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Thread: Dreams

  1. #31
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    I keep having this dream that I'm working on my laptop and slowly the parts start to loosen, crack, heat up and melt as the screen bends while still "projecting" graphics. Nothing of this stops me from working and I'm still typing as I try to bend the screen back up to no good. The screen is by this point bent like a Salvador Dali clock and the keyboard is black from the burning insides. As the laptop disintegrates I try to collect the pieces to hook them back together again.

    My mind is obviously trying to tell me to get a new computer as I'm still using the laptop my school "gave" me 3 years ago which already was a shitty old laptop from an earlier student and is dated from 2008.

    Edit: I typed this on that laptop and it's fucking melting as we speak.
    Last edited by hobochic; 03-14-2013 at 02:07 PM.

  2. #32
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    Holy shit. So my roommates are making a student documentary on dreams and they had this girl over who does a weekly workshop at my University on lucid dreams. So they were interviewing her and she was talking about the 10 levels of dreams. Based on her descriptions I'm perpetually at about a 7-8. (10 is being fully aware and fully in control in your dreams, 9 is fully aware that your dreaming but you can't control much, 7 and 8 are really really vivid dreams you remember perfectly.)

    So she was saying if your at a high level you have potential to fully lucid dream, and that night I BECAME AWARE IN THE DREAM.

    YOU GUYS. I understand all the Inception stuff a lot more now. I started asking myself while I'm awake "am I dreaming" so that it is a thought that breaches my subconscious when I'm asleep. AND IT WORKS. Last night I had one again and all it took was the thought crossing my mind that I was dreaming. It's the weirdest best thing. You can do whatever you want without consequences....It's also strange because becoming too excited can wake you up so I had to actively calm down as I was walking around in my dream. Crazy shit man...

  3. #33
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    I don't know how widely available this ability is but every now and then out of thin air I can recall completely forgotten dreams I had month even years ago.
    As for lucid dreaming when I was around 19 I remember having a high number of them. So many that I began to write them down when I woke up.
    One night I had a dream so disturbing I stopped writing them down for three years.
    A while back I began to write them down again sporadically, but once again I had a dream that has creeped me out again so I'm in a bit of a limbo right now.

  4. #34
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    Lucid dreaming is cool, I figured it out when I was pretty young; if something bad is happening, it might take me a little while in the dream but I eventually figure out that it's a dream and I can control what's happening like being the director in a movie. I also tried that thing where you tell yourself a lot that you're going to dream about a particular topic that night and then YOU DO,

    The dreams that are weirdest for me are the ones where my wallet or purse disappear or are stolen and the next day, upon going to get my purse, I momentarily jump and think "wait, my purse was STOLEN" and then realize that was a dream.

  5. #35
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    Is it as easy as thinking of a topic a lot before you fall asleep?

    Also how do you feel about hanging out with friends in your lucid dreams? I woke myself up both times when my friends came into the picture because it felt strangely unethical hanging out with projections of them. I was all like Leo in Inception "Your just a shade" *squinty face

  6. #36
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    yeah, think about it but tell yourself, aloud, "I'm going to dream about ________ tonight." All day, repeatedly. You're programming your subconscious, of course.

    Dead friends and relatives in my dreams is weirder, especially when I end up spending the whole time crying and not wanting them to leave me. AGAIN. In the dreams, they don't talk much but they provide a loving energy to me that I apparently need at the time in my conscious life. If you ever read the Jane Roberts "Seth Speaks" series this is even weirder.


    Last edited by allegro; 03-18-2013 at 01:01 AM.

  7. #37
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    Trying to write them down when you wake up helps. I don't do it consistently but when I get in the habit I tend to recall them more.

  8. #38
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    Yeah, I've been having weird ones as well. Last one I recall involved a shoot-out and very cinematic chase sequence involving an abnormally fast steamroller. I recall getting shot in the side, and then getting arrested for jay-walking and talking my way out of it.

    Then I was late for a ferry. Very odd...

  9. #39
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    Last night I had a dream I was in the physical body of a character in an online FPS like COD or Battlefield. I kept dying and respawning and used different strategies every time I died, to take out a group of snipers. Kinda weird since I've not played a first person shooter online in over a year. Also weird because I usually suffer from sleep paralysis instead of actually getting dreams. Being able to sleep and dream was kinda nice for once, though.

  10. #40
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    I still have dreams about my ex (first love, three year relationship ex). I'm not surprised but at the same time it kind of throws off my mood.

  11. #41
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    been pretty sick so sleeping lots and not indulging in the usual habits to the usual degree so dream recall is really high right now.
    1) i was trying to have sex with someone. they were hard but their penis kept kind of spring away and around. i look down and realize his penis is, literally, tied in knots.
    2) my youngest child was a plastic doll. i kept misplacing him. i found him in a purse, covered in purse stuff. i was horrified with myself.
    3) (this one lasted all night. i woke up 4 times, and each time i went back to sleep i was where i had exited the dream. this isn't the first time this has happened but it is rare). an old friend from high school turns up. we are kind of hanging out...sort of an adult version of kids parallel play.
    4) my old room mate, and one of my best friends, asks me to cuddle with him. i am a little weirded but say ok. i am lying on him and realize he has an erection. about the time i am trying to gracefully end the cuddle he says "oh. i am too hot. you need to get off me". (this friend is gay, btw).
    5) (i watched the new karate kid with my niece last night so this one is not so odd) i am dry humping jackie chan. we have sex. it is awesome. i then remember i am married and almost have a heart failure. how am i to tell my husband i cheated on him? i am frantic and devastated and full of self disgust.
    6) i am told that i have blunt force trauma to the right side of my skull. my eye is crushed and part of my skull. my right shoulder and collarbone are also crushed. i wonder if i am dead, then decide i am hearing my own autopsy report.
    lots of sex dreams lately. wtf????

  12. #42
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    Utterly bizarre dreams last night that at one point involved Joan of Arc. WTF? Then, I'm at the mall this afternoon having lunch, and on the info screens they're doing "On This Day in History. GUESS WHO WAS BORN ON THIS DAY IN 1412. WTF?!

  13. #43
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    i have a lot of dreams where a particular person will be prominent, but they look like someone else...well, i had a dream the other night that a friend of mine was LITERALLY superimposed with an old lover. it was fucked. they were blended, physically. i was livid with him/them/it (?) to the point that i felt like i was full of fire...sort of a boiling blood to the extreme feeling. ugh. even odder is that in reality i don't allow myself to get angry about the old lover, so the intensity of the rage in the dream was even more vivid by comparison.
    only good thing about the dream: they blended well, lol, and the old lover looked fab with silver hair.

  14. #44
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    i am outside. it is snowy and icy. i notice rabbit tracks UNDER the snow and ice, and start looking around. i realize that i am stepping on frozen rabbits, each time i move to try and locate said rabbits.
    what the holy flaming FUCK????

  15. #45
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    snake dreams and flooding dreams. again.
    at least the snake didn't bite me this time.

  16. #46
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    Extremely vivid dreams/nightmares all night. There were slow zombies, fast zombies, and space zombies at times (thanks a lot, "The Last Days On Mars"...). And a bunch of other weird stuff...

  17. #47
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    I already posted about last night's dream in another thread.
    One thing that is really starting to get on my nerves is that i dream about going to jail or being in jail at LEAST 3 times a week.
    I've been arrested and spent at least one night in jail probably about 10 times, but my grand total of time spent in jail is about 6 months. So why, i wonder, are these dreams so pervasive?

    I have a question for you guys...have any of you ever dreamed of being something other than human and actually FELT a different consciousness?
    I have dreamed of being a nation...a mountain...the statue of liberty.

    But the most interesting was a dream of being a patch of grass which was fighting off some kind of fungus that was trying to infect me. I/we thought as a whole but also communicated individually, one blade to the other.

    This shit really makes me think twice about what consciousness is, and also whether the hindus are right about reincarnation...i mean, how in the FUCK would i know how a plant feels and thinks?

  18. #48
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    Wow, you have amazing dreams. You've got something special going there.

    I think I personally have always been in my dreams. I've had the standard, falling, no clothes, teeth falling out, naked in a public place dreams. I've even dreamt about my grand mother being alive a few years after she died. All of that I take how it made me feel, in the dream, and really what might I be anxious about. All pretty normal and therapeutic. However, last week, I had this really brief dream where a baby got raped. I heard he/she scream and of course there was nothing I could do. How fucking sick is that? I know it's about feeling helpless or not in control. You'd think my freaking subconscious would have given me something less disturbing.

  19. #49
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    I suffer from chronic lucid dreams and nightmares and other sleep phenomena: hypnopagogic and hypnopompic hallucinations that are visual, audial and sensory; rapid entry into REM sleep; sleep paralysis; out of body experiences and other bizarre physical stuff; etc. Probably some form of narcolepsy exacerbated by chronic sleep deprivation and other factors.

    I have hundreds of dreams and sleep experiences that are forever burned into my brain's memory. Because of this, it baffles me that people aren't capable of remembering their dreams. My life's best and worst moments come from sleep as strange as that might seem to people. Not to sound delusional but it almost makes no difference to me if I've done something within a dream or in real life because in retrospect, these experiences aren't much different even though I can consciously separate the two.

  20. #50
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    Last dream I had:

    Keanu Reeves as John Wick crawling out of a Swamp going "WRITE ME!!!"

    So I did.

    Seriously guys it's really not that bad for a fan fiction

  21. #51
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    Had a really sad one last night. Well, sad in a sweet kind of way. I dreamt of a party with loads of my friends at it. I remember dancing to VNV Nation and for some reason, my old summer flame from five years ago was in it a lot. He had a boyfriend in the dream and I was cool with it, which, I assume, is my subconscious finally going "Yup, we're over him, now you can be actual friends!" or something.

  22. #52
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    Quote Originally Posted by newmodel87 View Post
    I suffer from chronic lucid dreams and nightmares and other sleep phenomena: hypnopagogic and hypnopompic hallucinations that are visual, audial and sensory; rapid entry into REM sleep; sleep paralysis; out of body experiences and other bizarre physical stuff; etc. Probably some form of narcolepsy exacerbated by chronic sleep deprivation and other factors.

    I have hundreds of dreams and sleep experiences that are forever burned into my brain's memory. Because of this, it baffles me that people aren't capable of remembering their dreams. My life's best and worst moments come from sleep as strange as that might seem to people. Not to sound delusional but it almost makes no difference to me if I've done something within a dream or in real life because in retrospect, these experiences aren't much different even though I can consciously separate the two.
    So you are sleep deprived ?

    I usually remember part of a dream, but not all. I had a terrible on where you scream and nothing comes out. Ugh, it's like your suffocating which I may actually had been in bed.

  23. #53
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    I've always had incredibly vivid dreams. It's one of the fun extras that comes with being bi-polar.
    Also, I tend to wake up from nightmares screaming for my mother. It's very bizarre.

  24. #54
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    It's a good thing to write down those vivid dreams though. I've had a lot of insight into my bodies health and the people around me and stuff that I'm trying to learn. Yeah, I love napping and dreaming.

    The theory is that what you see IRL is really only like, 5% of what is really going on around you, the brain picks up so much information from all the senses of your body and that when you sleep and the brain is cleaning itself it kind of shows you as best as it can make sense to you the rest of what went on in the day.

    That's why they say dirty water means sadness or depression or something bad. You or somebody else around you probably feels this way and your brain picked it up but discarded that because it wasn't very important at the time.

  25. #55
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    I've neglected writing down dreams because sometimes it's pretty clear what's going on for me. Lately my hormones are in full gear and there's this guy I've seen at work who is just so goddamn charming and witty and now I'm having sensual dreams about him.

  26. #56
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    Goddammit, I had a dream I was in a relationship with the guy who I fell out with last night. I've been feeling weird ever since I woke up.

  27. #57
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    i am in a place, walking around. in every direction are wonderful things to do and see, real sensory playground. having a hard time deciding where to go, book marking places to go back to. i realize i am travelling upward, in a spiral formation. suddenly i am at the peak, and i can see a kind of covered hammock? a coffin? something. i go look inside, and see it is myself in there, asleep. the asleep self registers the awake/looking self, while the awake/looking self is "uh...which is me?". there is someone out of view on the other side of the "sleeping place". i wonder if they are waiting for me to wake up or if they are going to wake me up. then i actually wake up.

  28. #58
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    I had a dream last night that you could block specific things from your Facebook and Twitter feeds. I chose "Sufjan Stevens, professional family photos, golf and football."
    Even in my dreams, I make good choices.

  29. #59
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    Had a dream last night that I went to a NIN concert with some friends. Second song of the set was MOTP, and a buddy of mine wante .to get in the pit (we were on the rail). I look, and the pit is full of 8 year old kids with balloons. I look back at the stage and Trent was just not having it. No freak outs, but he just stepped back from the mic and then left the stage.
    I then went back to a friends house in Cali via this awesome bus. I get off at this nature preserve a few blocks away and there were a bunch of whales jumping way out of the water. There was a huge orca, and it grabbed a bystander and ate him. Everyone panicked, and I ran down to the waters edge and saved like 6 little kids. Then I got back on the bus and returned to the friends house.

  30. #60
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    Lately my dreams have been super emotionally charged because of my big move and even in it's most abstract, the meaning is obvious to me. I had a really fucked up dream a couple nights ago, after a conversation with my grandmother about abortion, access to pills and all that stuff. Then that night, in my dream I was pregnant, in the States, talking to my ex-boyfriend who in the dream looked like a different person (thankfully) and he was telling me how he was going to keep the baby and raise it with his new girlfriend and if I wanted to visit, I could even stay in the same room as her! I stared with my jaw open and said "No, I'm going to Brazil and I'm taking the baby with me! She is staying there with me! I don't want her to have my life!!" (traveling back and forth between countries) then at the same time I started to get really fucking upset because, in real life and thus is the dream, we had always differed on having a child so I knew we couldn't be together (among other reasons of course), but then in the dream, hearing him say that, I was so angry and upset that he was willing to be a parent after all but with his new girlfriend.

    Ugh, thank god it was just a dream and I'm not actually pregnant.

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