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Thread: Dreams

  1. #61
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    I don't remember most of my dreams anymore. One I saw a couple of days ago involved me partying with some friends I haven't seen in a long time, perhaps as a subconscious reminder that I should give them a call...

  2. #62
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    ^it could also mean you long for leisure, relaxation, or freedom of sorts. been working alot lately? or feeling introspective and slightly nostalgic?

    i constantly have these mildly precognitive dreams that come to fruition soon after. but i also have major ones that appear in waking life much later. i'll be in a situation thinking "i fucking dreamed about this months ago!"

    try to remember your dreams. it's like this natural safety net for when you're awake dealing with life.

  3. #63
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    Quote Originally Posted by ldopa View Post
    ^it could also mean you long for leisure, relaxation, or freedom of sorts. been working alot lately? or feeling introspective and slightly nostalgic?
    Both, actually. October was a long and busy month, I was less social than usual, and nostalgia is kicking in a lot lately.

  4. #64
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    I have regular (4-7 times a week) dreams of uncontrollable self-mutilation. Its usually me laying in my bed, in just my undies, as its how i sleep year round. I get the whole "alien hand syndrome" thing where I can't control my arms. I soon begin either stabbing, slicing, or disemboweling myself. Lotsa blood and/or organs. Sometimes my arms feed me my organs, sometimes my arms jam odds and ends in my body cavity (tv remote, flashlight, watch, cell phone). Shits lame.

  5. #65
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    Yikes, that's terrifying. It's incredible to me as someone who did that for several years (cutting, not disembowling) that I don't have dreams about that. I do have a lot of dreams about ex-boyfriends though. Last night I had another dream about seeing a friend who has completely dropped all contact with me a couple years ago, and in the dream I was hostile towards her and she was pretending she was glad to see me. Ugh, I'm still so hurt over that...I wish I'd get over it already, haha.

  6. #66
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    i keep having dreams where i piss the bed and i always wake up thinking that i actually had.

  7. #67
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    Quote Originally Posted by halloween View Post
    ...It's incredible to me as someone who did that for several years (cutting, not disembowling) that I don't have dreams about that...
    I thought it was a self-harm thing, but once I quit that shit, it kept going. Who knows? My shrink sure didn't...

  8. #68
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    Well, if it's part of your history it may very well stem from that, each person is affected differently by their history.

    Now I'm wondering if I've jinxed myself and will have dreams of it tonight, haha.

  9. #69
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    Quote Originally Posted by c0f3d View Post
    i keep having dreams where i piss the bed and i always wake up thinking that i actually had.
    When I really have to pee while I'm asleep, I keep trying to find a bathroom, and when I finally find one it's a toilet in the middle of a room with people everywhere, or a stall with no door, etc. But I don't care, I have to pee, then I go and go and go but I still have to pee. And people are staring at me, like "when are you gonna be done?"

    And I wake up and wow I really gotta go.

  10. #70
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    Quote Originally Posted by c0f3d View Post
    i keep having dreams where i piss the bed and i always wake up thinking that i actually had.
    I've dreamt that I was pissing the bed and I suddenly woke up. I actually needed to piss, but, thankfully, I did not do it on the bed. It was like I was pissing in a space between two alternate dimensions.

  11. #71
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    my most recent dream was: i was at lake tahoe picking flowers and they were all lavender. even the lichen was lavender. LAVENDER. in waking life, i detest pastel colors.

  12. #72
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    It's strange that when I meet dead family members in my dreams, I do not know they're in fact dead, nothing like "wait... this can't be..."

    Also, recently I had dreams about me moving to our capital - terrible, I do not want to go there ever again, so stop with that, dream architects! :-)

  13. #73
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    I had a dream about being snuggly and intimate with this guy I met last year. I'm pretty sure I have these dreams mostly when I'm ovulating.

    Haha, just remembered- while we were kissing, he suddenly had a tongue piercing but it was huge and it kept getting in the way.

    Then in the same night, a dream about Bernie Sanders dropping out of the race.
    Last edited by halloween; 11-10-2015 at 05:20 AM.

  14. #74
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    Quote Originally Posted by wizfan View Post
    I've dreamt that I was pissing the bed and I suddenly woke up. I actually needed to piss, but, thankfully, I did not do it on the bed. It was like I was pissing in a space between two alternate dimensions.
    That's happened to me before a couple of times, but I woke up actually pissing.

    Feels bad mang

  15. #75
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    Had a sexy dream about a guy in my course. I have to work with him on an assignment in two weeks. AWKWARD.

  16. #76
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    i keep dreaming that i'm in a parking garage at fifth and everett in portland and i can't find my way out. it doesn't sound like it, but it's terrifying.

  17. #77
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    haven't had this one in a few years: tsunami wave. i am directly in front of it. no time to panic or be scared. just this feeling of "well, that's that then.". wake up.

  18. #78
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    Quote Originally Posted by littlemonkey613 View Post
    Holy shit. So my roommates are making a student documentary on dreams and they had this girl over who does a weekly workshop at my University on lucid dreams. So they were interviewing her and she was talking about the 10 levels of dreams. Based on her descriptions I'm perpetually at about a 7-8. (10 is being fully aware and fully in control in your dreams, 9 is fully aware that your dreaming but you can't control much, 7 and 8 are really really vivid dreams you remember perfectly.)

    So she was saying if your at a high level you have potential to fully lucid dream, and that night I BECAME AWARE IN THE DREAM.

    YOU GUYS. I understand all the Inception stuff a lot more now. I started asking myself while I'm awake "am I dreaming" so that it is a thought that breaches my subconscious when I'm asleep. AND IT WORKS. Last night I had one again and all it took was the thought crossing my mind that I was dreaming. It's the weirdest best thing. You can do whatever you want without consequences....It's also strange because becoming too excited can wake you up so I had to actively calm down as I was walking around in my dream. Crazy shit man...
    i tend to lucid dream if i sleep during the day. one of the last ones: i decided to wake up. woke up, or so i thought. then couldn't figure what was conscious and unconscious and kept "waking up" only to still be in the lucid dream. panicked and thought i was trapped, and then finally really woke up. trippy shit.

  19. #79
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    Quote Originally Posted by elevenism View Post

    I have a question for you guys...have any of you ever dreamed of being something other than human and actually FELT a different consciousness?
    I have dreamed of being a nation...a mountain...the statue of liberty.

    But the most interesting was a dream of being a patch of grass which was fighting off some kind of fungus that was trying to infect me. I/we thought as a whole but also communicated individually, one blade to the other.

    This shit really makes me think twice about what consciousness is, and also whether the hindus are right about reincarnation...i mean, how in the FUCK would i know how a plant feels and thinks?
    not dreaming, but under hypnosis, i inhabited a different consciousness. it was so fucking wonderful i started crying when she was trying to walk me back out. actually, i refused to leave for the longest time. i have NEVER in this life felt THAT degree of peace of being. sigh.

  20. #80
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    anyone have common themes? my most common, through my entire life, are the walking around naked dreams. i am always absolutely fine with it until everyone around me starts whispering and pointing and, often, get physically threatening. then a sense of shame comes over me and i try to hide or cover up.

  21. #81
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    Quote Originally Posted by elevenism View Post
    I have a question for you guys...have any of you ever dreamed of being something other than human and actually FELT a different consciousness?
    I have dreamed of being a nation...a mountain...the statue of liberty.

    But the most interesting was a dream of being a patch of grass which was fighting off some kind of fungus that was trying to infect me. I/we thought as a whole but also communicated individually, one blade to the other.

    This shit really makes me think twice about what consciousness is, and also whether the hindus are right about reincarnation...i mean, how in the FUCK would i know how a plant feels and thinks?
    That's fucking trippy man. Reminds me of NIN artwork too.

  22. #82
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    i have a consistent alternate reality within my dreams where the same untrue things stay true.

    e.g. me killing and burying someone in a swamp with an old friend of mine. the dui court date that i have coming up that isn't real. etc, etc.

    i'm not always in that reality in my dreams but i pop back to that story line at least once a month. these things have happened so many times that it's all strikingly vivid and i can visualize most of it awake no problem.

  23. #83
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    Quote Originally Posted by Lew View Post
    not dreaming, but under hypnosis, i inhabited a different consciousness. it was so fucking wonderful i started crying when she was trying to walk me back out. actually, i refused to leave for the longest time. i have NEVER in this life felt THAT degree of peace of being. sigh.
    i want to try hypnotherapy SOOO bad.

    As far as themes, i dream about being in jail. Sometimes it's really nice and they are giving us all kinds of food and the people are super cool, and sometimes it's like lockup raw.

    I've probably only spent 8 or 9 months of my life locked up, cumulatively, with the longest stretch being three months.
    But the hyper vigilance i experienced it there caused it to REALLY get under my skin i think.

    Another recurring theme is school. I'm at school and i can't find my classroom. Often i will realize that i haven't been going to the class and there is a test or a project due. I'm ALWAYS thrilled when i wake up from these. It's like, wait a minute, i'm not in school! I don't even work! I DON'T HAVE TO DO SHIT!

    the jail dreams and school dreams happen at least once a week each. i am convinced that the jail thing is actually about jail, because i haven't been to jail in awhile and the frequency has greatly decreased.

    There is SO much more i would like to say on this topic, but i don't want to hijack the thread. We have time, i guess

    I've practiced astral projection (using a workbook from the Seax School of Wicca.) I've also spent a lot of time studying and practicing lucid dreaming and entering different states of consciousness from a less "supernatural" and more scientific viewpoint (after i rejected witchcraft.)
    I got REALLY fucking good at both. I'm pretty damn good at dream interpretation and enjoy it immensely.
    Dreams have been such a huge part of my life. And after years of study and practice, i believe that while MOST dreams are just creations of the mind, SOME are actual astral travel. And a precious few are portents to the future. I am one hundred percent certain of this.

    I look forward to this thread.

  24. #84
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    Quote Originally Posted by elevenism View Post
    i want to try hypnotherapy SOOO bad.
    You may want to try it to quit addiction. It worked for me to quit smoking, twice, for a year each time until some pretty heavy stress and other smokers influenced me. (I've since quit smoking via the patch but I also used the tools I learned from hypnosis.)

    I took a grad-school-level neurology slash psychology class and dreams were studied; neurologists have determined that dreams are pretty much our subconscious attempting to sort out the MASSIVE amounts of information we take in each day and store in memory, and psychologists say that sleep and dreams help us sort out our daily life and the lack of REM sleep and dreams can lead to depression, etc., which is one reason for the old saying, "sleep on it." Also, recent studies indicate that our brains NEED sleep to "clean house." See this. But see this.

    See also this.

    See this, too.

    I used to dream that I was still smoking, then I would wake up and it was so real I was convinced I would have to quit again. These are pretty common (addict dreams) and I had them for more than 12 years after I quit but I haven't had one in a while.

    I have nightmares that I'm suddenly back with my ex-husband and I don't know how I got there or how I'm going to get out, and I divorced him nearly 20 years ago. This is pretty common, as they are trauma-related dreams where the subconscious and psyche are still trying to sort out the fear and trauma. The good thing is that, in my dream, I recognize that I don't want to be there and that I must get out. Sometimes I wonder if this is a parallel to my current job.

    I used to live in a pretty bad neighborhood in Detroit by myself, on the 2nd floor, and I had a recurring dream that a guy had broken in and was in my flat but I could not wake up or open my eyes to hide or run away. Or I would dream that my purse was stolen and it was so real, I'd get up and look for my purse. Certainly, these dreams were reflective of my fear of my situation; as soon as I moved, the dreams stopped. It was during this time that I got better at lucid dreaming.

    At around the same time, I'd have dreams that I was suddenly in a large field with all of my cats and I was trying to hold all of them so they wouldn't run away. Or I'd dream that I was in another unknown apartment and then I'd suddenly realize that my cats were in another apartment and I didn't know the last time I had been there and if my cats were okay or the last time they were fed or if they were starving. I still have this dream sometimes. And I'm sure this is my subconscious fear of anything happening to them and the pressure of responsibility (one cat is on an anxiety drug, the dog is blind, one cat is a diabetic getting insulin injections 2x per day, one cat has IBD).

    See this, too. Certain drugs can affect dreams. When I was on the nicotine patch, HOLY SHIT ...
    Last edited by allegro; 11-30-2015 at 08:58 PM.

  25. #85
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    Quote Originally Posted by allegro View Post
    You may want to try it to quit addiction.
    Oh my dear GOD how i would love this.

    Lately i've been having these terrible, unspeakable, literally unthinkable nightmares.
    I remember my dreams in vivid detail, but these are so awful that i block them out.
    Earlier i remembered one of them, but as quickly as i had hold of it, it was gone, and i was left with an ungodly, terrible sense of dread and panic that nearly brought me to tears.
    These dreams are about something worse than death-i know that, because i remember those dreams.

    i think they must be along these lines

  26. #86
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    Quote Originally Posted by elevenism View Post
    Lately i've been having these terrible, unspeakable, literally unthinkable nightmares.
    I remember my dreams in vivid detail, but these are so awful that i block them out.
    Earlier i remembered one of them, but as quickly as i had hold of it, it was gone, and i was left with an ungodly, terrible sense of dread and panic that nearly brought me to tears.
    These dreams are about something worse than death-i know that, because i remember those dreams.
    You have a lot of anxiety and fear right now, and that's probably feeding into your dreams. Also, your meds can influence dreams a LOT. Dreams involve a lot of chemical reactions in your brain.

    Also, death isn't so bad that anything is "worse" that it. I've seen people die, been there with them, and it's very peaceful and looks like they're seeing something cool before they leave.

    In fact, Steve Jobs' final words were: "OH WOW. OH WOW. OH WOW."

  27. #87
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    Quote Originally Posted by allegro View Post
    You have a lot of anxiety and fear right now, and that's probably feeding into your dreams. Also, your meds can influence dreams a LOT. Dreams involve a lot of chemical reactions in your brain.

    Also, death isn't so bad that anything is "worse" that it. I've seen people die, been there with them, and it's very peaceful and looks like they're seeing something cool before they leave.

    In fact, Steve Jobs' final words were: "OH WOW. OH WOW. OH WOW."
    i feel you. i've watched a good solid 200 people die.
    i meant worse than a nightmare of your family being dead, that sort of thing.

  28. #88
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    so i reckon elevenism might get a kick out of this: when i was five i had a recurring dream. for about a year.
    i am walking in some sort of canyon or natural feature that has high walls to each side of me. the dirt is rusty reddish orange. i am ambling along when suddenly i feel a tremor under my feet. the strength increases, to the point that i can't stay upright. i fall, then a shadow falls over me. it is the foot of a (appears to be, anyway) a dinosaur. it steps on me. i wake up.
    i must've been a furry bipedal living in a tree
    i never forgot this dream. never will.

  29. #89
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    i had the TRIPPIEST dream last night / this morning concerning animal and insects!

    there was a cat that was a color version of john tenniel's (sir) cheshire cat, a weird ass yellow green spider, a HUGE green praying mantis and several small cherry red ones, a dog that had german shep color but way longer haired (like male lion mane) AND a long bodied fox that could walk upright!!

    the fox morphed into this sickly person in asylum jammies that had deformed hands and i shook them and introduced myself.

    what the fucking fuck?

  30. #90
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    About dreams and animals... I was being hunt by some velociraptors ;-), finally I hid in some box and tried not to move, eyes closed. Then I felt one of them touching back of my neck with his nose, felt his breath, and I was still trying not to move, scared to death. Then nothing.

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