ah yeah, that's true. I actually saw Manson do that once at a concert, while wearing something that was kinda like a thong he tapped the security guard on the head with his junk. I was pretty shocked, the security guard just rolled his eyes and stepped away. I'm not sure how frequently he did that sort of thing, but it's strange. I mean, it clearly is unavoidably sexual in nature, it's uninvited... the theatrics of it are what make it "unique" in a way. In some way, the assault is maybe amplified by the fact that it's done in front of a huge crowd and you just have to stand there and take it.

Yeah, that's pretty awful. I've heard some stories that are worse, and one of them in particular I am inclined to believe, so... whatever, fuck him I guess. I'm pretty much over listening to his music anyway. Most of it hasn't aged very well for me, and some of it is flat out embarrassing. I guess I still think Portrait, Antichrist, and Mechanical Animals are good albums for what they are, even if I think I'm kind of over listening to music like that. It doesn't hurt my approach there to consider what an asshole he is.