masque of the red death" which was probably a bad idea. ended up having four cocktails, but no pizza (we ordered japanese food). and now it's 1:15am and i'm watching lucifer because i don't think i'm gonna be able to sleep.
    Last edited by eversonpoe; 11-04-2020 at 01:17 AM.

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