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Thread: The COVID-19 coping thread

  1. #61
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    Thank you @allegro

    It was definitely a lot to take in one sitting :-(

  2. #62
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  3. #63
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    Quote Originally Posted by ManBurning View Post
    You got couch? Lucky! I'm stuck in foyer...

  4. #64
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    $40.50 to sit on your own couch? Good lawd, that's a lotta money!

  5. #65
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    I got to spend time with my gf today, it was beautiful so we drove around and I even got to walk for about a half hour outside. crossed the street anytime I saw someone walking in my direction to keep my distance.

    I told her: "we'll get through this...probably not unscathed. financially it will be tough. we might lose family members. but we will get through this."

  6. #66
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    Our province has just enacted rules about evictions... none for April for non-payment and landlords must set up payment plans for those who need it. Can still be evicted for criminal offences and damages. We're good here but this should help reduce some immediate anxiety for a lot of folk.

  7. #67
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    Worked out in the garden today. It was a wonderful spring day, with an unusually deep blue sky. Absolutely beautiful! Then it struck me that there were no contrails and no planes overhead. We live under a flight path for Logan Airport in Boston, so there is always activity up there. But not today. Did not see one plane in the several hours I was gardening. And that sure reminded me of what happened right after 9/11.

    How can something be so damn beautiful and yet so disturbing at the same time?

    On my late afternoon ramble in the woods I stumbled upon an idyllic lake which I was not previously aware of, and there were several Blue Herons nesting in the treetops! Combined with the bright blue sky (with no planes) and the onset of sunset it was almost too much, so I sat down to take it all in. Only to be reminded that sitting on the ground in a swampy area will result in a very wet derriere.

    Ran into two groups of people out wandering the woods. First group sort of ran off, apparently I frightened them. But I stopped to chat with the second group, an older gentleman with his two daughters. There were excited by seeing the ducks nesting in the treetops. I patiently explained that the birds in the treetops were Blue Herons and not ducks, but I am not sure they believed me. Seemed like nice people.

  8. #68
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    Quote Originally Posted by versusreality View Post
    "we'll get through this...probably not unscathed. financially it will be tough. we might lose family members. but we will get through this."

    Everything else is just background noise

  9. #69
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    I almost forgot COVID-19 was still going on, lol.

    The weather was god awful today, pouring rain so the girlfriend and I had a nap, cooked dinner watched a movie and played a video game, and it felt like a regular day off for us.
    Both of us used to have Tuesday's and Wednesday's off. If I didn't know any better, today was a Wednesday, and she just went to shower and get ready for bed, and she normally does on Wednesday's for an early morning back to work Thursday special. Expect... it's Friday night, lol. I had today off, but work tomorrow... the days just all blend together. I have no idea what day of the week it is anymore.

  10. #70
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    I think I'm going to cope by not reading any more news about it.

    I'm staying home. I'm not leaving the house except for essentials.

    I don't need the constant flood of infection counts, and death tolls and what stupid shit Trump is trying to do.

    I'm going to protect my mental health by turning off the news. This is wretched.

  11. #71
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    Things are getting better where I live. We are seeing fewer new cases with every passing day. Maybe we will start to flatten the curve by Good Friday. I almost forgot about Easter with everything that's been happening. I hate being stuck in the house. Maybe I'll start writing in my diary again. I've been listening to a lot of Led Zeppelin. It's like comfort music. It reminds me of a simpler time when the world was a safer, more livable place. The first thing I'm gonna do after this is all over is buy The Song Remains the Same movie or soundtrack.

  12. #72
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    Quote Originally Posted by ickyvicky View Post
    I do find working from home has definitely glued all of us even more to our computers and phones. To all the people (except kids) that say they are watching all the Netflix shows and listening to all the music, when are you doing this? Because we are definitely not.
    My wife and I try to watch something together daily, even if it ends up being something simple like that day's uploads to the True Crime Daily channel.

    The wife has always been a go to bed early person, and I... well, I wish you didn't have to sleep. I'm one of those 3-4 hours of sleep a night people. So my answer is, I consume the majority of this stuff while everyone else is asleep.

  13. #73
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    It's been an up and down roller coaster for me the past few weeks.

    I am so frustrated and sad because of my schooling. As a requirement to complete the anesthesia program and graduate, you need 2,500 contact hours in the OR working in cases. I have been on top of my hours working what is necessary and doing really well with my exams. Obviously, with all of this, each week not in the OR the farther I am from reaching my goal and the more I would have to work in order to make up those hours. From the sounds of it, looks like we probably won't be able to get back until June. We graduate in August... Which means I wouldn't make it. The accreditation bodies have said nothing, the school of medicine hasn't said a word what it is going to do and I can put the picture together. I wouldn't want to graduate with less experience because I want to safely take care of patients. This means, no graduation in August. It's pushed another semester (which means another 18k of debt) and I don't really start working until January 2021 at the earliest. Oh, and that board exam I am studying for in June will probably not happen because the prometric centers won't be open. So hopefully could take it in October. Again, all stipulation at this point. But from what I've heard from people at local hospitals and previous places I have worked before this program, it sounds like it's not slowing down any time soon.

    I think many people know I have put in almost 10 years of work just to get to this point. A lot of unknowns because I pretty much had to take every single class over from undergrad because I broke my leg pretty bad playing football in college. I had some complications with the surgery to repair my leg with blood clots in my leg and lungs. I lost all motivation to go to school/burnt out and my grades suffered. Anyways, I battled just to get into this program. Worked 50-60 hours a week in an anesthesia department as a tech, studying/taking the MCAT, paying my way through post-bacc while also paying undergrad student loans back (which literally was debilitating and had to scrape by for 10 years) it was a 6am to 1am day for almost my adult life... All the while, not knowing if all of it would actually pay off and get accepted because of my bad undergrad grades. Obviously, all of that has put a different perspective on me being here. I don't feel any sense of entitlement, really the exact opposite. I know that I am lucky to be where I'm at. But also that I have worked extremely hard. What I am getting at is, I'm tired of all these hurdles and just ready to be done. It's been such a long road to this point. I just want a career and being able to breathe a little. Many of you know the struggles of being a graduate student. I am so done with ramen and worried about how long the loan money will last.

    Again, there are many things I am thankful for. Thankful that I am healthy at this point. My girlfriend (soon to be fiance) is healthy... My parents, siblings and friends are healthy... I know that there are people really struggling and when I say stuff like this, it makes it all sound trivial. I know everyone is going through something... I'm here to listen to. We all are in this together.

    Thanks for listening and reading. I don't think I could tell this to my girlfriend or family anymore. They are really bored to hear it over the last few weeks. I'm sure.

  14. #74
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    Sorry to hear about all that @ninlive

    This thing has totally disrupted so many people's lives. I really wonder what sort of long term ramifications this is going to have on us all collectively.

  15. #75
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    It has become increasingly difficult for me to avoid the 24/7 news stream. But I must avoid it because I have reached overload and the stress is just too much. I think the impact this pandemic is having on the mental health of humanity should not be underestimated.

    Working in the garden, and taking long walks in the woods has been helpful. With no mobile device in my pocket to tempt me! Went to visit my newly discovered favorite place this afternoon and took a photo of the majestic Blue Herons sitting in their nest.

  16. #76
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    We've been doing a lot of walks too, @zero . But actually it was already a standard thing before this all hit.

  17. #77
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    I feel so empty during all of this.

    Been out of work for two weeks now, havent wrestled since the 14th of march, haven't been to the gym in weeks, havent been to a concert.. I get why everything is closed, especially because my parents are older with health issues, I'd feel terrible getting them sick. I just, don't feel like I'm living anymore.. I'm alive, but not living. I've been taking my dog on walks, cleaning the house, but nothing is giving me the adrenaline rush I'm used to with wrestling / concerts. This fucking sucks.

  18. #78
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    Jesus H. Fucking Christ.

    I love my mother, but sometimes she's ridiculous. She wants me to drive 20 min to a place that supposedly has TP. I said we don't need any. She said we do. Without getting into specifics, I crunched the numbers and used a conservative estimate. I point blank told her we're good for 3 months, likely 3.5.
    Her: well our next door neighbor needs it
    Me: then text her and let HER know where it is, and SHE can go get it
    Her: well I'm sure we need something else from Walgreens

    Head. desk.

    This will be the undoing in this household.

  19. #79
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    Quote Originally Posted by zero View Post
    took a photo of the majestic Blue Herons sitting in their nest.
    Nope, these are just the ducks, ducks on a tree... ;-)

    Anyway, coping, I often walk (hike) to "my" mountain nearby (shortest round trip 8 km with 500+ meter elevation), in 2009 I went crazy and made 242 trips in a year, and I planned to top even that when I'm retired, because it's hard to do when you go to work (part of 2009 we had shorter hours so that helped). But, maybe I can top that this year already? If I go every day and this virus thing will take long enough...? ;-) (trying to find some birght side, no I don't want this to last, and yes wearing mask is required in all public spaces already)

  20. #80
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    Quote Originally Posted by Magnetic View Post
    Jesus H. Fucking Christ.

    I love my mother, but sometimes she's ridiculous. She wants me to drive 20 min to a place that supposedly has TP. I said we don't need any. She said we do. Without getting into specifics, I crunched the numbers and used a conservative estimate. I point blank told her we're good for 3 months, likely 3.5.
    Her: well our next door neighbor needs it
    Me: then text her and let HER know where it is, and SHE can go get it
    Her: well I'm sure we need something else from Walgreens

    Head. desk.

    This will be the undoing in this household.
    Should’ve said “yeah, duct tape from Walgreens for your mouth.”

  21. #81
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  22. #82
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    Quote Originally Posted by Magnetic View Post
    Me: then text her and let HER know where it is, and SHE can go get it
    Her: well I'm sure we need something else from Walgreens

    Head. desk.

    This will be the undoing in this household.
    I had to have a near-screaming talk with my Mom wherein I made sure she understood that this thing is a fucking PLAGUE and EVERY TIME I LEAVE THE HOUSE I am risking DYING and then SHE WILL BE ALONE.

    Which is REALITY.

    Now she doesn’t want me stepping off my porch.

  23. #83
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    I know. Thankfully my mom has understood what I have told her thus far. BUT...she is stir crazy and is used to going out and running errands. But I had to spell things out for her that A) she's high risk, B) this virus shows no mercy AND some people who are not at risk DIE FROM THIS, C) we don't know why some people die from this. Which means = I COULD DIE FROM THIS TOO.

    And then I bust out the numbers:
    Generally, in Florida (and it looks like the US):
    1. 15% of all COVID-19 patients are hospitalized
    2. Right now, 10% of all hospitalizations are DYING
    3. That figure will go up AS RESOURCES DEPLETE
    4. Given that all cases are going to DOUBLE every 3 days, that means resources will deplete very soon

    The only way to keep from becoming a statistic is to STAY THE FUCK HOME.

    It doesn't help that the dog currently has diarrhea, so my mom has not been sleeping at ALL because the dog has to go out every 1-1.5 hrs. So she's exhausted, pissed off, and we're cooped up in the house. Granted, it's a big house, but still.

  24. #84
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    @Magnetic , yes, your Mom is “at high risk.”

    She could catch this, talk to someone while she’s out, give it to them while simply talking to them, they go home and pass it to someone, they pass it, then they pass it, then a pregnant women gets it and the baby dies because Mom was stir crazy.

    She needs to understand the relationship. You could die too?
    Last edited by allegro; 03-31-2020 at 05:29 PM.

  25. #85
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    She understands the relationship. She's just stir crazy. She doesn't want to talk to anyone, she's just used to doing things a certain way.

  26. #86
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    I'm already a severely introverted agoraphobe, but even now I'm going a bit stir crazy. Last night, I didn't eat dinner until 1 am and found myself listening to ICP and Twiztid for like 2 hours??

    This is this most insane level of cabin fever I've ever felt.

  27. #87
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    Quote Originally Posted by Magnetic View Post
    She understands the relationship. She's just stir crazy. She doesn't want to talk to anyone, she's just used to doing things a certain way.
    Control freak and whining, yeah old people get that way.

    It’s human nature to want to break the rules. So go for a walk around the neighborhood. Take a ride in the car. With the dog.
    Last edited by allegro; 03-31-2020 at 05:30 PM.

  28. #88
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    One thing that kinda sucks for me in all this is that it's totally fucked things up with this girl I was just barely starting to see. It's pretty hard to date when we're all in a goddamn quarantine and the whole world is shut down. And I fully realize this is NOT a big deal when compared to the truly horrific shit that some people are going through right now. It's just something that kinda bums me out on a personal level. This relationship was just barely beginning to take shape, and I was pretty excited about it.

    I'd been single for a long time there because I spent a solid three years where literally all I did was work all day and then do caretaking work for my sick grandmother. It was hard finding time for even basic stuff, like laundry or shopping, let alone dating. And it was fine, because I loved my grandmother and was happy to take care of her, but when she passed away at the end of last summer, it felt like my life was suddenly opening up with possibility once again.

    So just a couple months ago I started spending time with this really awesome girl. We went on a couple dates and hooked up a few times and it was just so nice to be with someone again, to not feel so lonely. And we get along real good, like on a personality/chemistry level. But still, we've been taking it super slow, and it's not really a serious relationship at this point. I was feeling optimistic that we'd probably get there soon enough, but for now we're just "good friends." We did spend a whole weekend together right before the shit hit the fan. But now we're both on lockdown, far away from each other, and who knows how long this bullshit is gonna drag on for. She wisely decided to head to her family's place in North Dakota where she'll be for the indefinite future. Obviously she and I could try to pick things up again whenever we finally emerge from the fog of this fucking curse, but I feel like there was a certain energy to the relationship that was building before and now it's dying out. Like we don't text or talk much lately, and it just seems like the momentum is fading away. I feel like this'll be a thing I look back on years from now and wonder if it could have been something great before the corona virus came along and turned everyone's lives upside down.

    In general, I wonder what sort of unpredictable consequences this thing is going to have on everyone's lives on a close-up, interpersonal level. How many relationships destroyed, how many strengthened, how many families torn apart, how many brought closer? Cause this thing is definitely a monkey wrench in the machinery of our personal lives, that's for sure.

  29. #89
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    Do you guys Facetime at all?

  30. #90
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    Quote Originally Posted by ickyvicky View Post
    Do you guys Facetime at all?
    Yes but not often. I have been thinking about opening up my contacts bit more during this time...

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