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Thread: The Supreme Court thread

  1. #211
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    Quote Originally Posted by GastonKappa View Post
    Billie Joe Armstrong “renounced” his citizenship:
    I’d like to believe it but, while it’s not hard to do there’s no coming back either. I suppose he’s got the money to make it work for him. It’ll be interesting to see how this plays out.

  2. #212
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    Just saw that clip of Mary Miller in Illinois with Trump standing right behind her, saying that this SCOTUS decision is a victory for "white life"
    If Trump was distressed about what she just said, he had a great poker face. He probably wasn't listening, just grinning along like an idiot and staring out at the people who love and worship him. But he smiled and applauded along with the audience.

    But she says it. "White life." Her team is saying she "misspoke." No shit she misspoke. She said something she knows she wasn't supposed to say out loud. Just because she didn't mean to say it into a microphone doesn't mean she hasn't said something like that a billion times in private.

    And ok, if I'm supposed to believe she misspoke... what the hell was she trying to say?

  3. #213
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    Quote Originally Posted by GastonKappa View Post
    Billie Joe Armstrong “renounced” his citizenship:
    So? Now he can't stick around to vote these fuckers out? Great.

    Instead of moving to Canada when shit like this happens, I wish all these rich folks would move to red states en masse and donate and vote.

  4. #214
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    Well, they are hoping that this causes an exodus.
    Sen. Josh Hawley predicts the overturning of Roe v. Wade will cause a 'major sorting out across the country' and allow the GOP to 'extend their strength in the Electoral College'
    "I really do think that this is going to be a watershed moment in American politics," he said on a call with reporters on Friday. "The first decision — the 1973 Roe decision — fundamentally reshaped American politics, it ushered in the rise of the Christian conservative movement, it led to the forming of what became the Reagan coalition in 1980."

  5. #215
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    I don't think the GOP actually wanted this to happen. Not the people who are really playing the game at the top. They want this sociopolitical football to toss around, they wanted to promise things they have no intention of delivering to a bunch of useful idiots. Well, fuck around long enough, and you're bound to wind up a baby daddy to a bundle of problems you didn't foresee. If only there was some way you could take it back...

    But now they've done it, and shit's just gotten real for millions of people who previously were just fatigued with politics, or looked at the whole thing like a team sport or a game. It's getting real, and there's no plan b for a scotus decision.

    Meanwhile, for your daily dose of WTF
    Sarah Huckabee Sanders wants to live in a world where babies are as safe in the womb as they're gonna be in a classroom.
    Last edited by Jinsai; 06-27-2022 at 11:06 AM.

  6. #216
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    I saw this constantly over the weekend:

    ‘The dog that caught the car’: Republicans brace for the impact of reversing Roe
    Everything was going right for Republicans in the midterm campaign. Then the Supreme Court decision came down.
    Republicans finally got the Roe v. Wade decision they wanted, and in public, they are delighted.

    More quietly, however, according to interviews with more than a dozen Republican strategists and party officials, they just didn’t want it to come right now — not during a midterm election campaign in which nearly everything had been going right for the GOP.

  7. #217
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    If Democrats win everything in the midterms, does it even matter anymore?

    When Trump implemented his Muslim ban, the Supreme Court stepped in and said "No, that's illegal, you can't do that".

    If the Democrats win everything, and then pass a bill that essentially codifies Roe V Wade, what's to stop the Supreme Court from just saying "No, that's illegal, you can't do that".

    This is a genuine question, that I don't really have the answer to at this point. Does the USA even have any chance at all anymore?

  8. #218
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    Quote Originally Posted by allegate View Post
    I saw this constantly over the weekend:
    What drives me nuts about this article... you have the republican strategists freaking out, saying things like "everything was going our way! It was great! Skyrocketing inflation! Crazy gas prices! It was all playing into our hands!!!!! Then this Roe thing had to happen..."

    Except... you know the skyrocketing gas prices aren't a result of anything Biden or the democrats have done. Biden inherited a disaster, and neither he nor progressives own inflation and unaffordable gas. Similarly, the GOP was not responsible for gas prices being low previously. It's a sunny day, Trump must have willed it. Blah, the republicans credit themselves with shit they didn't have anything to do with, and they blame stuff they don't like on the opposition.

    You know what the republicans DO own? They own this fucking supreme court, and they own this fucking decision. YOU ARE RESPONSIBLE FOR THIS! Directly, you are responsible. It is because people voted for that orange fuck that we now have this SCOTUS ruling. People are NOT going to forget that you assholes.

  9. #219
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    ^^^ Fuck, yes!!!!!!


  10. #220
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    Quote Originally Posted by M1ke View Post
    This is a genuine question, that I don't really have the answer to at this point. Does the USA even have any chance at all anymore?
    Yes. But its probably going to get a lot worse (another great depression and maybe even civil war) before it starts to get better.

  11. #221
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    Quote Originally Posted by Jinsai View Post
    ...Biden inherited a disaster, and neither he nor progressives own inflation and unaffordable gas. Similarly, the GOP was not responsible for gas prices being low previously. It's a sunny day, Trump must have willed it.
    Fact check, the Dem led Fed own "SOME" of the inflation shit. (Yes supply chains, consumer demand, blah blah blah.) The Summer of 2021, they kept calling off "inflation" as "transitory". They could have started raising interest rates then and at a much slower pace, to curb inflation. Don't suck the D or the GOP cock. At the level of running the Fed they are both balls deep in capitalism and were excited for there own personal gains, ignoring the writing on the wall. Had they pulled the trigger on interest rates the summer/ fall of 2021, we would not have had the housing market rocket of spring 2022. Elites on either side of the coin, they are still elites, 1%. What we need is no more elite leadership. We are their pawns, they use social shit to distract us so that they can control the economy and get the money. They are just well educated, well spoken gangsters. It is reported that T privately said that the Roe decision is bad for the GOP, then went out to pander to his base and say "your welcome." Fuck him. And Joe could do better on his front, but I don't see it.

  12. #222
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    Quote Originally Posted by M1ke View Post
    If Democrats win everything in the midterms, does it even matter anymore?

    When Trump implemented his Muslim ban, the Supreme Court stepped in and said "No, that's illegal, you can't do that".

    If the Democrats win everything, and then pass a bill that essentially codifies Roe V Wade, what's to stop the Supreme Court from just saying "No, that's illegal, you can't do that".

    This is a genuine question, that I don't really have the answer to at this point. Does the USA even have any chance at all anymore?
    The only way to codify Roe is an amendment. Then SCOTUS will have to go with that. Amendment IX The enumeration in the Constitution, of certain rights, shall not be construed to deny or disparage others retained by the people. Amendment X The powers not delegated to the United States by the Constitution, nor prohibited by it to the States, are reserved to the States respectively, or to the people.

    We need to take this shit back.
    Last edited by nmitchell86; 06-28-2022 at 10:22 PM.

  13. #223
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    Quote Originally Posted by nmitchell86 View Post
    Fact check, the Dem led Fed own "SOME" of the inflation shit. (Yes supply chains, consumer demand, blah blah blah.) The Summer of 2021, they kept calling off "inflation" as "transitory". They could have started raising interest rates then and at a much slower pace, to curb inflation. Don't suck the D or the GOP cock. At the level of running the Fed they are both balls deep in capitalism and were excited for there own personal gains, ignoring the writing on the wall. Had they pulled the trigger on interest rates the summer/ fall of 2021, we would not have had the housing market rocket of spring 2022.
    The housing market rocket took off in 2020. Mostly because people moved out of the city, and into the suburbs (because they started working from home during the pandemic).

    I was in real estate law for 30 years. It’s all about supply and demand. The real estate market in 2007 was insane, people buying and selling and flipping before the crash. The interest rate in 2007 was 6.34%. In 2006, it was 6.41%. In 1996, it was 7.93%.

    In 1981, it was 16.63%.

    The current issues have been due to quantitative easing (and supply chain issues that started in 2020).

    As long as the Fed left interest rates historically low and pumped billions of dollars into the economy each month through QE, it made sense to stay invested in risk assets. As Zweig describes, falling interest rates reduce stocks’ competition from other investments, including Treasury bills, money market funds, and certificates of deposit. “So, as interest rates drop, investors tend to bid prices higher, partly on the expectation of better earnings,” Zweig wrote.

    Now, with the Fed raising rates and ending QE, it’s a whole new era, one that might not be as kind to risk assets.

    But investors still can’t fight the Fed. It’s just that the central bank is no longer pushing them toward high-flying tech stocks and cryptocurrencies. Instead, it’s making other, perhaps less risky, assets look more favorable. Assets that typically perform during rising-rate environments, like short-term government bonds and value and dividend stocks, may outperform in this new era. Don’t fight it.
    Last edited by allegro; 06-28-2022 at 11:10 PM.

  14. #224
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    Quote Originally Posted by nmitchell86 View Post
    The only way to codify Roe is an amendment. Then SCOTUS will have to go with that. Amendment IX The enumeration in the Constitution, of certain rights, shall not be construed to deny or disparage others retained by the people. Amendment X The powers not delegated to the United States by the Constitution, nor prohibited by it to the States, are reserved to the States respectively, or to the people.

    We need to take this shit back.
    Or, the Equal Rights Amendment that’s been in the works for 100 years,
    Last edited by allegro; 06-28-2022 at 11:15 PM.

  15. #225
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    Quote Originally Posted by M1ke View Post
    If Democrats win everything in the midterms, does it even matter anymore?

    When Trump implemented his Muslim ban, the Supreme Court stepped in and said "No, that's illegal, you can't do that".

    If the Democrats win everything, and then pass a bill that essentially codifies Roe V Wade, what's to stop the Supreme Court from just saying "No, that's illegal, you can't do that".

    This is a genuine question, that I don't really have the answer to at this point. Does the USA even have any chance at all anymore?
    Okay, let’s first look at what the Supreme Court of the United States does, its role. It never says a law is “illegal.”

    SCOTUS is the highest FEDERAL court, the end of the road.

    See this about the types of cases it’s been hearing, lately, and its role:

    SCOTUS hears cases based solely on Constitutionality.

    The Constitution contains no laws, at all. It’s a blueprint for our country’s laws, but it contains no actual laws.

    Because of the balance of powers specified in the Constitution, the SCOTUS very rarely - if ever - overturns a law that Congress has passed.

    It overturned a PORTION of the Voters Rights Act because it felt the law was over 50 years old, contained Federal overreach that violated states’ rights voting sections of the Constitution, and they felt the country somehow didn’t need it, anymore (wrong).

    But, it’s upheld the ACA several times. Because Congress passed the law.

    Trump’s Muslim ban was an Executive Order. Executive Orders are not laws.

    Per our Constitution, only the Legislative branch can pass laws.

    The President is the Executive branch, which executes (enforces) laws, but doesn’t create laws.

    SCOTUS said that the Muslim ban was UNCONSTITUTIONAL, not “illegal.”

    Roe was just “overturned” this way:

    Mississippi’s Gestational Age Act provides that “[e]xcept in a medical emergency or in the case of a severe fetal abnormality, a person shall not intentionally or knowingly perform . . . or induce an abortion of an unborn human being if the probable gestational age of the unborn hu- man being has been determined to be greater than fifteen (15) weeks.” Miss. Code Ann. §41–41–191. Respondents—Jackson Women’s Health Organization, an abortion clinic, and one of its doctors—challenged the Act in Federal District Court, alleging that it violated this Court’s precedents establishing a constitutional right to abortion, in particular Roe v. Wade, 410 U. S. 113, and Planned Parenthood of Southeastern Pa. v. Casey, 505 U. S. 833. The District Court granted summary judgment in favor of respondents and permanently enjoined enforcement of the Act, reasoning that Mississippi’s 15-week restriction on abortion violates this Court’s cases forbidding States to ban abortion pre-viability. The Fifth Circuit affirmed. Before this Court, petitioners defend the Act on the grounds that Roe and Casey were wrongly decided and that the Act is constitutional because it satisfies rational-basis review.
    Summary Judgment is when an order is entered based on the facts presented, without a trial.

    Roe and Casey are precedents relied upon for decades. (Note that Casey upheld Roe only based on precedent but NOT on merit; this was made clear.) This SCOTUS determined that the original Roe decision was faulty because there is no Constitutional right to privacy, which is the basis of Roe; further, they ruled that the opinion overturned too many laws that already existed on a state level without doing anything with those laws.

    What this says, really, is that you can’t use the judicial branch to create laws, no more than you can use the executive. Scalia said that there is no enforcement mechanism in the judiciary, and he was right. Congress became lazy and contentious, and allowed a litigious society to duke things out in courts vs. Congress actually doing the work required.

    Congress can pass a Federal law that legalizes abortion, but they’d need it to be bipartisan. This would require concessions from Democrats as to time restrictions; Democrats pushed the limit to late-term. There are DEMOCRATS who don’t believe in late-term abortion. I imagine that a humane and realistic compromise will be reached, AND that an Equal Rights Amendment will also be passed.

    Lawsuits can be filed in an attempt to get before SCOTUS to overturn these laws, but Cert will always be rejected. Because they’ll have no Constitutional merit for argument. Particularly if the ERA is passed.
    Last edited by allegro; 06-29-2022 at 02:14 AM.

  16. #226
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    allegro, thank you so much for explaining things!

  17. #227
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    All this talk I totally forgot about this change in the ranks.

  18. #228
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  19. #229
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    There's a joke to be made about the Supreme Court finding that you have no right of privacy and them also decrying the publication of their home addresses.

  20. #230
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    Yeah, that's totally fine. just fucking peachy.

  21. #231
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    now the supreme court is moving right along, and striking down environmental protections

  22. #232
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    Their decisions are fucking awful. Woman's bodies...the environments...they do not give one fuck.

  23. #233
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    a list of the other things the supreme court's been up to lately that might have flown under the radar with the Roe decision. This country is changing.

  24. #234
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    It's like they actually want a civil war.

  25. #235
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    and the voting rights case they're gonna take next year will potentially really fuck democracy for the 2024 federal elections.

    It's literally insane that we have to hope people like Alito, Thomas, Pelosi, Hoyer, McConnell, Schumer & Clyburn have to literally die for anything positive to happen. I don't include Trump b/c at this point he is so toxic & the Dems are so bad at politics that we actually want him to run again in 2024, as distasteful as that sounds.

  26. #236
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    The House of Representatives could be 100% full of AOC Democrats and NOTHING WOULD HAPPEN.

    Because there aren’t enough Democrats in the SENATE, not even to kill the filibuster let alone to do something like pack SCOTUS.

    This country is doomed to fail, due to MORE REPUBLICAN VOTERS going to the polls to elect SENATORS.

    For DECADES.

    We can only save it by electing LOTS MORE SENATORS to U.S. Congress.

    ONLY SENATORS have ANYTHING to do with SCOTUS, or the Federal courts, or approval of cabinets or agencies. This is all right there in the Constitution. I highly recommend that every American take the time to read it.

    The left is just too lazy to show up most of the time. Or delusional and focusing on ideology vs. endgame strategy.
    Last edited by allegro; 07-01-2022 at 02:11 PM.

  27. #237
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    Quote Originally Posted by Jinsai View Post
    a list of the other things the supreme court's been up to lately that might have flown under the radar with the Roe decision. This country is changing.
    They are deciding per the Republican voters who essentially put them there per the Republican SENATE, which solely selects the SCOTUS per the U.S. Constitution

    a FEW good things:

    * Divided court allows Biden to end Trump’s “remain in Mexico” asylum policy
    * Jackson becomes first Black woman to serve on Supreme Court
    * Court refuses to hear New York State Rifle & Pistol Association Inc. v. Bruen

    What should happen?

    Only 50% of eligible voters actually vote. People should vote for SENATORS who will represent their interests in EXPANDING THE COURT. Also be sure to select a Democrat President, natch.

    I’d also say let’s get rid of the Electoral College, but there are FAR TOO MANY voting Republicans right now for that to ever happen (they won’t let it).

    The Republicans have had this strategy in place to do all of what you’re seeing right now, FOR DECADES.

    Packing the Federal Courts
    Packing SCOTUS
    Packing longterm positions in Federal agencies

    All while Democrats laser focused on individual issues that various loud constituents demanded, which will never come to fruition because… see above.

    The Republicans were playing chess while everyone else was focusing on daily emergencies.

    The day Harry Reid killed the filibuster to elect Federal justices?

    That was us opening the door and handing them a gift. It was the moment they’d been PRAYING for: Precedent.

    And they USED that gift to then kill the filibuster for the election of SCOTUS Federal justices.

    You used to need 60 votes to approve a SCOTUS justice; Dems opened the door to 51.

    If Dems “kill the filibuster” in the Senate, entirely?

    That will be the final gift. Wrapped in a big Red bow.

    Republicans will use it to dig the grave. Forever. And tell us that we did it.
    Last edited by allegro; 07-01-2022 at 11:50 AM.

  28. #238
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    Oh, and the HOUSE?

    This is just SOME of what the House has passed (but many failed in the SENATE):

    H.R.3755 - Women's Health Protection Act of 2021

    H.R.7666 - Restoring Hope for Mental Health and Well-Being Act of 2022

    H.R.1 - For the People Act of 2021 (voting)

    H.R.4 - John R. Lewis Voting Rights Advancement Act of 2021

    H.R.5 - Equality Act

    This bill prohibits discrimination based on sex, sexual orientation, and gender identity in a wide variety of areas including public accommodations and facilities, education, federal funding, employment, housing, credit, and the jury system. Specifically, the bill defines and includes sex, sexual orientation, and gender identity among the prohibited categories of discrimination or segregation.

    The bill expands the definition of public accommodations to include places or establishments that provide (1) exhibitions, recreation, exercise, amusement, gatherings, or displays; (2) goods, services, or programs; and (3) transportation services.

    The bill allows the Department of Justice to intervene in equal protection actions in federal court on account of sexual orientation or gender identity.

    Protections against discrimination based on race, color, religion, sex, sexual orientation, gender identity, or national origin shall include protections against discrimination based on (1) an association with another person who is a member of such a protected class; or (2) a perception or belief, even if inaccurate, that an individual is a member of such a protected class. The bill prohibits the Religious Freedom Restoration Act of 1993 from providing a claim, defense, or basis for challenging such protections.

    The bill prohibits an individual from being denied access to a shared facility, including a restroom, a locker room, and a dressing room, that is in accordance with the individual's gender identity.
    H.R.842 - Protecting the Right to Organize Act of 2021

    H.R.1280 - George Floyd Justice in Policing Act of 2021

    H.R.3617 - Marijuana Opportunity Reinvestment and Expungement Act

    H.R.55 - Emmett Till Antilynching Act <— Became Law

    H.R.1620 - Violence Against Women Act Reauthorization Act of 2021 <— Became Law

    There are TONS OF BILLS that the Dem House has passed.

    Go look at them:

    If we keep the House and gain lots more seats in the Senate?


    Last edited by allegro; 07-01-2022 at 01:09 PM.

  29. #239
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    A single vote for senate in red Wyoming has something like 62x the voting power of a single vote for senate in blue California. It’s demagoguery at this point to blame “the left” for the Democratic Party being filled almost entirely with corporatists who collaborate with the GOP to lower the bar on social policies so they can fundraise off of being the “lesser evil” in perpetuity. That very incentive structure would be disrupted if they actually improved their voters’ material conditions.
    Last edited by Aladdinsanity; 07-01-2022 at 02:29 PM.

  30. #240
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    Quote Originally Posted by Frozen Beach View Post
    It's like they actually want a civil war.
    actually worse: the rapture.

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