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Thread: The COVID-19 coping thread

  1. #271
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    Quote Originally Posted by Jinsai View Post
    I've decided I need to just not look at Twitter right now. I just went down a rabbit hole of (what I assume were) pro-Trump bots' posts, and I blame Twitter. Worst social media platform ever. Scum of the universe.
    Oh man get out, really. Delete your account. My husband talked me into it, best decision ever. There’s no information there that I can’t get from a newspaper app. I subscribe to the NYT, WaPo and the Chicago Tribune and WaPo pushes bulletins to my Apple Watch.

    I’m back to Facebook - yeah I know - but only for fun stuff. I’m only friends with a very small select group of friends and relatives and we all trade funny jokes, photos, etc.

    Last week, I put my old Photoshop skills to work and posted photos of Lori Lightfoot standing next to my husband wherever he was. It’s a Chicago thing. (“Stay Home Save Lives”)

    Last edited by allegro; 04-17-2020 at 01:16 PM.

  2. #272
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    Twitter is an echo chamber. I'm pretty sure I quit that circa 2007.
    I agree that real news outlets are better. Personally, I'm a WaPo reader.

    FB is useful for keeping in touch with real friends long distance. The key is to only have REAL friends on your FB feed, and it's ok.

  3. #273
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    I have multiple Twitter accounts for different purposes... I like the local community (plus politics, news, science and general geekery and fandoms), so that's one. Then I have the much more personal disabled-self account, and that's where keep track of things related to cannabis and my disorder and co-morbidities.. and then I have the music account that just babbles about music in my life (from what I've recently acquired to encoded and the mixes I'm making.. plus I keep track of the local stores that way).

    When I feel too overwhelmed by the main account (mainly due to localized politics right now), then I can use the others for quieter purposes.

    I really don't get why people hate on it when we have so much choice on what we want to read from it (from muting and blocking to who to follow).

  4. #274
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    I'm serious, after that string of "LIBERATE!" tweets today from the president, I'm kinda losing my shit. This isn't good for my psyche.

  5. #275
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    Quote Originally Posted by Jinsai View Post
    I'm serious, after that string of "LIBERATE!" tweets today from the president, I'm kinda losing my shit. This isn't good for my psyche.
    So why pay attention to him that way? Twitter does allow you to mute certain words and phrases (and you know, there's blocking and muting accounts too... you can always unblock and unmute when someone else has that account).

  6. #276
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    Quote Originally Posted by MrLobster View Post
    So why pay attention to him that way? Twitter does allow you to mute certain words and phrases (and you know, there's blocking and muting accounts too... you can always unblock and unmute when someone else has that account).
    It's not a twitter thing though, it's the president of the US saying that we need to "liberate" states in the face of armed ignorant protests... I think it's disturbing.

  7. #277
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    Quote Originally Posted by Jinsai View Post
    It's not a twitter thing though, it's the president of the US saying that we need to "liberate" states in the face of armed ignorant protests... I think it's disturbing.
    If you say things like "string of [...] tweets" then, uh, I'll assume you're talking about Twitter usage and not the content of them...

  8. #278
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    Quote Originally Posted by Jinsai View Post
    It's not a twitter thing though, it's the president of the US saying that we need to "liberate" states in the face of armed ignorant protests... I think it's disturbing.
    Stop looking at his tweets. Really. He WANTS attention. What does "liberate Michigan" even MEAN? It means nothing. Michigan is already liberated ... from the Federal government. Because we are the United STATES of America. Trump is a moron.

    Quote Originally Posted by MrLobster View Post
    I really don't get why people hate on it when we have so much choice on what we want to read from it (from muting and blocking to who to follow).
    I don't hate on the medium, itself; it's a great idea when it works correctly. But, I'm too tempted to read comments. And they're a shit show. Complete with death threats.

    Sometimes I read the WaPo comments. Which are erudite and worthy of my attention, LOL.
    Last edited by allegro; 04-17-2020 at 10:36 PM.

  9. #279
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  10. #280
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    Quote Originally Posted by Sesquipedalism View Post
    It’s like I’m a child again and I can’t run away from home (emigration isn’t as easy as the folks who say “You don’t like it then get out” seem to believe).
    I get that. I still can't really watch any comedy-news related thing because of him.

    He's a global drunk, angry and abusive father.

  11. #281
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    Quote Originally Posted by allegro View Post
    Oh man get out, really. Delete your account.
    OH yeah, my account is gone, which is really good. It prevents me from impulsively entering into one of these insane conversations. I know I shouldn't look at Trump's twitter feed, or anyone's really, but it feels like there's social consequences from his reckless social media bs, and it's like a news cycle almost starts there.

  12. #282
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    Quote Originally Posted by Jinsai View Post
    OH yeah, my account is gone, which is really good. It prevents me from impulsively entering into one of these insane conversations. I know I shouldn't look at Trump's twitter feed, or anyone's really, but it feels like there's social consequences from his reckless social media bs, and it's like a news cycle almost starts there.
    I *see* his tweets sometimes, via posts made on Instagram or via news articles, etc. They're hard to completely avoid.

    He does this on purpose because he loves the attention. He knows it stirs up his base, and he knows it gets him into the news cycle. He's been playing Twitter like this since its inception. He doesn't care if what he says could be considered "dangerous." He laughs that off as hyperbole.

    There are zero social consequences or any other kinds of consequences in ignoring his bullshit. Whenever he says something totally fucking wacko, somebody in his cabinet tells him no, that's not correct, and he's back on the dais the next day reversing course and blaming someone else for it. You aren't irresponsible by not paying attention. There's no need to pay constant attention. You can read the news on a need-to-know basis.

    I use my local news primarily, now, as my news source. I view my Governor and the Mayor of Chicago and the Government of my City as my sources of information for Covid-19. They hold regular press conferences and I watch most (not all) of them. I never watch the national press conferences. And I'm totally okay with that.
    Last edited by allegro; 04-18-2020 at 01:06 PM.

  13. #283
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    Stuff that helps: I stopped paying any attention to anything Trump says, and I avoid all news relating to the same. I decided to upgrade my cooking skills by watching YouTube, and stumbled upon a vast collection of unusually fun videos published by Bon Appétit. Saw a news report on local TV that a local hospital (where two family members work) has started doing a send-off when Covid patients are released - they play Pharrell Williams' "Happy" over the intercom and line up to applaud the survivor as they depart.

    Stuff that is challenging: The extreme stress of having my loved ones on the front line is fucking brutal. I am doing my best to avoid letting them know how it's affecting me. Because I know it is affecting them far worse. Simply accepting the fact that I am going to feel shitty for awhile has helped. But it is not a cure, not at all. There is not and should not be a cure which isolates us from harsh reality.

  14. #284
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    Quote Originally Posted by zero View Post
    they play Pharrell Williams' "Happy" over the intercom and line up to applaud the survivor as they depart.
    No.... no no no.... whyyyyyyyyyyyy... I mean, YES, let's applaud survivors, but THAT GODDAMN SONG.... that goddamn song...

  15. #285
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    What’s been cheering me up is Leslie Jordan’s IG feed.

    Omg what a gem. A treasure.

    This one made me spit liquid like an I Love Lucy episode:

    A post shared by on

  16. #286
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    I’m in a phase of life where a lot more stuff makes me cry.

    Kacey Musgraves’ “Rainbow” always makes me cry, but tonight on “One World: Together At Home” - it really got me.

    Last edited by allegro; 04-18-2020 at 08:58 PM.

  17. #287
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  18. #288
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    I think my favorite thing about this is the podcasts where people who used to entertain you with funny stories tell you about their life right now. somehow it makes them more human and relatable and you feel like you're going through this together because we're all so alone right now.
    Last edited by allegate; 04-20-2020 at 10:17 AM.

  19. #289
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    Quote Originally Posted by Jinsai View Post
    No.... no no no.... whyyyyyyyyyyyy... I mean, YES, let's applaud survivors, but THAT GODDAMN SONG.... that goddamn song...
    Not everyone's cup of java, but I can appreciate the song, it's got a smooth pop music vibe! The protocol is much more than just something to cheer up survivors. It's something which has been implemented to boost moral for health care workers. When 4 out of 5 covid patients who end up on a ventilator end up dead, it's very demoralizing, and quite difficult to deal with. Playing the song throughout the hospital reminds workers that there is hope.

  20. #290
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    I'm still employed! Hopefully until June 30th at least. So, yay!

  21. #291
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    i prefer weird al's cover, "tacky" (and the video is a star-studded cameo-fest so it's really fun)

    my manager called me yesterday. as of may 4th, starbucks is no longer offering catastrophe pay, which essentially means i have to go back to work. he gave me a number to call to try to get that extended, or at least make it so i get to keep my job (i'm fine not getting paid for not being there, it's amazing that i'm still getting paid after not being there for over a month now).

    also, uh, keep this on the DL, but the reason i'm so on edge about returning to a job where i have to interact with the public is that sarah is pregnant. it took three rounds of IVF, and this one finally worked. she's at just over 8 weeks right now, and the last thing i want to do is risk picking up this virus and giving it to her. so that's part of why i've been so freaked out about it. also, we haven't really told anyone (not even her parents; my parents don't even know we've been trying) except my manager and her boss so it makes it a little complicated to get people to understand why i'm so paranoid.

  22. #292
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    Quote Originally Posted by eversonpoe View Post
    also, uh, keep this on the DL, but the reason i'm so on edge about returning to a job where i have to interact with the public is that sarah is pregnant. it took three rounds of IVF, and this one finally worked. she's at just over 8 weeks right now, and the last thing i want to do is risk picking up this virus and giving it to her. so that's part of why i've been so freaked out about it. also, we haven't really told anyone (not even her parents; my parents don't even know we've been trying) except my manager and her boss so it makes it a little complicated to get people to understand why i'm so paranoid.
    Oh my God!! Yes docs are telling all pregnant families to be especially vigilant. It’s not paranoia, it’s a valid concern.

  23. #293
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    Quote Originally Posted by eversonpoe View Post
    i prefer weird al's cover, "tacky" (and the video is a star-studded cameo-fest so it's really fun)

    my manager called me yesterday. as of may 4th, starbucks is no longer offering catastrophe pay, which essentially means i have to go back to work. he gave me a number to call to try to get that extended, or at least make it so i get to keep my job (i'm fine not getting paid for not being there, it's amazing that i'm still getting paid after not being there for over a month now).

    also, uh, keep this on the DL, but the reason i'm so on edge about returning to a job where i have to interact with the public is that sarah is pregnant. it took three rounds of IVF, and this one finally worked. she's at just over 8 weeks right now, and the last thing i want to do is risk picking up this virus and giving it to her. so that's part of why i've been so freaked out about it. also, we haven't really told anyone (not even her parents; my parents don't even know we've been trying) except my manager and her boss so it makes it a little complicated to get people to understand why i'm so paranoid.
    A) pretty fucking awesome, congrats.

    B) We're baby-sitting a one-year-old and man I can't tell you how crazy it is. just this weekend he got a fever and of course we're all freaking out.

    stay safe!

  24. #294
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    Quote Originally Posted by eversonpoe View Post
    i prefer weird al's cover, "tacky" (and the video is a star-studded cameo-fest so it's really fun)

    my manager called me yesterday. as of may 4th, starbucks is no longer offering catastrophe pay, which essentially means i have to go back to work. he gave me a number to call to try to get that extended, or at least make it so i get to keep my job (i'm fine not getting paid for not being there, it's amazing that i'm still getting paid after not being there for over a month now).

    also, uh, keep this on the DL, but the reason i'm so on edge about returning to a job where i have to interact with the public is that sarah is pregnant. it took three rounds of IVF, and this one finally worked. she's at just over 8 weeks right now, and the last thing i want to do is risk picking up this virus and giving it to her. so that's part of why i've been so freaked out about it. also, we haven't really told anyone (not even her parents; my parents don't even know we've been trying) except my manager and her boss so it makes it a little complicated to get people to understand why i'm so paranoid.
    Baby pro-tip: despite what people tell you, shit does travel upwards.

  25. #295
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    I swear I recall a comedy bit talking about how the numbers on the side of the diaper box don't equal the amount of waste they can hold before breaking but I'm not finding it. just a lot of diaper ads so Google probably thinks I'm about to have a kid now.

  26. #296
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    Hahaha oh man that pandemic Dad life! Congrats @eversonpoe and your lovely wife <3

  27. #297
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    Quote Originally Posted by botley View Post
    Hahaha oh man that pandemic Dad life! Congrats @eversonpoe and your lovely wife <3
    technically not going to be a dad (but i know what you meant, and thanks!). haven't decided what language i want to use, though. if all goes according to plan and i start HRT when quarantine is over(!!!), i'll be moving toward being able to be called mom #2.

    just finished final mix on my covers EP, which will be coming out next friday. bandcamp is waiving their revenue share fees again so i'm going to donate everything to chicago mutual aid.

    metal album won't be coming out next friday, as i'm trying to shop it around to some small labels. i actually have a little cred since i got on that compilation and i'm trying to use it to help me expand my audience.

  28. #298
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  29. #299
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    Quote Originally Posted by eversonpoe View Post
    also, uh, keep this on the DL, but the reason i'm so on edge about returning to a job where i have to interact with the public is that sarah is pregnant. it took three rounds of IVF, and this one finally worked. she's at just over 8 weeks right now, and the last thing i want to do is risk picking up this virus and giving it to her. so that's part of why i've been so freaked out about it. also, we haven't really told anyone (not even her parents; my parents don't even know we've been trying) except my manager and her boss so it makes it a little complicated to get people to understand why i'm so paranoid.
    Congrats! Kids are awesome. Enjoy your remaining months as a twosome.

  30. #300
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    Congrats also!

    On another note: You know you’ve been in quarantine when you first start looking at Daddy Long Legs spiders in the ceiling corner and start wondering what they think sitting in the same spot for days or weeks on end.

    Then you go and YouTube a video about said spider just because it’s on your mind:

    Then you really know you’ve been in lockdown when you actually notice that the spider* in the ceiling corner has moved to the other corner. And that it’s starting to become a pattern.

    *I now feel foolish for using the word spider since said video reminded me that their closest cousins are actually scorpions.

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