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Thread: The NIN Halo Tier List, Tiermaker Edition

  1. #1
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    The NIN Halo Tier List, Tiermaker Edition

    Since these are clogging up other topics unnecessarily, they can now have their own thread.

    Make your list here: https://tiermaker.com/create/nine-in...35-halos-18554

    If we all make accounts and save the results, we can make an aggregate tier list to end all tier lists.

    This is mine:

    The material in D-tier was mostly released elsewhere. For example, the remixes on Halo 1 were on Halo 3 (US). EDIETS is the only release I consider to be absolute trash aside from El-P's mix and Rob's awesome artwork.
    Last edited by katara; 09-05-2020 at 08:19 AM.

  2. #2
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  3. #3
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    Hard to tell how controversial some of these might be and which ones are just bad takes.

    I don't like remix albums generally, but I also didn't want to just chuck them all at the bottom so I tried to sprinkle them in based on how much I tolerate listening to them. The singles were hard decisions because I've literally never given thought to ranking them, ever. Sin and Only singles are garbage, and Down in It got thrown down there (possibly unfairly) since Head Like a Hole stole all its remixes. Not that the HLAH single is good either! WITT made it to A-tier because of the sheer amount of content across those three CDs, even if most of it was released elsewhere. That's just efficiency, baby. Aside from it being a three-CD single. I gave a lot of thought to BYIT making it to S-tier, but couldn't justify it given how much I like post-With Teeth material. Closure is a nightmare to watch but that's part of the aesthetic so it avoided D-tier.

    I have a feeling a lot of these singles rankings are gonna be pretty arbitrary, but it'll fun to see it play out.

  4. #4
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    I have no idea where some of these singles rank for me but the ones at the bottom either have all their good shit on the full remix albums or I never consider or listen to anyway but I’m pretty confident in my main album rankings. I put AATCHB at C for the album but if it was the DVD I’d place it in A tier easily.

  5. #5
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    EDIT: not sure why I can’t see the tier. Shit balls.

  6. #6
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    Quote Originally Posted by Krazy View Post

    EDIT: not sure why I can’t see the tier. Shit balls.
    Instructions unclear. Now searching for halo called Shit Balls.

  7. #7
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    I did a thing.

    I sorted everything by release date, then put them into categories.

  8. #8
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    - left off the singles along with the remix and remix type albums.
    - with Closure, AATCHB, and BYIT I’m grading this solely on the BRD/DVD/VHS. I still think BYIT is awesome to watch and listen.
    - there’s a few in the “meh” tier that can get moved up depending on mood/time of day/what position the moon is/etc. I just went with it and tried to not over think.
    Last edited by Krazy; 09-06-2020 at 07:34 PM.

  9. #9
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    Here's mine (again)

  10. #10
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    I guess this is a good time as any to justify why I have all the main NIN albums on the S, well, frankly, it's because I believe that Trent (And Atticuss Ross starting from 2016) has always perfectly done what he wanted to do with his records, his vision always perfectly came to life in each of them and depending on what I am in the mood for I always enjoy these records from beginning to their end, I don't listen to Ghosts I-IV that much for example, but whenever I am in the mood for something more playfully experimental that record ticks all the boxes. Same for the two latests Ghosts records, I don't want to listen to Ambient/Dark Ambient every day, but when those days come they are the perfect records for that. It may be my big inner fanboyism for the band as I have never loved a band quite as much as Nine Inch Nails, but this is honestly how I feel about the discography.

    As for how I rated the singles/remix albums/live records..I ommited the singles which honestly didn't have that much to offer at least in my opinion as I don't see a point in rating "Survivalism" single for example personally..do I rate it as a song or how much the single release has to offer? At its core a lot of them are releases which will not age well after the album comes out since their main purpose more-or-less is to hype up the album release, so I didn't see much of a reason to rate them.

    Perfect Drug is the exception, since at its core it's really a remix record which doesn't have the original song even.

    As for the remix albums, Further Down The Spiral and Fixed are my absolute favorite ones, I feel like they take the original songs and give them nice twists and after this we never had much of a luck with these official remixes, ever so often a great remix would appear, but more often than not they got less and less attention from fans and I believe it's for a reason, I am still trying to get that rather lacking remix of "Everything" out of my head.

    Year Zero Remixed..is probably the reason why we don't get NIN remix records anymore. I am really not a fan of this release, I feel like its remixes don't take the original songs into any interesting places, I am not really a fan of what was done with "The Great Destroyer", a lot of people like that remix, but I feel like it turns a really interesting violent song into a rather generic Alt.Rock ballad. A lot of people also really like "Gunshots By Computer"...but it's just the original song with vocals.

  11. #11
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    Late to the game, but here's mine (albums only). Ranking meanings for me:

    S: Pretty much perfect to me. Maybe the occasional song I don't love, but that's it.
    A: Love it and have no complaints but just didn't have quite the impact on me as S tier.
    B: Really like it but in a sort of passive way.
    C: Fine, but I wish it were better.
    D: Don't actively hate it but really feel like it brings down the catalog

  12. #12
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  13. #13
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    I'm surprised at how high PHM scores for all of you guys. Don't get me wrong, it's great, but it's just so... amateur? If I had never heard of NIN and someone played PHM for me with no context, I would still assume that it was the band's first album. It sounds like someone still trying to figure out exactly what they're doing. Maybe that lack of professionalism is what appeals to people? Like the DIY aesthetic of punk music, or something. I'm more into the meticulousness and polish of every other release though.

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    And so it shall be.

  15. #15
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    It was hard to try to limit myself and not just put all of them in like the top 2-3 sections.
    I'm sure I'm going to get flamed for the bottom one, though.

  16. #16
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    Quote Originally Posted by sick among the pure View Post
    I'm sure I'm going to get flamed for the bottom one, though.

  17. #17
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    Quote Originally Posted by zecho View Post
    I'm surprised at how high PHM scores for all of you guys. Don't get me wrong, it's great, but it's just so... amateur?
    If I were trying to be more objective, I would have PHM lower than S-tier, but I'm including my personal relationship to the album in my ranking. PHM was one of the first "adult" albums I got into, and I spent my tweens and teens listening to that thing on repeat forever. Same goes with Broken and TDS later, so those will always be at the top of my list.

    Similarly, I think With Teeth is a solid album, but because I felt pretty disappointed by it when it came out, it will always take a lower place on my list than if I were trying to be completely objective.

  18. #18
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    S (Classic): The Downward Spiral / The Fragile

    A (9-10/10): With Teeth / Pretty Hate Machine / Broken / Not The Actual Events / Hesitation Marks / Bad Witch / Year Zero / Add Violence

    B (8-9/10: The Slip

    C (8/10): Ghosts Together / Ghosts Locusts / Ghosts

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