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Thread: The "oh, that’s interesting" Thread

  1. #181
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    Quote Originally Posted by Erneuert View Post
    Hey @allegro, I’m pretty sure it was you years ago who was into the different personality types? I recently got interested in it again after subscribing to this channel (an Australian chick who does solo skits involving all the personally types)[/URL

    I took an online test years ago but forget what my result was. Anyhow, I took it again a few weeks ago and according to it I’m an INTJ (the “architect”). What are you and what do you know about what I am?
    Yeah, I remember a discussion about this, here, a while ago.

    I read a book about Myers-Briggs Type Indicator as it relates to JOBS, called "Do What You Are." Then, when I was in college, some professors would make us do the MBTI tests for group projects to sort us by MBTI.

    I'm an INTJ, too. So is my husband.

    This is right from MBTI:

    Also: https://www.onlinepersonalitytests.o...ity-test/intj/

    Very true:
    Common characteristics exhibited by people with this personality type:
    • Enjoys theoretical and abstract concepts
    • Dislikes confusion, disorganization and inefficiency
    • Reserved and prefers solitary work to group work
    • Orderly and structured
    • Perfectionistic
    • High expectations and standards
    • More focused on the future than on the present
    INTJs tend to prefer online socializing over in-person socializing, so it’s no wonder we meet each other online.

    Last edited by allegro; 09-14-2021 at 10:43 PM.

  2. #182
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    Oh my God, that’s so accurate! ^ *saves image to send to people around me IRL* lol

  3. #183
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    Quote Originally Posted by Erneuert View Post
    Oh my God, that’s so accurate! ^ *saves image to send to people around me IRL* lol
    Btw, “alright” is actually a word.


    I think these things are also REALLY correct:

    I’ll add: WHINING. No fucking WHINING. Just do whatever you have to do to deal with or fix it, but NO WHINING. OR POUTING!

    This pandemic and the switch to telecommuting was great for INTJs.

    When I was getting my grad certificate in Paralegal studies, the attorney who was teaching the 2nd-level legal briefs writing class told us there were many law firms out there where Paralegals sat alone in little closed-off equivalence of closets all day, doing nothing but legal research.

    And I, like, OH MY GOD, SIGN ME UP! That’s my DREAM JOB!!!
    Last edited by allegro; 09-16-2021 at 03:27 PM.

  4. #184
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    Quote Originally Posted by allegro View Post
    Btw, “alright” is actually a word.


    I think these things are also REALLY correct:

    I’ll add: WHINING. No fucking WHINING. Just do whatever you have to do to deal with or fix it, but NO WHINING. OR POUTING!

    This pandemic and the switch to telecommuting was great for INTJs.

    When I was getting my grad certificate in Paralegal studies, the attorney who was teaching the 2nd-level legal briefs writing class told us there were many law firms out there where Paralegals sat alone in little closed-off equivalence of closets all day, doing nothing but legal research.

    And I, like, OH MY GOD, SIGN ME UP! That’s my DREAM JOB!!!
    Find me a job like that now and I’ll jump at it. Editorial work, ideally.

    Regarding “alright,” I know it is *acceptable*, but it still doesn’t visually look right to me, lol.

    I’ve been reading contradictory things about it:

    People are often surprised to learn that alright is not an accepted spelling of all right. Although the one-word spelling of alright is seen in informal writing, teachers and editors will always consider it incorrect. To use the expression with impunity, it is best to spell it as two words: all right.

  5. #185
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    Quote Originally Posted by allegro View Post

    When I was getting my grad certificate in Paralegal studies, the attorney who was teaching the 2nd-level legal briefs writing class told us there were many law firms out there where Paralegals sat alone in little closed-off equivalence of closets all day, doing nothing but legal research.

    And I, like, OH MY GOD, SIGN ME UP! That’s my DREAM JOB!!!
    Yah, but like all research's a throne of lies.
    I was promised I would be able to do due research at my boss's behest and not have to deal with people. By the time I got to that level, the boss left me to deal with everyone - the lab, the students, and the outside collaborators. It's all good, and I finally learned to just tell everyone I was stuck in tissue culture for 2-3 hours. Which was accurate, and I would just cue a great album during which I couldn't take my hands out of the off for anyone unless it was a fire alarm for a solid 2 hours.

  6. #186
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    Quote Originally Posted by Magnetic View Post
    Yah, but like all research's a throne of lies.
    I was promised I would be able to do due research at my boss's behest and not have to deal with people. By the time I got to that level, the boss left me to deal with everyone - the lab, the students, and the outside collaborators. It's all good, and I finally learned to just tell everyone I was stuck in tissue culture for 2-3 hours. Which was accurate, and I would just cue a great album during which I couldn't take my hands out of the off for anyone unless it was a fire alarm for a solid 2 hours.
    With legal research, you just sit there on LexisNexis or Westlaw all day, then writing synopsis reports. You can’t practice litigation without legal research, and attorneys don’t bill for it so they have paralegals do it. I did a ton of legal research, already, plus all my OTHER duties, which is just part of the job of a paralegal. Even as a real estate paralegal, you’re constantly doing research (state and county recorder and tax databases; state, county and municipal ordinances, etc.). But, the idea of research all day, without dealing with CLIENTS???? Or idiotic coworkers? Omg … Heaven! Lol. I lucked out in my last job, and had a desk WAAAAAAAAY in back away from everyone, except the weekly law clerk (who was out running errands most of the time). Then I started telecommuting all the time in about 2016.
    Last edited by allegro; 09-16-2021 at 11:51 PM.

  7. #187
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    Quote Originally Posted by Erneuert View Post
    Regarding “alright,” I know it is *acceptable*, but it still doesn’t visually look right to me, lol.

    I’ve been reading contradictory things about it:
    Oxford says it’s informal. Oxford is the ultimate arbiter.

    Personally, in formal writing, I wouldn’t even use “all right.” There are far too many other ways to say the same thing.
    Last edited by allegro; 09-17-2021 at 12:10 AM.

  8. #188
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    Quote Originally Posted by allegro View Post
    Oxford says it’s informal. Oxford is the ultimate arbiter.

    Personally, in formal writing, I wouldn’t even use “all right.” There are far too many other ways to say the same thing.
    If you were a salamander working at a construction site with various other animals and suddenly found yourself in an accident, with the machinery chopping your leg off, would you casually lay back and proclaim: “No sweat, guys. Watch my allegro.”

    'A leg grow.

    Because your username and cell regeneration…

    Don’t look at me like that.

  9. #189
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  10. #190
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    Hmmmm … I never think “only my way is the right way.” I’m actually open to suggestions.

    As long as they aren’t really stupid.

  11. #191
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    This is amazing.

  12. #192
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    Wow. Ok then. I need to watch a cartoon or something.

  13. #193
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    Quote Originally Posted by Erneuert View Post
    If you were a salamander working at a construction site with various other animals and suddenly found yourself in an accident, with the machinery chopping your leg off, would you casually lay back and proclaim: “No sweat, guys. Watch my...a leg grow... .”
    I've worked with multiple humanoid Gease at a site with @RocketScience , as well as salamanders.

    Unfortunately, not all of them retain their evolutionary advantages.

  14. #194
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  15. #195
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    I've been searching for real, live theistic Satanism since I was a kid: not atheist libertarians or Gnostics or crazy online UFO people like JoS, or shit made up by Black Metal bands, but organized people who REALLY, SERIOUSLY worship Satan.

    I THOUGHT I'd found it in The Order of Nine Angles (O9A or ONA,) aka the group who DOES promote human sacrafice, but my reading at the time lead me to believe that they weren't really REAL: that it was maybe five people, or even ONE dude who is a prolific writer. This was, perhaps, six years ago?
    Well, it's been awhile since I looked into it, and HOLY HELL, it's real.
    It's confusing. They're Satanic Islamist Nazis? It's a lot to take in.
    But, yeah. These fuckers have been coming out of the woodwork the past couple of years.

    This wiki page was REALLY SHORT a few years ago.

    Look at the fucking "terrorism and crimes" section.
    It looks as though these people have finally come under scrutiny as of late in the wake of intelligence gathering on far right groups.

    It also appears to me that they MAY have RECENTLY started trying to harm and terrorize people on command, as the recorded crimes committed by members only began in 2019.

    Looks like I FINALLY found a POSSIBLY large, truly theistic Satanism. The fact that their influence is so full of Nazism is a real pisser; it makes the whole.thing far less interesting. Also, a religious scholar stated that they were technically hermetic, but idk. I've studied some hermeticism, and not much of it sounds like THIS shit.

    But yeah, still, this is a trip.
    Last edited by elevenism; 11-03-2021 at 04:14 AM.

  16. #196
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    Quote Originally Posted by elevenism View Post
    I've been searching for real, live theistic Satanism since I was a kid: not atheist libertarians or Gnostics or crazy online UFO people like JoS, or shit made up by Black Metal bands, but organized people who REALLY, SERIOUSLY worship Satan.

    I THOUGHT I'd found it in The Order of Nine Angles (O9A or ONA,) aka the group who DOES promote human sacrafice, but my reading at the time lead me to believe that they weren't really REAL: that it was maybe five people, or even ONE dude who is a prolific writer. This was, perhaps, six years ago?
    Well, it's been awhile since I looked into it, and HOLY HELL, it's real.
    It's confusing. They're Satanic Islamist Nazis? It's a lot to take in.
    But, yeah. These fuckers have been coming out of the woodwork the past couple of years.

    This wiki page was REALLY SHORT a few years ago.

    Look at the fucking "terrorism and crimes" section.
    It looks as though these people have finally come under scrutiny as of late in the wake of intelligence gathering on far right groups.

    It also appears to me that they MAY have RECENTLY started trying to harm and terrorize people on command, as the recorded crimes committed by members only began in 2019.

    Looks like I FINALLY found a POSSIBLY large, truly theistic Satanism. The fact that their influence is so full of Nazism is a real pisser; it makes the whole.thing far less interesting. Also, a religious scholar stated that they were technically hermetic, but idk. I've studied some hermeticism, and not much of it sounds like THIS shit.

    But yeah, still, this is a trip.
    Hello, Agent Reyes!

    Regarding this part:

    This account also states that in 1973 a man named "Anton Long" was initiated into the group, subsequently becoming its Grand Master.

    Is the “Anton” name just coincidental?
    Last edited by Erneuert; 11-03-2021 at 06:09 AM.

  17. #197
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    Quote Originally Posted by Erneuert View Post
    Hello, Agent Reyes!

    Regarding this part:

    This account also states that in 1973 a man named "Anton Long" was initiated into the group, subsequently becoming its Grand Master.

    Is the “Anton” name just coincidental?
    So, in reality, that's not his real name. He's APPARENTLY really THIS DUDE, David Myatt, aka Abdul Aziz ibn Myatt.

    He was the first leader of Britain's National Socialist Movement. He later become an anti west/anti Israel radical Jihadist.
    I think he actually FOUNDED 09A in between. He wanted 09A to APPEAR to predate LaVey.
    He THEN created some bizarre, horrific compilation of Nazism and Islamic Extremism. He ALSO appears to be highly intelligent, speaking multiple languages, and is considered to be pretty fucking dangerous: some sort of evil genius who is DEEP into the REALLY dark side of shit, including the nastier parts of the ancient mysteries.

    David never fessed up to being Anton, but even a SHORT deep dive SURE makes it appear that he is. He, David, created The Star Game, which is some like, 3D board game (mentioned in 09A literature) that's supposed to accomplish weird metaphysical bullshit in physical reality. He now claims to follow a "peaceful way" called The Numinous Path, that ALSO happens to be part of 09A.

    It's also worth mentioning that O9A literature describes Church of Satan and Temple of Set members as good candidates for human sacrifice, I guess because he thinks they're pretend Satanists.

    He publicly disregarded "all extremism" in 2010, but that's PROBABLY because he was on a lot of fucking watch lists.
    So yeah. Nazism, Islamic Terror, and Theistic Satanism that encourages human sacrifice. Not the sort of dude I'd want to meet up with.

    EDIT: so I wanted to see this Black Book of Satan. Supposedly it was given to the leader of each cell or whatever the fuck, years ago, one copy each. I ALSO had long assumed THIS to be bullshit, but then I found one paper bound copy on Amazon for $1000. So, like...were this REAL? Were they REALLY given to like, 09A High Priests, so that they could start their own Satanic human sacrifice club?

    AND, I found THIS. You can NOW read this horrific shit on your tablet.
    I read a few pages, regarding the basics, and it's sort of "don't be a pussy. Be a terrible asshole, you little bitch. Harm people. Be mean as fuck to everyone."
    It's that sort of thing, but written more eloquently.

    I also accidentally downloaded, thus likely placing ME on a fucking watch list... Another watch list, rather
    Last edited by elevenism; 11-03-2021 at 03:16 PM.

  18. #198
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    Crazy shit man.

    Have you heard of this case?

    Does Stephen King favour the name Gage because of him?

  19. #199
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    Oh yeah!

    There's also been some similar cases, like this one.

    This channel is also great in general. This dude was an actual Navy SEAL, which is like super elite special forces (there are only 7000 living,) and he's a GREAT story teller.

  20. #200
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    That’s the channel I saw it on, hahaha. I’m subscribed I think.

  21. #201
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    Quote Originally Posted by Erneuert View Post
    That’s the channel I saw it on, hahaha. I’m subscribed I think.
    This one isn't about Gage, though, I don't think.

    This was in like 2003. Miraculously, the drill bit kind of pushed his brain aside without puncturing it.

    Dude there were people in a couple of nursing homes who had flat heads. I'm talking, their heads were only about half as tall as they should be. They HAD to have been missing the top of their skull, but I also wonder if/how much of their brains were missing.
    I didn't ask. They weren't my patients. I've seen and had to do some weird shit in the healthcare field, from emptying colostomy bags to taking care of people who had fully exposed bones due to neurotic infection, and having to CLEAN the bones, to carrying out dead bodies.

    But that flat head thing freaked me out a little :/
    Last edited by elevenism; 11-07-2021 at 01:34 AM.

  22. #202
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    Quote Originally Posted by elevenism View Post
    This one isn't about Gage, though, I don't think.

    This was much more recent.
    Yeah, I haven’t watched either. I saw the Gage one as a thumbnail and researched the name after I saw the picture and title.

  23. #203
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    Quote Originally Posted by Erneuert View Post
    Yeah, I haven’t watched either. I saw the Gage one as a thumbnail and researched the name after I saw the picture and title.
    OH, word. Dude, watch Mr B Allen. He's just like this INCREDIBLE storyteller, and the stories are generally dark/strange.

  24. #204
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    Quote Originally Posted by elevenism View Post
    OH, word. Dude, watch Mr B Allen. He's just like this INCREDIBLE storyteller, and the stories are generally dark/strange.
    I’ve watched two so far, I think. One about the final guillotine beheading and another about a girl in a park who kept hearing a bell that gave her the creeps.

  25. #205
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    Quote Originally Posted by Erneuert View Post
    I’ve watched two so far, I think. One about the final guillotine beheading and another about a girl in a park who kept hearing a bell that gave her the creeps.
    a couple (like the bell in the park,) were for Halloween.

    98% of these stories are verifiable and real

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  27. #207
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    Well fuck me. @elevenism @allegate @allegro @ickyvicky

  28. #208
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    Could be a Tool video lol

  29. #209
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    Quote Originally Posted by ickyvicky View Post
    Could be a Tool video lol
    For Undertow, perhaps? Someone should chop this clip up, throw in a couple of video effects, and make it!
    @Erneuert , 100% of those "rare deep sea sightings" and "check out this strange new fish" videos creep me out, man. I do NOT like to go in the damn ocean.

  30. #210
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    For real - I don't go into the ocean because 1) I don't know how to swim and 2) Who the hell knows what's in there, lol

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