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Thread: The Supreme Court thread

  1. #121
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    Quote Originally Posted by allegro View Post
    Really, state legislation. Which would spell out punishment. And judges adhere to that legislation (and sentencing guidelines provided in the legislation).
    Obviously, but "guidelines" and ranges do not preclude disparate application. See, e.g., ALL OF CRIMINAL LAW.

  2. #122
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    It's insane to me that the right is framing this as giving back states' rights that were taken away from the evil federal government that wants to take freedom away.

    Yeah, how does that even compute? State level politicians now get to legislate this to all the citizens living in their districts. And that's supposed to be what a free country looks like? As opposed to one that leaves that shit between, you know, doctors and patients?

  3. #123
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    this country is screwed

  4. #124
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    Oh, so its up to individual states to decide what rights people have? Looking forward to applying that to gun ownership.

  5. #125
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    Quote Originally Posted by otnavuskire View Post
    Ya. We're so fucked. Tip of the iceberg.

  6. #126
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    Quote Originally Posted by Volk View Post
    Oh, so its up to individual states to decide what rights people have? Looking forward to applying that to gun ownership.
    Are you being intentionally ironic? The vast majority of gun laws already ARE determined by state laws.
    Last edited by allegro; 05-03-2022 at 06:02 AM.

  7. #127
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    i wish i had the bandwidth to type something meaningful here but all i can say is fuck this shit. this country is a landfill.

  8. #128
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    No sugarcoating this monstrous bullshit. It's a horrific day for this country and especially all people who are capable of conceiving children, cis-women and otherwise. I can only imagine how terrifying it is to be in that position and I'm so deeply sorry that our country is fucked up enough to force that on us. And meanwhile the right is having a meltdown about the SCOTUS leak like it's worse than January 6th, proving that they will get everything they want while still behaving as if they are the aggrieved, oppressed party in this scenario. Disgusting.

  9. #129
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    I think the conservatives want to breed more serfs & cannon fodder for the corporate oligarchy.

  10. #130
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    if there were ever a thing to get people fired up about it's this. and months before the midterms? I wonder just how badly they misjudged this release timing.

  11. #131
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  12. #132
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    Five of these assholes were nominated by presidents who lost the popular vote. This is going to be a disaster.

    Millions of poor women in red states are going to face great hardships.

  13. #133
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    once again more concerned with the fact it got out than the fact they're fucking monsters.

  14. #134
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    Quote Originally Posted by allegate View Post

    once again more concerned with the fact it got out than the fact they're fucking monsters.
    i will donate to the leaker’s defense.

  15. #135
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    I would absolutely love for the leaker to be one of the Justices themselves. Like, Thomas was so excited about this that he shared it with his hateful wife and she just had to let others know of this great 'win' for Republicans.

  16. #136
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    Quote Originally Posted by chuckrh View Post
    I think the conservatives want to breed more serfs & cannon fodder for the corporate oligarchy.
    Unwanted children and unplanned pregnancies have long been used to stifle class mobility.

  17. #137
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    breaking news: pearls have been properly clutched


    Last edited by allegate; 05-03-2022 at 12:53 PM.

  18. #138
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    interesting thread about past leaks.

  19. #139
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    Quote Originally Posted by GulDukat View Post
    Five of these assholes were nominated by presidents who lost the popular vote. This is going to be a disaster.

    Millions of poor women in red states are going to face great hardships.
    If Larry Flynt were alive he'd refer them as four assholes and one token c***

  20. #140
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    The SCOTUS is now polluted, it’s trash, it’s crony. It’s worthless. It’s no more “important” than any state Supreme Court (elected positions that aren’t lifetime appointments).

    We need a Constitutional Amendment to rotate SCOTUS judges from federal circuit courts and not hold them in reverence.

    It’d be even nicer if we VOTED for SCOTUS judges from a pool of Federal judges every, say, 10 years; this per a Constitutional amendment.

    The government and the judiciary needs to represent the people. SCOTUS now represents crony capitalism and secret societies and dark money.

    It’s all trash. It needs a reboot.

    Then maybe while we are at it, we can rid ourselves of that stupid Electoral College.
    Last edited by allegro; 05-03-2022 at 09:22 PM.

  21. #141
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    I'd settle for one ten-year term for each Justice.

    Use Your Illusion II was the number one album the month Thomas was confirmed.

  22. #142
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    Quote Originally Posted by allegro View Post
    The SCOTUS is now polluted, it’s trash, it’s crony. It’s worthless. It’s no more “important” than any state Supreme Court (elected positions that aren’t lifetime appointments).

    We need a Constitutional Amendment to rotate SCOTUS judges from federal circuit courts and not hold them in reverence.

    It’d be even nicer if we VOTED for SCOTUS judges from a pool of Federal judges every, say, 10 years; this per a Constitutional amendment.

    The government and the judiciary needs to represent the people. SCOTUS now represents crony capitalism and secret societies and dark money.

    It’s all trash. It needs a reboot.

    Then maybe while we are at it, we can rid ourselves of that stupid Electoral College.
    I agree that this shit is out of hand now. But I think it's also important to look at how differently the right is reading this right now. This is all many of them have ever wanted for their entire political lives. It's why the republicans got into bed with huckster preachers in the 80s and sank their teeth in to the congregations using this as a single issue. "See nice church folks, the democrats want to kill babies, don't you think Jesus would vote for us instead of them." And it WORKED, probably better than any political strategy in history. I grew up in these churches, I know their mentality like the back of my hand. The more upset the left becomes over this (rightfully so), the more they will enjoy it. Make NO mistake, this is their championship.

    This will bring out the left in the midterms (god I hope it does, at least) but it will also bring out the right. They will remind the base that they were able to finally win the battle and give them what they want but they will also warn that it will be taken away if those pesky baby killers are allowed back into power.

    As if this country isn't already on a steep decline. Something like this, the more I think about it, could actually crumble what little is left of democracy.

    And getting rid of lifetime appointments and the electoral college? Yeah, sure, thats totally doable when Biden with a dem majority in the house and senate can't even pass the most basic of shit. I'm not holding my breath.

  23. #143
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    Quote Originally Posted by burnmotherfucker! View Post
    I As if this country isn't already on a steep decline. Something like this, the more I think about it, could actually crumble what little is left of democracy.

    And getting rid of lifetime appointments and the electoral college? Yeah, sure, thats totally doable when Biden with a dem majority in the house and senate can't even pass the most basic of shit. I'm not holding my breath.
    Obviously not at this very moment,

    But, moments like these have tended to get liberal voters to the polls.
    Last edited by allegro; 05-09-2022 at 04:27 AM.

  24. #144
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    Quote Originally Posted by allegro View Post
    Obviously not at this very moment,

    But, moments like these have tended to get liberal voters to the polls.
    I know what you mean. Maybe I am perhaps being overly cynical. But when the deck is this stacked...

    I just try not to get my hopes up is all. I pretty much expect to watch the end of the country in the back half of my life at this point.

  25. #145
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    Quote Originally Posted by burnmotherfucker! View Post
    I know what you mean. Maybe I am perhaps being overly cynical. But when the deck is this stacked...

    I just try not to get my hopes up is all. I pretty much expect to watch the end of the country in the back half of my life at this point.
    You know who wrote the Casey SCOTUS decision? The decision that modified Roe but also upheld it?

    Justice Sandra Day O’Connor, first woman on the U.S. Supreme Court, and a Reagan appointee.

    You know who appointed Justice Kennedy, who was a swing vote for much of his time during the Roberts court, voted in favor of Casey, and wrote four major gay rights opinions (Romer v. Evans, Lawrence v. Texas, United States v. Windsor, and Obergefell v. Hodges)? Ronald Reagan.

    You know who is the only current / remaining SCOTUS justice who was serving when Casey was heard, and who voted against it and vowed to get rid of it ever since?

    Clarence Thomas

    Thomas was totally inexperienced and a radical right conservative, nominated by George HW Bush.

    You know who Thomas REPLACED?

    JUSTICE THURGOOD MARSHALL, a civil rights icon!!

    Wanna know the Senate vote on Thomas?

    Voting yes were 11 Democrats and 41 Republicans.
    Voting no were 46 Democrats and 2 Republicans.

    Do the math.
    Last edited by allegro; 05-04-2022 at 12:23 AM.

  26. #146
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    Quote Originally Posted by allegro View Post
    You know who wrote the Casey SCOTUS decision? The decision that modified Roe but also upheld it?

    Justice Sandra Day O’Connor, first woman on the U.S. Supreme Court, and a Reagan appointee.

    You know who appointed Justice Kennedy, who was a swing vote for much of his time during the Roberts court, voted in favor of Casey, and wrote four major gay rights cases (Romer v. Evans, Lawrence v. Texas, United States v. Windsor, and Obergefell v. Hodges)? Ronald Reagan.

    You know who is the only current / remaining SCOTUS justice who was serving when Casey was heard, and who voted against it and how vowed to try to get rid of it ever since?

    Clarence Thomas

    Thomas was totally inexperienced and a radical right conservative, nominated by George HW Bush.

    You know who Thomas REPLACED?

    JUSTICE THURGOOD MARSHALL, a civil rights icon!!

    Wanna know the Senate vote on Thomas?

    Voting yes were 11 Democrats and 41 Republicans.
    Voting no were 46 Democrats and 2 Republicans.

    Do the math.
    So, conservatives are moving farther away from sanity while democrats continually damage their own chances at power? Because thats how I read it.

  27. #147
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    It strikes me how easy it was for Republicans to achieve most of what they wanted with just a president and the house of representatives. We have the executive and legislative branches entirely and can achieve absolutely nothing and it feels like we are really on the ropes. This is war now. They're coming to our bedrooms to tell us how to fuck. It's crazy. No one in power will stand up to the..

  28. #148
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    This is minority rule. Americans support roe like 70/30.

    It all about the evangelical right and their incestuous relationship with the Republican party.
    These fucking christian dominionist extremist groups are INSANE. They want a THEOCRACY, literally.The problem is, they're also INSANELY well organized and INSANELY influential.
    And they've been planning this shit for decades. It's hard to put an exact date on the beginning of this.
    Falwell got things rolling with his first anti abortion sermon in like 78.
    But I think Reagan attending the Religious Roundtable in Dallas in 1980 was the true birth of this fucking unholy marriage of church and state: that's the one where the televangelist guy gave the rousing speech on how disgusted he was with "commies and perverts coming out of the closet" to a basketball stadium full of angry, influential lunatics.
    And then, old Ronnie said something like "You can't officially endorse me, but I endorse you!"
    And then, they were off to the races.
    Countless evangelical and dominionist think tanks and lobbying groups sprung up and flourished, and have continued to do so to this day.
    Extremists moved from the shadows to the senate.
    We got both Bushes.
    Preachers started giving sermons on politics, to the point that a LOT of them these days MOSTLY talk about politics.
    I've long thought trump was partially just a useful idiot to get those judges in.
    PENCE, though...pence as running mate was no accident. He was chosen to seal the deal with the hardcore evangelical voting bloc. Pence was a walking dog whistle.

    And, HERE WE FUCKING ARE. Radical Christians spent 40 years finger fucking our political system, power hungry moderate Republican leaders took their money and advanced pieces of their agenda (while largely not really GIVING a fuck about any of it), poor people voted AGAINST themselves fiscally because their crazy preacher said to, partisan supreme court picks blatantly lied to us and ignored legal precedent, and now, it's Welcome to Handmaid's Tale Land!

    Also, yes, RvW should have been enshrined/codified into law when we had that supermajority. And RBG should have retired, god love her.

    Oh, and didn't like ALL of the current conservative judges say or at least insinuate that Roe and Casey were settled? Yeah, fuck those people.

    It won't stop here if we don't fight back HARD. Maybe this galvanizes the left, and the red wave I fear is quelled.

    But I could damn sure see a full on abortion ban in the US come 2024.
    And then they'll go for birth control and marriage rights.
    We could definitely move backwards on race, too, because I know most of you aren't into theology, but I can tell you that a LOT of these eerie "evangelical" fucks believe that white Europeans are LITERALLY the twelve tribes of Israel. So, white Noah, Moses, Abraham, Jesus.

    These are the "christians" you SHOULD be afraid of.

    It's years of watching THIS shit, and a Democratic party with no TEETH, that caused my wife and I to attempt to find a way to leave the US not in 2016, but 2013.

    Fuuuck me, though. I foolishly thought Roe was safe, at least
    Last edited by elevenism; 05-04-2022 at 11:02 AM.

  29. #149
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    oh, so it's perjury as well? nice.

    also Stephen does a pretty good Phil Hartman grandma, yeah?

  30. #150
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    I came across an interesting thought that the leaker was a conservative Justice or their staff. The logic being releasing an early draft puts those named justices on the hook to stay the course and possibly leave the early draft unchanged to keep the infighting out of the public eye. It also helps rile up "the lib leaker" angle giving R's a new herring to point to.

    Times like these are when the patient slow rolling wheels of justice fail us. Everyone and thing that put these justices in place could wind up in prison or being undone, but undoing this ruling would take codifying a deceased Roe or a future SC to overrule this SC. A unified 60 D votes in the Senate seems unlikely to ever happen again, as we see now Dark money just needs to keep luring away the weakest ones and the SC likely doesn't want to get into the business of just undoing the predecessor's stuff just 'cuz.

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