Quote Originally Posted by eversonpoe View Post
the album i'm working on finishing has (surprise) 4 songs and is about 37 minutes long. while they're mostly screamy songs, i wanted some clean vocal passages and i really don't love my singing voice most of the time, and wanted something more "feminine" sounding. i recorded some scratch singing vocals in there just to give some melody ideas for whoever was going to replace them.

so originally, my friend sarah (not my wife) expressed interest in doing vocals for all four songs, then later recanted (without remembering the initial offer, apparently?) but said she could still do two songs.
so my friend nina, my longest-running musical collaborator, said she could do the other two. awesome.

since this new album is going to be released physically (bundled with "monstrous existence"), my label needs 3 months to do PR and manufacturing, and i want it out before the end of the year.
over the weekend, i checked in with nina (who has two small children and is working from home as a full-time editor for various things, including the show Duncanville) to see if she'd be able to get me vocals before the end of the month. she very honestly said probably not, so i should just plan on working on them without her, but that if she could, she'd let me know and it would be a nice surprise. so i said, "no problem! thanks for letting me know!"

on monday, i replaced my clean singing vocals in those two songs with screams, and they sound pretty good.

at the end of the day, i e-mailed sarah to just double check that she'd be good with getting me vocals for the other two songs before the end of the month, and she said she'd have them to me before the end of next week. awesome.

then i get an e-mail tonight that she's literally dropping out of all creative projects and stepping completely out of any kind of public interaction for the time being, for the sake of her mental health. i'm glad she's taking care of herself, but i also wish she hadn't even responded to my e-mail on monday with an affirmative. she has obviously been thinking this over for a while, so she knew on monday there was a strong chance she wouldn't actually be able to follow through, and it just makes me sad. i hope she's gonna be ok :/

anyway, looks like all the vocals on the new album are going to be screaming. if the pandemic wasn't happening, my local friend em (who did some vocals on monstrous existence) would be able and willing to come record some stuff for me, but not as things currently are. which sucks.
I'm sorry that collab fell through, but I just wanted to say kudos to you for being gracious about it and focusing your concern on her health rather than the frustration it caused. A lot of people have a hard time understanding the ways that mental illness can unintentionally screw with your ability to be reliable.