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Thread: Covid positive/Covid in your house

  1. #31
    Join Date
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    Stay safe, @zero !

  2. #32
    Join Date
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    I hope it was a false result, but my partner's mom just got a positive test from her Friday screening. We were hoping it was safe to have a non-distanced visit over the weekend, because she'd been fully vaccinated for months. Now we're self-isolating for two weeks...
    Last edited by botley; 04-05-2021 at 01:32 PM.

  3. #33
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    Fingers crossed for you.
    Generally I think false negatives are more common than false positives.

    That said, we don't know the likelihood of transmittance among vaccinated individuals. We do know that older people do not develop as robust antibodies as those under the age of 60.

  4. #34
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    Quote Originally Posted by Magnetic View Post
    Fingers crossed for you.
    Generally I think false negatives are more common than false positives.

    That said, we don't know the likelihood of transmittance among vaccinated individuals. We do know that older people do not develop as robust antibodies as those under the age of 60.
    Yeah, she's been getting regularly tested since being vaccinated (her own parents and aunt are very frail, and she's been incredibly careful to check she had a clear result each time before going to see them). This is the first time she's had a positive test to my knowledge. So it's weird, but I guess not inexplicable with the variants changing the game. We're monitoring ourselves and the baby for symptoms as well as doing our own contact tracing, and I have a test scheduled for later this week. If it's negative my partner will get tested too, just to be 100% sure.

  5. #35
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    The public health unit called us and confirmed that my partner's mom's test was a false positive. Huge relief. We're still being extra cautious, but we're all stuck under another province-wide stay-at-home order anyway for at least another month. Yay.
    Last edited by botley; 04-09-2021 at 12:24 PM.

  6. #36
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    Wow, that's great news. That's also the first I've heard of a false positive. Good to know!

  7. #37
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    Got a call yesterday that someone who was visiting at my MILs house for Christmas tested positive for Covid. Oh and he is anti-vax for some reason? He's already got autism so he shouldn't have to worry about that, right?

    Sorry, low blow. But he's pissed me off in the past by screwing previous Christmases (he said he would paint a picture* for me and two Christmases later I still didn't have one so I told him to stuff it; more on that in a minute) so this is just another brick in that wall. His brothers are also not vaxxed and I don't understand why they are allowed to come around the house for family stuff. My MIL and her husband are both at-risk people due to age and health reasons but I guess family's more important than...family? Seriously I don't understand her thinking on this. She has a grandson who is barely 2 and he was in the house. Not only that but she babysits him so she's going to see him again, like a lot. argh.

    *So the painting was supposed to be a big gift for my wife, it was of a picture of her and her horse she had growing up on a farm. Would have been great! Tears all 'round! But for two years straight I get excuses and shit. Hell, I figured last year would have been the one since he had all of 2020 to paint and everyone had free time coming out their ears. Nope. So what does he do this year? He gives her the fucking painting! Oh now you have free time.

    Side note: do I pay him for that? I told him that I was going a different direction since he wasn't working on it and then suddenly there it is. I feel bad about it a little bit, but we never expressly agreed to a price either because of the delays and cancellation. I feel like I should but also I was not budgeting for this and I bought her a really nice heavy duty sewing machine.

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