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Thread: Dreams

  1. #91
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    more dreams of being stuck on a cliff in the snake river canyon, unable to move without falling. i can't stand up, can barely breathe without plummeting.

  2. #92
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    Quote Originally Posted by c0f3d View Post
    more dreams of being stuck on a cliff in the snake river canyon, unable to move without falling. i can't stand up, can barely breathe without plummeting.
    Oh man, sounds like something's been stressing you out?

    I had a dream I was watching a movie online and was excited when I realized I wasn't on satellite internet anymore, then I woke up and realized I'll be leaving in two weeks. I can watch videos online soon!! Woo! Hahah, what a weird thing to dream about.

  3. #93
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    I just dreamt that I shared an apartment in New York with a breakdancing cat. The hell?

  4. #94
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    so my oldest son just celebrated his 14th birthday. went to lazer tag and was joined by an old school friend of his (changed schools in third grade, they "hang out" online but hadn't seen him in years). driving him home he told me i was the wisest person he had ever known, and still was. wow, eh? it was awesome...then that night i dreamt that i passed a group of high school boys and heard one of them say "there she is. the cougar". and i was gobsmacked! lol. i turned to yell 'i am NOT a fucking cougar, brat" but woke up instead. ugh. lol. and wtf...fwiw: i STILL prefer older men, as i always have. lol. i was so offended all damn day by that dream...

  5. #95
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    I had a dream that was partly affected by my feelings of vertigo from drinking the night before I'm sure, it was an extremely scary dream. I was walking on this road that was built into a cliff and then got to a point where it had fallen, and I mean fallen, I inched right up to the end and saw the road had stayed in one piece but was just hanging straight down for at least a mile. As soon as I was done inching my way to the edge and saw the length of the road all the way down, a sense of panic took over and I went flying back and upwards in the air to prevent myself from falling off. (Although now that I think of it, if I could fly in the dream, I shouldn't have been so afraid...but of course that's not how dreams work.) From this elevated angle, I saw how the road was actually built in a giant cavern and it had been falling and deteriorating all over the place.

  6. #96
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    ^was it anything like the famous death road in bolivia?
    sounds to me like your dream indicates you've recently or in the future will save yourself out of some kind of bad situation. the end of your dream seems relieving and positive. you got out and realized the hard, stark reality of what you escaped. *whew*

  7. #97
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    That's an interesting take on it and I like it! I mean, I had been telling myself not to regret having chosen moving out of the country just because it meant ending a relationship because I'm facing the facts that the relationship was rocky way before I decided to move, so I often think the end of the relationship was inevitable. Soooooo....there's that. The last couple nights I've had theme where I'm looking at a bunch of earrings and really crave having one. The larger context of the dreams are different though.

    I just looked at a picture of the death road in bolivia, and it was like that except in a large vertical cavernous cliff, weird to explain. Oh! Like this yeah, but in my dream it was a bit more open and the roads were like shelves.
    Last edited by halloween; 01-10-2016 at 05:38 PM.

  8. #98
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    yeah, i think you knew in your heartest of hearts fleeing the country was better than you staying with someone you don't love or feel comfortable and safe with, which speaks volumes!

  9. #99
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    So, I had the weirdest fucking dream last night.
    i was actually dreaming of a website with comments instead of, you know, real people and places and objects and stuff. I dreamt that David Duchovny had hit rock bottom financially, and I was in the comment section of a news website about that, and I had posted some numbers about Duchovny's net worth. Then, there was a reply by somebody called "therealdavidduchovny" who berated me for being a "fucking idiot".

    I should probably spend less time online.

  10. #100
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    edit .....
    Last edited by kel; 08-19-2016 at 11:36 AM.

  11. #101
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    An incident reminded me of my ex-girlfriend yesterday. When I went to sleep, I had one of the wildest and scariest dreams ever.

    I was in some kind of outdoors bar and there was a table where they were selling books co-written by my ex-girlfriend (her name misspelled on the cover) and some French dude. I was hanging out with a cute brunette chick who was wearing some kind of uniform, possibly a barmaid, and started flirting with her, when, all of a sudden... gunshots. I take cover. I can barely see who's shooting, but, from the distance, it looks like a mafia. I go back to find the girl and hide somewhere with her. Gunshots again. The same moment loops over and over again, until the girl is shot and killed. I wake up.

  12. #102
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    Not sure if this has been brought up before but - have you ever had such a vivid dream with such vivid people/characters inside them that you literally feel upset when you wake up? Like they have died?

  13. #103
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    Quote Originally Posted by Erneuert View Post
    Not sure if this has been brought up before but - have you ever had such a vivid dream with such vivid people/characters inside them that you literally feel upset when you wake up? Like they have died?
    I do: especially if the person/character is a woman I'm in love with, or am INSANELY attracted to, in the dream only. Like, perhaps I have had a crush on the person in real life, but it's nowhere NEAR as intense as it is in the dream.

    I think that the ones I have are what Jung called "Anima/Animus dreams," wherein the woman in the dream is actually a vision of the unconscious feminine aspects of myself- the anima, and, for a woman, it takes the form of a man, and is called an animus.

    I know that a lot of people don't agree with Jung about a lot of things, but I've DEFINITELY experienced this part of his ideology.

    There's a LOT to this theory, of course. Here's a good old Wikipedia article. about it.

  14. #104
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    @elevenism - “To Those That We Lose Upon Waking” sounds like an epic NIN song title.

  15. #105
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  16. #106
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    Quote Originally Posted by Erneuert View Post
    @elevenism - “To Those That We Lose Upon Waking” sounds like an epic NIN song title.
    I had another one with someone I've never met, where it just fucking ACHED when I woke up. She was this short African American woman, and we had just started dating, and she had this badass apartment wherein the first floor had a trap door, with stairs, and the stairs lead to a living space that was the REAL apartment, and I have this love of enclosed spaces...

    And I woke up, and was like, yeah, I was almost in tears. Idk if it was the anima thing, or just a new girl I created on account of marital issues.

  17. #107
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    For some reason last night I had a dream about...reading posts on ETS. So now, here I am (four years absent) checking it out. Funny to find out that I created the this dream thread too.

  18. #108
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    Lucid dreaming is amazing.
    Eventually, when mankind wisens up and learns to cooperate as one organism, we'll invent the holodeck.

    Until then, full lucidity is where it's at. And honestly, is probably better than a holodeck anyhow.
    The one private space in your mind where you can literally do whatever you please, free of judgement, to achieve catharsis, hone a skill, relive old memories, or just create things.

    It's more than a vivid dream. It's full control of your own private universe.
    Now if only I could find my way back...

  19. #109
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    Quote Originally Posted by esomiso View Post
    Lucid dreaming is amazing.
    Eventually, when mankind wisens up and learns to cooperate as one organism, we'll invent the holodeck.

    Until then, full lucidity is where it's at. And honestly, is probably better than a holodeck anyhow.
    The one private space in your mind where you can literally do whatever you please, free of judgement, to achieve catharsis, hone a skill, relive old memories, or just create things.

    It's more than a vivid dream. It's full control of your own private universe.
    Now if only I could find my way back...
    I have been there. Many times. Lucid dreams can seem as real as wake reality. Sight, scent, taste, touch, even pain; all the senses can be represented in the lucid dream reality. If you know a shaman, they can most likely offer advice regarding this topic.

    But I have learned to allow others into my private dream space. So I am no longer in complete control. This can be terrifying sometimes! The first time it happened, I somehow managed to avoid lucid dreams for about 10 years. Because I was scared.

    Then I decided to just let it happen. Only people I have known in the past have visited me. So there is probably nothing supernatural going on. But the other people in my lucid dream space seem to have their own will. I am still in control of me, but have no control over what they do. There have been some very interesting interactions!

    One very scary thing happens sometimes during a lucid dream. I wake up, but I can NOT move. Not at all. In my mind I am thrashing about and screaming but in normal reality I am motionless as a stone.

    Yet I still crave the next opportunity to explore.

  20. #110
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    Quote Originally Posted by zero View Post
    ...But the other people in my lucid dream space seem to have their own will. I am still in control of me, but have no control over what they do. There have been some very interesting interactions!
    I think our subconscious is to blame there. The subconscious mind receives direct programming from our waking life and just runs those processes in the background. Lucid dreaming enables us to see this "in real time" I suppose...
    Can't say for sure, however. I'm no expert. Just a curious navigator.
    One interesting thing I've noticed about my own dreams though - whenever I meet a celebrity, they always look at me as if they're confused by my presence... as if to say, "Who the F*** are you?"
    Weird, wild stuff.

  21. #111
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    Quote Originally Posted by esomiso View Post
    One interesting thing I've noticed about my own dreams though - whenever I meet a celebrity, they always look at me as if they're confused by my presence... as if to say, "Who the F*** are you?"
    So you were not in control of what they said. But perhaps that is close to what you think they might say in wake reality?

    Our dreams, lucid or not, are merely reflections of our inner self. By extension, the entire universe is an extension of our own reality. But what does that mean? I have no clue. I am just talking about dreams.

    If you are interested in exploration, try to convince yourself that it's safe to allow other egos into your dream space. Not everyone can do it. And not everyone who can do it actually enjoys it! As I mentioned before, it scared me significantly the first time.

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